
Table of Contents

Updates and progress Amatherean Tales - One Flew Over The Dragon's Nest Book 1 Chapter 1 - Squished Chapter 2 - The Computer Says No Chapter 3 - T's & C's Chapter 4 - Evad Si Eht Tseb Chapter 5 - Starter Zone Chapter 6 - First Combat Chapter 7 - Level Up Chapter 8 - Lore And Order Chapter 9 - Farming Chapter 10 - Badger, Badger, Badger Chapter 11 - Soooooo Sad Chapter 12 - Doe a Deer Chapter 13 - Grey Areas Chapter 14 - Freeeeeedom Airlines Chapter 15 - Hoglings Upgrade Chapter 16 - Killic Chapter 17 - Tailor Fizzlewick Chapter 18 - Eye of the Town Chapter 19 - Bath and Bored Chapter 20 - Graveyard Shift Chapter 21 - Shopping Chapter 22 - Crypt Diving Chapter 23 - Salty Chapter 24 - Water Fight Chapter 25 - Makes No Sense Chapter 26 - Profession Chapter 27 - Hidden Gem Chapter 28 - Cheat Chapter 29 - The Pox Chapter 30 - The Docks Chapter 31 - The Wandering Ogre Chapter 32 - One Good Deed Deserves Another Chapter 33 - You Would Think He Would Think Chapter 34 - Visitor Chapter 35 - Bob! Chapter 36 - Announcements Chapter 37 - Discovery Chapter 38 - Heresy Chapter 39 - A Bolt From The Blue Chapter 40 - Martial Arts Chapter 41 - Not So Familiar Chapter 42 - Up, Up, and Away Chapter 43 - The Not Living, Living Chapter 44 - Adjudicator Chapter 45 - Breakfast At The Hogling Arms Chapter 46 - Compound Chapter 47 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 48 - When It Rains It Pours Chapter 49 - Bordon The Brandisher Chapter 50 - Distracted Chapter 51 - Thanks Chapter 52 - Looking Down Chapter 53 - Broken Heart Chapter 54 - Emotional Progress One Flew Over The Dragon's Nest Book 2 Chapter 1 - Training & Development Chapter 2 - Cottages Chapter 3 - Homemaker Chapter 4 - Mushroom, Mushroom Chapter 5 - Skill Selection Chapter 6 - Not Leaving The Past Behind Chapter 7 - Kata Claws Chapter 8 - Missing Gnoll Chapter 9 - Oooo Shiny Chapter 10 - Homeward Bound! Chapter 11 - Friends Of The Forest Chapter 12 - Mountains And Mithril Chapter 13 - An Idea Perhaps Chapter 14 - Insanity Chapter 15 - What's A Borzie? Chapter 16 - Amatherean Stand-off Chapter 17 - Charge Chapter 18 - Legionnaire Chapter 19 - Second Chance Chapter 20 - Sandboxes And Sandcastles Chapter 21 - Future Remembrance Chapter 22 - What Mana Chapter 23 - Council Chapter 24 - Gobbler Chapter 25 - Professional Opportunity Chapter 26 - Acquaintances Chapter 27 - Proposal Chapter 28 - Votes Count Chapter 29 - Who, What, Why Chapter 30 - Angelic Presence Chapter 31 - What! Chapter 32 - Magical Transference Chapter 33 - Fire Chapter 34 - From Above Chapter 35 - Wyvern Chapter 36 - Darren Chapter 37 - New Allegiances Chapter 38 - Setting Quests Chapter 39 - There And Back Again Chapter 40 - Missing Chapter 41 - Into The Dark Chapter 42 - Pit Chapter 43 - Following Orders Chapter 44 - Grey Matter Chapter 45 - Unknown Chapter 46 - Progressing Well Chapter 47 - Don't Go Down There Chapter 48 - The Root Of All Evil Chapter 49 - Archery Chapter 50 - Mistake Chapter 51 - Highs And Lows Chapter 52 - Secrets Chapter 53 - A Binding Oath Amatherean Tales - One Flew Over The Dragon's Nest Book 3 Chapter 1 - Road Trip Chapter 2 - Cuopi Chapter 3 - Mollic Chapter 4 - If It Happens Chapter 5 - Asterfal Chapter 6 - Introductions Chapter 7 - Future and Foresight Chapter 8 - Breakfast and Bed Chapter 9 - Freefall Chapter 10 - Petunia Chapter 11 - Dinner Party Chapter 12 - Carlito Chapter 13 - Confirmed Chapter 14 - Searching Chapter 15 - Quiller Chapter 16 - Black Griffin Chapter 17 - Shark Bait Chapter 18 - Caged Animals Chapter 19 - Release Chapter 20 - Class Development Chapter 21 - Job Chapter 22 - Mind Games Chapter 23 - Incomprehensible Chapter 24 - Property and Proposal Chapter 25 - At Long Last Chapter 26 - Moon and Sickle Chapter 27 - New Branch Chapter 28 - Zigferd Chapter 29 - Proposition Chapter 30 - Levels Don't Matter Chapter 31 - Triple X Chapter 32 - Marriage Chapter 33 - Paranoia, Pets, Possessions Chapter 34 - Vows Chapter 35 - His Lordship Chapter 36 - Diplomatic Relations Chapter 37 - Synchronisation Chapter 38 - Saviour Chapter 39 - Normality Chapter 40 - Sunstone and Lollipops Chapter 41 - Paws for Claws Chapter 42 - The Squirrel Sphere Chapter 43 - Departure Chapter 44 - Clock Tower Chapter 45 - Warehouse Chapter 46 - It's a Trap! Chapter 47 - Audits and Enchantments Chapter 48 - Confronted Chapter 49 - Payback Chapter 50 - Life and Death Chapter 51 - Going Home

In the world of Amathera

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Chapter 24 - Gobbler

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“That’s great. You said you were wanting to do some more quests,” Dave said cheerily.

“Not against something like this. I doubt I can even get through its armour, and I know the wolves won’t, considering their low levels. Any advice?”

“Don’t get hit by the claws.”

“Really. That is all?” SJ replied sarcastically.

“Well, you can allow yourself to be hit if you wish, but I really wouldn’t advise it,” Dave replied flippantly.

“Any helpful advice would be appreciated.”

“They are slow, and their eyesight is very poor, so you should have enough notification of an attack.”

One of the wolves sprung towards its left side and as it did the Rock Gobbler snapped its jaws towards it. On doing so another wolf on the right moved in to snap at it. The Rock Gobbler moved its front leg to strike, and SJ noticed how slow it was compared to most things she had fought so far. The wolf easily dodged its attempted bite and claw attack as the other snapped at its side. The wolf that struck it didn’t do any damage and it remained with full health.

“This is not going to be fun,” SJ said as she flew behind the creature. The armour plating seemed to come down and cover virtually all its body as though it wore a scale shirt. At the rear of the creature where it’s tail joined it’s body it looked as though it had less armour plating.

SJ lowered slowly. The bulk of the creature between herself and its head. She had not flown low and doubted it had even perceived her as a threat. Landing she grew equipping her claws and approaching the rear of it stabbed into the weaker armoured area of its body, where its stubby tail originated. SJ had not been expecting the reaction to the attack, and it jumped forwards as if launched from a cannon. Patch bounded out of the way as it landed where he had been some thirty feet away. She had penetrated its body but only managed to do, eight points of damage.

“That thing can move,” SJ said in surprise.

“Its legs, although short, are ridiculously strong as it pushes against stone when burrowing, and don’t even bother trying to attack it’s head. It may not look armoured but it’s harder than steel.”

This was going to be a long fight. As the wolves continued to snap at it grabbing its attention SJ continued to shrink and grow performing attacks at its rear. It could not turn quickly, and she could imagine it performing a ten point turn on a road in the UK, it was so inflexible with its sideways movement. It was designed for one job only, to dig and move forward to its next source of food. With its stubby legs, it was slow, and it lumbered forward trying to strike at any wolves that came in front of it, occasionally launching to attack.

After almost ten minutes of fighting, it was still had over 100 hit points remaining.

“This is ridiculous. There must be something that can damage it easier?” SJ said as she flew to its rear again.

“Only if you have a lightning or fire spell or similar,” Dave replied.

“SJ,” the small form of Cristy had appeared at the edge of the forest crying her name.

“Cristy. Stay back,” SJ called on seeing the small gnoll.

Cristy mustn’t have heard her response as she wandered further from the tree line, staring at the creature the wolves continued to fight.

“Cristy,” SJ bellowed, trying to be heard above the snarling, growling, and hissing of the creatures.

Still, she didn’t respond, and SJ flew straight towards her. “Get back in the tree line now,” she screamed at the small gnoll as she neared her.

Cristy looked at her with shock on her face, it was the first time SJ had ever said anything with anger in her voice and it obviously had impact. After standing for a moment looking at her she turned and ran, tears running down her cheeks.

“Argh,” SJ screamed in frustration. She hadn’t meant to shout at Cristy, she just didn’t want her getting hurt by the ridiculously armoured creature. “I need to go follow her. I can’t have her running off.”

“The wolves will keep it busy,” Dave said.

SJ followed Cristy and could hear her as she ran through the brush of the forest on all fours. She was very fast, and SJ struggled to keep up even flying, having to move in and around the trees. Eventually she began to slow, and SJ caught up with her. Cristy came to a stop curling up in a ball at the base of a huge tree sobbing.

SJ landed gently and grew. “Cristy,” she said softly.

Cristy didn’t look at her and buried her head into her arm further covering her face. The dress she had been wearing was all torn and tattered from being caught in the brush.

“Cristy. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you. I was scared you may get hurt that was all.”

Cristy sobbed as she responded. “I thought you were my friend.”

“I am your friend. You know I am. That creature could have hurt you if you had gotten any closer than you did.”

“I just wanted to help. I was worried when you had been so long,” she turned to look at SJ, streaks covered her little face and her eyes glistened.

SJ could feel a tear in her own eye. “I know you did, and I am sorry I didn’t come back straight away. I was helping the wolves. That creature is too heavily armoured. It isn’t like attacking a hogling or a hobgoblin.”

SJ bent down next to her and held her arms out, Cristy slowly moved over until she could envelop her in a hug. Stroking her head gently. “I am sorry,” Cristy continued to sob, and SJ felt terrible. After a minute the sobbing became less, and Cristy pushed away from her looking at her.

“I need to go back and check on the wolves, but I have no idea where they are now,” SJ said looking around lost after chasing her.

“I can lead you. I can smell them,” Cristy replied, her little face looking at SJ wide-eyed.

“Only if you promise to stay in the trees and not go into the open. Whatever happens,” SJ replied.

“I promise.”

“Come on then show me which way.”

Cristy began to move back through the trees, it took them much longer walking back rather than the mad dash that Cristy had made, and SJ could hear the fighting was still going on when they returned. “Now stay here, please,” SJ said.

“I will,” Cristy replied, nodding her head.

SJ shrinking and taking off flew back onto the plain. The Rock Gobbler had only lost a further two hit points in all the time she had been gone. The wolves were beginning to tire, and the beast almost hit their movements not as fluid as it launched towards it, only narrowly bounding from its path.

“I need to do something different,” SJ hissed.

“I have an idea,” Dave said.

“What idea?” SJ said hopefully.

“You need to try and lead it away from the woods towards the cliffs edge.”

“And do what?”

“Make it launch at you and over the side. Their vision is poor. It won’t know where it is in comparison. You have seen how far it can jump when it tries to attack so you can try to get positioned so it jumps too far.”

“It won’t go for me when I’m small.”

“No. That’s the problem,” Dave chuckled nervously.

The cliff’s edge was probably a couple of hundred feet from where they fought, and SJ began the slow process of trying to make it turn around to face her. The creature was worse than a heavy goods vehicle and SJ got into a routine of landing and growing in front of it and running as it tried to launch its attack. It jumped nearly thirty feet each time and eventually after several minutes it began to face towards the cliff.

“Now lead it straight,” Dave said.

Two of the wolves had moved back from the fray, heavily panting, and SJ believed that they must be exhausted. She didn’t have the luxury to be tired she needed to get rid of this thing. Landing fifty feet from its front she grew again. Calling at it and screaming to get its attention. The wolves were also now on the same side of the creature as SJ, now having four creatures to choose from to attack.

It leapt forwards towards one of the wolves, thankfully still moving closer to the cliff edge. The wolf this time was not fast enough, and one of the Gobblers huge claws caught it on its flank. The wolf yelped in pain as it crashed to the ground unable to land properly, whimpering. SJ rushed forward and struck at the face of the creature in anger. The Gobbler’s head turned as she did, knocking into her and sent her sprawling sideways. Its head had felt like being hit by a sledgehammer and this close its teeth looked like huge razorblades. Having swept her claws down the side of its face, they had had no impact on the creature. SJ immediately began to back pedal realising how stupid she had been getting so close. Considering this thing ate rocks, why she had even thought about going near its head she had no idea, Dave had warned her how hard it was.

It had drawn its attention, and as she moved backwards, she noticed the tension in its limbs. The unsightly beast was like a coiled spring being released when it jumped, it was an instant movement. SJ turned and ran. She was probably twenty feet away, trying to run at an angle. It landed with a huge thud, exactly where SJ had just been, missing her by inches. Continuing to move forwards she glanced back as it got ready to jump again.

The only bonus was that because of the size of it, its mobility and time between attacks was slow, and she reached thirty feet before it sprung again. Being out of range she carried on towards the cliff as it coiled again. The wolves had withdrawn. Patch standing by the side of the injured wolf with the others as they stood watching the fight, howling, and growling.

“Nearly there,” Dave shouted.

SJ could see that the cliffs edge was only fifty feet from them and continued to draw it towards the edge. The next jump caught her off guard as she stumbled on the uneven ground approaching the cliff edge, where it had eroded and pitted over time, catching her foot in a hole she squealed as she tripped, sprawling onto the floor, quickly standing again. She was no more than ten feet from the edge, when the creature leapt again. She hadn’t been able to move far enough and as the creature hurtled towards her with its claws extended and jaws open, she knew it was going to hit her.

It wasn’t a clean strike thankfully, but it was still like being hit by a cannonball. The wind knocked from her and the impact threw her backwards, reducing her hit points by half. She suddenly realised that she had not landed and that they were in free fall.

“Shrink,” Dave screamed.

SJ was already in the process and as she shrunk, she opened her wings causing friction and being buffeted slowly worked into a glide, opening her body wide like a freefall parachutist. The Rock Gobbler shrieked still plummeting towards the base of the cliff nearly 1000 feet below and as she glided, she began to spiral following its descent, until it eventually met with the cliff’s rocky bottom. From the height that SJ was it looked like a waterbomb had just exploded, leaving a wet damp patch on the surface.

SJ continued her descent gliding as her speed continued to decrease, until she got to a point and a speed that she could begin using her wings. It was a much more successful fall than from the mages wind spell at the windmill. As she got control of her descent the shock of the freefall and exploding creature subsided, looking around her. At the base of the cliff was the start of some grassland with sparsely dotted trees and it reminded SJ of pictures she had seen of the savanna’s in Africa. The bit that amazed her was the huge expanse of sand that started not long after. It stretched off into the horizon.

“That’s the next territory,” Dave said in what seemed an answer to her thought, his responses seemed to be coming more adept to her thoughts rather than her having to speak. “Desert region, 10-20 base monsters initially the far desert area increases to 20-30 and several nasty tribes live there. There is a town but it’s not on the map and I am not sure which direction or how far it is from here.”

“I didn’t realise it was so close and how fast the territory areas change. It is like just crossing a line,” SJ replied, staring at the sudden environmental change.

“It’s even worse between an Ice and Desert region,” Dave replied.

SJ struggled to imagine an immediate transition from desert to ice. “I better head back up but want to see if the Rock Gobbler has any loot first.”

“Possibly you sometimes get ore from them for the obvious reasons they eat so much.”

SJ’s display had triggered when the Rock Gobbler had hit the ground exploding into the glutinous mass that now covered the cliff’s base. The shared experience between the wolves had only given 25xp which for such a long difficult fight seemed ridiculous. The quest completion was a little nicer though.


Quest – Save the mine - Complete

The Rock Gobbler has been thwarted and you have removed the current threat to your hopeful future income.

Rewards: 320xp +100% reputation bonus 640xp awarded


Her improved reputation with Killic was a massive boost, but SJ had noticed the significant difference in experience needs between levels now. To reach level 11 from 10 it had increased from requiring 1500 up to 2250xp and from 11 to 12 she now needed 3000xp. The reputation increases would really help going forward with the increase for each level. She checked her new total out.


Experience: 987 of 3000


Landing by the remains, as there really wasn’t much of a body left after the impact, she looted the Rock Gobbler.


6 x Armour Plates of the Rock Gobbler, 1 x Vial of Intestinal Acid


“Oooo. Be very careful with that vial. The contents can be sold for a nice price, but if you get it on you expect severe pain, when I said that acid is strong it is insanely strong. The Armour Plates are great for smithy’s with the knowledge to reshape them. I would advise seeing Zej. I don’t know if he will be able to or not. Reshaping animal or insect armour is a specialist skill that not many smiths have,” Dave said.

“You said before that as an assassin I can’t wear armour.”

“Yes. Until level 20 then you can wear leather, and 40 chainmail.”

“What about animal skins or components?”

SJ could sense Dave frowning when he responded. “You do know where leather comes from don’t you?” his reply dripped with sarcasm.

“Of course, but these plates are not leather. What do they constitute as?”

“Erm… I have absolutely no idea. No one has ever even considered that before. Their armour class is equivalent to decent scale mail if not weak chain mail. Umm, I need to check be right back.”

SJ began her climb back to the top of the cliff and as she neared, she could see the small and panic-stricken face of Cristy looking down. As she headed towards the top of the cliff Dave started chatting excitedly.

“It’s unlisted.”

“What’s unlisted?”

“The Armour Plates of the Rock Gobbler.”

“What does that mean?” SJ asked frowning at his response.

“It means they are not identified as a type of armour, which theoretically means you could get away with wearing them. I am not sure what the System would do if or when it finds out, but there is absolutely nothing in the rules about the use of the armour plates. All standard animal hides including the crepar Chitinous plates are listed, but these aren’t.”

“I will need to get them to Zej then see if he can do anything with them.”

“Yes. Definitely,” Dave said, his voice buzzing with excitement.

“SJ,” Cristy called, as she neared the top.

“I am ok,” SJ called back, reaching the top and landing.

Tear streaks again were clearly visible on her face. “I thought you were dead,” Cristy said, throwing herself at her once she reached her full size.

“No. I am good. How is the injured wolf?” SJ said, as she looked over to where they were still standing around by it.

“I don’t think it’s good,” Cristy said, tearfully as SJ felt her body slacken against her sagging.

“Let’s go and see, we may help,” SJ said as she hurried towards the wolves.

The Black Wolf turned and growled as she approached but didn’t step in her way as she knelt next to the injured grey. Its side was torn severely from the claws of the Gobbler.

“We need a healer,” SJ said. “Cristy, can you wait here with Patch, and I will fly back to town.”

“Yes,” Cristy replied, now sitting by the grey’s head stroking it. The grey was whimpering quietly, and SJ wasn’t sure how long it would survive.

“I will be back as soon as I can,” she said, as she shrunk and took off. Raising above the treetops, she could see the town in the distance, and headed straight towards it, as fast as she could.

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