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Story 4: Oreo

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Meowmeow paws on her birthday present box. As Sky quietly prepares a birthday meal in the kitchen, all of Meowmeow’s friends are gathered in the living room. A couple of stuffed friends Sky has gotten her the previous years, and Oreo, the only neighbourhood cat Meowmeow doesn’t seem to always want to pick a fight with. As they stare at the box in eager anticipation, Sky lowers the lights and plays birthday music, carrying a covered plate with them.

Meowmeow’s marble eyes light up in the dark. She turns towards Sky and watches as they lower the platter onto the table and slowly raise the lid. A tuna-flavoured cat-cake from one of the pet shops, with a somewhat novice drawing of a cat with sparkles all around it. Meowmeow, usually so calm and well mannered, launches herself between the half-raised lid and plate, ploughing straight into the deliciously smelling cake.

Oreo watched with wistful eyes, not seeming to be interested in joining his friend’s somewhat chaotic behaviour. Sky continues to lift the lid off and then sits down on one of the nearby chairs, happily watching Meowmeow enjoy the cake. They gesture at Oreo, wondering if the quieter cat would eventually join in the feast. Seeing enough time has passed, and not because Sky has gestured it was ok, Oreo proceeds to stand and walk over, intentionally looking away from Sky.

Sky isn’t the best in their Animals Communication and Bondings class, but they wonder if they should test if they can still practice whatever they learned in that class today with Oreo, just out of curiosity. Sky moves closer and reaches out their hand, closing their eyes and beginning to chant the spell to talk to animals. They have never tried this with Meowmeow, for reasons as simple as Meowmeow wears her heart in her sleeves, and Sky is able to figure her out effortlessly. 

Kalt Tac, Kalt Tac Sky repeats 5 times over.  They can feel Oreo’s subconscious now, wary of the intruder. Sky reaches out further and could sense Oreo’s fur just beyond their fingertips, a shiver runs down Oreo’s back as he turns to see Sky leaning over them. Meowmeow, blissfully unaware of the situation, continues gobbling up her birthday treats. 

Sky’s hand barely brushes Oreo’s back before he jumps away and flies across the room. Thankfully, the connection has been established with the touch, and Sky offers a friendly smile at the cautious cat, ignoring Meowmeow’s raised ears.

Hello, Sky thinks to Oreo.

I haven’t spoken to humans for long, Oreo responds, although it takes Sky a beat that Oreo isn’t talking to them, simply thinking “out loud”. 

Sky leans back into the chair again and watches Oreo as he slowly makes his way back towards the cake. Feeling slightly ignored, Sky tries again, concentrating, you like tuna cake? 

Oreo turns, blankly staring back at Sky, visibly confused at such a silly question. It’s my first tuna cake, he says anyway, no one really has tuna cake as spare food out there. 

Fair enough, Sky replies. For a moment they forget that unlike Meowmeow, Oreo is not a spoiled domestic pet. 

Meowmeow once told me her human is a bit different, Oreo reveals as he takes his first taste of the cake, I think I get it now

“You what?!?” Sky probes Meowmeow. The cat familiar graces them with no response, and Oreo lets out a reaction that almost feels like a sigh of disappointment at Sky. Sky definitely can feel the intense judgement emanating from both cats. 

You’re really not a subtle person, are you? Oreo inquires, his previous shyness nowhere to be found. Sky decides that it is enough animal talk for one day and ends the translation spell.

Sky sits back and smiles to themselves at the thought of Meowmeow talking about them to the other cats. Oreo evidently had not realised the connection has been severed and continues to intensely stare at Sky. Sky gestures at the cake, slowly getting up to give Meowmeow pets on the head instead. Meowmeow gladly accepts the attention and leans into Sky’s palm.

“Happy birthday,” Sky whispers. Picking up the remains of the now-demolished cake, Sky begins to clean up as the two cats once more return their attention to the box in the room.

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