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The Battle of Dawn

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There was a group of dwarves that did not like that the Dragonborn changed sides during the War of the Split and were allowed to walk away from what they did with no punishment as long as they helped and did as they were told. They thought that if the Dragonborn can swich sides just because their side is not winning so easily, what is stopping them from stabbing the alliance in the back as soon as the going gets tough. Little did the dwarves know, the Dragonborn changed sides because of a change in leadership and a change in faith because of it. But from the outside it did not seem that way as the Dragonborn liked to keep their cards close to their chest.

The Dwarves came to the capital island and attacked without a warning with their huge battleships, destroying homes, killing everything in their paths. Not even targeting the soldiers’ garrisons. They also deployed great mechanised war machines, armed with advanced crossbows and other machinery. Burning crops and killing any one in their way. Both sides lost many that day. It seemed as if the Dragonborn might have the upper hand as every able bodied dragonborn had martial training. However, without much dragon support that day as it was a surprise attack the dragonborn did not stand a chance against the dwarvern anti-magic machines of war. A few were taken down by strong warriors and casters, but the machines’ ability to absorb magical energy and redirect it was unmatched and devastating.

The Dragonborn armies involved in this fight were the Royal Guard, the Golden Centurions, the town guard, and a gathered militia. The Royal Guard consisted of 30 of the Dragonborns’ best and brightest: 10 wizards 5 sorcerers and 15 paladins of Bahamut. The Golden centurions consisted of 60 paladins of Bahamut. And then there where about 150 guards and 100 training and retired soldiers that formed a militia. There were only two Dragons there that day, and they were the guardians of the king, they appear to be great statues of dragons, until they are called upon by their king. He who wears the crown controls the guardians. (A little bit about the crown: it is forged with four gems and gold; it is magically enchanted so if someone who is not the king tries to wear it and control the guardians, they would die a fiery death).

Taran left the island he was training on, as he left Dolor said to him, “Be safe, Dovahkkin, and use your mind, not you emotion to guide the power you wield.” Taran reached the capital halfway through the battle, he engaged in a skirmish with a few dwarvern troops but was soon overwhelmed when a mech-tank commander arrived and recognised the royal emblem on his belt and took him as a prisoner. Taran was presumed dead by the king, his father, and this sparked a great flame, the flame of war. The battle ensued for another two days. The dwarves retreated to their home and the dragonborn to safer islands and to the secret army base in a nearby tropical jungle. There the dragonborn king talked with his generals and the rest of his court. They decided that they would send three quarters of the army to do a counter strike as they knew this would not be the last battle between their nation and the dwarves, and they wanted this next one to be. Also, they were out raged by the number of civilians that were attacked in this fight and crops burnt. They were going to pay dearly!

The Dragon born attacked with full force with 20 dragons, thousands of foot soldiers, and cavalry: easily sieging the capital of the dwarves and destroying the surrounding countryside. Unbeknown to the king, the outraged generals did not just plan on crippling them but annihilating them. The dwarves’ land was in cinders: ash floating in the air like snow, bodies piled up everywhere. The smell of smoke and burning meat filed the lungs of every soldier each time they took a breath. There were very few survivors that day, only two dwarvern ships got away, every other dwarf on the land was dead. All that remained was the great brass bell tower blackened with ash and no longer ringing.

The rest of the dragonborn’s allies heard of what happened and came with their armies, the king and his nation surrendered and were neutral for the rest of the War of the Split.

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