4338.209.3 | Pleasurable Torment

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"Kain," the soft, melodic voice sung to me from the darkness, eliciting a wide smile, its soothing timbre echoing in my ears like a lullaby.

"Kain," the voice sounded again, this time lacking its melodic quality and accompanied by a sharp poke to my ribs, jolting me from my drowsy state.

My heavy eyelids fluttered open, and the morning daylight streamed into the tent, casting a warm glow on the surroundings.

"Good, you're awake," said Glenda, her broad smile enhanced by the golden strands of her hair pulled back in a ponytail, exuding a sense of calm and reassurance.

As I stretched my tired body, a sharp pang of pain shot through my wounded leg, a harsh reminder of the ordeal I had endured. Longing for the oblivion of sleep and the numbing effects of morphine, I silently pleaded with Glenda to grant me another dose, hoping to escape the throbbing ache that plagued me.

"Try and hold still," Glenda instructed, tearing open an alcohol swab and rubbing it onto my arm, preparing to administer another injection. Caught off guard by the sudden prick of the needle, I let out a soft gasp, the sting jolting me back to full consciousness.

Confusion clouded my mind as I realised something was amiss—the injection failed to trigger the expected movement in my leg. Panic gripped my chest, my breathing quickened, and I struggled to form words through my mounting fear. "I can't feel my leg," I wheezed, my voice laden with desperation.

Glenda's piercing gaze locked onto me, concern etched across her face. "Are you certain?" she questioned, her voice laced with urgency.

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. "Am I going to lose it?" I choked out, my voice trembling.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Glenda reached down and pulled back the lower end of the blanket, exposing my wounded leg. To my surprise, she swiftly thrust the empty syringe into the arch of my foot, prompting a sharp pain to surge through my leg.

"What the fuck was that for!?" I yelped, wincing as the pain radiated through my limb.

A soft smile played on Glenda's lips as she reassured me, "Your leg still has feeling."

"No!" I cried out, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I meant the other leg."

Glenda's expression turned tense, her brows furrowing in confusion. "That doesn't make any sense," she muttered almost to herself, her voice betraying a hint of frustration. Then, with newfound determination, she issued a command. "Close your eyes."

Sniffling, I complied, waiting anxiously for the next instruction, my mind filled with questions and apprehension.

"Do you not feel anything?" Glenda's voice broke the silence, tinged with concern.

"No," I replied, shaking my head, bewildered by her query. "Should I have?"

After a momentary pause, Glenda's voice carried a mixture of reassurance and uncertainty. "You're going to be just fine."

The rustling of the tent signalled Chris's entrance, drawing our attention.

"We need to get Kain to the lagoon, now!" Glenda informed Chris, urgency in her tone even before a proper greeting could be exchanged.

The mention of the lagoon sent shivers of panic coursing through my body, and I whispered, my voice barely audible, "Not the lagoon," shaking my head vigorously in protest.

Glenda's gaze bore into me, searching for answers. "Why not?"

Overwhelmed by the terror that gripped me, I could only shake my head, my mouth unable to form words to articulate the deep-rooted fear that consumed me.

"It's okay," Chris interjected, his voice calm and soothing. "The beast has been killed."

But it's not the beast I'm worried about, I screamed inwardly, taunted by the haunting memories of my previous encounter at the lagoon, with my uncle present no less, the image forever burned into my mind.

Glenda swiftly took charge, her voice resolute. "Help me lift him," she instructed Chris, as he squatted beside her.

Chris slid his arm beneath my shoulders, attempting to lift me, but with a wounded leg and the other seemingly paralysed, our efforts only led to stumbling and a helpless collapse back to the ground.

Wide-eyed, Glenda made a swift decision. "I'll get Karen."

"No need," Karen's voice rang out from the tent's entrance. "I figured you might need some help," she said, quickly moving to her husband's side. She turned to Glenda, ready to assist. "What do you need?"

Glenda wasted no time, taking full command of the situation. "We need to carry Kain to the lagoon."

My heart skipped a beat, a surge of dread coursing through me as I realised that Glenda was determined to take me there, against my desperate wishes.

"He currently has no use of his legs," Glenda added, her words sinking my heart even deeper into despair.

"I'll take the bulk of his weight," Chris told his wife, his voice filled with determination. "Can you support his waist and legs?"

As the reality of my situation settled upon me, the inevitable journey to the lagoon unfolding before my eyes, I closed my eyes, resigning myself to what lay ahead.

"Of course," Karen replied with unwavering support.

Grunts and moans filled the air as the couple lifted me from the mattress, their strength and determination carrying me forward, even as uncertainty and fear gripped my soul.

Reaching the water's edge, dread consumed me as Karen and Chris carefully lowered me onto the bank of the lagoon, their disregard for my pleas to return to camp and recover like a normal human adding to my frustration and despair.

My eyes fixated on Glenda as she extended her fingers, cautiously dipping them into the clear lagoon water. A visible shudder coursed through her body, although she seemed determined to ignore the eerie influence of the lagoon. Bracing myself, I anticipated the familiar zings of pulsating energy that would accompany the sprinkling of water on my wound.

But instead, to my surprise, Glenda firmly grasped my leg and swiftly submerged it into the lagoon. The anticipated zings were replaced by an overwhelming surge of pleasure that engulfed my entire leg, intensifying and racing toward my groin. Helplessly surrendering to the sensations, I emitted a groan that straddled the line between pleasure and pain.

Reacting swiftly, Karen and Chris pulled me out of the water, breaking the spell that had momentarily consumed me.

Gasping for breath, I sought solace in the freshness of the air, desperately yearning for any form of relief from the conflicting sensations coursing through my body.

"He's fine," Glenda reassured the couple, seemingly oblivious to the torture she had just subjected me to.

Biting my lower lip and blinking rapidly, fighting against the waves of pain and the relentless surge of sexual energy that demanded release, I pleaded, "I want to be alone for a while," hoping to find some respite from the overwhelming intensity of the moment.

"Don't be such an idiot. You can't be alone right now," Karen scoffed, dismissing my plea without a second thought.

Turning to Glenda, my tear-filled eyes implored her to understand the turmoil I was experiencing, but it was clear that my silent plea fell on deaf ears.

"Karen's right," Glenda affirmed, extinguishing any glimmer of hope I had held onto, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. "It's not safe for you to be alone out here."

"Then take me back..." I started to implore, the words tumbling out in a desperate plea.

"I'll stay here with him," Chris interjected, looking down at me, his compassion shining through his gaze. "I can clean his wound."

Suppressing the unsavoury thoughts that filled my mind, I halted myself from rejecting Chris's offer, realising that having one person present for whatever followed was preferable to the scrutiny of all three of them witnessing my intimate struggles.

Glenda shrugged her shoulders, addressing Chris, "As long as you make sure his leg gets submerged for a reasonable amount of time."

At the mention of another submersion, my leg involuntarily jerked, a reflexive response to the trauma I had already endured. I can't bear to go through it again.

"Regardless of how much he groans about it," Glenda emphasised, tightening her grip on my leg, her words sinking in with a grim finality.

Chris nodded silently, conveying his understanding and commitment.

Finally released from Glenda's grip, she rose to her feet, her presence no longer a constant reminder of the agony that awaited me.

Karen's uncertain pout revealed her reservations. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she questioned, her concern evident.

"We're sure," I interjected, urgency colouring my voice, desperate to get the two women on their way.

Chris shrugged in response to Glenda's questioning gaze, silently affirming his readiness to shoulder the responsibility.

"You could lose your leg if you don't let the water help you," Glenda admonished me, her grip firm as she passed by, extending her hand to Karen and guiding her to her feet.

Frustration welled within me. Is Glenda truly oblivious to the lagoon's effects? I pondered silently as I watched the two women ascend the first sand dune, their figures growing smaller in the distance.

"Come on," Chris coaxed, crouching beside me, reaching for my leg. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"It's fine, I can do it myself," I retorted, pushing Chris's arms away, my stubbornness fuelled by a mixture of defiance and fear.

A cool shiver coursed down my shoulders, the soft voice of Clivilius speaking to my mind. Let the man help you, it whispered gently. He can be useful to me.

I gulped, feeling the weight of my resistance and the consequences it would bring. I don't want to, I defiantly retorted within my thoughts, daring to challenge the voice that urged compliance.

Then your leg won't heal, the voice persisted, its reminder of the stakes leaving me conflicted and uncertain.

"Fine," I relented sharply, defeat overshadowing my tone. "Have it your way."

"I'm just trying to help you," Chris responded, raising his hands defensively, his hurt evident in his eyes.

Softening my stance, I sighed softly, realising that my harsh words had been mistakenly directed at him. "I know," I reassured him, my voice carrying a genuine gratitude for his intentions.

As Chris encouraged me closer to the water, my expectation for the anticipated sexual urges grew, and I nervously held my breath. The water didn't disappoint; an instant exhilaration shuddered through my body as Chris pushed my foot into the clear water. Splashing water over my leg, Chris began to wipe away the crusty blood. Biting my lower lip, I leaned back, resting on my elbows as I mentally battled the sexual urges that pulsated through every vein in my body.

Peering through half-opened eyelids, "Do you not feel it?" I asked Chris softly, amazed that he remained completely calm and seemingly unaffected by the lagoon's waters.

"Feel what?" Chris asked, urging me toward the water as he submerged me to my knees.

I gasped loudly.

"Painful?" asked Chris.

If the water has no sexual impact on Chris, there's no need to reveal my secret now, I concluded, quickly stopping my head mid shake and swapping it for a vigorous nod.

Sinking back to silence, Chris seemed content with the explanation.

Your leg needs him, Kain, Clivilius whispered softly.

My brow furrowed. I don't understand what you want from me!

Help him feel my presence.

What the fuck!? Another shockwave of energy pulsed up my legs and culminated in my groin. My arousal was instant. Eyes shut tight, I gasped again.

"Perhaps that's enough," said Chris, attempting to drag me back from the water.

Your leg, Kain.

"No!" I cried out, causing Chris an immediate stop. "Maybe you should get in the lagoon."

Chris looked at me oddly. "You think I should go for a swim? Now?"

"Not a swim," I said, realising how absurd my outburst must have sounded. "Maybe just wade up to your knees or something."

Chris shrugged, "I guess I could." Rolling up his trousers, Chris stepped into the water.

I watched with interest, as the water still appeared to take no effect.

Chris waded out a little further, sending gentle ripples lapping against my still semi-submerged legs. Tingling sexual urges vibrated up my thighs. How the hell does Chris feel nothing?

Unexpectedly, Chris removed his shirt and threw it to shore. The sudden movement sent larger waves against my legs, and a strong vibrating energy travelled up my thighs, pulsating in my groin. My eyes widened as I gazed at Chris's hairy chest. Chris wasn't the toned type of guy and had a slight tubbiness to him, but his gentle curves drew my attention deeper.

It's just the water fucking with you, I told myself, and forcing my eyes closed I leaned back on my elbows.

A warm, rough finger touched my right calf.

My cock throbbed intensely. Please stop, my mind begged.

Don't resist Kain, or I will make your leg mine.

"Shit!" I hissed; a response intended for both Clivilius and the second finger that now slowly travelled up my leg. The two fingers were joined by a third and fourth. Quickly, a hand pressed firmly against my flesh as it moved up my thigh. Travelling up the inside of my shorts, fingertips glided lightly across my balls. Fuck! Why does that feel so good!?

The fingers continued their exploration, causing a strength in my shaft that didn't seem humanly possible.

The hand retreated. I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, to think of Brianne, but I couldn't. A thick fog smothered my brain, the happy neurons firing out of control and waves of pleasure eliminated any thought that attempted to intervene.

A shadow passed over my face. Opening my eyes, Chris's chest hovered above me. I stared into the maze of black and smattering of grey hairs that covered most of his chest and trailed down his abdomen and further below. Unable to control my body, I placed my hands on Chris's hips and slowly slid them behind him, pressing my fingers firmly into his wet flesh.

The unzipping of Chris's trousers sent an uncanny zing of expectant pleasure shuddering down my spine, as though all inhibitions were being stripped away. Chris's firm member poked through his trousers, the lubricated head glistening in the sunlight.

Slowly, Chris leaned toward my face and as unwanted instincts kicked into gear, my mouth opened to receive him. Deep grunts of indescribable pleasure escaped Chris's lips as he moved himself with a calm rhythm inside my mouth. A hand moved unabashedly down my abdomen and slipped beneath my shorts. Fingers wrapped tightly around my engorged cock, massaging it to the same rhythmic movement, as though he were making us as one.

Chris's moaning grew louder and faster, matching his intensified movements. I could sense that he was close. And so am I!

A wet thumb slid across the head of my cock, smearing my precious liquid over it. The final stimulant applied, almost instantly I culminated in Chris's palm as it cupped over the tip of my uncontrollable member. Rubbing my own fluids over my still pulsating cock, Chris withdrew from my mouth, and I watched as he squirted copious amounts of ejaculate across the Clivilian sands.

Elated and satisfied, I reflected on the pleasurable torment. You better heal my fucking leg! I warned Clivilius, as my elbows finally buckled, and I fell back to the ground.

Collapsing beside me, Chris's breathing was just as heavy as my own, and in silence, we lay beside each other. I didn't dare look at him, and as the warm sun began to dry my skin, my eyes closed.

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