
In the world of The Familiar of Zero

Visit The Familiar of Zero

Ongoing 4333 Words

Chapter 3: A Normal Day

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Miss Longville stood outside of the headmaster's office with her ear up to the door. She always had a habit of wanting to be in on all of the secrets. Legendary familiar? Use any weapon? Is that why...

She heard footsteps approaching and straightened herself in front of the door. It opened to reveal Professor Colbert leaving the office. "Hello, Professor!" She said with a smile.

"Oh!" He was surprised. "M-Miss Longville. Good afternoon."

"I came to report that the fight has ended. Lord Guiche had been defeated by the commoner."

"I see." Colbert chuckled nervously. He moved out of the doorway to let her in.

As she began walking into the office, Colbert spoke. "Er... Miss Longville?"

She turned around to look at him again. His face went red. "Is something the matter?"

"If it would be alright," He hesitated. "would you like to join me for lunch?"

She considered for a moment, then smiled at him. "It would be a pleasure."

The morning light woke Saito. He slowly opened his eyes to see his body covered in bandages. It ached, but he didn't feel any pain. What happened... The events of the duel came back to him. That's right. I won... somehow.

He brought his left hand to his face and stared at the runes. They no longer glowed. What was that about?

His attention turned to his right arm which had been broken. Now it looked normal, as if nothing ever happened to it. As he lifted it to inspect, a sudden realization hit him. He was in Louise's room. Moreso, he was in Louise's bed. He quickly looked around the room.

Louise sat at her desk across the room. Her head lay on the desk, facing towards Saito with her eyes closed. She was using her arms as a pillow.

She's asleep. He realized. Did she put me here? The memory of Louise crying came back to him. Maybe she does care...

The door opened to the image of Siesta in her maid uniform. She carried bread and water on a silver tray.

She looked at Saito and smiled sweetly. "You're awake."

"Yeah..." He watched as she set up the tray beside the bed. "What happened?"

"Lady Valliére had you brought up here to rest." Siesta sat down on the bed next to him. "She bought the components for Professor Guiteau to cast a healing spell on you. You've been asleep for three nights now."

"I see..." Saito frowned. "Did the components cost a lot?"

"Well, it's certainly something a commoner couldn't pay for." She sat on the bed beside Saito and noticed his frown. "But Lady Valliére comes from a famous household, so I wouldn't be concerned about it."

So she's rich... Saito looked over at the sleeping Louise. This is probably just a minor inconvenience for her then. He looked back at Siesta. "Did you tend to me this whole time? I'm sorry."

"Oh." Siesta was taken aback. "No. It wasn't me. It was actually Lady Valliére..." She looked over at Louise.

"Louise did?" He joined her gaze at Louise.

"Yes. She constantly changed your bandages and washed you. I don't think she slept one bit."

Saito watched Louise as she slept. She's so adorable when she sleeps. Her breathing was slow and gentle, but there were dark circles under her eyes. She really was worried about me.

"I'm also sorry." Siesta spoke up. Saito looked back at her, confused. "For running away..."

"Don't be." Saito shook his head. "It's nothing to apologize for. I was being a bit of an idiot." He laughed.

"Nobles are always so scary to us commoners, since we can't use magic." Siesta looked back at Saito. "But you won against a noble, even though you're a commoner. You've inspired everyone, Saito!"


"Well, all of the kitchen staff..."

"Hurrrr." A soft yawn came from across the room. Louise stretched her arms and then looked over at the two of them. "Aa-" She blinked in surprise. "You're awake."

"Yeah..." Saito looked down. "Umm, Louise?"


"Thank you."  He looked back up at her. "I'm sorry I made you worry."

With a serious face, Louise stood up and walked towards them. Siesta stood and moved out of the way as she came up to Saito.

Wha- What is she doing? Saito looked up at her. Louise reached toward his chest and leaned over him. Is she gonna kiss me again?!

She grabbed him by the shirt and slapped him across the face. "Next time, listen to your master! Now if you're better, get out of my bed." Louise pulled him by the shirt out of her bed.

"Ow! I'm still injured!" But he relented and allowed her to pull him up. The pain wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

"You're well enough to complain." She pushed him away from her bed and proceeded to throw clothes at him. "Wash the clothes that piled up while you slept. Once you're done with that, clean up the room. Hop to it!"

"In that case, I'll take my leave now." Siesta quickly fled the room.

"Uh, Louise. What about the battle?" Saito asked.

"What? Did you think you'd be congratulated for disrespecting your master and causing trouble? Are you an idiot?" Louise yelled back at him as she sat on the bed.

She doesn't care at all. Saito glared at her. She's so arrogant and selfish! Her pink hair rippled and her hazel eyes twinkled as she was swinging her legs. Why does she have to be so cute?!

Saito walked into the kitchen at the back of the Alviss Dining Hall. Everyone called out to him as he passed.

"Saito!" Called out a server.

"Good morning!" Called a chef.

"Lady Valliére cutting your meals again?" Asked a dishwasher.

"Our Sword!" The last man called. He was a tall stocky guy well into his forties with bushy eyebrows and a short beard that matched his short dark brown hair.

Saito woke from his coma almost a week ago, which Saito recently learned is eight days long in this world. Since then, he had been doing all of the chores she demanded of him, but each day she seemed to add more tasks to his list.

"Hey, Marteau!" Saito happily replied. Every day that Louise refused to feed him, he came to the kitchen to eat with staff. Everyone here seemed to love him and happily have him. Marteau treated Saito almost like a king, giving him the best food he'd ever had.

"That Valliére girl won't let you eat again?" Marteau asked with a laugh.

"Yeah..." Saito sighed. "I didn't wake up before her this time, so she said no breakfast." He sat down at the table.

"Well, I've got a special one for you today!" He grinned wide. Siesta brought out a plate of fish with lemon and herbs. "Today we have herb-baked flounder."

"Oh, wow!" His eyes grew wide. "You made this for all of the students?"

"No." Marteau shook his head. "It was a special request from Professor Colbert and his date. So I took the liberty of making an extra plate for Our Sword! Siesta, get the fine young man a bottle of Albion's finest."

Siesta came back with an exquisite bottle of wine and pour some in a glass for Saito. Siesta watched with a grin every time Saito came by.

Professor Colbert and Miss Longville sat at a table for two on the upper level of the Alviss Dining Hall. In front of each of them sat empty plates containing leftover food scraps. They were engaged in conversation with each other, smiling and laughing.

"So is there actually anything inside the Treasury then?" Longville asked.

"There is, yes." Colbert replied. "Though the only thing of interest is the Staff of Destruction. It's been there for almost four decades now. It's certainly one of the strangest looking artifacts I've seen."

"Oh. What does it look like?"

"It's hard to describe." Colbert thought to himself. "It looks like a really thick wand, but with extra parts."

"That does sound strange." Longville laughed. "I have to admit, I'm impressed with how knowledgeable you seem."

"Eh? Well," Colbert laughed nervously. "I just happen to come across a lot of documents pertaining to the treasury. I like to consider it part of my research. Thanks to that, I'm still single."

"I'm sure the woman you marry will be very happy with you." She smiled at him. "Afterall, you'll be able to teach her so much. I personally love to learn."

"What would you like to know?" He blushed.

Longville thought for a few seconds. "What does the Staff of Destruction do?"

"From what I could read, it casts a powerful spell that can destroy almost anything. Even square mages can't defend against it."

"Oh." Her eyes went wide. "It must be well guarded then."

"Quite right. It's impossible for just any mage. The treasury's defenses were devised by a group of square mages." Colbert leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Though I believe it has one fatal weakness: physical force."

"Really?" Longville was taken aback.

"Yes!" Colbert's smile twisted into an annoyance. "I even brought it up to Sir Osmond. With Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt still on the loose, it's more important than ever to sure up the defenses of the vault."

"Who's Fouquet?" Longville cocked her head to the side as she wondered.

"A terribly dangerous thief that's been wreaking havoc amongst the nobility." Colbert leaned back, seeming to think. "He's been stealing many ancient and valuable artifacts across Tristain. So far, no vault has been able to stop him. If the vault can't be unlocked with magic, Fouquet uses a giant golem to break his way in."

Longville frowned. "And you think this Fouquet might try to steal the Staff of Destruction?"

"If he did, I fear his golem might well be able to break through the outer wall of the treasury. He's supposedly been spotted in the area. But Sir Osmond still won't strengthen the vault's defenses."

The conversation died out as Colbert appeared to be in deep thought.

"Miss Longville." He looked back up at her after a while. "Will you be attending the Ball of Frigg this Yule day?"

Longville was surprised by the sudden shift in conversation, but she smiled at him. "I'm not familiar with it. What is it?"

"It's a tradition held here at the academy. It's nothing spectacular; just a party of sorts." He looked confused at her. "You don't know of it?"

"No." She shook her head. "I've only been in Tristain for the past two months."

"Oh." Colbert's eyes went wide. "Where did you come from?"

"Albion." She gave a melancholic reply. "I fled from the revolution going on there. That's how I lost my noble status."

"I see..." Colbert went quiet, unsure of what to say.

"But what about this Ball of Frigg?" Longville broke the awkward silence.

"Oh. Well..." Colbert chuckled nervously. "I was, uh, wondering if you'd like to..." He hesitated as he blushed. "attend the ball with me."

"Even though I'm no longer a noble?"

"That doesn't matter to me." Colbert shook his head.

Longville smiled sweetly at him. "Then I'd love to."

Saito walked up the stairs of the Void Tower which spiraled around the outer edge. Once he arrived on the third floor, he turned onto the hallway. He was carrying a load of laundry that he had just finished washing and drying. Moonlight shone through the window at the end of the hallway.

He stopped at the second door on the left. Another day of endless chores almost over. Louise was likely finishing up dinner and would be back soon. He had to get the clothes put up before she returned or he would be denied the table scraps he received as dinner again. After that, he could finally sleep.

As Saito grabbed the key to Louise's room from his pocket, the door down the hall to the right opened. He looked over to see Kirche's salamander come crawling out. Flame? The salamander approached him. Saiito kneeled down and held his hand out towards the familiar. "What are you doing out of Kirche's room?"

Flame let him touch its head, then the creature bit softly on his jacket arm and pulled at him.

"What is it, boy?" Saito looked confused. "You want me to follow?" He let the salamander drag him over to Kirche's room. What does she want with me? He set the laundry on the floor and entered.

The door slammed behind him, and the room was pitch black save for moonlight shining in through the open window.

"What's going on?" He asked nervously. Flame scurried off and disappeared.

"Welcome to my room." He heard the voice of Kirche say.

"It's pretty dark in here." He responded. Is she also going to chastise me for not 'respecting' Louise as a noble?

Kirche snapped her fingers and Saito could finally see as lamps lit the room. Her room was wider and shorter than Louise's, with a curved wall stretching to connect to the other two walls thanks to her room being on the corner of the tower.

Saito then noticed Kirche lying on her bed to his right. She wore a purple camisole over matching panties, which contrasted sexily with her tanned skin. Saito gulped. He couldn't take his eyes off her large cleavage.

"Don't just stand there. Come to me." She said in a sultry voice.

Saito was anxious and mesmerized, but he obeyed and sat on her bed. His eyes wouldn't leave Kirche's nearly-nude body.

"Like what you see?" Kirche gave him a knowing smirk. "I'm not called the Ardent for nothing."

Saito suddenly realized where he was looking and quickly shifted his eyes to her face. Her face was just as sexy, with sharp features and a natural glow. Her brown eyes shimmered under long dark eyelashes. "Uh- uh... Sorry." He nervously laughed.

She sat up and leaned on him. Running her fingers along his chest, she said "Your grandeur in defeating Guiche was so... heroic. You looked like a legend." She leaned her face closer to his. "When I saw you at that moment, I knew I was in love. You're so brave."

Louise stood in front of the kitchen, hesitating to enter. Despite hearing about it from others, she had never done this before. She took a deep breath and slowly reached for the door.

"Lady Valliére?" A voice came from behind her. Louise turned to see the maid, Siesta, standing there. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Eh-eh..." Louise stammered. "I was just... uh... going to see the head chef."

"Oh." Siesta politely smiled at her. "I can show you the way."

She led Louise through the kitchen. Louise looked around at all the workers. They were each busy at work with their respective station. The dishes were loaded high and being cleaned. The stoves were blazing with fire as the chefs cooked. Servers ran back and forth every which way. It was a well-organized mess.

Despite this, all of the workers took their time to say hello to Siesta. Louise pretended not to notice each of the workers give herself an irritated glare. These commoners really don't like nobles. Maybe I shouldn't be here.

They reached a stocky older man who turned around and gave a joyful "Siesta!" He then looked at Louise and said with a slight bow, "And Lady Valliére. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I, uh-" Louise stuttered. Why am I so nervous? It's just a simple request. She recomposed herself. "Mr. Marteau, I would like to make a meal request."

"Oh! Is that so?" He chuckled. "We're close to finishing for the night."

Despite his excuse, Marteau always enjoyed when the nobles requested special meals. He always made them pay a hefty amount and shared the money with the entire staff.

"I understand." She said. "I brought money. I just wish for a simple meal for my familiar." Saito had served her faithfully for a week now, and she thought she should do something for him in return. Though she never mentioned it, she did feel bad to summon him out of wherever he came from.

"For Saito?" Marteau's face lit up. "There's no need to pay, Lady Valliére. It's on the house."

Louise looked confused, but she was relieved to not have to pay. She already spent most of her money on components, and it would be another month before she could ask her father for more money.

"Kirche!" A voice from the window yelled out. Kirche's room was on the third floor, yet a boy with long green hair stood outside the window.

Saito recognized him as the same guy speaking with Guiche before they had their duel.

"Gimli!" Kirche called out, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I came as soon as you canceled." His face twisted in anger. "What are you doing with that guy?!" He was about to come in when Kirche sent a wave of flame through the window at him. He dodge out of the way, only to come back to a closed window.

Kirche drew the curtains. "I knew I should've kept the window closed." She muttered to herself before turning back to Saito. "You didn't hear anything, did you?"

"Uh.. What's up with him?" Saito asked.

"Just a friend. Nothing else." Her voice shifted into a sultry tone once more as she approached him. "Right now, I only have love for you, Saito..." She pushed Saito down onto the bed and locked lips with him.

Louise walked up the stairs of the Void Tower. In her hands was the container of food she had acquired from the kitchen. Why did he do it for free? Malicorne said he charges a lot for his special meals.

As she reached the third floor, she approached her door and opened it. Inside, it was dark. Saito was nowhere to be seen. Where'd he get off to this time? She searched the room with no luck. Has he still not finished the laundry? Normally, she'd refuse to give him dinner, but she got this meal special for him. Maybe just this once it's ok.

She resolved to go to the fountain where Saito did their laundry. As she left her room, she noticed clothes set on the ground outside Kirche's room. A quick glance told her it was an academy uniform, but she noticed other clothes as well. After she approached, she set down the food and inspected the pile. She could see the uniform was small and the other clothes were Saito's.

Her face went red and twisted in anger as she looked up at Kirche's door. That idiot better not be in there!

Louise slammed open the door to the image of Kirche on top of Saito making out. They both immediately moved their heads to look at her.

"Kirche!" She screamed.

"Don't you see we're busy here, Valliére?" She replied with a slightly annoyed voice.

"That's my familiar, Zerbst!"

Saito decided to stay quiet. Fear overtook him as Louise's eyes burned with fiery anger.

"He may be your familiar, Valliére, but he's still a man." She got up and stood before Louise. Staring down at her, she continued. "Fire and love are the fate of the Zerbst household. It's not my fault you have zero sex appeal. So respect his choice."

"Kirche..." Saito stood up. "I'm sorry, but I can't. This is all too fast." He stood beside Louise, hanging his head.

"Aww." Kirche pouted at him. "You're leaving so soon?"

"Come, Saito." Louise stopped glaring at Kirche and spun around. Taking Saito's hand, she pulled him out of the room.

Louise closed the door behind them and let go of Saito. She silently went over to her wardrobe. "I almost saw you as a person." She rummaged through a drawer. "Looks like I was wrong."

Yeah, right. Saito thought to himself. Like you'd ever see me as a person.

"And now you go wagging your tail at that Zerbst witch." Louise pulled out a well-crafted whip from the drawer.

"Uhh... What's that for?" He eyed it with fear. Maybe I should've stayed with Kirche. Why did I go with Louise?

"You're just a dog in heat, aren't you?" Louise cracked the whip. "How is that girl any better?! What's so good about her?!" How dare she say those things!

Saito dodged a smack with the whip and grabbed her wrist before she could attack again.

"Let go, you moron!" She struggled to break free, but Saito's grip was too strong.

"Are you..." Saito stared down into her eyes. "Are you jealous?"

He was answered with a swift kick between his legs. The air escaped his lungs and he dropped his grip on Louise. Grabbing the injured area, he collapsed to the ground. That hurt. That really hurt... I think I'm going to die. "Was... was I wrong?"

"Obviously!" She smacked him with the whip. How could he think such disgusting things?

Ow! "Ok. Ok. I was wrong." He writhed in pain.

Louise sat down on her chair, crossing her legs. Her breathing was still heavy and uneven.

"You can go out with anyone you want. I don't care. But not her!" She declared.

"But why?" Saito sat up, slowly recovering from the pain.

"First off, Kirche isn't Tristainian; she's from Germania. That alone is bad enough; Germanians are the worst!"

"Second off," She continued. "Valliére has estates on the border of Germania, so we're the first on the field whenever a war starts. And Zerbst is right on the other side of that border. They're our sworn enemy! We've lost countless family members to war against the Zerbsts"

"What's this have to do with me?" Saito wondered. "I'm just a lowly familiar."

"I don't care. I won't lose a single bird to that family! I'd shame my ancestors if that ever happened."

"Your ancestors have nothing to do with me though."

"Yes, they do!" She glared at Saito. "You're my familiar. As long as you're under my control, you follow my orders."

Saito rolled his eyes. "Familiar this... Familiar that..."

"Is there a problem with that?" Her eyes narrowed at him.

"No..." Saito sighed. "I'll just have to live with it."

"Besides, you should be thanking me." She said haughtily.

Saito's jaw dropped. "For what?!"

"If word got around that a commoner became Kirche's lover, do you really think you'd survive?" She looked down at him. "Kirche is attracted to power. Guiche is nothing compared to her lovers."

A chill ran down his spine. He hadn't thought about how he'd protect himself here. The last time, he was lucky to be given a sword by Guiche, but he can't rely on his enemies to always give him one. "Louise... Can I have a sword?"

Louise was perplexed. "Don't you have one?"

"No." He stared incredulously at her. "How would I?"

"Aren't you a swordsman?"

"No. I've never held one before the fight with Guiche."

"But you looked so natural in that fight." Louise looked thoroughly confused.

Saito shrugged. He suddenly realized that the two of them had never actually spoken about the fight a week ago. "I don't know what happened. My body just felt so light and agile as soon as I picked up that sword."

"Hmm..." Louise went into deep thought.


"I mentioned before about familiars getting a special power when the contract is made. Maybe you got the ability to wield a sword." She pondered. "In that case, maybe we should ask the Tristain Academia."


"It's the royal court's research agency. My sister works there." A chill ran down Louise's spine as she realized what she said. On second thought, I'd rather not deal with Éléonore at the moment...

"What kind of research would they do?"

"U-uh..." Louise stammered. "Many kinds of experiments. Like... autopsies." That'll scare that idiot away from that idea.

Saito's eyes grew wide. "I-I'll pass." Louise was right.

"I'll buy you a sword then." At least then he'll be able to protect me. Her face blushed at the thought.

"You will?" Saito looked stunned.

"Of course."

"How rare..."


"I thought you were such a miser. You even freak out about my food."

Louise remembered the food she had brought for Saito. "I can't let a familiar get used to luxury. It makes for bad habits." She got up from the chair and walked towards the door. "If it's a necessity, I'll buy it. I'm not stingy. Tomorrow is Void day, so I'll take you shopping then."

"Where are you going?"

"Stay here." She demanded and left the room.

Saito shook his head and crawled onto his bed. At least that's over with. He lied there, going over the events that just happened.

Louise was in the hallway. She looked over towards Kirche's room. The food was still there, and so was the laundry. That idiot still never finished it. She picked up the clothes and food and made her way back to the room. I'll make him finish the laundry, and then he can have his food. I'm not a miser. After he sees this meal, he'll apologize for sure.

Louise opened the door with a smirk. "As a reward for your hard work-" She stopped as soon as she noticed Saito snoring on his bed. Th-this familiar... After I do something nice for him, he's just going to go to sleep instead. She started moving for her whip, but she stopped.

She stared at the sleeping Saito. He wasn't the worst looking. She could understand how someone might be attracted to him. His strange ways certainly seemed exotic. Is he actually telling the truth about being from a different world? No matter how many times she had thought about it, she just couldn't believe there being another world out there. Let alone one without magic.

She set the food down on her desk and moved over to her wardrobe. Just this once. She thought as she began putting up their clothes.

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