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Story 11: Happy Halloween

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It was a dark and stormy night on ghoul street. Sky pours Meowmeow’s food into her container and gives the cat pets before glancing worriedly outside. As Sky began to prepare their own dinner, the clock could be heard striking in the other room… Gong… Gong… Gong,,, Gong… Gong,,, Gong… Gong,,, Gong… Gong,,, Gong… Gong,,, Gong...

Sky could hear a knock on the door and for a little bit, they mistook it as the storm constantly banging on their window. There was suddenly a great howling and another knock, much louder, was made very audible to Sky.They decided that dinner preparation can wait and went to see who’s on the door. 

As Sky walked along the great corridor towards the front door, a wailing was heard above. Ignoring it, Sky opened the door, finding a familiar face. Woofy the werewolf smiles, while probably trying to look kindly instead looks menacing, and greets Sky cheerily. 

“Oh, it’s Woofy! What brings you here?” 

“Came around to ask for some sugar. Those three pigs up down the hill keep running away.”

“Oh, sugar … I’m sure I have some of those somewhere …” Sky let the werewolf in and rummaged through their cupboards. Woofy was about to step in when he too heard the wailing. 

“What was that?” Woofy inquires. 

Sky turns around with a confused look. 

“What was what?” 

“That wailing. Why didn’t you go see what it was before opening the door?”

Sky shrugged Woofy off and pulled out a bag of sugar from one of the cupboards. Woofy waited patiently outside, refusing to step foot inside the mansion. Sky tries to call Woofy to come inside but they decide to try to see what the werewolf is actually up to. 

“I’m serious Sky. You can’t ignore all the problems in this house. Sooner or later you really should call a ghost buster.”

Sky, however, was concentrating trying to pierce into Woofy’s mind and figure out why he’s so worried about all the wailing. Something feels different though and Sky is unable to read Woofy’s mind. They couldn’t feel anything blocking them nor any resistance from Woofy, they’re just unable to sense anything. 

Woofy reaches for the sugar, aware that Sky has become more anxious. 

“I’m just saying, Sky,” the werewolf said, cradling the sugar in his arms, “that sometimes even if you don’t feel like danger is coming, it might still be around.”

Woofy then proceeds to leave, increasing his pace the further he gets from the mansion. Sky watched him leave in confusion, the emptiness of being able to sense nothing still gnawing on them.

There was suddenly a very loud crash and what sounded like splintering wood coming from above. Sky looked up once, and the wailing continued, fading into a shriek. Sky proceeds to close the door and focuses now on the wailing, their lack of powers can wait.

Sky slowly climbed up the stairs, steps becoming wary as the wailing got closer. Once on the landing Sky approaches the door where the shrieking is loudest and slowly turns the knob.

“Sky! Sky!” 

Another crash suddenly comes from behind Sky and the shrieking stops as the door swings slowly open. Sky tried to pinpoint where the voice calling their name came from but a chill envelops the room, quietness piercing. 

Sky weighs whether or not to continue into the room or if they should investigate the crashing sound. They figured that now that they’re here might as well they come in, so Sky takes a step into the room. 

Pitch black almost nothing is visible, except in the faint moon light they make out what looks to be furniture draped in bedsheets and curtains. Sky walked closer to the object, making out no noise except for the still roaring storm outside - no wailing, no shrieking, nothing. 

In the eerie silence the next series of crashes were very audible, evidently whatever was in here had moved elsewhere. Sky sighed and turned around to leave the room. Another chill swept through Sky before the door closed in her face and the windows suddenly burst open, curtains now flailing in the wind and rain.

Sky, once again, concentrated on their abilities to try to sense what has been roaming around in the mansion. A creak comes from above and Sky looked up just before the floorboards above gave way to something.

Sky opens their eyes and flinches in pain as a pen makes contact with their forehead.

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