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Have you ever thought about what makes you…you?

Is it the clothes you wear, the talents you have…or perhaps the connections you’ve made?

Is it your popularity or the acceptance of others around you?

No, it’s not.

The older you get and the more experience you gain, you will realize that who you are is made of up of the tiny choices you make throughout your life. The seemingly insignificant things we do from day-to-day.

To go forward when you could have gone back. To push on when you could have easily just given up. To get up one more time than you are knocked down.

The people who discover who they truly are and what makes them unique…are the ones who don’t hesitate doing the right thing when painful choices must be made.

The heroes are the ones willing to jump into the fire.

If you enjoyed this book (and series), consider buying me a coffee over at my ko-fi -- it funds my writing and this site, allowing me to create more for you to enjoy. THANKS!!

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