Chapter Twenty Five

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Alder felt a searing in his arm, down to the elbow. He siezed and gripped the spot with all he had, willing the pain to vanish, but instead it only grew in intensity. He screamed, going hoarse in the process. His voice cracked as tears of pain streamed down his cheeks and began to darken his shirt. 

It's a dream Alder.

Suddenly he was awake, lying on his back beneath a itchy wool blanket that did more than he'd have expected to keep out the night chill. He tensed his right hand and felt the joints of his fingers slide through their paces. Then he tried on the left, and for a moment he thought he felt the same, but when he turned to watch the motions, he realized the reality. 

His wrist was gone, well and truly gone. There was little in the way of gruesome injury, the seperation, though painful at the time, was fairly quick. Whatever magic had been done to take his wrist had done so with surprising efficiency and the wound was nearly scared over already. 

I should hope so, I take pride in my work after all.

"I don't think I'm going to grow used to not have a private thought anymore."

I can't hear everything, and if you were better trained this wouldn't be an issue.

"Excuse me," Alder groaned "for not being perfect."

He raised himself from the floor and slowly rose to his feet. He'd slept in his clothes, under the blanket or otherwise he'd remain armed, if only single handed. Alder chuckled to himself and looked around. Jeann, Albert, and Hargis were gone. Of course Hargis would be in the manor, he'd made it clear that they were safe to stay but that they couldn't go near the manor. 

That was fine, the stables had a small house nearby that they were allowed to use, provided they didn't sleep in it. So it was the stables for bed and the small home for most else. He found chopping more wood for a fire that night, creating another sizable stack with the effortless motions that only those physically enhanced could. 

"Morning Jeann." Alder said

"Morning," She swung down and split a log "Alder."

"Wheres Albert?" 

"Resting in our little home, I think." 

"Any plans for today?"

She paused and stared at him, "This isn't a vacation, Alder, were still wanted people. Wanted by one of the most powerful men around this area."

"But only this area." Alder said

"It doesn't matter. Look, Oridis meant to be back today. Hopefully they'll have a plan and we can go from their."

"Okay, okay." Alder felt a sense of defeat wash over him. He'd just woken and already he felt like lying down and just sleeping through the day. "I didn't mean anything by it. Just trying to get my feet on solid ground."

"Yeah? And hows our guest?"

Upset to be refered to as something other than what I am.

"And what would that be?" Jean asked

Part of Alder, and a part that wants to help.

"So you've claimed." 

"I'm too tired and hungry for this." Alder said. His stomach grumbled as if to accent the point and he turned towards their little cottage. "I'm going to make food, try not to go too far with the wood chopping."

She waved her hand in dissmissal and turned to set up another log, lining the axe up for its quick descent. She breathed out and shifted the weight, sending the blade through the wood and snapping it apart in a single motion. 

The inside of the cabin was little more than a few sections of a room, a partition, and a woodstove. Some chairs and a large table were set in the center. Albert sat at the table, mug in hand and plate half empty of an egg and sausage. That sounds like a magic trick, making a decent breakfast appear. 

"Morning Albert,"

"Good morning Alder, how did you sleep?" Albert was perky in the mornings. He was always perky, in fact, there were few times that Alder could ever remember were the man was little more than a bubbling ball of energy and joy. 

"Oh, fine. Bad dreams, but thats the way it goes." Alder walked to stove and saw that the skillet was still on and heated. He went to reach for an egg with his left hand but froze when his mind caught up. oh, thats gunna take some getting used too as well. 

"Alder, if you need help I can-"

"No, no. Just getting used to it is all. It'll take some time, but i'll be fine."

"Its okay if you need some time. You lost a limb, you don't adjust over night."

He knew that. Gods that was obvious, everyone knew that. Of course you didn't adjust to losing a whole limb over night. He'd managed to escape with little more than a wrist taken in the process, he couldn't imagine what he'd be like without an arm, or a leg. 

"Well, Hargis said he might have a spare limb around. Nothing fancy i'm sure, probably a few straps and makeshift clamp, but it'll do. Losing a limb is nothing, its just pain."

"I know, but this is the first time you've had to deal with this kind of thing."

"You've lost limbs before then? You and Jeann, mostly metal then?"

"She wears two suits of Arc armor, Jeann basically is metal, but I see your point. I meant the injury."

"Look," Alder grabbed an egg with his right hand and cracked it into the skillet, then placed a pair of sausage links beside it. "I don't need to be coddled. Besides, i'm still figuring out how I feel about the whole thing."

"Thats understandable. Theres a lot to process." He paused "What about you, Nadea, how are you doing?"

Fine. I have no material problems without a form, and I can sustain myself of the excess energies around. 

"Thats... great, but how are you adjusting to being apart of Alder?"

Assuming we can begin training, I'm sure it will be fine. He seems adequite as hosts go.

"Wow," Alder plated the food carefully and slowly walked to the table "What a wonderful compliment. I'm so glad."

"It's something." Albert said 

You are a suitable host for my needs, plenty to work with.

"Not much better," Alder said. He took a bite of egg and found he'd burnt the bottom a touch too much. He muttered a curse and pressed on. Each mouthful felt like a lifted weight, pulled off and sent on high without him every having realized its presence. 

"She is trying though," Albert said "thats something."

"So you've said."

Albert took a beat and gulped down some of his drink, then looked around. He seemed to be taking everything in, deciding what was threat and what was docile. Everything apparently checked out because he returned his sights to Alder and gave a thin smile. 

"What now then?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," Alder said "I asked Jeann if she had plans for us and I'm suprised I survived the encounter."

"She's a bit upset,"

"I could tell."

Is it something to do with us?

"You could say that..." Albert muttered

"What do you think we should do about Philistine?" Alder asked, blatantly changing the subject. He had no desire to linger on the angers of Jeann or the problems he'd accidentally caused. 

Alder was a man who had spent his entire life dedicated to one task or another. He fixated on them, worked them, studied them, then finished and moved on to the next. That was his path, as it had been before, and would be later. He was sure of it. 

However that still left him in the situation currently found himself in; lost and without a clear direction. So thats what he needed now. Damn be the injury or the loss, I made my deal and I'll make sure she honors it. 

I will, you have my word. 

Forgive me if i dont take the word of some being taking space in my head. 

You need to trust me, Alder. That is the only way that either of us will get what we want.

"You keep mentioning that," Alder said aloud "What is it you want?"

"What did she say?" 

"Nadea, I'm tired and don't have time for the games. Just tell me what it is you want. If you wnat me to trust you then we need to begin here."

I would have prefered this be a more... private conversation.

"It's too late now," Albert said "Come on, tell us.

It isn't something that you will understand. Ethereal beings work on a different scale than mortals. Our wants and needs, they're beyond your comprehension

"You could just say you don't know," Albert offered. "It's okay if you don't. Most people don't know what they want. Well, except Alder of course."

"And I'm still waiting on that," Alder said "Magic, Nadea, what about magic."

I told you before, it isn't so simple. You need to train, and I can't provide you anything you don't already have. All I can do is give you the understanding to the gifts you possess. 

"What would those be?"

I will show you, if you trust me. 

"I believe she has you on that," Albert said "Trust her and get what you wanted, right?"

"Or mistrust her and possibly stay alive."

"Come now, the Alder I know would never let a little thing like 'Death' get in his way."

"Well that Alder was also in possession of a left wrist."

"Just give it a try, perhaps you'll find something that benefits you."

I believe that your talents may prove usefull for the field you serve. Perhaps others. 

"How would you- right, you know everything I know. My past and those memories."

"How is that?" Albert asked "Thats got to be strange."

"Honestly I'm not sure, but I don't think I like it."

Its for the best, a proper connection was and is required.


Both desires. 

"Cryptic," Albert shrugged and leaned back "But you've decoded worse I'm sure."

"But those were different, this is something entirely new. A whole new section, field, chance for study." suddenly his mind was racing with ideas. What was he thinking before, he had a perfect chance to investigate creatures of the Ethereal realm now! This was exactly what others at the Academy had been searching for for generations, and now it was conveniently at his finger tips. 

imagine what she can teach me, teach all of us. The possibilities were... well not endless, but certainly large and prosperous. Ethereal energy was magic. It fueled Arcane study and gave each person the abilities they used daily. It gave the soul its very existence. If he could better understand that, then there was no telling what he could do.

"Fine, when do we want to begin?" Alder asked

Whenever you are ready.

"Then lets get started."

It was early morning and Alder was feeling the worst that he'd physically felt, possibly ever. His limbs, those that remianed anyway, screamed in pain and agony. He feared for his lungs, as each breathe drawn felt like a dagger through his heart. His muscles ached, his legs sore, all in all he was a physical wreck. 

Yet in his mind, as the sun crested over the mountain range and lit the valley, Alder felt a rush of excitement. It was unimpeded by the second skin feeling of Nadeas existence, and he was able to bask in the warm glow of the early sun as it warmed the hills of the valley. It was peaceful, Alder decided, more peaceful than he'd have figured anyone would find. 

How do they survive out here with all the monsters that lurk in the woods?

"Hard to say," Alder scratched his chin and looked towards the manor atop a small hill overlooking the fields and entry road. "Well trained I'd suppose."

"What are you doing now?" Jeann asked. 

She was in her lesser armor, apparently she still felt the need to wear some portion of her kit. It was likely habit, alder decided, from years of dedication to her craft. It still increased her speed, relfexes, and strength, but it lacked the various other nifty tricks that her actual Arc armor would provide. It was likely lighter than the actual armor too, and that never hurt anyone.

"Nadea said she was going to help me understand 'my powers', whatever that means."

It means, you have a talent that you haven't found yet. Once you have that, you'll be well on your way to understanding Abstract aspect. 

"Thats the third one, right?" Jeann cleared the distance in mere moments and sidled up alongside to match their pace. "Physical, Mental, and Abstract right?"

"Thats right. Though Mental and Physical are the only two that actually get real use."

Abstract, or the aspect of it, is present at all times around you. It is Ethereal. 

"It isn't anymore or less Ethereal than the Physical or Mental aspects though." Jeann said. 

They found their way to a clearing nearby the cabin and barn, just before the treeline and far enough way that they'd not disturb the manor. Alder stretched out and tried to summon energy he didn't feel. His mind was ecstatic at the prospect of learning and being taught how he would actually use magic, but that didn't change the fact that he'd nearly died yesterday. 

In reality, he'd have likely taken several days to cope and process the whole event. That would be the case in the best of times, but that wasn't the life he was leading right now. He led the life of a Pere, a mercenary who sold their soul to the Empire in exchange for a nifty title and a chance at fame & fortune. Why had he chosen that life again?

I was wondering the same, your memories of the decision involve Jeann a lot more than your own feelings on the matter.

It was hard to tell when she was speaking directly to him and him alone, or when she was talking to the whole area as it were. He played the safest bet, which was to ignore the question entirely. She'd get her answer from his thoughts, she likely knew as he thought it, but it didn't matter becuase... well, magic!

Yes, alright. You're like an excited puppy. You understand casting don't you? Yes, yes. Alright, then we can begin with the basic concepts. 

For forty minutes, Nadea ran them through the basic understanding of Ethereal energy as it was known up to that point. It was in everything, in everyone. It gave you life and powered magic as all knew it. It filled the Gewels and gave them their personalities. It was responsible for nearly every technological invention and innovation over the past several centuries, and that ignored the work it did with the practical and natural technologies. 

"I understand all this," Alder whined "Get to the good part."

"Pushy," Jeann said "I'm enjoying our extended lecture on the very core basics. You know, the stuff that everyone knows."

Fine, I get it. We can move on to something more interesting to you. Perhaps, moving?

"Like walking?" Jean asked "isn't that even more basic."

No, more like moving your whole body from one spot to another in an instant. 

"Teleportation?" Alder scrunched his face "Thats just theory, few have pulled it off."

Its very possible, and you can do it. All you need to do is focus on shifting the entirety of your being from your current location to another. You need to visual being their, being in that spot and some of the surroundings. Barring that, you need to be able to see it. 

"You make it sound so simple." Alder said "How in the worlds do I 'focus of shifting the entirety of my being' anyway?"

Its far less complicated than you seem to think.

Nadea was difficult to read, not especialy because she lacked a form, though that helped, but mostly because she seemed to be just on the edge of being... real? Her words were sarcastic and her tone would shift in his mind, but she still seemed so formal about everything. There was only bits of a character poking through. Whatever the creature was, it was nothing like its previous selves. 

Course, they could have thought the same thing. Look where they are now.

I'm telling you, i'm on your side. I don't wish to engage in conflicts against my host. 

Ignore it. 

"So, how do I do it, shift my form to another location that is. Is there some special ritual or gewel involved?"

No, simply focus on the core of your being and envision it in another spot. Force yourself there by the Ether connection in all things. 

So more mystic jumble, well that was fine. Alder could work with mystic jumble, he just had to interpret how it was really meant to go. These situations always had someone with the proper understanding but who was terrible at sharing it. Why would his journey have been any different. He was pursuing knowledge, of course there would be obstacles. 

He hadn't even wanted to learn about anything that the creature could teach nearly an hour back, but it mentioned the chance to become a proper caster. That had been the plan anyway, now things were getting stranger with each passing hour. 

Focus on your center, and try to force it forward. Pick a spot and keep it in your mind at all times, then picture yourself there and-

"You're talking yourselves in circles." Jeann groaned "Just try it and fail so we can move on to berating you for your decision. 

"Thank you, Jeann." Alder stretched out a palm, feeling it was the best thing to do, and fixed his gaze on a point some few dozen feet away. It was the center of the clearing before the trees and the area was empty of anything, spare a few rocks and bushes

He focused his mind on a single spot, a small patch of darkened grass, and stuck the picture in his mind. He affixed it to the foremost of his thoughts, and tried to place the rough design oh his fram above it. It was odd, performing visual feats in ones mind, and wasn't the most helpful either, but he needed to try if this were to work. 

"Okay," he said "Okay, lets just breathe. Breathe in and out."

"Come on! Hurry up!" Jeann called. Albert strode over to her and stood by her side, adopting a similar look of bewildered puzzlement. 

Alder shot her a look, but the woman merely smiled and made an urging gesture. Well I guess all I can do is try, right?

That is correct. I am certain you'll get it. 

He wasn't certain of anything, least of all was the possibility that he would actually move by means of casting. Still, he wasn't going to ignore the chance to try and that was what this was. A chance to fail confidently, and everyone needed that. 

"Alright. How do I...?" He'd taken a readied stance, but when he considered the action he realized he had not the slightest clue of how to best go about it. Envisioning yourself there was one thing, but actually getting the energy to do what you wanted... that was more complicated. 

Choose. From what I can tell, you can cast mentally and without physical aid. Just do that.

"Easier said than do, but I guess I have no choice do I?"

"Get on with it!" Jeann cried

"Fine!" Alder snapped "Fine! Here we go!"

He pictured the patch of darkened grass and fixed it in his mind again, then tried to pull on the well of magic within. It felt... different now. He couldn't put a finger on the sensation, but it was certainly there. Alder ignored it, prushing it aside like a leaf. He needed to try this, here and now. He pulled a strand on the ever filled threads within and felt the energy bellow out and into his frame. 

Alders body felt warmer, and with the energy flowing through him at the steady pace it was he was left with an overwhelming sensation of tingling throughout his body. He shuddered involuntarily and tried to right him mind, something about the energy felt different now. Like it knew something he didn't. He could feel strands of anticipation wraping themselves around his very frame. 

"Okay." He said. "Here goes nothing."

He blinked. 

He was somewhere else. He wasn't where he had been standing before, and he could feel the strands of lingering energy around him fade back into the world. Alder turned to see Jeann and Albert laughing and cheering, Jeann rushing up to congratulate him. He went to speak, and fell over to vomit. 

There may be a few... side effects to your first actions in this aspect. The body rarely reacts well to them.

"You should have," Alder was forced dry heave and tried to steady himself as Jeann arrived, making obvious actions to avoid and ignore the regurgitated breakfast before him. 

"Well," She said, lifting him to his feet in a single motion "That was something. You can do real magic now!"

You speak like magic is an instrument. Being able to "do" and "not do" magic. Everyone is born with it, some are just given different gifts. 

"It doesn't matter." 

Alder was frozen in a mix of shock and overwhelming pride. He'd done something amazing, something beyond his normal talent. It wasn't a small hand of flame or healing a minor cut. He'd moved himself, with magic, across a field. That was... Well that was beyond him! 

"I did it?" 

You did, albiet very poorly.

"I did it." He repeated. Pride welled up within, a new pride. One that he'd never felt before, like a reinforcement of his convictions. He had been right, He had found a way to do something, anything, other than the barest of spells. He'd found a talent! He could, in essence, teleport. Sure it was a small distance and likely would make him vomit each time, but he could still do it!

"I wonder what else this can do. I wonder how far this range can go. What if I could paintings of locations and use them for-"

"Okay," Jeann cut him off "Easy there. You just did it once, make sure it isn't a fluke before you get too excited."

"Do you feel up to it again?" Albert asked

I can help by limiting you feelings and alowing you to focus on the task.

"I'd appreciate it if you never did that," Alder said "Ever."


"Yes, I want to try again. This time I'll go a bit farther and see if that works."

"How far are you thinking?"

"The floor of the barn?"

Jeann paused and stared him down "You're mad."

"Come on! You saw me! Imagine what I can do with this!" 

"Shouldn't you try something shorter than that?" Albert asked

"Its only a hundred or so paces away, its still a short distance. Nadea, can I go through walls?"

In theory, but I would advise against-

"Got it," He smiled.

He could do magic now. He could cast. He could perform something that made him extraordinary now, like Jeann and Albert. Like other Arcanists. He had so much ground to make up now. So many years untrained in it. He needed to push himself as fast as possible, damned be the concerns! He could cast magic that wasn't just for household chores. 

He pinned the image of the floor in his mind, and pulled on the strands of energy once more. They hummed to life, and he felt the tingling return. Jeann stepped back a pace and looked him over. 

"Alder I really think that you-"

He blinked and her words were lost as he collapsed on the floor of the barn, unconcious. 

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