
In the world of Mortora

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Ascendori Woes

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Maki once more lifted the fragile glass at normal human speed and set it back down. She felt like she had been at this forever. Of course, she knew better. The reality was she was just frustrated at having to move so slow and restrain her strength this much even on board the Nemesis without even the others to talk to. She groans “Come on Major. I really am sorry I lost my temper, but it was just a light post on the outskirts. No one saw me outside of Scar and he is allowed to know about the whole ascendori thing.” Neru stands her arms crossed “I know you regret it but that’s irrelevant. Someone COULD have seen you. And even when the day happens that we go more public with this you need to control your body regardless of your emotional state. The fact is you practically live in a world of glass stuck in slow motion. If you lose control in the wrong place, you can do serious damage. If you had run into a person instead of a pole, they would be dead if not blown to pieces. I’d also prefer to only have to do these tests when the others do because your power increased to the point you would need to recalibrate how much force to use, and if you want to leave the ship into populated areas you need to pass this.” Maki, sick and tired of having to this slammed her fist on the table which shattered into splinters letting the glass crash against the ground “I know that damit! I don’t want to hurt innocents, but I hate having to be so damn slow and careful when doing ANYTHING outside of the ship. You don’t understand how it feels to suddenly have to watch your every damned movement all the while having to wait for ages cause you to pass as being ‘normal’ You at least get to slow down your processing speed.” Neru glares but sighs “I have to fail you today. Don’t leave the ship. We will try again tomorrow.” And takes her leave. Maki is still seething “Fuck! Why did I do that. I was so close.”

Maki exits the training room onto the special ‘outdoors’ deck aera of the ship and sees Proto, a brown skinned woman with yellow eyes and surprisingly bright green hair. Maki says, “Oh proto…I didn’t expect to you see you here.” Proto says “That was a real stupid thing you did Maki.” Maki sighs “Not you too. I didn’t mean to…” “not talking about the light post.” “Oh. Ya breaking the table just now wasn’t.” “Not talking about that either” Maki looks confused and asks “Okay…what are you refering to then?” Proto says “What you said to Neru. It’s technically the truth but not quite the way you think it is.” Maki says “Oh…well she was born asce…” Proto cuts her off “That’s my point. Neru used to be in a world of other ascended. A place where she didn’t need to restrain herself but is now barred from that forever. You have to live in a world of glass? Neru probably wishes things were that durable to her. I know I do. Even this ship, which is designed to withstand Ascendori living in it, is quite frankly fragile to us. It’s why we only ever spar on worlds people aren’t on. And ya full ascended like us can slow down our mind’s processing speed but we have to keep it there. It takes effort and is a constant strain we only ever get a break from when meditating while you sleep or the few times we get to cut loose. And if we do figure out how to ascend people without a gods permission like with what happened to me. Well at this rate you’ll get left behind. So far none of you have shown personality changes, which is good. But what do you think would happen if Neru or I made the mistake you did with the light post?” Maki now a bit ashamed as she never really thought just what Neru’s perspective might be says “Uh…I don’t know.” Proto says “Even clipping a light post like that? The shockwave alone would easily damage if not destroy a city block. Why do you think when Neru and I spare we head out further then you lot have to?” Maki counters “But sometimes when the boss is arou…” Proto shakes her head “Then the shields are at maximum. Just look what happens to the ground next time. So, if I were you, I would cool off then go apologize to Neru.” Maki nods slowly. She never thought about how Proto and Neru have to live.

A few hours later Maki rings the doorbell to Neru’s room before entering. Maki says “Major. I…” “You don’t have to use rank at the moment. We are both off duty.” “…Neru. I’m sorry for my outburst earlier. I know you must have it worse. After all everything must be even weaker to you than it is to us. Well outside of proto anyways.” Neru nods “Your forgiven. Come sit.” Maki sits at Neru’s table. Maki said “Proto says as well that while you can slow even your processing speed down and in turn your ‘default’ speed it apparently is a constant strain to do so. Even at well my speed.” Neru says “Yes, it is. I don’t get many breaks from that one but it’s a necessity. When you can move faster than light and process information at such a speed you can even react to something else moving that fast? Well, it can feel like decades waiting for someone to finish a sentence. Slowing that process down is still easier than that kind of wait. Still, I think Proto has it the worst.” Maki says “Oh how come” Neru looks at the back of her scarred hand “We choose our paths and choose to be like we are. You all did by touching the crystal and I made sure you knew the consequences. I chose this path when I informed the archon I could no longer serve and branded myself. We all also got training in our abilities. Proto though. She was an experiment. It was forced on her against her will and she had no training. Well until joining us anyway. Most of her abilities she uses she had to figure out on her own. In the hostile environment that is a divine waste. Oni are dangerous. Some even to ascended. It’s a miracle she is still alive. Though perhaps she does to spite the ones that made her that way.” She looks back to Maki “Ready to try again tomorrow?” Maki grins “And I’ll pass this time.”

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