Grandmaster Navior
Michael Ray Johnson

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Mindless Chapter 2: Prayer Beads Chapter 3: Nightmares Chapter 4: Secrets Chapter 5: Sudden Decisions Chapter 6: Reminders of a Life Now Gone Chapter 7: Investigations Chapter 8: Acquaintances Old and New Chapter 9: An Unexpected Companion Chapter 10: Annai Chapter 11: Ramifications Chapter 12: Rain, Ice, and Sheep Chapter 13: Homecoming Chapter 14: Night Terrors Chapter 15: Getaway Chapter 16: Memories Chapter 17: Petty Politics Chapter 18: Sleep Deprivation Chapter 19: The Funeral Chapter 20: In Plain Sight Chapter 21: Catalyst Chapter 22: The Foretellings of Eleuia Chapter 23: Isyaria Chapter 24: Fevionawishtensen Chapter 25: Friends Old and New Chapter 26: Extended Families Chapter 27: The Pundritta Chapter 28: Upheaval Chapter 29: Prayer and Meditation Chapter 30: Friends, Foes, Both Chapter 31: Love, Hate, Both Chapter 32: Truth from Art Chapter 33: Defining Reality Chapter 34: Shattered Illusions Chapter 35: Confessions Chapter 36: Taking Responsibility Chapter 37: The Fomaze Chapter 38: Plots and Acceptance Chapter 39: Infiltration Chapter 40: Coins for the Poor Chapter 41: Slay Chapter 42: Friction Chapter 43: Harsh Medicine Chapter 44: Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe Chapter 45: Agernon Chapter 46: The Queen Chapter 47: Darkness Ascending Chapter 48: The Enemy Within Chapter 49: From the Lowest Lows to the Highest Highs Chapter 50: The Pearl Chapter 51: Execution Chapter 52: Phantoms Chapter 53: Defenders of Knowledge Chapter 54: Fire Chapter 55: Flight Chapter 56: Break Free Chapter 57: Call to Arms Chapter 58: Hiding Chapter 59: The Siege of Knowledge Chapter 60: Strength of Mind Chapter 61: The Power of Knowledge Chapter 62: The Infinite Dimensions of the Mind Chapter 63: Mind and Matter Chapter 64: Her Right Mind Chapter 65: Survivors Chapter 66: Victors Chapter 67: Turning the Tide

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Chapter 46: The Queen

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Tianna took Zandrue’s hand as the Kingsguard opened the door into the King’s Study. It was a darker room than most in the Palace, but that was down to the walnut panelling on the walls and floor. The large chandelier hanging overhead still gave plenty of light.

Zandrue and Tianna walked into the room together. The Kingsguard followed them in, and a servant outside pulled the door closed behind them.

King Wavon stood in front of a desk angled in a corner between two alcoves. He was leaning against the desk, watching them. The Queen, Gabriella, and Annai sat in three of the many red-cushioned chairs spread about the room. Patriarch Ardon stood by the fireplace in the corner opposite the desk warming his hands. He didn’t react to their presence.

Barnol Friaz also sat in one of the chairs. Zandrue shouldn’t have been surprised to see him, but she was. Worse, this was one of the very few times she had ever seen him without a box of chocolates or some other sweets. Snatching sweets from him was about the only thing he was good for.

The Kingsguard snapped to attention. “Ladies Tianna Friaz and Zandromeda Armida, your Majesties.”

The Queen motioned them forward, and Zandrue and Tianna approached her. They both curtsied low when they were a few feet from her. A large mirror—at least twice as tall as the average Folith—hung in the centre of each of the walls, a table beneath each one. The mirror on the wall behind the Queen bore their reflections and the reflections of their reflections in the mirror on the opposite wall. The reflections reflected again and again, getting seemingly farther and farther away. Zandrue found it somewhat disconcerting, especially in the flickering light. Perhaps that was why the Queen had chosen to sit in the centre of the room where the effect would be most pronounced.

The Queen looked them both over for several seconds. “I hope I don’t regret this.”

Tianna curtsied again. “I’m sure you won’t, your Majesty. May I say you look stunning today?”

The Queen raised an eyebrow. She was dressed casually as far as the Queen’s manner of dress tended. Her gown was a pale blue, and had little in the way of embellishments. She wore a couple necklaces, and her chaperon was not as tall as most of the ones she wore. “Thank you, Tianna, but I have never known you to use flattery to attempt to distract me.”

“No, your Majesty. That...that wasn’t meant...I mean, I was being honest...I…” Tianna curtsied a couple more times.

The Queen held up her hand. “That’s enough, Tianna. Have a seat.”

Tianna curtsied again, squeezed Zandrue’s hand, then scurried over and sat beside her father. He gave her hand a squeeze as she sat.

“I’ve had several days to think about this,” the Queen said. “And to discuss it with those I trust, and I must say, I do not like it. I do not like it at all.”

Zandrue curtsied. “So you said the other night, your Majesty.”

During the New Year’s Eve ball, the Queen had approached Zandrue to say she wanted this meeting. She had also taken the opportunity to tell Zandrue how much she didn’t like or trust her, and that she would make certain no harm came to her family because of Zandrue and Felitïa’s interference.

“Don’t be smart with me,” the Queen snapped.

“My apologies, your Majesty. That wasn’t meant to be rude or cause offence.”

The Queen frowned. “You are Felitïa’s closest friend, are you not?”

Zandrue nodded. “Yes, your Majesty. We grew up together. We had the same...uh...foster father.”

The Queen’s frown turned to a scowl. “You mean the Eloorin who taught her her disgraceful magic?”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

The Queen sighed and shook her head. “Yet even knowing this, somehow my daughter Annai has come to trust you. She insists I listen to your crazy story about Lady Plavin, so here I am, listening. In the King’s Study, no less. No one of your status has ever been allowed in here in my time in the Palace. Except, of course, servants in pursuit of their duties. So you see, I am taking this seriously.”

“Thank you, your Majesty. I recognise the honour you have bestowed on me.”

“It was Captain DeSeloön’s idea. I find him an odious man, but he is loyal and does his job well. This is the most secure room in the Palace. We will not be disturbed or overheard here. Now talk. You have made a serious accusation, and this is your one and only chance to convince me of its validity.”

Zandrue curtsied again. “Thank you, your Majesty, but if I may be so bold, I’ve actually made two accusations: one against Lidda Plavin and the other that someone in your court is a traitor. I just don’t know who yet. I consider that second accusation more serious at the moment because that is the person who is allowing Darkers to run rampant throughout the Palace.”

The Queen scoffed.

“Absolute nonsense,” Barnol Friaz said. “I wouldn’t listen to her, Annai. She’s either inventing an elaborate lie, or living in a fantasy world.”

Ardon turned from the fireplace. “I, on the other hand, suggest you listen to her, your Majesty. Ms Armida has valuable information that shouldn’t be ignored.”

The Queen turned in her chair to look at the Patriarch. “It occurs to me, your Grace, that you almost always side with those who oppose me.”

Ardon smiled. “Not at all, your Majesty. I side with the side I think is right. It just so happens that you almost always side with the side I think is wrong.”

The Queen scoffed and turned back to Zandrue again. “Enough with the interruptions, all of you. I am giving this woman a chance to speak. Let her finish so that I can make up my own mind about which side is...right. Continue, Ms Armida.”

“It has been established that Laänne Friaz was a Darker,” Zandrue said. “She had the tattoo identifying her as such, and pretty much admitted her allegiance to me. She tried to kill me and Tianna, and her earlier attempt on my life endangered Princess Annai as well.”

“Utterly shocking,” Barnol said. “Shocking and disturbing, but hardly proof that there are more Darkers in our midst.”


Barnol gulped. “Apologies, your Majesty.”

“Go on, Ms Armida, but get to the point.”

Zandrue curtsied again. “Your Majesty, my point is that Laänne didn’t have the resources to get other Darkers into the Palace, but there are others here.”

“The ones you claim to have seen?” the Queen said. “The man in particular? I believe you said his name was Aderman?”

“That’s correct.”

“Yet we have only your word this man exists. Only you and your friends have seen him. Rather convenient, don’t you think?”

“I would suggest that many people have seen him,” Zandrue said. “They just didn’t recognise him. In the times we’ve seen him, he’s been dressed variously as a priest and a Palace servant.”

“Your Grace.” The Queen turned in her chair again.

Ardon bowed. “Yes, your Majesty?”

“Please explain to me how someone could dress up as a priest, enter the Cathedral of the Gods, and stand in plain sight at Prince Garet’s funeral. Would no one in your clergy think it odd there was someone they didn’t recognise there?”

“Under normal circumstances, yes.” Ardon crossed the room until he was almost at the Queen’s side. “However, due to the nature of the event, there were clergy there from other locations in Arnor City and the surrounding towns and villages. There were many there that others wouldn’t recognise.”

“And did you not vet these priests?”

Ardon nodded. “Yes, and I cannot explain how he got amongst them, unless he has masqueraded as a priest for many years. However, I can confirm something else.” Ardon took a deep breath and didn’t look the Queen in the eye.

Was he actually nervous? Or was this some strange act?

The Queen raised her eyebrows. “Do continue, your Grace.”

“There was one more priest present at the beginning of the funeral than at the end, and none was seen leaving.”

The Queen stood up, glaring at the Patriarch. “And you said nothing before now?”

This was news to Zandrue, too, though she wasn’t surprised. Just what was Ardon’s game?

“I felt it prudent to conduct my own investigations. It seemed a minor discrepancy. It placed no one in any apparent danger, and seemed something too trivial to bother your Majesties with.”

The Queen circled around Ardon, scowling. “You keep too many secrets, old man.”

“Your Majesty, I—”

“You are right that, at the time, it would have seemed a triviality, hardly worth our notice, even yours. But in the last few days? Since Laänne Friaz’s horrendous attack? Since these accusations were made? You saw no reason to come forward until now?” She stopped circling in front of him, and leaned close to him. “I demand you explain yourself, your Grace.”

“I had hoped to have more concrete information to present you.”

“Not good enough.”

Ardon straightened up. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” The Queen turned away from him, strode across the room. “I’m tired of your games. You always know far more than you ever say.” She stopped in front of the King. “Wavon, stop slouching.”

The King stopped leaning on the desk and stood up straight.

The Queen turned back around and stood beside the King, taking his hand. She smiled, tilting her head slightly. “So, your Grace, please enlighten us. What do you know of this situation?”

“Only what I have said. I admit I held back something that seemed a triviality at the time and only recently has seemed something more.”

The Queen’s fake smile dropped and her lip quivered. “Tell me!”

The King grimaced and shook at her volume.

Ardon clasped his hands behind his back. “I will ignore that outburst, your Majesty. Though I tire of ignoring so many.”

The Queen let go of her husband’s hand. “And I tire of your lack of respect.”

“Your Majesty, might I remind you—?”

“Oh, I know, I know.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Without the support of the Church, Arnor would not be where it is, nor capable of sustaining itself. You continually bully us with that claim. Perhaps it’s time to put it to the test.”

Ardon stood tall. “Go ahead then. I guarantee you this country will fall apart in a matter of months. You’ll be lucky to last a year. And for such a pointless reason, as I have told you all I know.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Ardon’s gaze shifted to the King. “And what of you, your Majesty? What do you think?”

King Wavon glanced at the Queen, then back at the Patriarch. “Well, I mean…”

The Queen slapped his arm. “Of, of course, take his side, Wavon. Like you always do.” She turned away from him.

The King reached for the Queen’s arm. “Let’s just try to take this calmly.”

The Queen pulled away from him.

While everyone else was watching the King and Queen, Ardon glanced at Zandrue. It was very momentary with a slight move of the eyebrow closest to her. Then he was watching the King and Queen again.

What had that been about?

The Queen rounded on the King. “Stop being so spineless, Wavon. Either agree with him or me, but make up your bloody mind.”

The King took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right, of course, my dear.” He turned to face Ardon. “Your Grace, are you certain there is nothing you’ve left out?”

Ardon bowed his head to the King. “Your Majesty, I assure you, I know nothing more. I had no idea this extra man at the funeral had any significance until a couple days ago when Ms Armida first mentioned a mysterious individual at the Palace as well, and that she had seen this person at the funeral in priestly robes.”

The King turned to the Queen. “Perhaps it’s as simple as that, my dear.”

Ardon glanced at Zandrue again.

“I highly doubt that,” the Queen said. “He has spies everywhere. You know that.”

Ardon motioned with his eyes towards the King and Queen. Zandrue stared. What the hell was he doing?

“There’s no way he would be unaware of something like this going on,” the Queen continued.

“Perhaps because nothing’s been going on. We did come here to determine the truth of that, didn’t we?”

Ardon glanced at Zandrue.

The Queen groaned. “Yes, and he came out in support of this ludicrousness. Pay attention, Wavon. Quite clearly, something is going on, and he knows something about it. Yet he was completely unaware of this man?”

Of course. That was an outright lie. Not to the Queen, but for Zandrue’s benefit. The crafty motherfucker.

Zandrue stepped forward. “Forgive the intrusion, your Majesties, but his Grace is lying.”

Ardon glared at her.

She would never trust any of his body language ever again. Moments she thought she’d surprised him, moments she thought she might have gotten one over on him—she would never be fooled by that again.

The Queen folded her hands in front of her. “Do tell.”

“I told his Grace about Dyle Aderman the second day we were here. Dyle came to Quilla that very first night, and his Grace came to me the next day. I told him then.”

“I never took you for a liar, Ms Armida,” Ardon said.

Zandrue shrugged. “Well, I definitely took you for one.”

The Queen crossed her arms and glared at Ardon. “Wavon, your response?”

“This is a disturbing accusation, your Grace,” the King said.

King Wavon straightened his uniform. “Will you swear to me you have told only the truth here?”

Ardon stood there, hands still clasped behind his back, head raised upwards, but his eyes looking down at the King and Queen.

“Well?” the Queen said. “Answer!”

“I will not be treated like this.” Ardon spun around and marched to the door. “I will give you until tomorrow to reconsider your actions here.” He rapped on the door. “Until then, your Majesties, your Highnesses, my Lord, my Ladies, I bid you all goodnight.”

The servant outside opened the door and Ardon stormed out. The servant closed the door again.

“Good riddance,” Annai said. “I’ve never liked that horrid man.”

“Annai, show some respect,” the King said.

Annai lowered her head. “Sorry, Father.”

Annai has a point though, Wavon.” The Queen strode around her husband and then behind the desk. There wasn’t a lot of room there due to a cabinet with a bust of Queen Felitïa on top of it between two alcoves, but she managed to sit in the chair there. “Now, we have business to conclude. We will deal with the matter of this Dyle Aderman later, when the Patriarch has calmed down and is willing to tell us what he knows. At the moment, I am more interested in the accusation made again Lady Lidda Plavin. This is a serious accusation. She is the ruler of Plavin-Tyl, one of our more powerful provinces. Not to mention, she and Malef are courting, and he is already talking marriage. A Darker in the Royal Family would be…”

“If I may say, your Majesty?” Barnol Friaz said. At a nod from the Queen, he continued, “It’s a ludicrous accusation. You have nothing to worry about from her Ladyship.”

“I disagree,” Gabriella said.

“Don’t you always, Gabriella?” the Queen said.

“I was there when she was taunting Rudiger. She knew what Laänne was up to.”

“Why would she admit to such a thing?” the Queen asked.

“She didn’t say it exactly, but she taunted and made it clear something was about to happen.”

“No chance,” Barnol said. “I suggest you misinterpreted her actions. Teasing. She might have just been teasing, and it was an unfortunate coincidence that something was really happening. I have known Lidda her entire life. Her father, Harrol, was a good friend of mine. I still mourn his passing, but he raised her well, and she is a good person.”

Gabriella stood up. “You know her well, do you, my Lord? And how long have you lived here?”

Barnol pulled on his beard. “Let’s see. It must be around twenty years now. Give or take.”

Gabriella raised her eyebrows. “That’s a long time. How often have you left the Palace? When was the last time?”

Barnol continued to pull on his beard. “I admit, very infrequently, but people do come here from time to time.”

“And when was the last time Lidda Plavin was here?”

“Let’s see...I suppose it must have been...well…”

Gabriella smirked. “I’ll tell you, shall I? It was seven years ago.”

Barnol’s eyes widened, and he scratched at his beard more. “That long?”

Gabriella nodded. “That long. And the time before that was five years earlier. You see, I checked the records. They’re freely available. Check them yourself if you want to confirm. But I ask you, with such infrequent visits here and you never going to visit her there—I checked those records, too—how well do you really know her? Unless of course, you falsified your reports of where you were going on those rare occasions you’ve left the Palace, but I wouldn’t want to accuse you of that.”

Barnol grunted and shifted in his seat. “I told you, her father was a good friend of mine. I can’t believe Harrol would raise a bad child.”

Gabriella laughed.

Tianna looked to her father. “You’re wrong, Father.”

“Don’t tell me you believe this nonsense, my dear?” Barnol said.

Tianna nodded. “I don’t know Lady Plavin myself, but this isn’t the first thing like this she’s done. Last year, she tried to have Zandrue and Rudiger killed. For no reason. They just walked into Tyl, and she ordered their deaths. Isn’t that true, Zandrue?”

Zandrue nodded. “Technically, it was just Rudiger’s death, but I was with him, so I got included.”

“And you believe this woman?” Barnol said. “Not long ago, you told me you hated her. You told me you thought she only wanted to cause trouble.”

Tianna sighed and looked to Zandrue. “I did say that, but that was weeks ago.” She jumped to her feet and rushed to Zandrue’s side, grabbing Zandrue’s hand. “But I’ve gotten to know Zandrue over the last couple months, the last week especially. I was wrong about her. I trust her completely.” She squeezed Zandrue’s hand and looked up into her eyes. “I really do.”

Zandrue smiled at her, then looked to the Queen. “Your Majesty, I’m not making things up here.”

The Queen sighed. “I don’t know. This is...this just…”

Tianna rushed over to the desk, curtsied, then knelt in front of it. “Your Majesty, you know me. I’ve lived here almost my whole life. You’re like a mother to me. I love you like I do my own mother. You know I would never pledge my trust in someone if I wasn’t sure.”

The Queen leaned forward and held her hand out to Tianna. “Rise, my dear.”

Tianna took the hand and rose to her feet.

The Queen smiled at her. “I do know you, Tianna, and I know you love me. I love you dearly, too. Like one of my daughters. But I also know how easily a pretty face turns your head. I had hoped Annai’s attempts to set you up with a man would have cured you of that.”

Tianna stared at her. “But…”

The Queen patted Tianna’s hand. “Don’t worry, dear. As shocked as I am to say this, I don’t disbelieve Ms Armida. I think there is reason to be wary of Lidda Plavin, but I won’t move against her without positive proof. We have a war with the Volgs coming upon us. We cannot afford to fight amongst ourselves without good reason.” She let go of Tianna’s hand. “Annai, you vouch for Ms Armida too, yes?”

Annai stood up. “Yes, Mother. Two months ago, I would not have believed this could happen, but then she saved my life. I know Laänne was after Zandrue, not me, but the dogs would have killed both of us. She has been nothing but loyal and supportive ever since. I’ve come to regard her as a friend, possibly my best friend after Tianna. And…” She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

“And?” the Queen said.

Annai opened her eyes and looked her mother in the eyes. “You won’t like this, but attempts to set Tianna up with a man are never going to work. I happen to think she and…” Annai broke eye contact and looked to the side. “She and Zandrue would be a good couple.”

Gabriella laughed.

“That is...I mean...if Zandrue wasn’t already in a relationship.”

Zandrue forced herself not to groan. She really hadn’t meant to give anyone the impression she was interested in Tianna—especially not Tianna herself. That was something she was going to have to figure out a solution to.

Gabriella put an arm around Annai. “There’s hope for you yet, little sister.”

Annai pulled away. “I’m just...I’m just saying…”

The Queen scowled. “It doesn’t matter right now. We are not here to discuss that.” She waved Zandrue forward. “Approach me.”

Zandrue did so. Tianna took her arm and leaned her head against Zandrue’s shoulder. Gods, she really needed to do something about this.

“Lidda Plavin’s mother is a friend of mine,” the Queen said. “I will not break her heart without cause. I need proof. Get it for me, and I will have that woman’s head. Otherwise…”

Zandrue nodded. “I understand, your Majesty.”

“This is a mistake, your Majesty,” Barnol said.

“You have made your opinion known, Barnol, and I value it, as I always do. But you might be wrong on this occasion. Don’t worry. I won’t make a move without absolute proof.”

“If I may, your Majesty,” Zandrue said. “I have an idea.”

The Queen nodded.

Zandrue squeezed Tianna’s hand and turned around to face the rest of the room. “Gabriella, your Highness?”


“You know Malef better than anyone else here, right?”

Gabriella nodded. “Yes, but Pastrin knows him better.”

“I don’t want Malef brought into this yet,” the Queen said. “If Lady Plavin is innocent, he must never know of these accusations. Like Lady Plavin’s mother, I will not break his heart without cause.”

Zandrue nodded. “I understand and agree completely, your Majesty. I was wondering if, instead, we could bring Pastrin into our confidence? Gabriella, you and Pastrin have the best chance of being close to Malef—physically, I mean. And that means you have the best chance of being close to Lady Plavin. Perhaps…”

Gabriella grinned. “I’ll do my best. Rudiger can help, too.”

The Queen stood up. “Then we are agreed. But Zandrue, know that if I discover you have made all this up, that your aim is to disrupt or cause harm…”

“It isn’t, Mother,” Annai said. “I’m sure of it.”

The Queen held up a hand to silence Annai. “I am speaking, Annai. If I find out anything like this, Zandrue, it will be your head I will have not Lidda Plavin’s. Am I clear?”

Zandrue bowed her head and curtsied. “Perfectly, your Majesty.”

“Then we are finished here. The King and I have some things to discuss. You are all dismissed.”

Everyone curtsied or bowed to the King and Queen, then moved to the door, leaving only the King, Queen, and the one Kingsguard in the room.

In the next room, Barnol Friaz shook his head. “Such a ridiculous claim. Come, Tianna. Let’s return to our apartments.”

If you don’t mind, Father, I’ll be along in a little while. I wish to talk to Zandrue and Annai first.” Tianna curtsied to her father.

Barnol’s eyes narrowed and he glared at Zandrue. Then he patted his stomach. “Fine. Have it your way.” He continued to glare at Zandrue for several more seconds as he turned away slowly. When he finally broke eye contact, he stormed off.

Zandrue watched him go. Why was he so unhappy with the Queen’s decision? Why was he so determined to defend Lidda Plavin? Some of her previous suspicions about him resurfaced in her head.

“He doesn’t look happy,” Gabriella said with a smile.

Tianna snuggled against Zandrue’s arm. “He’ll calm down. Eventually.”

“I suppose we should get started on the plan,” Gabriella said. “I’ll go find Pastrin.” She took Annai’s arm. “Why don’t you give me a hand, Annai?”

Annai pulled away. “What? Why?”

“I just thought…” Gabriella nodded towards Zandrue and Tianna, though Zandrue was pretty sure Tianna didn’t notice. “You and Pastrin rarely talk. This will give you something to talk about.”

Anna tilted her head and frowned. “Pastrin and I…” Her eyes widened. “Right, of course. I really should talk to my brothers more. Let’s go find Pastrin.” She linked arms with Gabriella. “I’ll see you two later.”

Annai and Gabriella walked away, giggling, leaving Zandrue alone with Tianna and the servant at the door to the King’s Study.

Tianna tugged on Zandrue’s arm and led her to the other side of the room. “They did that to leave us alone together, you know.”

Zandrue sighed. “I know. Look, Tianna, I…”

“I know,” Tianna said. “And it’s okay. You’ve got Rudiger. I’d never expect you to leave him.”

Well, that was positive, wasn’t it? Probably not. This was going to be like Felitïa from years ago all over again—only harder because Felitïa was better at understanding other people’s behaviour.

She should put an end to this right now. In no uncertain terms, she had to tell Tianna that this couldn’t happen. But gods damn it, she needed to use Tianna again.

“Tianna, could I ask you a favour?”

Tianna looked up at her and smiled. “Of course.”

“You trust me, right?”

Tianna nodded. “Of course. I just gushed about that to the Queen, remember?”

“I know. It’s just that...well...what I’m about to ask could stretch the limits of that trust. I might be wrong, which is why I want to ask you to do this. You can determine if I’m right or wrong.”

“Okay, what?”

“It’s about your father.”

Tianna looked blankly at her at first, but her face fell slowly as Zandrue explained what she wanted.

* * * * *

Ardon was waiting for her in the study cabinet when Zandrue returned to her apartments. Marna told her as soon as she walked in.

“You used me,” Zandrue said as she reached the top of the stairs.

He was sitting behind the desk as usual. “Of course I did, but it was for your benefit. Calling out my lie got the Queen to listen to you, didn’t it?”

Zandrue sat at the desk and took the wine already poured for her. “It did, but what about you?”

Ardon smiled and drank from his wine cup. “I have nothing to worry about. One of two things will happen tomorrow. Either the Queen will come contritely to me to apologise, or if she doesn’t, I will go contritely to her.”

“Won’t that weaken your position in court?”

Ardon shrugged. “Politics is always a game of advance and retreat. You give up some power on one occasion and gain some on another. This is far from the worst situation I’ve ever been in. I had to deal with Queen Felitïa. Annai is child’s play in comparison.”

“Huh.” Zandrue took a long drink. “Your Grace, could I ask you a question about something that’s got nothing to do with politics? Well, not much anyway. It relates to your actual job.”

He raised his eyebrows. “My actual job?”

“As a priest.”

He chuckled. “Ah. Go ahead.”

Zandrue took another drink. “It’s Tianna. I’m using her for my own gain.”

“And you feel bad about this?”

“Yeah. I like her. I care about her, but…”

“How deeply does she love you?”

Zandrue closed her eyes and sighed. “I fear she’s gone pretty deep.”

“Then she will be happy to do things for you.”

Zandrue scoffed. “That hardly excuses me using her.”

“You’re right. It doesn’t. Do you believe what you’re doing is for a good cause? That it justifies your actions?”

“I hope so.”

Ardon nodded slowly, and took another drink of his wine. “Then your guilt is your punishment. If you felt no guilt, then we might have a problem.”

Zandrue pondered for a moment. “Not exactly what I was expecting.”

“Few things are.”

“Or are you telling me these things so I’ll do them because that’s what you want me to do?”

“What do you think?” he asked.

Zandrue laughed. “I haven’t got a clue what to think.”

“Then I’ll tell you what I think.”

Zandrue leaned forward in her chair, running a finger along the lip of her cup. “Please do.”

“I think you and Quilla are the best hope the Palace has to ferret out what’s going on before something truly disastrous happens. However, you don’t like to be manipulated, so I should do as little of that as possible.”

Zandrue leaned forward more.

“Thus, my advice to you is sincere. I mean what I say.”

“You’ve figured something else out, haven’t you?” Zandrue said.

Ardon smiled and raised his glass. “I knew I could count on you. A toast. To victory over the Darkness.”

Zandrue raised her glass and they clinked them together. “To victory over the Darkness.”

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