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Graphic scene

In the world of Charron

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Graphic scene

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Ba’Yeduk and her band settled into the tent.  They had stitched wounds in the stone whayetoot in the city above. They had taken the grandmothers of use with them to the Undercity and announced the new order and Ioehni was binding all to her.  The suckups would seek favor and status. The dominants would try to recover rank, or settle in under the new.   E’ra was set as guard. Not that attack was likely, but it was wise to be careful.  Her time would be later.

They were all Ghenid - a tall, thin, fur covered species of carnivores. They have short muzzles with sharp teeth and fangs. The leather of the noses is dark with sideways apostrophe nostrils.  Ears are large and rounded.  Held up when interested, alert or dominating. Down in submission, embarassment or dismay. Between the ears on the head and down the neck runs a mohawk type mane of upstanding hair.  Their eyes have a black sclera around them and irises a rusty red base and flecks of different colors visible.  The tails are short - almost vestgial - wedge shaped  almost like a deer tail. The feet are clawed with thick leathery foot and toe pads at the end of digitgrade double bent legs.

The band shed their armor and passed the ale skin while Ba’yeduk drank from a cup.  The whayetoot was small, with a straw mattress of the smoothskin style.  Blankets of woven fabric and skins.  Pillows.  A lantern if they desired more light.  She did not.  She took off her under garments and tossed them to the wall.  “Attend me.” she commanded to the others as she stretched  “L’oahp, here.” She gestured to her side. Each of the others looked on attentively or removed their last clothing. Except E'ra.

“Yes, Cra-Oang.” He replied moving to her side, ears perked, and bending to lick her neck and nibble along her shoulder.  One hand reaching to massage her chest. She hissed as he rubbed the bruised muscles, he then cupped a tit and rolled the blocky nipple between thumb and fingers as it rose and swelled. She gulped the last of her drink and set the cup aside, nuzzling him in return. Lips drawn back to bite and catch loose skin along his neck.

She reached over and undid his loin cloth and looked up and down his body. The Mokree clan green tinting to his brown fur, large black spotting over back, neck and sides with a lighter cream underside.  Almost no mask markings, except the white hairs starting to show on the short muzzle and around the eyes. Few scars. He healed well. More green in his mane. Her hand running up his inner thigh, cupping his sack as if weighing a bag of coins. Stroking his shaft. Licking it into shape and stiffness.  The pointed tip flaring out into a cube like shape.

“Uboang, Ilasuet.” She said, glancing sideways at them and rubbing along her own thigh with the other hand.

The male, Uboang, a  Rhu’onwha clan, was dark brown coated with black spots and black and grey mane showing his age. He knelt and massaged her thigh, licking up her belly and teasing the lower abdominal nipples. Ghenid have six nipples down the chest and the upper abdomen in three sets, and dark grey skin where they have no hair. 

Ilasuet was Gha’z Clan like her Cra-Oang. A broad shouldered and tall female of ochre yellow brown coat and small spots of black on back and sides, interspersed with a multitude of scars. Her mane was brown and she wore gold rings in her ears.  She squatted on the other side, rubbing and licking up Ba’Yeduk’s leg. Gripping Uboang's muzzle in her teeth momentarily when he strayed into her territory.

E’ra ‘s ears swiveled and she gave a corner of the eye look to S’Hnurr, the other male. She is Gha’z as well but showing almost as much grey as Ba’Yeduk.  S’Hnurr is of Adkhee clan. His spots formed in rosette patterns of dark brown on a tawny coat.

Now their matriarch motioned to S’Hnurr take position opposite L’oahp. Giving him the same treatment as his blooded brother as Ba’Yeduk released moaning growls of pleasure.  S’Hnurr added his licks in circles and swirls to the priestess’s heaving chest and upper nipples. Caressing the bruised and torn hide from recent fight wounds with his tongue. The Cra-oang’s back arched as Ilasuet licked her leader’s now standing pkoah, a phallus clitoris of short finger length protruding from her vulva above the vagina. Ba’Yeduk alternated licks between L’oahp and S’Hnurr, one in each hand as she stroked the shafts. L’oahp’s member being curved back towards his belly, while S’Hurr was slightly longer.

Ilasuet continued her licks, tickling around and over her matriarch’s labia and vulva, one hand between her own legs and rubbing. Uboang shared attention to B’yeduk’s lower parts with long wide tongued licks, alternating with licking and sucking nipples, grabbing the half apple swell of the breast, squeezing and pulling. Then dragging claws lightly over the skin, making sensations of trails of fire.

Bucking and grinding against the two at her crotch, Ba’yeduk pushed S’Hnurr back, his ears drooping as she commanded “Behind me.” She reached out to stop Ilasuet and Uboang, then stood and stepped to the mattress as S’hnurr wrapped his arms around her belly and slid down to grip her hips.  Her short wedge shaped tail raised and brushing his belly.  “Down” she said over her shoulder to him.  He lay down with his cock bobbing between a half stand and laying across is tight abdomen. The others stood waiting. Ears up and swiveled to their leader.  The males erect and dripping clear fluid. Ilasuet also dripping as she continued running a finger between her folds, spreading it to her pkoah and stroking it between wetted fingers.

Ba’yeduk squatted, taking S’hnurr in hand and guiding his spit slick rod into her ass. Him holding her hips as he started to thrust slowly. His claws gripping in a set of needle pricks on her sides. She then motioned Uboang to her, panting “In me.  Now.”  He was thicker than the others, which made him a favorite. Obediently he slid his member over her cunt, parting her and slipping the thick head in bit by bit on slowly deepening and faster thrusts. S'hnurr nibbled and nipped at her nape and shoulders, between licks along her neck. Catching the lower edge of her ear in his teeth and lightly tugging.

“Ilasuet, present.  To me.” Ba’Yeduk gasped, growling between the two humping males. “L’oahp, you may take her.”  Ilasuet stepped over S’hnurr, spreading her legs and leaning over with hands on either side of the couple below her, tail raised, genitals exposed and available to her commander who began licking and lapping. Ears switching between what was before her and what was behind.  L’oahp took position behind her,  teasing her slit with his cock, which was also caressed by licks from below. Well wetted he slipped in and began pounding thrusts. Ilasuet moaned and grunted, pushing back with her arms while a tongue brushed her swollen lips and pert pkoah.  Ba’yeduk used one hand to keep her position, though held at hips and thighs by S’hnurr and Uboang, and the other to rub circles around Ilasuet’s nipples, one after another.  “Yes! Yes!” she panted before taking one of Ilasuet’s tits in her mouth, sucking and pulling with teeth while flicking the nipple tip with her tongue. Ilasuet did the same in return. The males found their synchrony, piston thrusting, forward and back, while Ba’Yeduk writhed.  She stretched up to lick and suck the pkoah suspended over her head.  Gasping “L’oahp! Give her…. your seed. I want it!”

He had reached over to grasp and squeeze a set of Ilasuet’s tits, using her to steady himself as he made long deep hammering thrusts and she panted and groaned between the rocking, licks and her attention to Ba’yeduk’s mammaries. He bit and gripped Ilasuet's mane in his teeth, giving her a shake.

The Cra-Oang priestess let out a yip and then a roar as she was swept over with waves of pleasure.  Now the others knew they were permitted their release. Ilasuet howling as L’oahp made sudden stiff jerks of his body. S’hnurr continued rhythmic grinding with only a slight slowing and Uboang paused for a moment of spasm before resuming motion to a wet slapping as he slid in and out, making a foam of his cum and her juices. He raked his claws through her coat, and along her sides making her squirm.  Ba’yeduk, feeling the dual pulsing of the penises in her, spewing ejaculate, licked between gasps at the source of white dripping from Ilasuet, around the hard shaft and labia. The priestess was swept by another tremor and grunting before taking L’oah’s veined member from it’s sheath and licking it clean as he gasped and shook, and then attending to Ilasuet until she collapsed in another wash of climax.  

Ba’Yeduk motioned Uboang back and he withdrew, cock pulsing and dripping. She then rolled over and off S’hnurr feeling the spill of the semen from her holes. 

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Dec 5, 2021 23:40 by Soulwing

Very naughty and juicy, love it! Ba‘yeduk gets a full course menu whenever she feels like, that is Luxurious :3

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.
Dec 6, 2021 00:08

Thank you. I had originally meant to add a male-male penetration but there were not enough characters in the original story seed. Ghenid matriarchy and dominance mean subordinates are about serving the higher ranked. Though the boys might play amongst themselves and frequently do.