
In the world of Abholos

Visit Abholos

Ongoing 6299 Words

Chapter 1

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Dawn rose past where the curtains could not be drawn further. The beams of light shot across a study. Inside of it, sat a sleeping half-elf, surrounded by a plethora of books. Once the light hit his face, his eyes flickered open. His foot lined up with the sturdier part of the table he had been resting on, and used it to stand himself up. His crossbow sat upon the other side of the table, carved with intricate etchings originating from his home, a home so far away. Upon the handle was his name. One given to him from his family. 'Tanythe Elderwhisk'. A name he never really liked anyways. He could only tell what the surname was on the handle, he had scratched off most of it before. 

Tanythe decided that he had rested enough, it was time that he would reunite with his fellow adventurers and continue with their quest, grabbing his cowl and bow he secured them about his person, on his way to the door he picked up a small book entitled ‘Blight’s Apocrypha’ and shoved it into his bag. With a warm smile spreading across his face he turned and had one last look around his study before closing the door behind him, the magical candle slowly diminishing the low flame.

Tanythe made his way down to the Briskbult Hotel and climbed the stairs to the first floor, he stood by the door and listened for any sound from within, nothing there he thought so he moved to the next door and paused, cracking the knuckles on each of his fingers. The steady snoring was a good sign that this was the one that he wanted, he took a hold of the brass handle feeling the coldness of the metal and quietly opening the large door with the lightest of creaks he poked his head in and noticed two average sized beds, each with large shapes in them. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, remembering the night spent reading in his study where he would have anxious moments when his thoughts would drift away from the book and he would dwell on the prospect that his party would leave him because he was overdue or they had simply forgotten about him, gratefully he is wrong for the umpteenth time this month. He turned when he heard a grunt from the bed closest to the window, a soft cushion came flying towards him. “Five… five more minutes please,” Murmured a voice from under the cover.

Tanythe fired back immediately, “The last time you had five more minutes it ended up with you ordering two breakfasts costing me fifty gold pieces and us running late on the delivery of that cursed sword,” “I’m not waiting this time, Pergos,”
“Hey, Colette, would you mind making sure that this deadweight is ready and waiting at the door for me, please?” Tanythe turned to the second bed where a head peaked out of the cotton sheets. 
“I mean…. Sure. It’s not like I have to pull him out of bed each and every day, Is it?” She threw the sheets back and rose from the bed, as she did so, she pulled the sheets tight across the bed giving it a respectable appearance. “Let me get ready and I’ll see you in the kitchen.”

The mention of the kitchen brought back memories for Tanythe of his younger days as a boy where he adored the rolls and butteries from so long ago. He decided that he would show off his skills as a would-be chef and bake up a few of his favourite delicacies for his party to enjoy.

As he prepared the ingredients something caught his eye out of the open window. There, by the stable was the another one of his party resting between piles of hay, “Oi, Børrn, you up for some breakfast?” He shouted, not really expecting any kind of response as the stable was some distance away, but Tanythe didn’t reckon Børrn's hearing would've been able to pick up his voice.
“I’m up for that,” Børrn shouted as he headed for the kitchen at a fast pace, before he could break an egg, there appeared at the kitchen window a muscular figure wearing a gladiatorial outfit and holding an intimidating helmet in one hand and leaning on the sill, with the broadest of smiles Børrn stood by the window. For a Blood Giant, well, half-giant, Børrn was quite a kind fellow.

Tanythe had a warm smile on his face as he finished off the cooking, he put the pots on a tray and carried it over to the table just in time for the other two members of their adventuring party to appear at the door, each dressed in their adventurers outfits. Pergos was a human, just a little shorter than Tanythe himself. His short, blonde hair was quite messy at the moment, but upon realising the issue he had faced, he began trying to fix it up, relying on the shiny plates of metal that was Colette's armour. "Your hair's fine, Pergos. There's not a lady for you to woo nearby, anyways," Tanythe dished out the food with a deft flick of his wrist hitting each intended plate, he returned the now empty pots to the sink and poured some water into a cup to drink with his meal. Colette herself was quite tall, taller than both Pergos and Tanythe, of course nowhere near the size of the giant on the opposite side of the room from her. She wore heavy armour, with a glaive strapped onto her back, along with her hair tied into a ponytail, a few loose groupings of hair hanging above her face. A paladin, in service to some divine being that Tanythe has forgotten the name of. He wasn't one for worship himself. 

“So then, after this will we pick up the package and head off? Should we go straight to the Dallbert Pass?” Colette asked, mumbling something under her breath before the map would appear, spread out on the table they were eating their breakfast on. A faint azure trail connected the Briskbult Hostel with the fifth county of Ebermold, Caboldia, it went along the Rambeld highway leading to one of the cities in the outer settlements of the nation, Dallbert. To be precise it would end at a Guildhall, on the outskirts of the city.

Colette continued, “I really have no input, I’m fine staying anywhere but if our package becomes more unstable, then we should consider getting there to be our highest priority, one to finish as soon as possible... right?” having said what she wanted to say she walked away and sat on one of the cushioned chairs.
“If we went directly across we could lose all of our supplies, the last time that happened we had to kill a horse just to stop ourselves from starving. I think we should stop….. Here!” Børrn objected, pointing to a smaller town on the way named on the map as ‘Bakton'.  They continued debating which developed into a shouting match between them all.

Tanythe smacked the table to get their attention, “Fine!” He said, working himself into a huff, “Let’s just say we follow this highway, grab some resources at Bakton, stop off at the halfway stage for some rest and then continue our journey to until we reach Dallbert, would that be alright with you three?” They looked sheepishly at Tanythe nodding their heads soon after, in unison, with the exception of Pergos, who did so hesitantly, he was thinking more of his food rather than what was being said, “although,” Pergos began to say, “we do need to figure out how we’re taking the ‘package'," He stood up and trotted over to the basement door, opening it with ease with his foot. His hand remained placed on one of the many daggers on his person, ready to be drawn. Inside of the basement was a golden hue, one that the roguish man went closer to. Inside was a scaled, dangerously thin prisoner, hung from the roof by magic, binding him by his wrists and torso. Blood had been dripping from his nose, it seemed, as a puddle had formed on the ground. The stranger remained silent, Tanythe's gaze glimpsing down past the door.

Pergos stood for a moment before he hissed, “Oi, we’re leaving now, so no funny business, got it?” Moving across the room Pergos picked up a dagger he’d left there on his previous visit, as he slotted it into the scabbard in his knee sock he grabbed the magical material on the so-called ‘Package’ and dragged him out of the door and over to the others who were readying their horses for the journey.

In the coolness of the morning the Dragonborn’s green scales had a dull hue due to dehydration, “Please,” The Dragonborn pleaded, “If I may, would it be possible to have some breakfast or at the very least some water?” The reply was a sharp tug on his bindings which made him wince where the additional binding would be placed, and would then tighten around his arms.

“Dragonborn can survive without water for seven days, right?” Pergos said to Tanythe who had one of his books opened, he took his time reading through it, and responded, “Except for his kind, the green ones that is, they take four days due to their poisonous breath, white ones need it specifically for thei…” The half elf was cut off by his ally. "I don’t need a monologue Elderwhisk, it’s been two days since we last watered and fed him, so no, the contract states that he only need to be alive in any condition.” The cold demeaning manner of Pergos made the Dragonborn shiver with fear.

The chains dispensed themselves from Pergos, attaching themselves to the back of two horse's saddles, which in turn would be connected to shoulder straps that laid upon Børrn's back. The barbarian got himself ready, swinging his supplies over his back as the other party members did some final things, before getting on their way. Pergos refilled his flasks, putting them onto a strap on his side, Colette adjusting the final pieces of her plate armour, and putting on her helm, which had its frontal piece opened, in order for her to see better, and Tanythe? He did not need to really do anything, yet he'd keep an arrow slotted into his bow, just in case they'd be attacked by goblinoid bandits, or caught up in a Kruthik infestation.

The group of four - they were not counting the dirty, cut and bruised Dragonborn that they were escorting to their destination as part of their group - set off on their journey, talking amongst themselves as they kept a sharp eye on the ‘Package’ making sure he was still secure to the binding chains, Pergos added to awkwardness by constantly poking the Dragonborn on his rough head with the blunt end of his dagger.

On the journey they travelled on all kinds of terrain, muddy paths, cobble lanes, cart tracks, uphill and down, passing many farms with fields and hedges which concealed their presence from prying eyes. They soon reached the outskirts of a Warped Forest with twisted roots that covered most of the forest floor slowing down their progress. Tanythe was forced to dismount to hack away at the roots and with the assistance of Børrn using his superior strength, managed to break through the twisted roots to get them back on the route. Tanythe’s persistent vigilance picked up the presence of hidden intruders, easily seen by their glowing red eyes staring back at him, followed by a collection of narrow eyes dotting around, Tanythe took a deep breath as he hacked at the last of the roots swiftly he threw his knife straight up into the bark skin of the deviant, killing her instantly causing her to fall to the ground at his feet. This sent a spiralling screeching of declaration through the forest as an encounter with the forest deviants broke loose.

Colette readied herself by drawing out her glaive and with a kick of her legs jumped down from her steed, quickly turning round as she landed and started running back to defend the ‘Package’. Colette attacked the first of the Oaken enemies, their weapons coming together creating an almighty clash that echoed through the forest, as they continued to battle, going for an overhead strike, Colette continued her onslaught engaging in a rhythm of defence and attack with each of the warriors showing their fighting skills. Pergos was already focused on his fight going toe to toe with a few of them which were less skilled as he, yet, their determination to capture the ‘package’ meant that he held his ground, whenever a hand or even the smallest finger touched the Dragonborn a flurry of throwing knives would pierce the arms of the enemy with kill shots to the head. “This is too easy,” Thought Pergos until a much heavier warrior picked him up and effortlessly hurled him towards Colette who used to have the advantage over her opponent, “What the fuck, you bastard?!” She yelled out, having to pull back from landing the would-be-fatal blow to the deviant allowing him to counter with his club sending her stumbling back a few paces.


Pergos yelled back. “It’s not my fault that I have to deal with five of these fucking tree people, is it?” As he leapt from a tree and sank his dagger into the back of the giant, who’s now lifeless body lay in a heap of bloodied twigs and roots at his bark-covered feet. A few of the Oakens were struggling to make a scratch let alone any serious injuries to Børrn who just grunted and slammed his fists down, crushing a few of the assailants and at the same time sending ripples of shockwaves along the ground incapacitating the remaining attackers.

Tanythe stood on the back of his horse providing a more supportive role in blocking the access to the Oaken reinforcements by knocking the side of the horse, it would trigger a reaction within the beast into using its hind legs to knock down the tree that they were forced into. The short encounter finally ended when Colette thrust her Glaive into the middle of the huge bulk of the warrior, who had the appearance of a leader but was now no more.

“Huff….crap..” growled Pergos wiping the blood and gore off his arms, checking to see if any of it was his own. “Is everyone alright?” He called out to which he received numerous confirmations from the rest of the allies.

Their captive Dragonborn complained, “I could be better, but hey, being chained to horses and dragged along a rough path for hours doesn’t seem to be the best of things, DOES IT?” Raising up a scarred hand for all to see.

The response was a sharp tug on the chains that held him, “Silence you, any more from that silver tongue and I’ll rip it out, myself, understand?” Pergos spat at his prisoner and turned to help Colette who was slumped against a tree.

Once everyone was back on their horses, or in position for Børrn, the journey continued. Tanythe continued to cast furtive glances towards the Dragonborn, something didn’t feel right to him about it all, well he’s getting well paid and his Guildmaster ordered him to do so, which was more than enough encouragement for his fellow adventurers but needed more convincing.

The ‘Package’, his name is actually Valarys Narhazar, Tanythe had only heard of his name in legend. Warnings from his village of a fighter of decay, for what was once a fearmongering foe. It seems like fate had different plans for him, not a monster anymore, he’s just a weak man now devoid of all his previous powers. Remembering all of this Tanythe found comfort that this weakened monstrosity is finally feel a shred of pain that he had once inflicted. The half elf urged his horse on a little more which brought the attention of Børrn, still walking forward, he asked in a worried tone, “Is Tanythe ok?” He should have remained focused on the natural pathway ahead of him, but, if any tree or rock got in his way it just took a bit of extra strength to knock it down while he continued on his intended path.

“Oh… Um… yes, I am perfectly fine, Børrn, thank you for asking, it’s just... that thing back there, it seems easier than it should have been to track him down, right?” Tanythe asked, remembering how they did so.

“Even if it is a trap, we got him, right? We’ll be ok either way!” The barbarian returned with a confident tone, giving a thumbs up, with a bit of hesitance, only due to getting his hand stuck to a branch. Tanythe nodded and rested his head back to relax a little more.

The majority of the ride was filled with aimless chatter, nothing of importance or notability, anything was permitted as long as it took their minds off the dreary ride until the sound of Tanythe’s loud moaning, all heads turned in unison and there was Tanythe map in hand, frowning as only he could, “We’ve passed Bakton long ago,” he said, “and we haven’t got much time left before the sun goes down.” “We’ll have to settle for the first place we come to, so keep a look out, anywhere will work.” They rode on in silence weaving through the thick woods after what seemed like an age they broke into a clearing with a great expanse of messy grassland, in the distance they could make out what looked like a small village perched on a grassy knoll, no more than twenty buildings, stacked on top of each other to form a set of towers with an elevated walkway secured with reeds.

The group would walk on up to a fountain, where a bulletin on the town could be seen, posted just next to the magical faucet that'd spray the liquid into a basin below. "I mean, this place doesn't seem too bad. We'll drop off our package in a basement or something, lock it up, and then go to the tavern?" Pergos offered, glancing around to the empty buildings, all but one, dimly lit from the inside.
"Fair, but, unlike the last place, it doesn't seem like there are any guards here. If he gets out, then we may lose him for a while." Colette thought out loud, adjusting one of the plates of armour, which rested upon her own shoulder.
"So… we watch him? I'm fine with doing that!" Børrn smiled brightly, whereas the others were groaning in anguish. Most of the time, whenever they'd rest at a settlement, or other location, Børrn would be too big to even stay in the same building. However, the idea that they'd all be with each other, yet doing a boring task, it made Børrn's day.
 After investigating the local area for a place that is secure, alone, and able to fit all of their fellow party members, the 4 adventurers settled down, having their dragonborn prisoner physically chained to an old barn's walls. It'd take Valarys at least a few minutes to get himself free, and even then, with 4 mercenaries that are much more capable than the usual, they'd probably have the foe dead before hitting the floor, that is if he got that far to getting the chains off of himself. The others sat down, Børrn would grab some nearby hay to use as a makeshift blanket, but Tanythe soon objected. "Look, you can have my blanket, alright? Sleeping in a place like this is rough already, it makes it easier to at least be warm." The half elf tossed it on over, whilst casting a spell to enlarge it, to fit the larger ally. "Who's going to watch first?" Pergos asked, glancing between the other three. Børrn was already dozing off, Tanythe averting his eyes, and Colette simply shaking her head. "Ugh, fine, I guess I'll do it first, but not for long!" He muttered, crossing his arms as he'd rest back against one of the support beams, preparing himself to watch their prisoner. With hesitance, however, Colette would take off her heavy armour, placing it down on the ground before resting next to Pergos. "1 hour, then wake me, please?" She'd ask, resting her head against the human's shoulder, her eyelids sinking down before she'd drift into a light sleep. Tanythe got his sleeping area sorted, taking a deep breath as he had opened the same book from before, 'Blight's Apocrypha' and turned to the page he was reading the night before. He had no need for a bookmark, or anything similar. If he enjoyed a book, he'd remember it. He'd have to. Or at least, that's what he's always said.
 He would soon be mesmerised by this book's knowledge. Written in his native elvish, Tanythe found joy with each page. Studies, quotations, and diagrams galore, it added to the fiery ambition that he already clung onto desperately. He only glanced up when he saw that his fellow adventurer who was watching Valarys fell asleep. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, he knew he couldn't continue reading anymore. Not only that, but he had no idea if Pergos managed to awaken Colette. However, taking the initiative, he'd begin his watch on their prisoner. "It looked like you enjoyed that book, stranger," Valarys commented, looking up a little.
Tanythe thought for a moment, on if he'd engage in conversation. The thoughts got the better of him, he could see it as a new learning method, to talk to villains and other criminals. "I did, I'm surprised you're still conscious," He replied, glancing at the wounded dragonborn up and down.
"What made you go after me? Take me in, and tie me to whatever is the closest thing?"
Tanythe froze up, he had no idea on if he should speak of the real reason. Alas, he finally decided that the best option for himself and his party's safety was to lie. "We're just heroes. We do what is right. Such as taking down a powerful figure such as yourself." He lied, holding his breath from the stress on if he'd be caught out. Valarys squinted his eyes in suspicion.
"Really? I mean, a barbaric gladiator from the Cults up north, and a petty thief who has wasted everyone else's away on addictions, it doesn't really paint the idea of being 'Heroes', does it?" Valarys chuckled, trying to fix up his ragged outfit, but only struck the chain against what he was tied to. It caused him to grunt, before continuing on with his words. "Go on, keep telling me that you're a 'hero', because I can tell that no hero would kill creatures like back there, they'd do it mercifully," Valarys grinned, slumping down again.
A huff came from Tanythe, he should've seen this outcome sooner. "hmph... We're sell-swords, then. Working under Guildmaster Morden. I suppose saying this to a schemer such as yourself, nobody will listen to you, or take your words with sincerity," Tanythe felt a heavy sensation escape his chest, like he could finally breathe easily. He gripped onto his side, even speaking ill of the name Morden made him shiver. Imagine what could happen, not only to him, but his allies.
 "Morden? As in THE Morden? Heh, it was not what I expected. I thought of you as maniacal, lacklustre fellows, I don't know which one is worse." Valarys chuckled, slumping down into a more comfortable position. "Anyways, if you're bringing me to Madam Luciea, make sure that you get paid. She's a slippery fool, the last time I did a job for her, I got the short end of the stick," He grunted, thinking back to that time. However, Tanythe glanced back to him, with a look of confusion in his eyes.
"You once worked for Luciea? But... aren't you a terrorist? Or some sort of villain? What in the hell does Luciea want from a man like you?" Tanythe got up, stepping over small piles of hay as he'd lower down to Valarys' level.
"Wouldn't you like to know? Heh, as if I'd tell my captor anymore. You really aren't that smart, are you? So defensive, yet efficient, but deep down I can tell you're pathetic. Just like your old Conclave was." He smirked, glancing up to him, before being met with his gloved fist. The half-elf struck him, causing a spray of poisonous blood to splash across the barn's walls. "Don't... don't ever bring them up... you understand me?" Shouts echoed in the small area, awakening Colette. Tanythe kept striking his prisoner, until he got pulled away by Colette. "Tanythe. Control yourself. Don't let his silver tongue enter your head. Go on, get some rest. I'll watch him." She spoke out, putting a soft hand onto his shoulder. He huffed, turned, and sat back down.
"We better make sure that Luciea takes his head, alright?"
"...yes. We will, don't worry."
 The next day, Tanythe woke up to the sound of Børrn trying to exit the barn without making any damage to it. In the end, he had snapped a support beam with his head, and spent a good few minutes trying to fix it. "Børrn, Børrn, relax. Let me fix it." Tanythe offered, clearing his throat midway through his sentence. "Just, step out of the way, please." He lifted up his hands, small runes forming in each hand as the snap that was made, would repair itself, laced with a spectral, green rope for a few seconds. "There we go, is that everyone gone off again?" He called out, going to get his horse.
"Well, we wouldn't be waiting for you, would we?" Pergos asked, hooking Valarys back onto their two horses. "Now, next time you decide to mess around with him, make sure you don't chip a tooth. If somebody ends up finding out that Valarys isn't in Carceri, but also travelling in Aitso again, this could spark an expedition against us, alright?" Pergos showed off the small bit of tooth he found, putting it into his bag. "Come on then, we have places to be, you know." The rogue muttered, uncharacteristically of him. Tanythe then realised that Pergos had made a makeshift pillow, and as soon as they started travelling, he was already laid back on it, whilst on a horse.
 Their travelling took them downhill at first, past the dual rivers of Reed and Riad, until they'd enter a small ravine, with their road journeying to the bottom of it. Past the gallows, underdark towns, and fields of sunflowers, they soon found themselves alone, for the first time in a while. No houses nearby, or forms of civilisation. It was peaceful, all they could hear, other than the trots of their horses, was a fresh breeze. "To think, that just a couple miles north of here, is the famed city of Dallbert. Crazy, ain't it?" Pergos chuckled, wiping away some of the leaves that fell on his face. He got up, and nearly got his face smacked with a branch, by the lone tree they'd just passed. "Wow, you're really not good with your eyes, are ya?" Børrn asked, chuckling to himself as a branch would hit him as well, but instead of causing any disturbance to him, it simply broke off and fell onto his lap. Proceeding to pick it up, he'd swing it around, like he was a kid again. Tanythe would have to duck, repeatedly, due to Børrn's swings arcing behind him, nearly hitting his friend. "You nearly killed me there!" Tanythe chuckled, grabbing onto the stick as he'd stand on the edge of it, balancing well enough.
"Sorry! I'll just... um... throw it away." The barbarian picked up his friend, and then threw the branch like a javelin, striking the ground quite a distance away. Pergos blinked a few times at what happened, then turning to face Valarys. "That'll happen to your pathetic self if you step any more out of line, got it?" He asked, the human chuckling before going back over to Colette. "You do realise you don't HAVE to threaten him all the time, I'm sure he understands that he'll be killed at the least." She'd sigh, wiping her face from some of the things that fell from the tree. The four continued talking, usually just banter, or whatever the found common ground on. That was, until they overheard the bustling streets and music of Dallbert. They made it.
 To get into the city, they had to prove that their adventuring work wasn't in evil goals. To prove this, Pergos stepped up and pulled Valarys to his feet. "We're just making sure that this bastard gets what he deserves, you understand, right?" He asked the guard that had intervened on their travelling, whilst tossing over a gold coin. "Wow, it's not often that we have travellers from other factions here, have a good time here," They gave a smile, and stood out of their way. When the others were not looking, the guard had dropped the smile and whispered into an earpiece they had. "Madam, I think he's here." They mumbled, before returning to their duties. The party themselves would put their horses into a stable and continue off down the streets. Tanythe kept a dagger up his sleeve. This place was new to him, he did not want to risk starting a fight with bandits, not due to the fight itself, but due to Valarys having an opportunity to escape. Wandering through the streets, they'd soon end up finding their contact's main building.
 Studded with golden murals and statues, along with 2 stone pillars holding up an extension to the building in front of the adventurers. Written in what appears to be a fluorescent hue of blue, tainted with a metallic shine, reads out Luciean Automages. The doors would automatically swing open, upon the group getting within 10 feet of it. The inside was just as grand as the exterior. Red, stainless carpets, which went up a grand staircase to upper floors, with hallways that overlooked the lower floors. Standing upon the highest point of the first floor, was Luciea herself. Donning a more militant outfit than most other business heads in Dallbert, she trotted down the stairs. Each step echoed in the building, and she'd finish exactly 5 feet away from Børrn, who was standing the most forward out of the adventurers. "Afternoon, adventurers. I see you've given me the package. Good work." She'd snap her fingers, a gnome hurrying down the stairs with a bulging pouch placed within his rough hands. "Your reward is 50 gold pieces, each. If that madman was still around, who knows what would've happened." Børrn picked up the pouch, seeing 20 platinum pieces within it, 5 for each, of course. "However, before my Sentinels bring him away. How about a celebration? It is not every day people venture into Carceri and come out with their lives intact, plus an escaped convict! Might I suggest a dinner? The banquets we have here are quite delicious." She'd offer, two golems made of copper and brass plates readying themselves for command, appearing from underneath the staircase. Their fists, like hammers, lifted upwards in case Valarys would try and escape.
"Personally, I'd love to have dinner, I'm sure I speak for all of us. Yes? Alright, will it be right now?" Pergos immediately offered, and before the rest of the party could even get a word in, or even reject it, Luciea nodded in agreement. "Perfect! I'll go organise for the chef to arrive, and could you four be seated by... half two?" She asked, clapping her hands together. With a spin of her heel, she'd walk off, along with Valarys getting dragged away. The entire time, Tanythe kept his eager eyes on Valarys, just in case he tried anything. Valarys, though, was smiling, a grin that could strike fear in the gods, Tanythe could tell something was wrong.
 Within that time, the party would rent out rooms in a tavern, and find more formal outfits for the event. Tanythe spent his time, and money, on a more formal outfit, costing him 10 GP to be quickly fitted. Fixing up a dark green tie, and removing his cowl, which caused his light brown hair to be let loose, Tanythe took himself back to Luciean Automages. The doors swung open, and the same halfling from before guided him to the Great Hall. Classic, oaken chairs lined the long, drawn-out table. Like an arrow, it pointed straight, with an extra, larger chair, like the head of said arrow, sat at the top. It was efficient. Luciea sat at the top, donning a more formal outfit, rather than militant. Børrn, well... Børrn was wearing what he was before, but with a bow tie added on for formality. Sure, he still had on his magical chains, and signet, although he did look a lot more formal. It was only them three, for now. "at least half of you know how to read a clock, do either of you know where the other two are?" Luciea huffed, leaning forward to look at either of them. Tanythe went to speak, feeling a lump in his throat. The lady just had some threatening aura about her. If those golems were under a staircase, what stopped them from watching them right now, in this very room?
"I... uh... I do think that they are still picking out outfits for this or arriving here at this very moment!" He quickly spoke out, a heavy sensation forming in his chest. Luckily, for him, he was right. Pergos, in his less formal adventurer's outfit, which still held onto his armaments. Although, he did have a noble-looking black coat, decorated with small patterns on its breast pocket. "My most sincere apologies for being late, even by half a minute," He got to his seat, soon after, with a more relaxed smile on his face.
 Last to arrive was Colette, she hurried in, not saying a word, and sat down a distance further than the others to Luciea. "No need to be shy, love. Come on, we have to celebrate. You lot are doing very well for adventurers." Luciea chuckled, drinking some of the red wine in her hand.
"As much as we have other things to do, I thought it was best if we stayed for dinner, I mean, what could go wrong in just a few hours?" Pergos rested back in his chair, as, within moments, a purple mist covered the table. When it dispersed, a large banquet of rich foods covered the table. "I thought it'd be best to act like there was 20 of us here, instead of 5. It does look like you all could use a good meal. What is it, the meals you've been having before? Bread and beef? Those are pathetically out of proportion. You are all such great mercenaries. Go on, have anything. I do recommend the Goodberry pies, or Owlbear Steak." Luciea continued on, using a spectral hand to guide a plate of some type of steak to her. What went on afterwards was eating in silence. Tanythe couldn't muster up the words to speak, neither could Colette. Whereas the very hungry Børrn kept eating, as if nothing was wrong. "Well, I'd like to thank you for this meal, Lady Luciea. It's not often that good people get met with a greater person." Pergos spoke up, with an optimistic smile. He turned, looking off to one of the maids on the other end of the room. She ended up being a little flustered, which caught the attention of Colette. "You must excuse me, if okay." She mumbled, going off from the great hall, back to her room.
 The next half hour felt like days to the half elf, and at the first moment he could go, he did. Hurrying off to his room, he got inside and forced off his own suit. He felt trapped, breathing heavily as he'd slump down next to the bed he just rented. "What... what the fuck..." He gripped onto the wooden posts near him, taking in deep breaths like he had used to, for hunting. "it's okay... it's okay... it's okay..." He kept telling himself, until he heard a knock on his door. "Tanythe? Is friend okay?" A deep voice, Børrn's, asked.
"What? Oh... yes! I am fine, do not worry, my friend!" He stuttered out. "I am just... going off to bed, we will talk tomorrow, right? Great, see you then." He got into his bed, and tried his damn hardest to fall asleep.
 A few hours later, he woke up, from a frantic nightmare. Sweat dripped down his face and he'd overhear a mumbling outside. "Look... you cannot keep getting yourself caught by lackeys of Morden, got it? You lost a tooth there, as well. Soon it can be a finger, a foot, or worse, your head. Get going, now," A familiar, feminine voice told somebody.
"Of course, my liege. Thank you for letting me escape Carceri. I am in debt to you." When Tanythe looked out of the window, a few stories out of reach, he was in shock. His intuition was right. Luciea, down below, would pass on a longsword to a more healthy looking Valarys, who then walked off down the street. Slumping down to the floor, it soon donned on him that he helped a renowned criminal escape from the Prison Realm, itself. A cold breeze hit his frowning face, and he then gasped for air. He never felt more disappointed in his life so far.

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