
Table of Contents

Chapter 1

In the world of Erthos

Visit Erthos

Ongoing 1336 Words

Chapter 1

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In the year 105, humans had made the way along the coast of the Vortex lake to the land of towering hills and rocks. It would become known as the Northern Hills but for now it was just known as the Western lands. Families were fleeing the lands of Lake Edge, fearing the current atmosphere of debauchery, hedonism, and lawlessness that was forming in the town. Many had fled to the south of the town but stayed away from the lands that were claimed by the dwarves. Only a few families had gone to the land to the west,

The Elves who resided in the northern woods warned those travellers of the dangers which still resided in that land. Many minor Spirits had not fled to the Eternal domain, instead choosing to attempt to edge out a meager living in their remaining Essense. They did this by hunting mortals and elvens, draining them of their Essense. With the warning of the elves, the human travellers came prepared to protect themselves.

Soloma Narral led her family through the hills with  two wagons and her family's sword out at all times. She came to many fine pieces of lands that she thought may do but she always found a reason why they would not settle there. First was a small valley by a hill that almost constituted a mountain, in her mind it did not get enough sunlight to support crop growth. Then they came to a series of hills that had a lush forest throughout it. At first they thought it would be a hospitable land but found it was already inhabited by capricious Spirits.

One night, while on the trail a grove of trees were ahead of their path and she wanted to make sure that nothing dangerous lurked within before passing under the boughs. They had already been ambushed by a pair of Spirits who swung among the branches and rained down spikes of ice as the wagon caravan came underneath. It was a harrowing experience and afterwards Soloma made sure to always scout ahead of the party.

That was when the warrior got the first glimpse of the Spirit she would come to know as Drake Wisemoon. As she walked through the groves with her sword drawn she felt the powerful pull of magic coming from the center of the trees. When she came around the corner of a deer trail she saw a rift in the air; a tear between the dimensions. From out of the glowing purple portal stepped this magnificent creature, at first she thought it was a man until she saw the feline face and golden mane of hair around his head.

At first Soloma thought that this Spirit would strive to attack her family and claim their Essence. Yet, when he noticed her behind the tree, his dark blue eyes showed his compassion and honor. She became enthralled by the eyes as they gazed at her. So enraptured she did not hear the footsteps from the monster who had been stalking her for the mile walk to the woods. Fortunately Drake had; his greatsword came streaking through the air, passing just over her head and severed the monsters twisted jaw from its body.

This was just the first monster that Soloma and Drake would defeat with one another. Drake did not know what had brought him from his realm in the Eternal Domain but the portal had closed behind him; giving him no other option than to find a way to return home through different means. What better way to find a way than to travel with this warrior woman who was exploring her world.

Once the family had been settled in the lands that would soon become known as the village of Haben, they went off together to explore the surrounding realm. They defeated the Drake of the Silver Waters; freeing a tribe of dwarves who had been enslaved in its mines. Going to the aid of the elves across the river; they slew the cruel warlock, known as the Soul Eater, who had arisen among the first race. 

Soon their exploits caused them to gain a bit of fame among the first humans. Other families began to gather around the homestead they had set up by a small lake. They were drawn by the promise of fertile lands, safety, and even some came for the adventure.

Soloma and Drake gathered a few like minded individuals and journeyed with them through the lands. The rogue, Alev, fleeing a bounty on his head in the town of Crook Crag joined them first; his hunger for treasure immense. Then one of the new Clerics who worshiped the Greater Spirits, Shanil, had joined after the other three came to her, bloodied from their latest adventure.

Together they faced immense dangers and worked to protect the lands. As they all adventured their bonds grew closer and closer. This bond drew the attention of a new enemy. A fearsome Spirit descended on the budding village of Haben; it blew through at the begining of winter, freezing a family of five that lived in the woods nearby the village center.

The party went to the family farm, hunting for clues to hunt down the Spirit. When they arrived at the farm they found the diabolical destruction which chilled each member to their core. Resolute, they followed the trail, which seemed to easy. They headed to the north, past the great river into lands unexplored. No one heard anything from the party for 2 years and many felt them lost.

Alev wandered into the village of Haben in the year 136; his body greatly aged and frail. He carried the body of Soloma on his back. As he neared the village center he was rushed before the elders of the founding family. His health was failing and he only managed to get a short message out before his life expired.

"Great evil lays beyond the river; captured for years, we were tortured. Finally Soloma, Drake and I were able to escape but he would not leave without his love Shanil...She was kept separate from us, a special treasure to that damned Malu. He charged back into that damned fortress of bone. He came back, greatly wounded, carry only this diamond he said was the Spirit of Shanil. We tried to make it back but the vile servants of Manu caught us in a small glade of trees by the tar pits.

We fought but Drake sacrificed himself so we could escape. He put the last of his Essence in the diamond and bide us to flee with it saying, 'One day our essences combined will gain enough strength to free us both from our prisons. It shall find my weapon, once it is brought back to where I arrived, then together we shall free my love'. Soloma tried to argue so Drake stabbed his sword into the earth, splitting it and stopping the monsters from following us. 

When we crossed the river, we turned for a moment and saw Manu himself on the other side. A spear of magic struck Soloma; killing her. Please put her to rest... keep this gem with her for it is the only way to save Shanil and should be protected."

With that Alev perished as well and the two adventurers were buried in catacombs beneath the Council Halls. The diamond was laid to rest with Soloma; though many in the village argued that it should receive its own place of honor. A wizard who had come to town revealed that the diamond itself was magical but very faint.

In the year 401, the town had grown and most had forgotten about the diamond buried under the catacombs. A violent eruption tore the earth and through the building of council. Something shot through the sky over the lands and out towards the east. The guards investigated and found the source came from the tomb of Soloma; the diamond was missing.

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