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An Introduction to his Life Taran's Adventures with his Friends The Battle of Dawn

In the world of Cresteria

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Taran's Adventures with his Friends

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Taran had three main friends: his closest friend, Taran (blue), was the son of the captain of the royal guard and was assigned to him to keep him safe, but then they became the best of friends and they ended up getting into more mischief and trouble than he got in before. Then there where the twins, Zark and Zork (copper), they were the sons of the one of the members of his father’s court. When Taran was not having his lessons, he and his friends were inseparable. They went around town playing huge games of hide and seek they also went exploring on the nearby lakes on the rowboat Taran got for his 5th birthday. When they were alone on the lake’s islands, Taran and the twins would shoot fire bolts at rocks and sometimes even birds

One day on Taran’s 8th birthday, they went out to an island that they had never been to before as Taran’s father had said “It is too dangerous for little scales such as yourselves.” Even after his father’s warning at the age of 8 he was almost fully grown and Taran thought he and his friends could handle it. On the way there they all saw huge dark shapes moving under the water which Taran later found out were dragon turtles that had been told to protect the islands from any enemy ship that does not know the password. As they were only children and they had just come from the Capital the turtles were not bothered that day, but they did get a sense they were not meant to be there. They beached the rowboat and started their usual way of scouting out a new island by first walking the perimeter of the island. The island they had landed on was known as the Storm’s Eye. It was told that it was the home of an ancient blue dragon that had been gifted free will to do as it pleased by Tiamat as it managed to defeat one of her most powerful champions. So, it made its home there in the caves of the Storm’s Eye, unbeknown to the four children.

As they made their way closer to the mouth of the cave at the base of a group of large rocks in the middle of the island that formed a spire-like formation. They noticed that the pressure of the air changed like a storm was coming though the weather never changed. With every step they took the trees became thicker, and the light dimmed until it was pitch black except from small glowing mushrooms and blue crystals, crackling with lightning energy. And there it was, the Mouth of Storms, the Cave of Legends. Taran and his friends edged closer as a cold feeling tingled up the back of their necks. All except Taran he felt drawn to it and egged his friend to come with him closer. As they reached the precipice of the cave a mighty roar rang out of the cave startling the boys. But as the roar resonated in Taran ears he heard a voice in his head saying, “Come in Dovahkiin, but you friends must leave!” A fright spread through Taran’s friends, and they left as fast as they could for all his friends heard was an angry saying, “Leave this island and return in a year to find your friend.” But Taran stayed intrigued by the voice, so he delved down deeper into the cave. It was dimly lit by glowing blue crystals with energy crashing between them. Taran then went on to meet this dragon, it was a rich blue hue, with pale cyan blue in the webbing of the wings; his scales were like crystal gems shimmering in the dim light in the cave. In Taran’s mind he heard a soothing male voice saying, “hello there Dovakiin, I am Dolor the free.”

He then went on in detail that Taran had a lineage of magical dragon blood that was special to his family, that his magic was more potent than most dragon-blooded sorcerers and that is why he needs to teach Taran to control and manipulate the magic flowing through his veins; that he would stay on this island and train for at least a year.

His new training routine was getting up at the crack of dawn and climbing to the top of the rocks and practicing on focusing his energy. And then going under a water fall after a few minutes break and trying to keep concentration on magic. And then meditation in the cave to learn to keep his emotions in check. Taran was told many times by Dolor that if you cast a spell in anger, it will destroy you and your kin; that fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate, and hate leads to dark and uncontrollable magic. So Taran trained to keep his magic and emotions in check. Taran then would hunt using magic for his food and Dolor would get him some mushrooms that would enhance his understanding of magic (if you know what I mean). He stayed there for a year training and honing his skills and powers.

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