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Devin Turley

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Equilibrium of The Heavens

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Equilibrium of The Heavens

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Equilibrium of the Heavens


Cradled within the boundless depths of the starry heavens resides a sanctum,

one that keeps the stellar balance of the universe: “The Celestial Observatory”

The purpose of this temple is to serve as a tool to watch over the stars peppering the night sky.


Dormant within this ancient structure is a divine space faring avian.

“Arael, The Celestial Starbird”

He uses the observatory to watch and maintain the balance of light and dark within the heavens.


Should the watchful eye of Arael fail to uphold it’s ever vigilant gaze on the stars,

the imbalance of light and dark would surely consume the universe with chaos.


However, to maintain this balance means that even within this gentle creature there is dark.

A push too far in either direction would cause a shift in the gentle equilibrium.

An influx of either light or dark would surely bring the end to the entire universe.

For this reason a magical barrier was placed on the entrance of the observatory.



Within man, much like the light and dark of the heavens, there is a duality.

In this duality man fights to maintain balance between his pure goals and dark desires.

While the Celestial Guardian’s goal was pure, so too were their desires dark.


It would not be long before this dark temptation corrupted their hearts–

plunging knives of betrayal into the back of Arael.


With Raymund, Arael’s mind was taken.

With Vedette, Arael’s spirit was ruined.

With Gaudrum, Arael’s heart was shattered.


Much like the starbird they were meant to protect, the seals were broken.

Though the barrier came crashing down, there were no invaders to greet Arael.

There didn’t need to be. The damage was done not in words or action, but silence.


Consumed by sadness, anger, and betrayal, the avian of balance had shifted towards darkness.

Gone was the Arael once known for maintaining the heavens. Darkness now corrupted him.

In his place a beast with feathers as black as night and fiery red eyes of hate was created.

“The Apex of Darkness”


With a mighty screech darkness lurched forth from the dark bird–obliterating the observatory.

From this darkness spawned warped memories of Arael’s pain, sadness, and rage.

“Gaudrum, Force of Destruction.”, “Raymund, The Tormentor”, and “Vedette, Lady of Deceit”



The dark cry of The Apex of Darkness was heard from all corners of the universe.

It was the noise that sounded the coming of the end.

Heroes from all lands and stars would come to save the corrupted avian and the universe,

only to be met by his memories of anguish.


The fighting was brutal and harsh.

Never was there a victory that belonged to those who fought for light.

As hero after hero fell, so too did their stars, until the sky was as ink black as Arael’s feathers.


Worlds and homes fell as life was drowned in a sea of black.

The universe had come to a disastrous end with the Apex of Darkness harolding it’s doom.

All was lost, until one distant star shined brightly out of the void.


From this star came warriors far more valiant, pure, and powerful than any who came before.

“Voidbringer Knight Aleck”

“Brina, The Light Comet”

“Raymund, The Stargazer”



Wielding the darkness for protection, Knight Aleck was a very kind soul.

More often than naught he puts the protection and care of others first even above himself.

His abyssal strength lends to his vigil over his friends.


Brina, speedy like a shooting star, prides herself as a deadshot archer no matter the distance.

Her arrows of heavenly light can pierce the densest of darkness.

The only thing brighter than her arrows is her heart and love for her companions.


Fighting to overcome the regret of his own betrayal, Raymund returns with a new resolve.

He now seeks the blessing of balance, both from the cosmos in the night sky and from within.

Drawing from the universal equilibrium of dark and light, he can mend any wound.


These heroes, forming a new pact, formed the new Celestial Guardians.

They would challenge The Apex of Darkness and the twisted memories that served him.

A battle of legend broke out between the warped images of the old guardians and the heroes.


In the end the heroes who fought for the universe reigned victorious.

Before them was the harold of the end; the lord of all darkness.

However, more importantly he was their friend Arael. For him they must prevail.


A clash to top all clashes occurred the fateful day–

The warriors fighting for the return of light, and a being and pure darkness.



Ink black talons clashed with Raymond’s barriers of stardust and celestial energy.

Brina’s arrows of light flew like comets through the sky to clip the dark bird from the air.

Aleck’s great sword seethed with cosmic darkness as it struck The Apex of Darkness.

After the long battle the harold of darkness was felled.


Broken before the heroes, the corrupted avian awaited the brisk blade of death.

However, no such attack was laid upon him.

Instead, words of understanding and encouragement were offered.

No weapons or magic, but words were chosen as the blade to banish the darkness.


Raymond, Brina, and Aleck would offer a new pact if Arael would give them a chance.

After so long a beacon of light burst from within the starbird.

He would allow this light to envelope him, so he could restore the universal balance.

Born from this transformation was “The Apex of Light”.


Casting down the shadows that had consumed all life within the universe,

life had been entirely reborn as stars flooded the skies once more.

Reborn along with the heavens was The Celestial Observatory.

After flooding the universe with light once again, Arael returned to normal to maintain balance.



The three heroes kept true to their word and established a new pact with Arael,

one they intended to keep pure despite the darkness inside all.

Devoting themselves to the title of Celestial Guardians,

the barrier around the observatory was raised once more with newly formed seals.


To Aleck: The Defender’s Seal.

To Brina: The Attacker’s Seal.

To Raymund: The Healer’s Seal.

And finally, as the universe reached an equilibrium, Arael’s Seal of Balance formed.


The Celestial Observatory was now locked tight once again.

It has resumed it’s duty to overwatch the cosmic balance of the universe,

now guarded with newer, stronger guardians–stronger friends.

With peace newly restored, life blossomed anew from the balance restored.


Memories of what once was swirl and clash within the starbird on occasion.

Inner balance is a difficult achievement,

let alone keeping the universe in its entirety stable.

However, with Arael’s friends he will find a way.


Such is the way of the celestial starbird that watches over the stars in the night sky.



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