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Jacob Billings

In the world of Aesontis

Visit Aesontis

Ongoing 120 Words


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I think it was summer when I first awoke in this place. I can faintly remember the days from before where I grumbled about the heat but now, locked in this cage made of obsidian night with no one but Jack Frost to keep me company and air so cold it stings my lungs, it’s those days that I miss. When it’s so hot you can see the air waiver, you can feel the heat on the soles of your feet, and you’re blinded by the sun. But now I’m locked in isolation, in a prison of obsidian where the light at the end of the tunnel is nothing but a small crack in the cage. A reminder: I’m trapped.

This is a project from one of the classes. The assignment was to write 7-10 pieces of flash fiction that handeled one overarching idea/theme, I used loneliness as the basis of it.
  It's not really connected to my worlds, so all I can ask you to do is to let me know what you think of it.
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