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The Imaginary Mage The Pointed Devil

In the world of Esura

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The Imaginary Mage

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The people were excited. The plentiful harvest had brought in more wealth than normal and the inhabitants of River’s End had spent the last few weeks using it to prepare for the yearly Progenitor’s Day. The extra money that the harvest had brought in let them go all out in preparing. In years past the festival consisted of local entertainment and food but now they were able to put up tents in the small clearing to the north of the village and fill them with food and goods that in prior years had been but a fantasy. As the Canines in charge scurried about preparing for the next day, none paid any heed to a young vulpine among them. Even though his diminutive stature among Canines was quite pronounced he walked with purpose, as if he should be there, as if he had an important job to do. His clothes were slightly tattered and stained along with his fur which was matted and gave off an unpleasant smell. Still, because of his confidant walk and stature no one gave him a second look. 

 Anzou had made a living out of looking like he belonged in places where he shouldn’t be and in fact, the festival had made everything so incredibly easy. As long as he kept an intent look on his face, mixed with a forced excited smile that matched everyone else, he could trick just about anyone. He made his way through the tents that were still being set up, ducking in and out of each one searching for his prize. Along the way he made a habit of snatching a few things when others were not looking. His favorite were the deep red fruits that lined one of the vendors' tents which would certainly serve as dinner tonight. However, it wasn’t until he got almost through the entire fair grounds did he find what he had been searching for, the entertainment tent. 

A quick sniff with his small black nose told Anzou that no one was inside and without a quick look he ducked in. His nose had been correct, there was indeed no one inside but it was filled to the brim with different ways that entertainers would excite and amaze the townspeople. From elaborate costumes for plays depicting the life of the Canine Progenitor Eukithor. To equipment used in death defying stunts that always seemed to get the best applause. There were puppets for the children's areas, musical instruments, play weapons, real weapons, anything one could want but Anzou was looking for something specific. He was looking for a small box or a small barrel-like container and let his nose guide him until the scent of dirt and sulfur caught him. Bingo! The smell was emanating from a small deeply stained wooden box with words etched into the top and clasped shut with a simple latch. Anzou dug under his cloak and produced a small, well worn leather bag and opened the small box. First a strong whif of sulfur and dirt hit his nose but inside was his prize, a sand like substance, jet black and grainy to the touch with a small scooping device of wood half dug in it. Anzou went about filling his bag, taking over half of the box before tying the bag off and putting the box back where he left it. 

Just as he was going to leave the flap of the tent lifted back and three Canines, standing a full three heads higher than him, entered. Anzou quickly hid the bag under his cloak and greeted the Canines. 

“Morning!” Anzou said in a chipper, joyus tone, mimicking the way the rest of the townsfolk had been speaking all day. All six eyes fell onto him sending a slight shiver up his back that hopefully was not visible to them. The one in the middle studied Anzou before a sneer formed on his jet black muzzle. 

“What’s a Fox doing here?” He scoffed. 

“Just making sure my act has made it all the way from Timberwharf.” Anzou quickly responded, trying not to pay any mind to the slightly derogatory term. The Canine studied him for another second before deciding that the Vulpine was not something he should bother himself with. He pushed Anzou aside and the others followed suit. The Vulpine took it as a win and ducked out of the tent back into the brisk air. 


Anzou found a nice secluded spot to work away from prying eyes and set out setting up his ‘act.’ He laid out a mat and very carefully poured some of the black sand on it. He then set about wrapping small amounts in a black paper, about the size of a small rock. After about a dozen of those he moved on to filling small cylinders and a few other small objects before carefully placing them in a small leather pack on his belt which conspicuously disappeared behind his cloak. The bag itself still had quite a lot left over and Anzou nodded proudly to himself, with a cache like this he could support himself for a good while. With everything prepared he headed back to a place, just off the main road within River’s End next to a few vendors. The spot, he had determined, had enough foot traffic to be seen yet had enough space for him to work and not be studied too much. He layed out a small bowl in front of him and then with a swift breath, forced a smile and called out to those passing by. 

“Have you ever wanted to see a real Mage up close? Have you ever wanted to know how they do it? Then step right up and watch me with a steady eye as I amaze you with real spells I learned from traveling across all Kaugrush!” His voice carried over the passerbyers as if it were floating above them and sure enough a few of them looked his way, they paused for a fraction of a second but Anzou knew he had them. 

“Ah I see some are indeed interested in the magical arts!” He shouted, raising his right hand into the air. While he did his left slipped under the cloak and palmed one of the hidden paper pouches. He then extended his right index finger and started drawing something in midair. Honestly, he had no idea what he was doing and made it up every time. The only thing Anzou knew about casting was that Mage’s had to draw releases in the air before anything happened. He had never actually seen someone do it but most people hadn’t seen one either. So with a flourish of his arm to hide his movements, Anzou rubbed two rings he wore on his thumb and index finger on his left hand creating a spark between them. In a fraction of a second he broke open the paper and threw it in front of him right as the spark came in contact. Then before everyone a small, almost imperceptible cloud ignited and a ‘CRACK’ filled the air. A flame blossomed but had used up all the fuel in less then a second and it was gone. Scattered applause rose from the crowd and Anzou nodded his head in appreciation.  

Anzou had been pretending to be a Mage for a very long time and had self taught himself many ways of faking the magical arts but by far the best was anything that had to do with fire. At least the best that was within his realm of doing so long as he had the black powder. It was quite rare but his hunch was correct over some being used in the Progenitor festival and now he had a supply that would last at least a few months. He went on to do more things such as conjuring fire from the ground, accomplished by casually dropping a pack and rolling over it with his foot which ignited the volatile powder. Or holding the flame in his hand, which didn’t actually hurt because of the quickness that the fuel burned away. The applause steadily grew louder with each trick and the audience started to leave small amounts of change in his bowl. He gave each person a large smile and thanks as normal and they all went about their way, probably never to think about him again. Exactly what he wanted. That was until an older Canine dropped a few silver pieces into his bowl. 

Anzou couldn’t believe his luck, a few silver pieces was more money than most of his shows combined. He bowed slightly at the older canine and professed his thanks. The Canine had a soft smile on his gray muzzle and an overcoat over his shoulders. His left hand gripped a cane but he stood tall and proud. 

“Wonderful show!” He said through a voice etched with age. “If you don’t mind my intrusion, where did you learn to do all those things?” 

“Oh, around!” Anzou said. “Mostly to the east, across the mountains.” 

“Wellspring? Not the most magical of towns.” The older Canine chuckled. “Makes it even more impressive.” Anzou bit his tongue and produced a fake smile again, most of the time when he played it off individuals would smile and move on but this Canine certainly knew more than the average person. 

“I had a Master over there for a number of years before he died.” Anzou said, lowering his head in an attempt to dodge specifics. 

“Ah, many apologies young one.” 

“It…it is what it is.” Anzou deflected. “He taught me enough to survive.” 

“Indeed!” The Canine chuckled and gave a bow towards Anzou. “Thank you for the show.” And then turned and hobbled down the road. Anzou watched him slowly walk away for a few moments with a piqued curiosity but as more small bronze pieces were dropped into the bowl the curiosity gave way to excitement about his haul. Instead of needing to perform over the festival he could enjoy it. 

As the sun started to set casting a red hue over the town Anzou decided that it had been a successful day and he packed everything up and shuffled his way through the waning streets and lights to the edge of town. He followed an aged path along the decreasing river to an abandoned mill shack that had once been part of a small farm. It had been years since the shack had seen use, half of the roof had caved in and the door and windows were blocked by debris, but Anzou had found a way inside. By climbing the frozen in place water wheel he could slip into the collapsed roof and duck inside. 

It wasn’t large by any means, barely enough space for him but that’s exactly why he liked it and also the reason why he had stayed in River’s End for so long. The small space was littered with things that he had collected throughout his stay including small trinkets, tattered clothes, a few books to which he couldn’t read but hoped he could someday, and a surprisingly comfortable, warm bed. A roughly drawn map hung on one of the walls that followed the line he had drawn echoing his travels. Soon the path ended at River’s End but his eyes centered on the port of Timberwharf. 

“I’ll get to you someday.” He whispered to himself halfheartedly then undressed and slipped into the warm pile of blankets. He pulled out the red fruit that he had stolen from the tents and enjoyed his treat before falling into sleep. 



The celebration was already in full swing as Anzou approached the town. Sounds of joy filled the air and Anzou was excited. Because of the silver pieces that the old Canine had given him he could actually enjoy the festival without needing to work! He made his way to the town square and was met with various others smiling at him and wishing him ‘Eukithor’s Blessing’. Something he always felt odd about considering he was a Vulpine, but either way the people were happy, something that kept them distracted. 

A few quick swipes and Anzou had himself a sweet breakfast bun but he did have to pay for his drink as it was difficult to steal something as they prepared it. Either way he made his way to the clearing where the tents had been and perused the goods on display. Various vendors had made their way from Timberwharf, more than a three day journey, surprising considering Timberwharf must be having their own festival as well! As Anzou made his way deeper into the festival a gaggle of people surrounded a flat stage and he made his way over, curious as to what it may be. 

“What’s this?” Anzou asked the Canine closest to him as he drew up to the crowd. He glanced down at the Vulpine and nodded his head towards the stage. 

“They brought in a trio of Mage’s this year! They’re set to do a show.” He said before doing a quick double take. His mouth opened but before anything could be said the three Canines that Anzou had seen yesterday walked onstage to a roar of applause. Anzou felt his stomach shoot into his throat and mouth dry out. 

“Canines of River’s End….behold.” 

It was quick, almost imperceptible, but the largest of the three, who had dismissed him yesterday, spoke some words and drew symbols in the air. At once Anzou and the rest of the crowd felt a flurry of heat and at once an eruption of flame engulfed the Canine. The flame crackled and grew. It flickered and danced around him before rolling into the shape of a Canine’s head whose mouth opened and a pillar of fire shot from it over the crowd’s head. Then, in an instant it was gone and the Canine was left standing, unburnt or hurt. He raised his paws and took a bow, the crowd cheered wildly as he did. 

“Hey! River’s End has its own Caster!” A voice called and Anzou felt all the blood fall out of his face. But the Canine that he had asked what was going on padded his back and called to the Canine Mages on stage. “I’m sure he could go toe to toe with you!” 

All eyes centered on the Canine who had called out and in turn Anzou. Anzou shook his head and tried to back up with a shaky smile. 

“No no no, I’m not…” 

“I saw you just yesterday commanding a flame just like that!” The Canine said. The Mages on stage had taken notice and their eyes narrowed onto Anzou. He side eyed the Canine who had dramatically overestimated his abilities, even if he could cast.  

“A Fox?” The leader said, but then his head cocked slightly to the side, no doubt remembering Anzou in the entertainers tent the day before. 

“The fox apprentice huh?” He muttered. The crowd engulfed Anzou and before he could duck out they were pushing him to the forefront. Soon he stood face to face with the large Mage, or rather face to chest. “Are you the local town Apprentice?” He asked. 

“Oh no, I’m just passing through.” Anzou said as quickly as he could. The Canine appraised the smaller Vulpine as he answered and Anzou found himself unable to read the Canine’s face to any degree. 

“I take you’re an Apprentice, where’s your Master?” 

“I don’t have one!” Anzou quickly countered. “He…he died.” Anzou hoped that it would draw pitty and let him escape. 

“Hmmm.” A deep rumbling came from the Canine and he nodded slightly. Anzou returned the gesture and took a step back to get off the stage. 

“Well, I need to-” 

“Show ‘em what you can do!” A voice called from the crowd and it sounded like the same person. Anzou gulped and gave a quick smile and shook his head. 

“I don’t think I want to show them up during their own performance.” He chuckled nervously, not noticing his bad choice of words. 

“Oh you think you could show us up?” The Canine asked, his voice one of ice. Anzou quickly shook his head and stuttered to try and come up with a good reason why he couldn’t. His hand did try to reach for his hidden pouch but he had not filled it with the small packages as he didn’t anticipate needing them. Though even if he had the Mage’s before him would have certainly realized he wasn’t actually Casting. 

“Come on, let's compare. Let's see what you can do.” The Canine said. Anzou drew in a deep breath and turned to the crowd. Every single one of their eyes dug into him and he felt cemented into place. His muzzle opened slightly to draw in a breath and his brain rushed, looking for ways to escape. But before he could do anything a force came over him. He felt compelled to start speaking words that he did not know. Then his hand started moving by itself, outlining strange symbols in the air! All control of his hand had ceased and it moved without any input from him. Then at once angry clouds formed immediately above and a crack of thunder shot through the area right in front of Anzou causing all those in attendance to jump back in surprise. Then the smoke that arose from the strike immediately after formed into the shape of a vixen, who bowed and disbursed just as quick as the clouds above. It was over in a few seconds but the sky was clear again by the time anyone could process what had happened. 

The Canines stood stunned at the immense display of Magic. “What in the name of-” One of them said but he was cut short as the leader stepped forward. The look of shock already wiped away from his face. 

“You’ve got quite a bit more to you than most, fox.” He said, his voice low and grave. 

“Thanks.” Anzou answered, still completely stunned at the display that had occurred.

“Your Master, who was it?” He pressed, his eyes narrowed and Anzou felt them seeing right through him.

“Look, I’m sorry I’m not here to cause trouble.” Anzou replied again. “I must go.” Before anyone could say anything further Anzou jumped off the stage and ran towards town leaving the still captivated audience behind. To the Intrepid Tavern! I’ll hide there. He thought to himself. Wait, why? He’d only been there once before and it was to swindle some food but something deep inside told him that was how he could escape. 

Anzou weaved his way through the people in the streets and made his way to a two story building. It was sagging slightly to the left and sandwiched between a small store and blacksmith but by the sounds coming from inside it was already full of patrons, great cover for a Vulpine that wanted to hide. Anzou made his way in and found a table at the back of the dark room. Once he sat a breath of relief left his muzzle and he looked at his hands. What in the hell was that! He thought to himself. There was no way that was him even by accident, even his extremely limited knowledge of magic and casting knew that what had happened was extremely advanced. He slumped in his seat thinking about his next move, there was really no way he could stay. 

“Perhaps I could finally look at getting a ticket at Timberwarf.” He muttered and started forming a plan of how to get there. While he was, he didn’t notice the old Canine that had entered the Intrepid. Nor did he notice when he approached and stood over Anzou. 

“Wonderful show.” The Canine said. The aged words hit Anzou’s ears and he shot up, his fur prickling on end at the surprise. There in front of him was the same older Canine that he had seen the day prior. He stood with both hands propping himself up on a cane and covered with a gray cloak over his shoulders. Taken aback by the sudden arrival Anzou quickly looked in both directions completely at a loss for words. 

“T…Thanks.” Was the only thing that he could say. The Canine nodded in that way only a Grandfather can and chuckled. 

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen a Mage’s your age perform Spiritual - Light releases, takes quite a lot of practice for sure. Then the way you combined that with an Elemental - Wind release.” He clicked his muzzle in approval and winked. Anzou sat back and his jaw opened slightly while the older Canine sat across from him. “Certainly only in the realm of high level Mages. Or Masters.” He continued. Anzou leaned in over the table to examine the Canine closer. 


“And a Master can certainly tell those who fake it.” He said with a smile and laugh. Anzou gulped trying to rid himself of the lump that had appeared in his throat but instead he choked and caught himself in a coughing fit while the Canine sat patiently. 

“Master!?” Anzou coughed again, this time directed at the Canine specifically who in turn continued to smile. 

“Well, it has been a number of years since I actively practiced my releases, but I will say that it was pretty good for a first try in quite a while. I’d always been not great at Mind Releases as well, but here you are!” He laughed and clicked his claws on the wooden table. Anzou sat back completely stricken, the Canine before him certainly held power beyond anything anyone of these townspeople could comprehend.

“But you said it was a good show!” Anzou shot back in an attempt to save face a bit. 

“And it was! I very much enjoyed watching a facsimile of Casting, the exploding pouches are an incredibly nice touch and really sell it. Must've practiced quite a bit in order to be that smooth at it. Still a good show even if it wasn’t real.” That did raise Anzou’s spirits some but he still felt like his big secret had been exposed and soon everyone would be raising their claws towards him. 

“Thank you.” He said through the side of his muzzle. “So you casted that Release?” Anzou asked. The Canine nodded and rolled one shoulder like it was sore. 

“Like I said it has been quite a while and it ain’t exactly easy. But it seems that I still got it! That many Combination Releases does take a toll on you.” His eyes lit up, it obviously brought him a lot of joy.

“Okay, but why?” I fake your craft, hell I’m a Vulpine.” 

“Oh I don’t care if you’re Vulpine, I taught a few of ‘em years ago. Incredibly magical, each and every one and most became accomplished in their own right. I imagine though that you’re just trying to survive. Yeah you’re faking Releases but you’re also working at a skill and people enjoy it regardless even if it is a bit disingenuous. In the end you’re not hurting anyone! I respect that.” He smiled again and Anzou finally felt the warmth that he gave off. His heart started to slow and he drew in some well needed breaths. However, the problem still remained, no longer were the people going to be impressed by his lowly fire tricks. Especially after he had ‘shown’ to command lightning. 

“Thanks for the vote of confidence but my days as a Mage are over. Hell, I can’t follow my own act.” He muttered. “Should get back on the road as soon as I can, maybe try to get to Louror.” The Canine nodded and tipped his head slightly, his eyes moved up and down Anzou and he gave a half smile as if to say it’s ok. 

“Louror does have the highest population of Vulpines.” The old wolf said as he drew in a breath. “But, ever think about perhaps actually learning to cast Releases?” 

The question went right into one of Anzou’s ears and out the other to which he immediately scoffed at the idea with a shake of his head. 

“Too much of a commitment for me. Plus, you don’t even know if I’m able to and I don’t even know your name! I’d rather just see about hopping on a ship and hope that I can make it to Louror.” The quick rebuttal of the ask seemed to throw the Canine off a bit. Instead of a quick response he sat back to give himself time to determine what to say. 

“Is learning releases really so different from learning the slight of hand that you have perfected? I’d wager that because of that you’d be an excellent caster!” His eyes opened wide as if to emphasize his point but the middling look on his face gave away the fact it was not going how he had planned. “In fact, because you’re a Vulpine, I’d say you are magically inclined and you just don’t know it.” 

Anzou drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly over a few seconds before shaking his head and standing. 

“Sorry, just not my thing.” He said and turned away from the old Canine. 


“What?” Anzou stopped and turned back to the old Canine. 

“It’s Macchias, so you know my name.” Macchias nodded and stood by himself, trembling as he did. 

“Oh, Macchias, well. Good luck.” Anzou threaded his way through the now busy tavern and left. 

Anzou had been careful to ensure that nobody had followed him out to his broken mill house. Something told him that the Mages were not all to happy to be one upped by him and he wasn’t about to put himself in a position to run into them again. When he did eventually break from the borders of River’s End Anzou’s mind started to wonder about what his next move should be. He knew for sure that sticking around for any length of time would eventually lead to calls for him to up the ante so to speak and it was not a position he wanted to be in. Nor would it be good for his health. No, Anzou knew he’d have to leave soon be it tomorrow or the next day, skipping River’s End all together.  

“Timberwharf finally I guess.” He muttered under his breath. Before long the sight of his shack came into view and a ping of sadness rolled over him. It might be one of the last times he came home to what had been the longest home he had. It wasn’t pretty but it certainly had been made cozy through his own hands. 

The sun outside had started to dim while Anzou had started a small fire and set about packing his few things to prepare for the journey ahead. He knew Timberwharf was west due to his map and knew that it would take at least a few days to get there. 

“A few days food and a passage on a ship.” Anzou whispered as he held his small amount of savings in his hand. “Thanks Macchias.” Anzou flipped the silver coins over and pocketed them, they made all this possible. However, right as he did the fire started to dance higher. He could feel a more intense blaze against his fur and it started rising as if following an invisible beam. Then, without any warning, it shot in all directions as if there had been an explosion. Anzou immediately threw up his arms to shield himself but the fire blew into him, smashing him against the wall. Its tendrils reached out and burned his fur and singed his skin. The Vlupline belted out a painful cry and fell to the ground. But just as it had shot at him it seemed to follow him to the ground, with no time Anzou used his feet to kick against the wall. Fortunately, being the weak structure that it was, a few boards broke and created an opening where Anzou could skurry through and escape the now flame engulfed structure. He rolled a few times to put out any flames that still clung to him and came to a rest staring at the sky. 

“Fox.” A voice called out, a very familiar voice. With his heart racing and adrenaline pumping through his veins Anzou quickly shot up to face the voice. There, a few paces from his now burning shack, were the trio of Canine Mages, their leader in front of him. His eyes trained directly on Anzou. A pit formed in Anzou’s stomach and all he could do was turn and try to run into the forest that bordered his Shack, yet a force stopped him and his entire body froze. He tried to tell his legs to run but instead they did nothing. His muzzle felt clamped shut and the faint sound of an alien chant floated across his ears. 

“Fox, come on, a Mage of your caliber should be able to break this simple Objective Release.” The leader chuckled. An amused growl came from one of the others but the other still recited the alien chant. “Or can you not?” 

“G….get a…away!” Anzou tried to push the words through his clamped muzzle but the Canines were not having it. 

“Get away? What are you going to do, strike me with lightning? You know, I’m starting to suspect that you can’t even do that.” The Canines drew closer to Anzou, still stuck in his attempted fleeing. 

“L…let me go!” Anzou hissed through his teeth, the only way he could talk. Yet before the Canines could do more the fire that had engulfed the shack had reached his supply of exploding powder. A small blast echoed through the valley forcing the Canine to lose his focus and drop Anzou from whatever power they had over him. Anzou scurried as quickly as he could in the other direction towards the forest. Yet, as he tried to run a terrible pain shot through his body and he tumbled to the ground as the pain from his burns finally hit. 

The Canine leader for his part had regained his composure, a few small bits of wooden shrapnel from the small explosion had lodged into one of the trio and he was rubbing his right arm but other than that they were unharmed. 

“You skeeving fox! Using your shallow tricks! I don’t know how you faked those Releases but I’ll make sure you don’t do it again!” He shouted and brought up his hand, this time the alien chanting came from his mouth and swift movements of his hand warned Anzou that he was starting to cast a spell. The Vulpine attempted to get back up but the pain from his burns made it almost impossible. Instead he tried to crawl but there was no way it would be fast enough. Anzou turned and watched as the Canine, with devilish eyes, drew a Release in the air. 

Then everything changed. Sound seemed to dim and the world felt quiet. At once a beam of light broke from the cloudy sky and centered on the Canine. He stopped his casting  and terror filled his eyes. The beam continued to focus on the Canines eyes and a scream of pain filled the air. In an instant the Canine fell, covering his eyes with his hands and writhing on the ground. His companions looked upon their leader with a special terror and bent down to console him. 

“Perrus!” One of them called and reached out. The Canine continued to roll on the ground trying to rub his eyes. 

“Make it stop!” He yelled at them, but while still rubbing the other eye Perrus tried forcing open one eye only to instantly go back to rubbing it. “I can’t see!” He cried. 

“Y…your eyes, they’re…” The lackey trailed off. 

“They’re what!” 

“They’re completely gray.” The Canine took a few steps back and started looking all around before centering on Anzou. 

“What did you do!” He yelled and started making his way towards the helpless fox.

“He didn’t do anything.” Macchias calmly said. He stood on the path that had led along the river, both hands clasped over his cane looking almost like he was really trying to keep balance. A slight heaving of his shoulders gave way the fact that he was out of breath. “Do any more to that Vulpine and you’ll certainly regret it like Perrus.” He said. Anzou noted that his voice had a stern resonance to it, he could still make out the grandfatherly tone but it was stiff, commanding. A voice you didn’t want to be on the other side of. 

“Well what are you going to do about it!” The third Canine said. He’d knelt down to Perrus and had been trying to calm the frantic Canine down. 

“Stop, don’t do anything.” Perrus said between his whimpers, don’t you remember?” The other two looked at their leader. He was still trying to cover his eyes and his voice wavered. “I’d remember that voice anywhere, it's Master Macchias!” At once the other two fell to their knees, jaws open and gobsmacked over the revelation. 

“You’re supposed to be dead!” One of them called out. Macchias gave but a shrug and a tip of his graying muzzle. 

“But here I am.” He said. “I want you three to leave River’s End with your little show, if I remember right it’s just about the only thing you can do.” 

The two who still had sight hesitated for a second to wait and see what Macchias would do but once they determined it was safe to do so they scooped their leader off the ground and started walking him back to town. 

“I’ll be back.” Perrus growled. 

“I’m sure, but it won’t help.” Macchias responded and even though Perrus couldn’t see him gave a slight nod and allowed the three to pass. Once they were a sufficient distance away Anzou saw that the old Canine dropped considerably, instead of a slight movement of his shoulders he was now gasping at the air and had trouble reaching Anzou who still lay on the ground both frozen by the sight and pain. 

“How bad is it?” Macchias asked. Anzou averted Macchias’s gaze who knelt down to examine the burns. He drew in a breath and sat on the soft grass next to Anzou, releasing the breath for a big sigh. “That bad huh?” He said. 

Anzou nodded but Macchias started digging through his robe and produced a small leather pouch similar to the one that Anzou had carried his fire tricks in. He dug through it and produced a few small objects that looked to be the size of small smooth pebbles. 

“Here, chew on these and swallow. It’ll help the pain.”  He extended them to Anzou who took them and studied the off white things. 

“What are they?” 

“Something used in Militaries to help wounded soldiers, now eat up.” Macchias motioned with his muzzle and Anzou popped the objects into his mouth. He found that the objects broke quite easily in his mouth but came with an extraordinary bitter taste that didn’t disburse even after he swallowed. 

“They eat these?” He complained. 

“Certainly better than pain.” Macchias countered and Anzou certainly couldn’t argue with that. He tried to move his leg but didn’t get very far and winced as the pain shot through his body. “Give it a few moments, it’ll kick in soon and then we can head back to town.” Macchias said, then he turned to the shack, flames still crawled all over the structure and it was starting to cave in. 

“You lived here?” He asked. Anzou kept his gaze away from Macchias and only nodded. “I’ve got a warm bed, you’re going to stay at my place until you get better. Then you can head off to Timberwharf.” 

“I can’t ask you to do that.” Anzou finally replied, guilt starting to well in his heart. “I’ll get by like I’ve always done.” 

“A burn like that can cause damage beyond just a scar.” Macchias noted. “There’s no way that it’ll heal on its own.” 

“And how do you know so much about burns?” Anzou asked. 

“It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with them.” He said gravely before drawing in another deep breath and extending his legs to stretch out. The two sat quietly for a while as the sun started to dip across the horizon. Only the sound of the river and burning building remained, fortunately the fire gave plenty of heat letting them rest. Finally Anzou worked up the courage to ask what he had been wanting too. 

“You really think I could learn to cast?” 

The tip of Macchias’ muzzle smirked ever so slightly and he nodded once again imperceptibly. 


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