
In the world of Abholos

Visit Abholos

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Chapter 2

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Burying his face into his hands, Tanythe Elderwhisk let out an annoyed groan. Seeing that Valarys had escaped made him erupt with anger. So much that he'd punch the stone wall next to him, which had formed a fairly small crack. He should've seen it before, the mentioning of Lady Luciea, and what struck him even more was that damn grin... the grin that was given to him by Valarys as he was dragged away. Why would somebody smile about that? It should have not gotten to him as much as it did, if three other people did not see it either, and yet it ached in his mind. 

He knew he had to tell the others, of course, it was in the middle of the night. Børrn was outside too, sound asleep, yet if he went outside now, Tanythe would risk being caught by either Valarys, or Luciea, and her suspect consort, Sir Sanguine Morris. In any scenario, he'd lose the fight. Already a bit exhausted from all of the chaos going on around him, as well as not having any of his advanced equipment to hand. Instead, Tanythe would decide on being more passive. Figuring out that if there was one way that this issue could be resolved, it'd be taking on the trio as a team. He decided to write down a note for himself in the morning, in case he had the misfortune of forgetting. He stared up to the ceiling, taking a deep breath as he felt his consciousness slip away, and he'd enter a light, yet troubled sleep, one that he would not get any rest from. 

 He tossed and turned throughout the very few hours of sleep he got. Faint dreams of an old time came in and out of Tanythe's head, keeping himself in a light mumble, muffled by the dull, awful pillow. Upon waking, Tanythe would remember everything about last night, the anguish he felt, and the inability to see no fault in himself. His arms stretched out, followed by the hunter getting to his feet, the hunter began to collect some of his items, donning his usual uniform, slinging his bow over his shoulder, and taking his other equipment. Glancing back to the room he spent the night in, he nearly forgot his cowl. He moved the curtain out of the way, for the open window was blowing a gentle breeze. His tight grasp made the leather gloves of his rub together, which made him cringe from the noise. After a final look back, he would deduce that he had everything. 

Instead of knocking, he just opened the door. It was to Pergos' room, to which he heard a muffled yelp from across the room, followed by the bedsheets moved upwards.. "Tanythe! Get out of here! What are you doing?!" He yelled out, as he climbed out of bed, hopping on over to wear one of the gowns they were gifted with. Tanythe turned around, staring up to the ceiling. "Listen, erm... we have to talk!" He responded, with the same volume as his fellow adventurer. The rogue swung around the now open door, gripping onto the frame that surrounded it. "What is it? I'm kind of busy, Elderwhisk." He groaned, rubbing his neck.
"Luciea. She's not a good person." He bluntly stated, which gave him a chuckle in response.
"Look who you're talking to, dummy! We're all a bit flawed, did you expect her to be all... flowers and rainbows?" The rogue chuckled, glancing back into his room.
"No, I mean... she let Valarys escape last night. I think they're working together." Tanythe mumbled, glancing around whilst he spoke. "also... who is in there, with you?" Pergos had froze up, spreading out his arm to block Tanythe's view.
"Oh, nobody. Nobody at all, don't worry about that. Wait, Valarys is the guy we gave to her! Guess that means we're kind of criminals, hah! Well, you guys are, now, as well." He glanced back to his bed a few times.
"Alright, well, can you get ready for half an hour's time? We should figure out what is our next move. I'm not working for her anymore. If anything, I want her gone." Tanythe broke into a whisper mid-sentence, as one of the staff of the place they were staying in went by. He waited a second, keeping an eye trained on her. "anyways, I'm going to go tell Colette. Make sure that the maid doesn't get involved in this." He went off, towards the Paladin's room, which wasn't too far away. Tanythe raised his hand to the door, but it swung open already. "I heard you. Not surprised, honestly, about Luciea," She had heavy bags under her eyes, still wearing the same outfit from the night before. "let's just get going. We'll take care of her, soon." She closed the door behind her, leaving Tanythe in a state of shocked silence. He turned to watch her leave, and then stole a glance inside of her room. It was somehow messier than his own! The pillow looked to have fist-shaped holes in them, and there appeared to be broken furniture across the floor. The rest of the 50 coins she was given, however, is stacked on the untouched bedside table. It is accompanied by a note saying; 'Sorry!'
 Tanythe felt an obligation to fix it up, at least a minimum. He managed to fix up the damage, for the most part, unable to do anything of the issue of a large hole in the wall. With a sigh, the hunter closed the door and went downstairs to get himself a breakfast. Warm toast was already handed out, Børrn leaning in from the window. "Colette told me what happened, I can't believe it! I thought Luciea was good... she was nice!" Børrn frowned, at how he never realised he was probably manipulated.
"well, not everyone is as good as you expect, friend. Some will backstab us, others will do it directly in front of you." Pergos sighed, coming downstairs. He grabbed a slice of the freshly toasted, yet dry, bread, biting into it loudly.
"Will... will you guys backstab me?" Børrn asked, a little worried.
"Hmm? What? Of course not, you're one of us, you're not forced into our group, or a patron. Don't worry about that." Tanythe rubbed Børrn's shoulder, to try and give him assurance that they would not do such a thing. He finished up his food, and sat in silence. Everyone else did. Nobody really knew what to do, even Colette was silent. She always had some input, except from now. "For once, I feel like we can't do anything. Valarys by himself was pretty powerful..." Pergos broke the silence after 10 minutes. "...but with the Automages and Luciea herself aiding him, he's a tough force, more than us. I suggest... we talk to Morden." He offered, walking from side to side of the table.
"Morden? I mean, we could. But, is this in his paygrade? He always goes on and on about how people are taking his time before he can even get to his home... but... this is important..." Tanythe replied, everyone there seemingly being in agreement, for once.
 After their meal, they'd pack up their things and leave the building they stayed in. A light downfall of snow began to occur, which would make Tanythe fix up his cowl and mask. Snow wasn't common, where he was from. It was a sensation the half-elf was still not used to. The land around them glistened softly, and it made the land look peaceful, even with a threat like Valarys out there, somewhere. "Kind of unusual, for it to snow at this time, ain't it?" Pergos looked to the others, but Børrn was just staring up at the arctic flakes. He was mesmerized, reaching up as the cold, tiny fragments dropped into his palm. "Wow.... this is like the ashes from home, but... instead, they are cold?" He'd lower down, rubbing it on his hand. The rest of the adventurers looked up to Børrn, Colette was confused, that he's never seen snow before. Pergos concerned, for the same reason. However, Tanythe was different. He had a happy look on his face. Seeing wonder instead of dread on one of their faces, especially one he considered a close friend, made his day just a little better.
"If we could. I'd suggest we'd enjoy this day, but right now we have to do our job. Or else innocents will die." Tanythe huffed, looking at the cloud of vapor that had came out of his mouth. "Lets just... find a subterranean guild's hideout. They're accepting of us Sell Swords, aren't they?" He began looking around for a symbol that'd represent a guild. Anything with a jagged line going through the middle of the main design would signify these types of guilds, being a general indicator. "split up. Meet back up here in ten minutes," He stated, before grabbing Børrn. "You two, search that way." Tanythe went off, Børrn following close behind. Colette and Pergos watched them both in a quiet state, one sighing and then turning off into the opposite direction from the others, followed by the other.

Tanythe would lead the way, glancing around back alleys in the hope of finding a familiar Symbol. Børrn had no idea what to look for, he ended up just letting his mind wander alongside his half-elven friend, not providing much help in the search. Upon entering the fifth alley in a row, he felt a disturbance. Tanythe turned his head to see three beefy bandits blocking the way, which has just been blocked off by an illusionist who made a fake market stall. "Well then, two adventurers, hmm? We saw ye's entering this hellhole, after the last few, and we'll like to stop you. Empty your pockets, drop your weapons, and go. Out of the kindness of my heart, I'm giving you two the benefit of walking away, able to survive. if you decide not to, you'll be left to rot against the ground beneath your feet," The cocking of multiple crossbows from the rooftops above could be heard, and Tanythe sighed with annoyance. A grin formed upon their leader, taking a single step forward, both of his legs kept together in a formal-esque formation. 
"Look, any of you lot from any guilds? We could do with some help over here-" A shot pierced the quiver that Tanythe had, causing his bolts to crash down onto the cobbled street. Silence filled the street, emptying itself of its previous threats and breaths.
"Are you hurt, friend?" The barbarian asked, his hands forming into fists.
"No, but still... give them hell, crush them into this hellhole, as they said." Tanythe clenched onto his own crossbow, rolling to the side before firing into one of the Brute's heads, killing them instantly before the rain of bolts came down onto Børrn, the sharp rods of steel burrowing into his skin. Børrn stood there, huffing, and Tanythe threw a crate over himself as a form of shield, despite it being rather rickety. Meanwhile, the wounded giant had let out a mighty roar, the bolts popping out of his body at sheer force that it'd return into the bandits above, causing a majority to fall dead. Tanythe kicked off the crate, hopping back up as he'd grab onto one of his own bolts, kicking off of Børrn's chest, and landing on a pipe connected to the buildings between the alleyway, and throw down the bolt into the second brutes body. He landed down on the ground, the rest of them away from the public eye. The illusionist revealed himself again, away from the duo as he'd prepare a more hostile cantrip of an altered terrain, to sink them below the rock they stood upon. Børrn ran up to strike him, each step sinking further and further into the blood-soaked earth beneath them, but it did not stop him. The brute's plan was to deliver a single strike to the head, but ended up tripping and instead striking the spellcaster with his own back, still killing him. "Is that... huff... them all?" He asked Tanythe, who sighed with relief, as well as nodding, before feeling an arrow pierce his back. "Gah! You little shi-" He was about to curse him out, but Børrn already charged towards them, and struck him over and over again with the body of the Illusionist.
 "Børrn, Børrn. You can stop now, he's dead." Tanythe grabbed onto his fist, holding him back with all of his might, which Børrn would stop to. Not necessarily due to the strength of Tanythe's hold on his wrist, of course. Børrn weighed hundreds of pounds more than Tanythe, and could shatter boulders, a much more powerful feat of strength compared to the miniscule crack in Tanythe's wall. "Come on, one of them had a signet tattoo on his neck, lets just find out where he got his outfit from. Usually some of the criminal guilds has fronts. Something that the oldies used to do, and now they all do it, even in Ebermold." Tanythe began examining the person, looking at any other symbol, or useful item for examining. His attention came back to the arrow lodged in his back. Wincing, his hand bent backwards, soon grasping upon the wooden frame to the arrow, tugging once, twice, before yanking it out. Børrn stood there, making a heavy sigh as he'd wipe some blood from himself. "Tanythe, am I... am I a monster?" He asked, his fists relaxing, reverting back to being open-handed.
"What? Don't think like that, friend. You're Børrn, an adventurer. We're the ones that kill monsters. Not the other way round." Tanythe gave him a quick pat on the shoulder, his eyes resting onto the inside of the bandit's jacket. A shiny item caught his eye, followed by the hunter putting his hand into his jacket, taking it out. "It is the research centre downtown, he's got a signet for the archives there." He'd pick up the card, attached to a leather strap. "Looks like they study blood there, bit of a weird front." Tanythe got up, wiping away some of the blood that got on his outfit, when he took it out.
"So… should we go now? or do we wait for other friends?" The barbarian asked, shuffling on over to the illusion of a humble-looking stall. He walked on through after hesitation, Tanythe moving onwards as well. "... I'm sure they've gotten themselves close to finding out what the hell is going on here, I trust them," 

 Meanwhile, Colette and Pergos were both making their way down the main path of industry and housing in Dallbert. Primarily, they were just looking for any symbols on doors, windows, or the sides to buildings that represented anything they were looking for. Not really talking to each other, they'd keep silent until it was broken by the rogue, deciding to turn and face his fellow adventurer. "You don't seem normal, today. What's up?" He looked over to her, fixing up his outfit's shoulder pad. He was met with a sigh, and an averting of gaze, from him, to the floor.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it, okay?" She mumbled, twiddling her thumbs whilst glancing at buildings. "There is nothing out here that can help, should we just head back and hope the others have a clue on what's happening?" Colette offered, glancing back over to her ally. Pergos was less focused on her, and was reading a headline for a news article. "hey, this picture here, it has a pretty funky symbol on it." Pergos exclaimed, with excitement. He showcased it, an old, grumpy salesman trotting up.
"you know you have to pay for it, right? 4 shackles, or else I'm calling the guard!" The male yelled, holding up a makeshift spear, but instead of a typical spearhead, there was a bell. This made the rogue laugh, covering his mouth to try and conceal it from the stranger.
"yeah yeah, just..." Pergos waved his other hand, silent due to his laugh. "One... one minute." He examined the photo, and then stuffed the newspaper into his leather bag, and bolted off. Colette groaned, and followed directly after. "What in all of the heavens was that for, you idiot?" Colette lightly punched her ally's shoulder, which got a chuckle from the other, whilst she continued to yell at him.
"Relax! I have got this, don't worry." He weaved through different commoners, and slid under a carriage before the clanking of guards in half-plate armour, running towards them could be heard across the entire city. Unluckily for the two, they'd be cornered by the end of the street, blocked off by the city's walls.

 "Oi, we don't want any problems here, none at all. Just come with us, peacefully." One of the guards yelled out, holding up a crested shield in defence. Colette sighed, folding her arms as she averted her eyes from both Pergos and the guards.
"Hey hey, it's only a newspaper. Regardless, by just reading the first few pages, it turns out you lot have a missing blood problem here, right? Started off with vials, then jugs, and now its being... ahem... taken straight from the tap? It doesn't take a genius to know that a vampire, one of evil, is living amongst you all. And you've been looking into this for a few months? 14 injured, 3 close to death. You need somebody. Somebody that not only identified this problem, but will also fix it. What do ya say? You let us go, and give us whatever we wish, and in return, we take care of this blood drinker, eh?" Pergos stepped forward, a cocky grin plastered on his smooth face. Silence would fill the area for a few minutes, before the guard sheathed his sword, and crossed his arms. It would only be after the guard noticed the symbol engraved upon both of their sets of armour, did he relieve his guard. The others followed in action. 
"you got yourself a deal, slippery bastard. Just make sure no more get hurt." They'd go off to leave, in unison. Colette huffed, rubbing her arm. "Great, that's another job for us to do. We won't even be paid." She complained, not as if she'd want the money anyways.
"you're so negative today, plus. I bet that the vampire works for Luciea. Crazy vampire works for a crazy bitch, eh?" Pergos smirked, having not noticed the small glare from Colette for his vulgar language, and decided to proudly lead their way back to the original location, where Børrn and Tanythe were already waiting.
 "The hell happened? We heard guards screaming out, and both of you in a huff. Did he insult a captain, again?" Tanythe looked to Colette for answers, more curious than worried. With a heavy sigh, she would answer.
"He stole a newspaper, just for fun." She crossed her arms, glaring at the blonde.
"Ah, hey! I was looking, you know, looking for clues!" Pergos mimicked her arm crossing, then stuck out his tongue at her. Colette dropped her arms, not wanting to be copied.
"Still, we could have paid. We all could've paid. We all have just enough shackles on us to pass through here. Stealing should be a last resort, okay?" Børrn, taking initiative, dragged the two of them to the blood lab that they originally were figuring out information on, followed by Tanythe trotting behind the trio. "Can we just... get going? Luciea is evil, and we do some bad stuff, every now and then!" Børrn sighed, strolling to the main entrance. "There's a difference between us! She is doing this, and she wants to do this! We have to do this! We don't have a choice! Doesn't that make us better than her?"
"Wait, Børrn, do you know how to get in? There's probably guards all over the main place, lets look for a side entrance." Tanythe offered, jogging on over to catch up with the rather tall giant. He directed his gaze towards the other entrance, there was only a single guard there, armed with a harpoon gun. "Could I... take him out?" Børrn asked, tapping Tanythe's shoulder, being given an affirmative nod as the barbarian threw a leaping punch, shattering the second-hand weapon he had, as he'd toss the guard about, eventually causing a broken bone or two. Soon he'd stop, turning to face the others as he gave a warm smile, covered by his metal helmet, and a thumbs up. Colette returned one, and the other three got to the door. Pergos tried opening the door, putting a boot up onto the wall to tug harder. "Stupid... fucking... door...." He grunted, then pulling off the handle as he'd stumble back. "Dumbass, it's locked, you know."
"I know that! Obviously..." He muttered, glancing to Colette, who just insulted him. Tanythe shuffled to the front, rubbing his hands together. "Can I have a bit of quietness? I don't want to cause any of our metal to also be affected by this..." Tanythe requested, as he exhaled, embers flickering from his fingertips, swirling in a circle before finally pushing through the keyhole. Once inside, a roar of flame echoed around the four, and the embers melted the lock. "there we go." He sighed with relief, and went to open the door, only to see that the lock melted into the door, leaving them just where they started, just without the option of picking the lock. 
"I guess brute force will work this time, wouldn't it?" Pergos chuckled, as Børrn would simply punch the door, causing the hinges to break off. It made a loud slam against the floor. The party flinched, and then worked their way inside of the lab. Among each of the heavy crates they saw, filled with vials of synthetic blood, was the symbol of the Guild. Either painted, tagged, or etched in. The group began to break open each crate, finding the same vials each time. "Wow, looks like they're making this shit! Could do with that vampire, right?"
"Hmm? What vampire? There's a vampire here?" Tanythe put down his box, looking over to Pergos, who was just speaking. They kept going for more and more, soon overhearing a conversation.
 Tanythe got onto the wall behind them, making sure they couldn't notice the ranger. "Alright alright... so what if a package mysteriously disappears? It's just one! Costs like... fifty shackles, and we make hundreds from this," A feminine voice said to the other, which was met with a more masculine one in return.
"Whatever, as long as these damn machines don't blow again. Damn, faulty Adilla products, its about time they set up shop here, don't you think?" Tanythe got some rope out from his bag, lacing some magic onto it as he'd get ready to use it. With the movement of his arm, he curved it around, which had coiled around the two people talking, by itself. Tanythe let go, and the group of four would drag them both behind some crates. "We need... a favour. You lot have a rift pebble here? We need to talk to somebody." After the two's panicked state had ended, one nodded slowly, averting her eyes from the group.
"uh... yes. I have one in my bag, it's just... um... where'd I leave it? A few rooms over, I think.." She stuttered out, taking deep breaths afterwards to calm herself down.
"I'll get it, make sure they don't call for any guards." Colette ordered, going off, glaive in hand. She lightly jogged down the corridor, finding said bag, and examining it. Whilst searching, she pulled out makeshift gadgets, with exposed wires, as well as notebooks, broken gizmos, and then alas, the small stone she was looking for. "We got it! Pergos, go watch the others, the rest of us will call Morden." The rogue sighed, nodding as he'd slump to the ground, just watching the two workers.
 The trio got into a more open area, moving away some of the boxes as Colette placed down the stone, then crushing it with her boot. A thin mist escaped, forming into a floating, starry liquid. The three glanced on inside, and soon, a gloved hand gripped onto the rim of it, followed by another, and soon a masked individual, with a formal outfit of a guildmaster climbed out. "Hello, guys! What is needed?" This figure, Morden, asked. "I haven't got long, some trade deals with Rendar is killing me right now." A groan escaped him, and he crossed his arms. Morden was a tall man, for a human - if he was a human, that is. He wore a cloak, donned with plenty of stars, and a peak into the cosmos itself. Formal attire aside, he looked rather extravagant, especially for a guildmaster. 
"Guildmaster, we uh... need a bit of assistance." Tanythe explained, putting his bow over his shoulder, the bowstring holding onto his body. He adjusted his stance, and cleared his throat. "Valarys, the guy we just broke out of The Furnace, the... war criminal, is uh... working for Lady Luciea. We were wondering on if there were any bounties on either of them?" He continued on, which was met with a long pause.
"Hmm... well... Luciea did make us a lot of cash, and you're sure that she's got that lackey working for her?" Morden leaned against the wall behind him, opening a small portal as he'd reach his hand deep inside. "Lets see... oh! I've found one on her favourite butler. About..." He'd pull out a piece of parchment, detailing this person. A pale, brown-haired male, seen wearing a formal attire in the depiction of himself. "Erm... Sanguine Morris! I think I said his name correctly... but there's a contract from the Grand Plateau. Is there any business out there from the Automages? Whatever it is, I suggest you go after that fella," Morden flicked his index and middle finger, the beige paper being guided towards Tanythe.
"Okay! That's good! We'll get this Sanguine guy! Which one is he again?" Børrn asked, tilting his head. Tanythe trotted over, passing him the bounty.
"one of Luciea's men, how come we've never seen him before? I've heard about him, a lot," Tanythe thought out loud. He was met with a shrug from his brutish ally, and Colette hadn't answered.
"Well, whatever you guys find out, it better be good. I better be going now. Good catching up! Come back to me once you're done whatever..." Morden threw up his hands, looking around the area before going back to face the trio. "...whatever all this is. Ta-ta!" He gave a charming wave, and went back through the portal.
 "well, that wasn't entirely useless. We find out more about Sanguine, and hopefully it means we can find him alongside her. two birds with one stone, uh... more... three birds? Eh, I don't know anymore..." With a heavy sigh, Tanythe went over to the smaller room where Pergos was keeping the two scientists bound. "Thanks a lot, you two. Day shift here starts in 3 hours, better make company until then." Pergos smirked, standing up with a light grunt as he'd face the other three allies of his. "Well? What've we got, so we can get these lot?" He asked, rubbing his hands together, separated by thieves' gloves.
"Uh... this pale guy, Sanguine. Haven't seen him at all when we were at the Guildhall for Automages," Tanythe explained, handing over the contract paper. Pergos skimmed through it, and soon his eyes lit up.
"Oh yeah! I saw him, he was definitely a weird guy..." Pergos kept skimming through the information, nodding at some points. "right... I'm sure this guy was there, last night. Me and Miss Selena Wulf saw him whilst leaving the Maid Quarters. The fella seemed quite exhausted actually, or he just woke up, either way." Pergos shrugged, then handing it back. Tanythe, now with a grin, concealed by his cowl and mask, would stuff it in his bag.
"Looks like we're paying your... ahem... friend a visit," Tanythe stated, a small huff exiting Colette's lips as they'd get going. Børrn tilted his head in confusion.
"Pergos has friends? I never knew he could have friends!" He exclaimed, which caught a loud laugh from Colette.
"Holy fuck, dude... I have not laughed like that in ages!" She kept giggling to herself, ending up to cover her mouth.
"What's so funny with that? Did I just make a joke?" Børrn asked, rubbing his arm out of a small fear that his friend was in fact laughing at him.
"Don't worry, my friend! It's just..." Colette would lean in, tugging at Børrn's Rakdos straps to bring him down to her level, where she'd whisper the meanings of it all.
"Oh! Wow... like the other Rakdos group in my city! That's what those two were doing?" He chuckled too, whilst they all trotted across the streets of the small city.
"I don't see how that's funny..." Pergos murmured, to himself, crossing his arms as they got to Luciean Automages once more.
 As soon as they got to the front, the doors did not open. Instead, they were just idle. It seems that the magic had been sapped from this front point, taken, or depleted. Upon manually opening the door, the sounds of 2 steam-based machines powered to life, one launching a fist towards the door. It broke off of its hinge, and the party got into a fighting stance immediately. The duo of copper golems made their assault, lunging forward to grapple Tanythe, and throw him up into the ceiling, and down onto the upper floor. The other catching Børrn's punch and countering it with a left hook, sending the brute into the staircase. Pergos leaped onto the back of the second one, driving his daggers into it's back, leaving only mere dents. Colette charged one, striking it with her shoulder as she'd attempt to break off it's hand with the glaive she had. All it'd do was cause the golem to stumble, and deliver a back hand, causing Colette to hit the ground. She huffed, uttering an incantation as Børrn's body would reflect a golden hue. Her faith-tethered armour projected onto her ally, and they got back into the fight. Tanythe would bring down bolts from his crossbow, pricking the metallic shell, one getting between the segments of one golem's forearm, causing it to lock for a moment. Although, the bolt then snapped, causing a delayed punch to strike the glossed wooden floor. Continuing on with their onslaught of attacks, soon Børrn would be able to go toe-to-toe with one. They'd trade punches, able to take a good amount of them before the barbarian ripped off the golem's leg. Using it, he'd ready himself for an attack, until the other enemy struck Børrn. The now injured golem got up, and would go to fight Pergos. "Oi! Aim for its openings!" He ordered, calling out to the others.
"What do you think I am doing, asshole?!" Tanythe shouted back, firing more bolts into the unarmed one's body. Børrn let out an anguished groan, grabbing a large post from the staircase, and jamming it into the engine to the copper construct, it's blazing movements coming to a halt, before Colette would slice off it's head, knocked across the room, the one-armed being powering down and hitting the floor. Which leaves one, ready to make an attack. Lunging towards Børrn, it threw a punch which was caught, and would then throw another, which was parried by a throwing knife from Pergos. In the end, Tanythe casted a bolt of flame onto his arrow, and caught the construct directly in its fuel tank, causing a miniature explosion in its engine, falling to the ground inactive.
 Silence filled the room, except with the exhausted, quickened breaths of the four adventurers. "They only came out last time to take Valarys away... why are they attacking us on sight now?" Colette asked, putting her glaive back on her back, before examining the destroyed constructs' remains. Pergos thought for a minute, before picking up the head to their previous enemy.
"Maybe Luciea ordered them to attack whoever came through that door?" He'd suggest, further noting that the magic from the doors was removed.
"That could be possible... however what if one of her lackeys came through? They're craven enough to not fight those monstrosities and instead run. Could she have known about us?" He thought out loud, deciding to open every door, on if there were any other aggravated encounters to come. Elderwhisk noted another door near the base of the staircase, going up to it as the hidden handle, inverted into the hidden door. "Pergos, where'd you say the Maid Quarters were again?" He'd glance over, opening the door to a hidden staircase, going down instead of up.
"Erm... up a floor, on the west-side." He stated, pointing to the direction, thanks to a compass upon the ground.
"Well, we should probably get over there, to talk to your favourite lady here." Colette would go up to the west-side hallway, and waited for the others. The other three followed, Børrn unable to get through the door, would let out a painful sigh. "you guys don't have to wait for me, I know I can't fit..." he'd frown, and plopped down on the ground with a thud.
"We won't be gone for long, friend. Just stay put, alright?" Tanythe gave him a thumbs up, and caught up with the other two, who already went down the hallway.
 Descending down the oaken and brass hallway, with ornate portraits of higher-up members of the Automage's directors, the trio would be given the sight of the worker's quarter, definitely lacking to the grandness of the other rooms. Creaky floors, and a singular, pale light, dimly lighting each room that one was in. Navigating each room, the party soon found a maid, reading a book by a coffee table. Pergos' face lit up upon realising who it was. "Nice to see you again, hero," A small coo escaped from the maid's lips, before she smirked.
"and... and you, Selena Wulf." He'd sit next to her, looking at the book. "We need a favour, hmm... we need to know about the Head Butler here, Sanguine Morris." He shuffled closer, giving a warm smile.
"Well, Don't say you don't owe me, alrighty?" She took a deep breath, and got up, taking a notebook from her bedside, with a rota on it. "We've been on break since this morning, the main lady is off with her favourite workers, doing all kinda stuffs east-end! It's where their main manufacturing stuffs work," She gave a smile, showcasing her notes. Pergos took it, before copying them down on a separate page, and then ripping it out.
"Thanks again, Wulf. Next time I'm in town, I'm treating you to whatever you want." He gave her another smile, before getting up.
 "Is that all for you two lovebirds? Lets get going, then." Colette huffed, turning on her heel as she'd go for the hallway.
"Wait just a minute, Colette. I'm going to talk to my favourite gal a little more." He gave a smirk, turning back to Selena. Tanythe also got up, deciding to investigate some of the further rooms. After a few minutes of wandering, he saw one door had a sign on it, to not disturb whoever was inside. However, there was no light on, inside, only to be greeted by a whirling noise, followed by a shotel being flung towards him, just missing him by an inch. Tanythe turned to face whoever threw it, seeing a robe-bound figure lunged towards him, delivering a punch. Tanythe hit the door behind him, closing it as he'd go to grab the wedged blade, only for it to swing out magically, and slice open his palm. Blood dripped onto the floor, and whilst Tanythe winced in pain, he'd tackle the figure, both stumbling against the opposite wall. The half-elf got to his feet in a quick scamper, punching his opponent before going to grab a chair in the room, to crash into them. As soon as he'd get the weapon into the air, however, his opponent turned to smoke, just after the blinking of a cyan machine on their thigh, then kicking Elderwhisk from behind. The chair broke onto the ground, and without any other choice, the half-elf threw parts of the chair to distract his enemy.
 Each one hit off of their body, before one final one, one of the chair legs, was smacked across their face, and then jammed into their previously used machine, causing sparks to fly. Tanythe landed a kick in the chest, before getting a kick in return, instead at his knee, causing it to dislocate. Letting out a yell of pain, Tanythe slumped onto a wall, running out of plans, or ideas. However, one final one clicked. He could try and use his book as a weapon, yes! He'd reach for it, before noticing it was missing. It's slight tangerine hue lit up a corner of the room, and Tanythe would have to get there in order to use it. He used his good foot to push himself forward, bashing the gut of the assassin before sliding across the dusty floor, and grabbing the book. "What the hell do you want?" He demanded to know, getting sliced a few times by the shotel before he'd slam the book down onto their head, stunning them. Tanythe took a minute, before thrusting it to their throat, closing off their windpipe. Few gasps could be heard, and the half-elf dragged his opponent to a wardrobe with a sliding door. Their hand reached out, to call back the shotel, but Tanythe, this time, caught it and drove it into their wrist, and then lastly slamming shut the sliding door, with the assassin's head wedged inside at the end. A loud crack echoed in the room, and their body went limp. Tanythe then slumped down to the ground, breathing heavily as he'd get started on tending his wounds. He knew he'd be there for a while.

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