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Prelude - The Old Tale Teller Chapter 1 - A Very Unusual Man

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Prelude - The Old Tale Teller

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Merklee sat in complete silence, mesmerized, eyes locked upon the old man in front of the fire. The long grey beard wagged and bony fingers waved and words became pictures in Merklee's mind. The story of the first great explorer was a famous tale, often told one adventure at a time for there were dozens of adventures and a full telling would take many days.

Despite his young age, Merklee had heard many tellings thanks to the performance stage at his uncle's inn, but tonight was special. This old Teller was one of the best the inn had seen in many years and he claimed he would tell the entire tale from start to finish. After his flamboyant introduction, the teller's arms settled at his sides and he was once again shrouded in his rich green cloak with the hearth at his back. In the silence, the flickering light caught the colorful hand-stitched shapes of leaves and animals which hinted at stories of their own. Then, slowly, the tale of the first great explorer began, as it always does, with a sweeping gesture from the teller's bony arm and those unforgettable words.


"Through the darkness of night came early morning light,

piercing lingering mists throughout the land.

And with the new dawn came a stretch and a yawn

from a very unusual man..."

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