CHAPTER 2 - No Choice

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Someday you’ll be forced to make a tough decision. It will happen in a flash…and you can’t go back to change it.

It won’t matter what your reasoning or intent is…someone’s going to hate you for it.



Dust and gravel exploded across the courtyard as the portal flashed open.


The gaping hole, torn in the very fabric of space, vomited—spewing out water and three figures. An old man, a gnome…and a troll.

Servants shrieked, children ran and armed guards lowered their spears. High overhead, the warning bells of Til-Thorin rang.

“What did you do?” Alhannah coughed, choking. Her body was drenched and one of her swords was missing.

Dax flopped onto the ground, hacking and blowing water from his nose. He crawled to the wizards side. “Help me roll him over, ‘Hannah.”

“I said, what did you do?”

“Alhannah!” he snapped, “Help me with Chuck…”

The gnome grabbed the wizards legs and turned him onto his back.

Dax placed his oversized ear on the old man’s chest. His eyes grew wide. “He’s not breathing!”

Throwing the mass of facial hair out of the way, he turned the wizard head, cleared the airway and then tilted it back. Dax took a sharp breath and blew. Sliding over, he laced his hands and started chest compressions.

One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand…” he counted.

Chuck coughed loudly, his hands shaking spastically.

Dax grabbed the old man by the shoulders and hugged him tightly.

“My, my,” Chuck said weakly, “someone’s…feeling a bit emotional.”

“You left him,” Alhannah said sternly. She stood just behind Dax, her fists clenched. “You left Wendell behind.”

“What is she saying, monkey?” whispered Chuck.

Dax gently laid him back on the ground, but didn’t answer either of them.

“I’m talking to you, Dax!” The gnome started pacing, like a small jungle cat, her eyes fixed on the back of the bald, green head. Guards were running down the ramps of the catwalks, surrounding them. “Why did you leave him behind!?”

Dax watched the guards descend upon them. He raised his hands and laced them behind his head.

Alhannah yanked on Dax’s shoulder, spinning him around in the mud. Her tone was sharp, eyes narrow and focused. “We’re supposed to protect him! He TRUSTED US, Dax!!”

He looked up. “What was I supposed to do?” Red, moist eyes searched her face, pleadingly. “He’d already fallen. I couldn’t see him! We had one shot at this Alhannah, Wendell knew it…and look at him,” he nodded at the wizard. “LOOK! He’s hurt.” Dax choked back a sob, “I’ve never seen him hurt before, Alhannah.”

She stared at him, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Hundreds of years we’ve run together. His magic was so strong, so focused…he was invulnerable and now suddenly…,” he stared at the prone, pale body, “he got old.” Spinning around at the gnome, the fierceness in his tone caused Alhannah to take a step back, “He needed a healer!” But it was an expression he couldn’t maintain. The lines in his face softened as he whispered, “He’s all I got, ‘Hannah.”

Several soldiers stepped forward with blades drawn. Dax sniffed, then looked at them boldly. He nodded toward Chuck.

“That is the wizard Morphiophelius. This is his bodyguard, Lady Alhannah. They’re friends of the steward, Lord Garriff…and your King, Robert III, who is on his way to this Keep as we speak.”

Dax was kicked forward, onto his face. Kneeling roughly onto his back, rough hands pulled his wrists behind him. Bound them tight with rope.

“I ask that you treat the old man for his wounds and allow the gnome to accompany him.”

A gloved fist struck him behind the ear. Dax swayed under the blow. “You’re in no position to make requests, beast,” smirked the guard.

“Hey!” growled Alhannah, her hand going to her sword hilt.

“Don’t do it child,” whispered Chuck. His white hand collapsed back to the ground.

A dozen spears surrounding them…and three swords at her throat, made her reconsider. With a heavy sigh, she held up one hand and, unlatched her belt with the other. She tossed the sword and belt to the ground.

Dax wiggled like a worm through the dirt and mud, desperate to get closer to the old wizard. “Don’t talk, Chuck…” he whispered. “Save your strength. I’ll get you help.”

Citizens and servants stood near the outer curtain wall.

“Place them in a cell,” ordered the commander. “I’ll inform Captain Joram we have…guests.”

“Sir, the prison is full. The gallows are almost built, but…”

“Then throw them under the Keep.”

The guard hesitated, “Sir…”

“Do as you’re told!” snapped the commander. He glanced down at the wizard with disdain. Chuck smiled at him weakly.

“And take that one too. I don’t trust a human who associates with trolls and gnomes.

“Yes, sir.”

“No,” pleaded Dax, now tugging against his bindings, “wait, please—he’s wounded! You HAVE to help him!!”

The hilt of a sword struck fast and hard.

Dax dropped into the mud, unconscious.

“Why you piece of…” Alhannah barked.

The crack of a club sent her slumping to the ground.

Chuck closed his eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath.

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