The Mature Sonnets

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How say you, love, to our short years of life,

When set against the mighty span of time?

And is it not a cruel and deadly knife

That cuts us off when love is in its prime?

When we were young we lived and loved and burned

As though tomorrow were to never be,

We left no life unlived, no truth unlearned,

And held each other 'gainst eternity.

And then, when wrenched from youthful fond delight

By life, which called our feet back down to earth,

We loved on, jealousy and doubt despite,

For spite of all we knew our true love's worth.

      And now that we grow old, and love secure,

      Our love, though not our lifespans, shall endure.



When I look back upon our days of youth

And think of all the years which we have seen,

I find my heart has buried brutal truth

And sees but shining warmth, as in a dream.

Was my soul ever torn with anguish sharp?

Did ever you my faithfulness exploit?

Did I once try to tear thee from my heart?

Did you a maiden as your wife annoint?

All these were so, and yet I feel them not;

The years have stripped them of their pow'r to sting.

Our youth was breathless love, embraces hot

And filled with joy which caused my soul to sing.

Tis these my love, my life, my Velebor,

Which live still in my heart, and nothing more.

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