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Tome 1, Myra

In the world of Zo´Diac

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Tome 1, Myra

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Twenty years....

Twenty full years since you walked us up to the Cathedral of the Lady... 

We were only five then,Myra. Or atleast I was, you were already seven.

No one would look after us I remember it well... I remember exactly what had happened...

"Everything is going to be oke, Marky," You said as you kissed my forhead and held me tight as the Armored man approached us with a  warm smile.

"Hello you two, are you alright?"

Somehow, we had ended up on Cathedral plaza, infront of the Massive Cathedral to her majesty, the one we serve, The Lady.

"We..We are oke sir, we're lost and hungry." Myra answered. I was holding her hand tightly, afraid. The man was what, two Meters tall? And there I was still a little kid. Funny, now I think back at it.

"Is that so?"he asked, care in his voice, he bend through his legs with ease, even with the heavy armor. " Did you know, the Lady takes care of everyone, even you boy. You hungry too, boy?" He asked  me at eye level and I nodded. He smiled friendly.

"We.. We dont have any parents." You said shortly. Almost innocently.

As I think back, I  know you knew exactly what you were doing. You were saving us.

The man nodded and lifted me up, as a women doned in somewhat lighter armor then the man, approached you and took your hand. Your Amatyst gemmed ring shone in the light for a second as you watched the man walk off with me.

"W-Whats going to happen to my brother?" Was the last thing I heard you ask the women.

"He'll be oke. You'll both be, and you'll be reunited soon." She answered you. I could hear the pleasantness in her voice, the understanding of your question.

"We will look after you both."

I screamed for you, I was scared and I didnt see you for a week. But we were both fed and clothed in good clothes. The next time I saw you I was happy.

It was probably one of the last moments I was actually truly.. Happy...

The training was Rigorous... Everyday, non stop. Running laps around the massive cathedral, swordsplay, macefighting, learning to read... ha! Writing, Spells, Faith. The years passed and we both got stronger, we both got better. Some of the others would claim even; we excelled.

I sighed and  turned around one more time in my cot in the sleeping barracks in the rear of the cathedral, as I continued to reminise.

But just like most of the others... Its not like we had a choice, huh?The Church and the Faith  became our lives. As the years passed it sometimes even came between us.

I remember when you had just turned eighteen, i was sixteen and you approached my cotroom.

You didnt even knock...

The room to my cotroom swinged open as you basiclly kicked it in.

"hey, Knucklehead, up." You almost commanded me, I shot up straight in my bed, half asleep still, we are used to getting up early but this was too much.

"By the Grace, Mie.. This.. What?"

 Your voice changed."Good morning sleepyhead." she chuckled, I growled. "Why this early.."

"Can a long lost orphaned girl not come and say hello to her  equally long lost brother before his long day begins?" She teased, I growled again, hardly awake.

"Marky, I have to leave... They are sending me North."

I looked at you confused but got up and approached you. You were tall for a women but I was atleast a head taller then you still. "You should take me with you!" I called out. You smiled and shook your head, your hands on mine. "Your not ready, Mark, Your not good to go yet." I growled at her answer, "We started at the same time!" I remarked "How can they send you and keep me here?" I was mad and turned to the small window overlooking the Cathedral garden. I felt her arms on my shoulders

"Markus... The rules are simple, No outside church ground missions before your eighteened year."

"Its not fair."

"I know you feel that way.." I still hate the softness in your voice, it felt almost practiced and I know thats normal for a Warpriestess... But it made my skin crawl that morning.


"The General made a choice. Markus." The tone of voice had become serious. "Im going to be back in a few months. I'll be oke, Im accompanying some Frontier regiments to the North, the At'Akis are being themselves and have begun raiding again and the Frontiers have come to the Church for help..."

I sighed. I didnt want to be alone here for 'a few months' I got along with the other Paladins and Warpriestesses just fine, but...

"Just be careful, sister."

I felt the kiss on my cheek, felt you step outside and heard you close the door.

You did come back after a few months, you were fine, but changed, you had seen first combat, you had helped people, provided the Mercy of the Lady, Halleluja. But your eyes had darkened slightly and you felt different. You were still my sister and the way you acted around me did not change. But the other Warpriestesses, the older ones, they looked at you as an equal now, it was something you wanted. And me? Well... I deeply respected my warrior sister.

With a sigh, I got out of bed, washed my face and left my cotroom. Walking through the halls of the Cathedral to the breakfast tables, there was laughing, male and female laughter, Merry making and praying. As I sat in silence, the room got silent, they all looked at me.. I could hear small prayers going on about me. It didnt matter...





I kept eating, ignoring the looks, or atleast most of them, I felt the gaze of Sabiri, and Arnold most. I tried to ignore them even as they sat down at the same table as me...

I was stuck in my head.

I remembered my first mission out, like you I was send North. I was  nineteen at the time and you actually came to accompany me.. I remember everything very vividly..

Me and four others were carrying a wounded man into the small church of Liliathville, on the northren frontier into the lands of the At'Akas, just like a few years prior the church had send aid to the beleagered people, this time it was my turn.

The man was bleeding ,a spear stuck from his side, the village was under attack and I had the full intend to save this man.

'Hold him down!" I commanded, putting the wounded man down on church bench, I eyed to my left where you were caring for another wounded, in the exact same situation.

 'How's your patient, Markus?" You asked, not even looking my way.

"I-I think this one will make it.." I lied to the mans face. Trying to keep him calm, I noticed the broken  sticking out bone on his left leg and decided to set it. I swallowed and got ready. "Hold him. one,two..." With a krack and a massive roar from the victim I set the bone. "bandages!"I yelled to one of the men infront of me

"What are you doing back there brother?" You called out again.

"I'm setting a bone, Myra, I.. I think this man needs a healing spell, or a serious potion." I stuttered and looked at the dying man before me. he clamped onto my arm before it lost strength...

"Hey, stay awake, stay with us!" I shook him, but I already was too late. He had passed. 

I felt helpless... I looked at him the lifeless form of what was only a minute ago a alive human being. And my eyes darkened and I got up.

"Mark?" I heard you, but I choose too ignore you.

I walked towards the church door where other soldiers were positioned, taking a short rest before returning to the pallaside. I looked at them and they stared back, I was younger then nearly all of them, but my Steel plated armor, and heavy weapons surely made an impression. "Follow me."I commanded, the men nodded and grabbed their stuff. "Where to mi'Lord?" One of them asked, and I responded "Outside. were going to kill those wild Animals in the Lady's holy name."

I had hardly stepped outside or you stopped me, your armored glove in mine you prevented me from continueing.


"What, Myra?!" I looked at you, your eyes were serious, the men continued on towards the pallaside on the far end. Even from were we stood we  could hear the shouting and see the fighting from the small wall. "Markus, we cant save everyone." You began, soft. I looked away but shook my head. "We are here to save the people!"

"Think, Mark! We're healers, let the fighting be done by the soldiers."

"We are the soldiers, Sister!" I raised my arms as if to make a point. "I think you and me are the only real soldiers here..." I faced you again, I spoke softer.

"Are you certain about that, because if I look around, all I see are fighters." You said as you let go of my hand."If you want to go lead the defense, I wont stop you. But without your help, I wont be able to help everyone in the church."

I went silent, hearing the cries of the fighters on the wall, knowing that on the other side, the large hairy monsterous humanoids, with their crude weapons stood, attacking and killing the inhabitants of this peacefull village.

"These people are going to die, Myra..." I began, "Unless we do something..."

I saw you cross your arms. "If you really want to go, I wont stop you. But remember, the Lady frowns on needless death. Especially from Her own agents. Dont kill what you dont have to, and dont die needlessly, Markus. We protect life, we hate to take it, remember that." She turned around as she finished her sentences, and began walking back into the church, I was in doubt, I didnt know what to do anymore, I was angry.. If I went there.. The People my sister was protecting in the Church, those who needed protecting. More would die... I looked over my shoulder. And then decided to head for the Wall.

When I reached the wall I had my first glimps of the large heary humanoids, Long tusk pointed up from the corners of their mouths and they had short pointy noses, they were taller then even me, I am sure. They were roaring and attacking the pallaside, the soldiers on the wall were shooting at them with short and Longbows, the monsters stood no chance, the primitive weapons they had brought had no way of breaching the wall! I evaded a thrown spear, it was about the size of my body, I looked at it, it was of the same size of the spear that had killed the man I had tried to save.

"Hold your ground! The Lady guides you all, shoot them all! "I commanded and the men roared. I deflected a long thrust from one of the monsters as it tried to strike me from the ground. I tried to hit it with my sword but it was out of reach. Eventually, the attackers retreated back into their camps, and the men, and I rejoiced, we had won.

With a grin I returned to the Church, eager to gloat to my sister about our victory. When I walked through the door I was met with the stench of dead and dying, I looked around, on my left a pile of dead, on the benches a group of many dying men, infront of me, the dead stare of my, dissapointed, sister.

"Myra... What.."

"Many of these we could have saved if you had listend to me..." She began, her eyes glowing with healing magic.  "...And kept your overeager head where it belongs." She growled at me.I looked around and my thoughts of victory and the evenings celebration decipated quickly.

"Myra can I..."

"Right now? Hold this man." She said, emotionless as she tried to save a man, she was Casting A Mending Spell, and could not move away from her target. I still was looking around. I heard my sister sigh softly. "You know Mending takes time, Markus, I had no time to help the others who were brought in. If you had stayed, you could have helped me, you could have Mended some yourself. Set bones, stopped some bleeding..."

"I'm.. I'm Sorry, Myra..." I said softly as I held down her twitching victim.. "Lets save these people. In Her name"

I saw the small grin...

Yes, you thaught me to think that day,. Didn't you? I wish I had just listened to you immediatly instead of having rushing headlong into a battle where I wasnt actually even needed. I could have saved more people if I had stayed with you.


I sighed as I looked into the eyes of Arnold, my friend, his eyes stood neutral, like mine, hiding all emotions, I had grown up over the years and with each passing day I got better at staying neutral, The middle aged Paladin Slammed his hand into my shoulder.

"Wanna talk?" He began. I shook my head.I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, it was Sabiri, the Middle aged Warpriestess she looked at me with honest concern I smiled softly.

"Thank you, both"


"Do you guys remember Ferdwood? What was it, four years ago?" I asked. Arnold nodded slowly "Yeah, it was our first run out together, wasnt it?" He answered looking at Sabiri who nodded and prepaired to speak. "It was your second mission wasn't it,  you were like, what, twenty, twenty one?'

I sighed, it was. And it had been to the same region as last. This time Myra and I had been assigned to Arnold's command, the At'Akis attacks had been getting worse, likely becasue the region had finally been assigned a House. and the Local Count,  Beller Of House Gassemer,  under whose autority we were serving, was looking to wipe out the At'Akis locals.

It was our first time even meeting Arnold and Sabiri, ofcourse we had seen them around, But this was the first time it was more then hi goodbye. We sat in our tent in the camp. We were laughing and having fun,getting to know eachother as a young soldier walked in. We went silent and looked up. Ofcourse it was Myra who stood up first.

"Excuse me, servants of Her Majesty? I am bottering you .. I... I am looking for someone to talk to.." I watched the young footman scratched his arm and both Myra and Sabiri stood up and approached.

In armies, it was our sworn duty to protect, heal, and listen to our fellow man, we served as pastors and confessors, friends and brother, Doctors to the sick. And this young man needed us.

"Ofcourse, you are not bottering any of us." Myra had started softly, the caring side of a well trained and groomed Warpreistess, the soft undertone when talking to a fellow Believer. She put An arm on his shoulder as she coaxed him further into the well ornamented tent. The young soldier smiled at her kindness.

"I think, Markus, you should handle this one." Sabiri noted. My eyes went big. "Me?" I asked in suprise

"Well, he is more of your age, perhaps he would find you easiest to talk too?" Sabiri looked at me with a questioning face.

"But I.."

"I agree.."Arnold jumped in. I looked at the Paladin, my superior. And Sighed, there was no way I would go against my betters, not after Lillithville.

"I think the same." Myra her free hand was on my  shoulder. I looked at the young soldier who was awaiting my response. I read him easily. He wasnt hiding his feelings at all, his eyes stood weak.

There was no way I was going to say no, with or without the eyes of my collegues on me this Kid needed to talk. This is one of the purposes the Lady had given me, and I would accept this convession.

"Alright. Wanna head outside?" I got up and smiled shaking his hand "I'm Markus." 

With a tap on our backs from my sister we left the tent into the evening dark. Slowly we walked around camp.

'So whats your name, Footman?"

"I'm Allaric" Allaric answerd.

"Oh, your from the eastren parts then, huh? Past River Felledwenh?" I said, excitedly, trying ot ease the conversation, I was sadly mistaken for his eyes went darker.

"Yeah.. Your right. I'm from Eastren Greanil."

"Pretty place! I've never been to Greanil before myself but..."

"Hey, Markus.." He interrupted me.

Here it comes..

"Yes, Allaric, what troubles you Brother in Her Name?

He looked troubled, almost shy, which is weird for a human man, a soldier, I guessed his age around nineteen year old. He spoke up, "Is it a sin as a soldier to be homesick?"

"Homesick?" I repeated. Homesick, atleast this guy has a real home to feel homesick about. I thought to myself. I took a second to think, I bet this guy has a loving home waiting.

"Allaric, did you know that most Paladins are orphans?"

Allaric nodded "Yes and you are raised by the Cathedral. The Lady looks after you, as She does us all."

"True, but it's not a home, right? My parents died when I was three, and my sister tried to look after me as much as she could. Being only five. And now we are both here."

Allaric looked over his shoulder and pointed at the tent, I knew he meant Myra so I nodded.

"But you, my friend, you have a family, parents, a home waiting when you get back, when you succesfully protected this place. I think you should be proud that you have something to be homesick about. And it's oke. The Lady is reminding you about what you are here for. Being homesick is not a sin, I think its a reminder."

Allaric seemed a little lost in thought.

"Anything else on your mind ,Brother in Her Name?"

Allaric twiddled his thumbs, " Markus, Im afraid to die... Ive heard the tales. Of the At'Akis,   I'm a soldier. But Im not brave."

I nodded. I could understand that, relate too it. Most young men were trained to fight from a young age but we Paladins ,Seraheens and Warpriestesses are kinda extreem in that. I didnt waste time at all as I stomped his shoulder.

"Stay close if something happens. And we'll get through. Alright? The Lady protects her fatefull."

Allaric chuckled. "Thanks, Markus, it feels nice to vent."

I had a massive grin on my face, I was enjoying this. I was helping calm this man his nerves. Atleast I was having some kind of positive effect on him.

We talked for another twenty minutes before he had to report back to his sargeant, we had a laugh, he had shared a tear, he even talked about his baby brother who he has not even seen yet.

"Allaric, Your family will love to see you again when the Lady finally sends you home. I am sure. But till then, serve, serve well Her, and our lord, Count Gassemer"

He kneeled his sword infront of him. "Yes my Lord. I shall."

I held my roseary, the Sun with Moon pendant, and spoke over him.

"May the Lady of Light protect you, you have confessed on me your feelings, you have confessed on me, your Faith. May the Lady lisen to your prayers and Forgive you in the Beyond, as I do today, Alleric of Greanil." I blessed him. And we parted ways.



I looked at Arnold as he sighed. We were both thinking about the same situation. "I remember Gallemer, I remember him being an Oaf, a tactical  dimwitt. Do you remember what happened?'


I growled, yes I did...



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