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1.1 - In the Beginning 1.2 - Ctrl+Z! 1.3 - Take Number Two

In the world of String Theory

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1.1 - In the Beginning

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❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀

When I open my eyes, I'm encapsulated by the listless sensation of my body weighed down by sleep inertia. My world feels like it's spinning slowly, but all I can see is darkness. Confused and wondering if I've closed my eyes again, I blink several times only for nothing to change.

The uncanny lack of change wakes me up enough to panic and flinch- hard enough that I bang the back of my head against the confines of narrow metallic walls all around me with a yelp.

Well, now I'm awake.

Wait...where am I? What's going on?

I press my hands on the walls around me and turn a little in the darkness. There's hardly any room around to move, but...

I feel my way around until I've turned myself towards a space where I don't feel a fourth wall, taking a wobbly step forward so my hands find a metal surface that creaks under my reaching palms.

The material of the metal wall under my hands is somewhat flimsy in comparison to the other three walls, so I suspect it's a door, but besides that...the metal isn't all that cold. Maybe due to exposure to my body heat? If that's the case though, how long have I been inside here?

Now knowing that I might have a way out, I push as hard as I can manage through the anxiety I'm still experiencing. I'm doing my best to make sure panic doesn't overrule my judgement, flicking my useless apprehensions off for the time being.

Surprisingly, the wall gives away much easier than I expect it to. As the metal door flies open under my weight, I feel my arm slash on something to my left, mostly cutting into my upper bicep close to my shoulder.

Startled both by my sudden fall and the sharp flash of pain from out of nowhere, I let out a cry and grab at my left arm with my free hand. The bright light stinging my retinas is enough to ease some of my nerves for the most part, but it seems fate has no sympathy to offer me mercy since I land on my elbows and knees hard enough to feel it rattle my bones.

At first I curl up and rub my throbbing arm as water pricks at the corners of my eyes, but I eventually manage to force myself up on my unsteady feet with a grimace.

Ugh, there's a lot of blood on my hand...

Extending my arm out and turning my head to examine the gash on my bicep, I can see the cut is pretty deep. It's nothing too serious- I'll live...but it still sucks. A quick wipe of the blood on the underside of my maroon skirt cleans my hand somewhat, and I roll my shoulders a bit to get the feeling back into them.

I smile to myself in mild satisfaction once I deem myself okay. It's better to look on the brighter side of things, right? I may not know what's going on, but I'm at least still in one piece.

Glancing down at the school uniform I've got on, I eventually come to feel a sensitive and uncomfortable feeling at my neck, making me reach up and frown when I feel a thick velvety band of a choker hanging around my neck. There's a weird pendant on it, one that easily comes off when I pull on it and makes me raise an eyebrow of confusion when I see it's some kind of foil that had been attached to the choker.

At first glance, the shape of what's in the foil reminds me of those after-dinner mints they give you at restaurants when you dine in. When I unwrap the foil, I snort in amusement at the sight of a small brown cube that falls out. Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?


Despite my nerves trying to ebb me towards the side of caution and the fact that I'm still somewhat debating the authenticity of this odd thing that just so happened to be hanging around my neck, I pop it into my mouth recklessly.

Almost immediately, a stupid smile curls over my features, my taste buds relishing in the wonderful flavor as the chocolate and mint starts to melt across my tongue.

It's in that moment that I'm enjoying the decadent treat that a metal sound like the locker door slamming against metal makes me flinch. Before I can turn my head, someone suddenly slams into me from behind so hard that I swallow down the entire chocolate and nearly my own tongue in the process.

I let out a muffled shriek of disapproval and fear, though the sound barely escapes me due to the weight of this other person on my backside as my jaw is pressed into the bend of my good arm.

Who is it? They're so heavy- why aren't they getting off of me yet?! They feel like a dead weight, it a dead body?!

I panic a little at the thought, feeling my heart pick up speed. I almost feel lucky I can't see who it is, save for the arm that appears to have a brown knit sweater layered over a white flannel, the sleeves rolled up just beneath their elbows.

The hand and arm is notably masculine in comparison to my dainty looking hand pressed against the ground as I try to pull myself out from under them. During this, my heart skips a beat when I hear a groan right beside my ear, a warm breath hitting my cheek and sending chills of horror straight down my spine.


A deep voice. It is a guy. But why is he on top of me?!

I continue my struggle, but it's obvious whoever's collapsed onto me is not totally conscious enough to realize what's going on yet. I can't even lift up my head to say anything. Well, I can move my legs I guess, so...!

I let out a muffled whine of distress and kick my legs back in an attempt to get his attention, hoping this is just a misunderstanding and not intentional on the guy's part. He could be drunk...! He could be a total pervert doing this inebriated!

Now that I think about it...what will I do if this is an attack of "that" sort?

I kick more and whine louder, squirming enough that I feel the weight of the guy shift slightly on me, causing my ribs to dig into the grass and tile beneath me. I want to scream at him to get off me, but I still can't get any coherent words out.

"Huh...? ...Wait-"

As suddenly as his weight had crashed on top of me, it vanishes in equal time when he seems to come to, taking my forearm in his grip and helping me on my feet again. My auburn brown hair is all over my face, so I rip my arm out of the jerk's grip and swat it out of my way to come face to face with...

A guy.

I mean, yeah, no surprise- his voice gave it away already, isn't until this exact moment that I realize this is a guy who's nearly my own age. Another beat later, my idiot brain reminds me that I myself am a girl.

In the presence of aforementioned guy.

...It's at this moment I realize I have some sort of problem around guys, especially when my heart skips a few beats and a cold sweat breaks over my forehead.

This guy is tall and PAINFULLY handsome, chasing away any insults I'd been brewing in my mind to throw his way for falling on top of me before. His hair is green and wavy in a way that it frames his features, one longer strand hanging to his lower jaw at the left. Not to mention he's got a jaw for days and is pretty tall from where I stand. Next to me, he's a total tower in comparison.

Besides the utter mess that is his extremely attractive face, my tongue goes dry and I snap my mouth shut when I realize I've been gaping at his face a bit too long.

"I'm sorry, are you okay? That must not have been very comfortable..." The green haired walking heartthrob says with an awkward yet apologetic smile, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. His voice is a soothing deep tone, exuding a strangely relaxed disposition that stands out oddly considering the current situation. He must not be entirely "there" yet...


"Uh, do you need to sit down? Your face is a bit flushed," he says when I say nothing, causing me to blink and jump out of my thoughts into the present.

"My face is all comfortable!" I respond in my haste of anxiety to say something so he doesn't think I've lost my marbles like he obviously has. As soon as it passes my lips though, my stomach plummets at the expression of confusion that forms across his features. I garble in panic, thoughts and feelings in the form of incomprehensible gibberish pouring from my mouth until the guy's eyes eventually settle on my left bicep.

"Oh, you're hurt," he cuts me off, gently taking my forearm and pulling me towards him so he can see the gash better. After eyeing it with a frown, he releases my arm and doesn't even blink when he pulls at his sweater's sleeve, making the entire thing tear off at the seams where it's connected to the rest of his sweater. Startled by the display, I squeak a little and start turning my head in all directions to find any potential escape routes.

It's me finally looking around that eventually settles my panic, surprise and confusion replacing it when I see the odd state of the room we're in.

We' a classroom? But what's with all of this overgrowth of plants everywhere? There's grass between the tiles, desks neatly lined up for an entire class that's not present...this place looks abandoned. On top of that, what's with the barbed wires in front of all the windows?

I search for some kind of answer in my mind, but...nothing comes up. I don't know where I am, I don't know why I'm here, I don't even know when I got here. I don't remember...anything.

A sharp sting at my arm snaps me out of my thoughts, prompting me to jump and yelp. I almost forgot about the guy that's holding my arm hostage.

"Sorry, just tightening it so it doesn't bring anymore bacteria in. We can try and clean it later at a water source," he responds, making me blink in honest surprise when I see his work.

He doesn't even know me, but was kind enough to go as far as to dress my injury...he doesn't feel responsible for it, does he?

"I hope this makes up for falling on you like that. I mean, it was my fault after all," he sheepishly adds in that almost easy going tone of embarrassment.

I shake my head before even preparing anything to say this time, my concern taking precedence over my social anxiety with boys.

"No, no! That wasn't because of you...I slashed my arm before when I fell out!" I exclaim a little too hurriedly, noting his mild surprise. When his inquisitive gaze becomes too much, I avert my gaze from his face quickly. "I-I'm not good talking to boys..."

For extra measure, as I can feel his gaze glued to my face, I cover my face protectively with my fluffy locks.

"I'm sorry...!" My voice has gotten smaller with every word I've uttered, up until I hear the guy let out a chuckle.

"How about you just pretend I'm a girl then? That might make it easier," he suggests in obvious amusement, causing me to frown.

"Your voice is too deep and you don't look anything like a girl..." I point out, just as he makes a small huff of disapproval I can tell isn't serious.

"That offends my femininity." Despite the fact that he hasn't done anything like change the pitch of his voice to sound feminine, I can't help but giggle a little at his matter-of-fact statement. "Anyways, do you know where we are or what this place is? Because I don't."

I peek out from my hair before letting it all drop so my face is visible again, giving the classroom another quick once over.

"I don't either...this place looks abandoned," I answer, before looking back to find where I'd been prior to being turned into a human pancake. A pair of somewhat deep lockers side by side makes me frown in thought. I didn't initially realize there were two of them- maybe because I was distracted with the chocolate attached to my choker. "Why were we shoved inside lockers though?"

"Hmm..." the guy hums to himself before turning towards me again. Caught off guard with his gaze on me once more, my body tenses up like a deer caught in headlights. "So do you have a name?"

My eyes break away and I look at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing I've ever seen.

"I-I'm Prairie Marble," I answer with no more than a slight stutter, hearing the guy give a resigned sigh at my jittery state.

"Prairie, huh? That's a pretty name...not common at all where I'm from though. My name is Rantaro Amami," he states, ever so patient with me and my anxiety. "It's nice to meet you, but less nice to completely crush you like I did. Sorry about that again."

A small noise escapes me in my attempts to stop myself from laughing, much to my embarrassment. When I grab my hair and cover my heating up face, I hear Rantaro laugh on his end.

"I heard that," he says with a friendly tone that manages to lower my walls enough so I drop my hair from my face to smile back at him.

We look around again until both our eyes eventually settle on the door leading out of the classroom. The clock hanging over the dirty chalkboard is filled with weeds and clovers inside the plastic cover, the time stuck on four thirty. It doesn't look like it's kept track of time in ages, however. Obviously, the only way to get more answers is to leave the room through the only door there is.

It's a good thing Rantaro is so calm and collected. I sort of feel less anxious about the situation with him here, since I'm still trying to mentally ease my nerves over the fact that he's a guy and I'm a girl.

Stupid teenage hormones, calm down, please please for the love of god, shut up and just deal with it...!

"Well, we can't do anything about your arm in here. I think we ought to try finding a bathroom. They might have running water we can use to clean it off," Rantaro suggests, gently taking my hand and pulling me along towards the exit.

My mouth snaps shut tightly, completely taken aback when I stare down at our conjoined hands

Why is he holding my hand? ...Well, I guess it's probably just a gesture to comfort me, so I'm not gonna complain about it. Besides, he's been nice to me since I woke up and I sort of like the attention.

I bite my lip hard to keep a stupid smile from forming on my face, even reaching up with my free hand to hide the twitch of my lips.

Just before Rantaro can reach for the doorknob, the heavy sound of moving metal on the other side catches us off guard and prompts us freeze in our tracks. Disturbed by the sound, we share looks of confusion before I decidedly reach out to open the door a crack for us to peek outside.

I doubt either of us expect what we see in the school hallway.

Patrolling outside in an equally overgrown plant infested hallway is a giant mecha-like contraption maybe four times our size. The metal gleams under the flickering lights of the hall and the little light streaming in from one window near the end of the hall. It displays lethal functions like a barbed drill and a strange long cord that seems to act like a tail, swishing behind it as it brings its foot down and makes the ground almost rumble with it's massive weight.

Needless to say, it's something that looks to have walked out of a science fiction film set in the distant future.

Rantaro pokes my good shoulder from where he's hovering behind me to see outside over my head, pointing to direct my attention across the hall where I spot a pair of bathrooms for boys and girls. It's a bit far, but...we might have a chance if we make a break for it when the machine isn't facing us.

I feel Rantaro grip my hand a bit tighter as we wait patiently for the mecha to come back up the hall. The moment it turns and passes our door, Rantaro and I quietly run out across the corridor, watching the mecha warily as we open the bathroom door and slip in without the door clicking behind us too loudly.

"Phew..." Rantaro sighs in relief, pulling me towards the sinks and patting the counter beside one. "Okay, now sit up here so I can fix you up properly."

Despite my uneasiness now that I know there's a metal behemoth outside patrolling the halls, I do as he asks and pull myself up on the counter where he's gestured, grimacing through the process. While he cleans the cut with water and surprisingly clean stocked paper towels, I allow the last of my anxiety around Rantaro to drift away. Being around him still makes me a bit antsy, but...I think I'll be able to speak without totally tripping over my words now.

"Thank you for being so nice even though you don't know me," I gather the bravery to say, prompting Rantaro to look up from my gash and offer a friendly smile. After a second, it becomes too much and I avert my gaze nervously.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind," he answers, pausing before adding, "You sort of remind me of my little sister. She's bad at talking to other people too- especially boys. In a way...your presence is sort of therapeutic for me."

Surprised by this admission, a genuine smile appears on my face.

So he's the big brother type then? Well, I guess that answers the hand holding bit from before! He's handsome and pure hearted!

"I'm glad I can be helpful to you too then," I comment, watching him redress the gash and smiling when he helps me off the counter. "So...what should we do now?"

Rantaro momentarily looks towards the door, scratching his head in thought. Whatever he's considering must not be the greatest of ideas since he has this serious and uneasy expression on his face, but I doubt we have many options at this point.

I have a feeling we're going to have to probably make a run for it.

The thought prompts me to bend down and tighten the shoelaces of my red sneakers in preparation, my fingers not at all clammy despite the jarring sight of the unusual mecha. My green haired companion is smiling at me when I stand up again and look at him for directions.

"You may be shy, but you're very perceptive. You'll be able to keep up, right?" He inquires, making me nod earnestly. "I don't know where we can go, but we ought to see if we can find some way out of here. Whatever reason we woke up shoved inside lockers for, it can't be good."

I nod in agreement again with a determined hum, the two of us walking to the bathroom exit. Rantaro places one hand on the doorknob and then takes my right hand with the other, glancing back towards me.

"One..." He starts, immediately causing my muscles to tense in preparation for the run. I can do this, right? I don't actually know how fast I am, why did I say I could keep up...? "Two..."

I really hope I can keep up.


He opens the door and we waste no time taking a right in the hall when we see the red accented mecha head towards the left, oblivious to our presence once again as we run down the hall and round a corner towards the left. With the amount of grass and plants growing through the tiles, I'm surprised neither of us stumble as we run and take a left into a different hall.

We try a few doors on our way before giving up and continuing down the hall in a power walk. So far I'm keeping up well enough at least...

We round another corner to take a left and stop dead in our tracks as we come face to face with another mecha, this one pink accented rather than red.

"Th-there's more than one...?!" I gape, taking a step back with Rantaro as his jaw tightens.

"Ooo! There's a pair here! And finally a girl too! IIII'm gonna getcha~!" A feminine voice cheerily echoes from the mecha in front of us as if going through a megaphone. So they're being piloted then...?

Unlike how I'm stunned, Rantaro wastes no more time spinning around and pulling me along to the other side of the hall as the mecha suddenly picks up speed to chase us. The sound of metal scraping against rocks and tile as it pursues us is terrifying enough to keep me running, quite easily matching Rantaro's long-legged run despite how much taller he is.

My breath hitches when we pass another hall with a green accented mecha approaching, the two of us blazing straight past it until we reach a corner leading to two large double doors. Either this will be a dead end, or we'll be lucky and pass through it. They can't possibly chase us once we get past the doors right? They'd never fit through the doorway!

"If" we get past the doors.

What a pessimistic subconscious I have.

I swallow nervously as we near the double doors and, as if having the same idea, both Rantaro and I slam ourselves into it in case it's difficult to open- only to tumble in together with equally surprised shouts.

"I didn't think the door would swing open that easily..." Rantaro groans breathlessly as he stands up, me pulling myself up onto my feet and quickly dusting my uniform off from the grass and dust that has gotten caught on my clothing.

"Ah, new people. And our first lady too...kehehehe!"

A shiver rattles up my spine, prompting me to dart closer towards Rantaro's side as we turn to see...

"Hey, were you two chased down by those crazy mechas too?! Jeez, what do they even want from us?" Another boy, different from the previous speaker, complains with an expression of irritation as he crosses his arms. He's got short, dark violet hair- quite nearly black by the looks of it. A couple of the locks seem to flare out, though it still frames his innocent-looking boyish face. He's not as tall as the other boys, probably only slightly taller than myself.

"You two are okay though, right? You aren't hurt or anything?" This comes from another guy, one with white spiked hair under a hat and a high collared trench coat that obscures most of his face save for two sharp blue eyes that shine with honest concern.

"We're fine, just a little spooked after that. Right, Prai...?" Rantaro trails off when I relocate behind him, clutching his one-sleeved sweater while the other strange boys gather around us. "Ah, sorry, she's shy. Try not to crowd her."

"Hello! Me Gonta! Gonta Gokuhara! Very nice meet you both!" Speaks the tallest of the people in the room- a guy that actually looks like a full grown man. I mean, I guess Rantaro is sorta mature looking too, but...this Gonta guy is a literal mountain!

"It's nice to meet you too, Gonta," Rantaro doesn't miss a beat answering, offering the much larger guy a easy grin.

There's an intense feeling inside me that wants to ask Gonta why he talks in such a strange manner, but I do well to hold my tongue. He's probably foreign and still learning the language...

"I'm Kokichi Oma! By the way, does anyone else wanna go out there again to see what happens if we poke one of those mechas with a stick? I mean, people have to be piloting them, right? There's no way those are just remote controlled!" The purple haired guy suggests, prompting all eyes to fall on him with varying levels of disbelief. At this reaction, he shrugs and turns to start walking to the double doors on his own, only barely stopped by Gonta grabbing his arm to tug him back.

"G-Gonta cannot let Kokichi go into danger! Not good idea!" Gonta exclaims, causing Kokichi to snicker mischievously as if he wasn't intending on going out in the first place.

"I'm Kiibo. I had the misfortune of waking up with THAT guy..." The white haired teen says almost solemnly, causing Rantaro and I to turn towards him. "No last name, if that's what you're wondering. I just go by Kiibo."

"And I am Korekiyo Shinguji. You may refer to me as 'Kiyo' if my name is too much of a mouthful," the fourth stranger, and the last of them, says in an eerie yet soothing controlled tone- like someone otherworldly but friendly. This was the guy with the creepy laugh...!

My expression must be like an open book, because Korekiyo cackles when he lets his gaze drift my way, causing me to cling to Rantaro more and shiver uneasily.

That's the laugh! Creepy ...!

With that, I decidedly cling to Rantaro like a lifeline.

"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Rantaro Amami and this is Prairie Marble. She has a bit of trouble with guys, so please be nice to her," Rantaro introduces us, reaching back to unknot my fingers from his sweater so he can maneuver me to stand in front of him. Half of me is annoyed that he's gone and mentioned my problem with boys so directly. Doesn't he know how embarrassing that sounds?

Rantaro must suspect I'll bolt back behind him the first chance I get, since he rests both his hands on my shoulders to keep me in place.

"Say hi," Rantaro attempts to coax me, prompting me look up at him dubiously before glancing at the other boys. Four pairs of eyes stare back at me curiously, enough that my stomach twists uncomfortably and my brain goes blank.

At that point, I can only manage to yank my hair over my face as it reddens, hiding pitifully as I barely utter a weak, "I'm sorry...!"

"So small and cute! Gonta surprised!" Gonta admits boldly, while Rantaro hums in understanding and gently massages my shoulders from behind.

"You know, she doesn't seem to be having too much trouble with you, and YOU'RE a guy!" Kokichi points out to Rantaro, taking a few strides forward in a march to stand right in front of me. "Hey, hey! You'd have waaay more fun if you latched on to me instead of him!"

I back up into Rantaro more and then scramble to remove his hands from my shoulders, scurrying back behind him as soon as his grip loosens. The green haired heartthrob chuckles a little and thankfully seems to give up on trying to help me overcome my nerves. I relax substantially knowing he won't force me under the spotlight again.

"If it helps...technically I'm not of the male gender," Kiibo speaks up.

A collective shift in everyone's expression occurs after processing Kiibo's strange words, ebbing towards confusion until the gym doors are thrown open suddenly. Any further inquiries on Kiibo's statement drift away from our minds as we turn towards the double doors.

"EEEK!" A small red haired girl shrieks as she races into the safe enclosure of the gym, followed quickly by a girl with long strangely tied pigtail links and a third girl with tan skin and two lazy tied twin tails that reach her chest.

"Wow! We barely escaped by the skin of our teeth! Nyahahaha~!" The tan girl chirps in such an upbeat manner, it's almost a bit creepy. Probably more so than Korekiyo's infamous cackles...

"Th-that's okay! The point is that we got away and we're in one piece!" The pale-brown haired girl with her strange pigtail links declares, a fist raised up in victory.

"Nyeeh... I think that run is enough exercise to last for the rest of the year. I never want to move that much again," the short red haired girl states, taking deep breaths with the other girls now that their run is over.

...It's nice to see other girls, but...these ones are kinda weird. I'll just stay with Rantaro. He's safe.

I pretend not to notice Rantaro's gaze when he looks back at me. He's probably checking to see if I want to leave and join them.

"Not interested in saying hi?" He asks in obvious amusement, despite my efforts to show a dismissal attitude. "Or would you rather stick with me?"

Aaa, is he really going to make me say it? It's so embarrassing...! Maybe I might be better off with the girls even though they're peculiar. That, or maybe I should just grin and bear the embarrassment of telling Rantaro I want to stay with him.

"Hey, look! Degenerate males!" The girl with pigtail links suddenly blurts out much to the surprise of me, Gonta, and Korekiyo. Kokichi just snorts loudly in amusement, followed closely by a sigh of resignation from Kiibo.

As if to answer Rantaro, I give him a dry look and watch as a smile curls at his lips in response. 'Cause YEAH RIGHT I'm gonna go join those girls- they're weird!

Then again, we do have Korekiyo, Kokichi, and Kiibo on our end...and they aren't normal in any way, shape or form.

"Ooo, are you the people that trapped us here? Or are we all trapped together? How interesting!" The happy-go lucky girl with white hair grins, hands clasped together in front of her.

"Hmm...this is all getting rather repetitive. I think we should hold off on introductions for now, yes? It'd be best if we wait and see just how many more people will make an appearance," Korekiyo suggests, fixing his face mask a bit. I wonder why he's wearing he sick or something? Is he sensitive to dust or pollen in the air?

"I agree, let's just relax and wait. I mean, it's not like we can do anything else. We're pretty much at the mercy of whoever's running the show," Rantaro calmly observes, much to my dismay.

At the mercy of them, huh? But how did we even get here? How did we go from point "A" to "shoved inside lockers"?


Actually, on that note, what even was point "A"? I can't remember what I was doing before...

I let go of Rantaro's sweater, lost in thought. I know my name is Prairie Marble- that much is solid fact I can confirm in my head one hundred percent. what else?

Well...there is nothing else. After those guys threw me in that van, I-


I touch my forehead with a wince and turn away from everyone else. That thought just now...I was thrown in a van. I can't remember what I was doing or where I was when it happened, but some people in a van grabbed me and...ugh, it's no use. That's all I remember. I can't even remember what I was wearing or how it happened.

I should say something to the others, what if it happened to them too? Maybe one of them might know who they were.

I look up and turn around to mention it, but shrink back from the group and think twice when I realize most of the other teens are talking among themselves in little groups- probably speculating about the situation for the most part. Rantaro is much further from me now, speaking about something with Korekiyo and Kiibo while I stand off towards the side.

Should I mention it? What if they already know and remember that? What if bringing it up is stupid and useless? But then again, what if they don't know?

I ought to say something...right?

❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀ 〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❀

❀ End of 1.1 - In the Beginning ❀

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