
Wayward Galaxy
Ongoing 2677 Words

Chapter 3

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The large robotic white knight stands as a beacon, as all eyes are on it. It takes a few steps forward as Abby and Void watch every step, but as Abby focuses on the Knight but as she does, her mind goes blank as she whispers something. The crystal on her chest flashes white as Void notices the bed and floor underneath Abby become heavier.

My lady, are you ok?

Void breaks Abby’s trance as the weight becomes normal. Abby becomes confuse with a bewildered look. “Uh, I think I am. I Just… remember… something, I think. What happened?”

Nothing, my lady, it seems you’re still fatigued.

Abby doesn’t think of it as anything important, but when she turns to the screen, it shocked her as the unknown white knight turns to face Abby and gives a slight bow. Abby flips the screen in fear. As she looks away as a booming voice echoes through the screen and throughout the halls of the dockyards.

“Her Ladyship graciously granted sanctuary within her walls, yet you defied her hospitality by waging war in this sacred place. As a sworn knight in service to her Ladyship and the protector of her home, I cannot allow such disrespect to go unpunished. Know that you stand before her ladyship knights, and we shall not falter in our duty to defend this place against those who seek to do it harm. You have a choice to make, surrender and face the judgment of her Ladyship, or face our might. The fate of your lives rests in your hands. Decide for mercy or swift justice upon your heads.”

As the eerie blue fog crept over the ships and their crew, the soldiers on both sides felt a growing sense of unease. Just as panic was about to set in, the massive tree at the center of the Jade Empire flagship unleashed a dazzling burst of golden light, dispelling the fog and revealing a majestic figure in shimmering armor. Emerging from within the tree’s branches, the branches lowered itself as the figure strode confidently onto the deck, its entire body adorned with intricate golden flowers that seemed to glow with an otherworldly power. A soldier yell echoes through the dockyard, “Commander on deck!” The soldiers of the Jade Empire stand tall and salute.

The head knight turned to face this golden figure as it approached. The golden figure speaks a phase so clearly with authority that those nearby stood straighter. “Major Dur, front and center!”

Within a moment, a figure leaps from the shadows. A wave of darkness lands beside the golden figure, piercing the metal floor underneath its might. The air of admiration and respect turns to fear as soldiers of both sides ignore the knights to watch this humanoid arachnid woman of dark hair, pale skin, crimson armor, carrying twin red swords, and red flowered vines wrap around each of her eight legs, make their skin crawl.

The two walk in the head knight's direction. Each step of Major Dur's sword-point legs pierces the floor, but after the third step, her third right leg slightly slips. Void hardens the floor to ensure it won’t need consist repairs but to Major Dur it has alerted her to an unknown presence. She places her left hand onto her sword, signaling to the golden figure.

The soldiers of the Jade Empire felt at ease seeing these two figures walk past, but the simple gesture has brought an additional weight on their shoulders. These two answered one of Void’s question regarding their leadership, but as Void tries to scan the commander to learn the golden figure secrets. Millions of life signs appear at once, causing Void to look away. It caused Void discomfort, a new sensation unfamiliar to Void.

Trying to find a forest within a forest. This will require more effort in the future. I cannot allow a secret to remain in Abby’s home.

Void shifts her attention towards the Blue Suns as members move to the side as two individuals make their way through. A towering 8ft tall, long-haired, muscular horned humanoid woman wearing tribal tattoos across her face, bright yellow eyes, wearing sleek latex clothing morphing to her muscular physique, and wearing metal pauldrons.

“Void, should I work out more? I feel… lacking.”

It is your decision, but your arms have been losing their shape.

Abby flexes her arms to check and begrudging agrees with Void assessment. Walking in front of the horned woman is a 5ft humanoid girl with pink skin, large pink-colored wings, pink metallic eyes, short pink hair, and a floral jacket over a casual shirt and shorts.

“Wow, she is so pretty.”

The color pink is a lovely color.

Abby finds them pretty and cool, but Void takes great care in studying them. Void can see dozens of implants and cybernetics embedded in the pink one body. Last, unbeknownst to others, is a figure able to blend light, rending the figure invisible. Void studies every detail, running trillions of simulations as Abby watches in amazement.

“Oh, that dark one looks so cool!”

My lady, can you see that one?

“Yeah, why?”

Nothing, my lady.

Void notes Abby’s ability to see those invisible, Void starts pepping test for her. Abby doesn’t pay any attention as she watches the two groups stand before this unknown Knight.

The two groups stand before the head knight, an imposing figure towering over the two groups, but together make him seem at an even level. The young pink woman gives an eager smile with hungry eyes, memorizing each inch of the head knight see turns her attention to the golden figure. “I’m Niy, the new leader of the Blue Suns. Thanks for the promotion, oh wise commander.”

“Your welcome.”

This made the arachnid woman chuckle. The horned woman stomps her foot, wanting to impale her on her horns. The Major Dur shows an eager expression to fight as she leans forwards, ready to leap. A dense blue fog leaks out of the head knight, forcing them to shift their attention.

“Before everyone dies, tell me your funeral rites so I may tend to all the dead.”

The Commander of the Jade Empire steps forward, emitting a golden light colliding with the blue fog. The two

“Forgive my second in commander, major Dur. Stand down till order otherwise.”

“Forgive me, sir.” Major Dur takes a few steps back as she puts her hands behind her back.

Niy steps forward as well. “Ausie, now is not the time to get riled up. That’ll be for later.”

“Sorry Niy.” Ausie takes a step back as she crosses her arms. As the group settles down, the blue fog dissipates. Niy looks at the Commander and motions her hand for him to start. He nods in agreement.

“I’m Commander Vodoz from the 7th branch of the Jade Empire. Accept my apologies on behalf of my nation. We meant no harm or disrespect to your lady and her home, but please understand, we sent various messages and scouts, but we had no formal contact for a week within your lady’s home.”

“…” the head knight doesn’t respond. Instead, he turns around, kneeling onto the ground, placing his hand on his chest. “My lady, they have gathered and grant us the honor of hearing your words.”

Abby, watching this, slowly leans towards the monitor.


My lady, they can’t hear you. This is a viewing monitor.

Abby leans back, covering the screen as her face turns red from embarrassment. “Void, you better not have recorded that.”

I have, and it’ll be a wonderful memory to reply infinitely.

Abby, with a look of defeat, allows Void to keep the recording as she removes her hand from the screen. A moment of clarity comes to Abby as the screen moves to show them looking at her.

“They're waiting for me to say… hello. They're waiting for me, Void! People are actually waiting for me.” Abby leans onto the screen as tears run down her face.

I know my lady, it’s a monumental moment. It is one of your greatest wishes, but please wait. In your eyes, you see a future that becomes reality, but in mine, I see endless possibilities. Some are a wonderful future, but I also see nightmares of pain.

“Please, just a word.”

As Niy and Vodoz wait for a response, Niy turns her eyes blue, examining her surroundings. Her blue eyes pierce the white metal walls seeing an endless wave of complex machinery everywhere. She memorized by the sight as her expression is that of a child finding candy. She looks at the kneeling head knight, hoping for more wonders, but an invisible energy field blocks her view.

Sad but still curious as Niy continues to examine the walls and floors, but in the endless sea of machines a red dot catches her eye. Her eyes turn pink seeing the normal white wall. Her eyes turn to blue once again and return to the spot of the red eye.

She takes a step back, seeing dozens of red eyes looking at her. Ausie notices Niy strange behavior. “Niy, are you ok?” Ausie words startle her, making her eyes turn pink. “Yes, just looking at something.” Her eyes turn blue again, seeing no red eyes staring at her.

She breathes a sigh of relief at seeing nothing within the ocean of machine. “I’m fine Ausie, just my eyes are on the fritz.” Ausie nods and focuses on the Head knight. Suddenly Niy feels something move underneath her feet. Her eyes go wide as she looks down as her eyes turn blue.

A gigantic red eye that takes up the floor underneath her. Niy is stunned as words of different languages, from known to unknown, appear in the eye, repeating the same phase.

Curiosity is a wonderful trait, but a dangerous one.

The red eye tears itself into two into a giant maw as countless metal arms lunge from the depths of maw toward Niy. Niy leaps into the air as she pulls out two pistols, emptying the mags onto the floor. Ausie grabs her and holds her as she leaps a few feet back. Vodoz emits a golden light as Major Dur pulls out twin swords. The situation becomes tense as both sides hold their weapons tight. Suddenly, all the white knights kneel. The kneeling knights give a powerful shout in unison. “The knights of her ladyship greet her!”

The floor before the head knight springs upward into liquid mass, taking shape and form. A large mechanical arm holding a red eye stand before them.

“Hello and welcome to my home.”

Men and women of various ages and races felt a sense of parental love hearing those warm, sad words. The sense of love left as a cold mechanical tone spoke.

Guests of the Jade Empire and Blue suns, I welcome you to the Silver Star. I am Void, an advisor to her Ladyship.

Niy clenches her pistols, looking at Void’s red eye. Ausie reacts by shifting her body to charge. Commander Vodoz stands before Void, as Major Dur stands behind him, ensuring Niy and Ausie try nothing.

“Greeting advisor Void. It wasn’t our attention to barge into her ladyship’s home and cause an insult to your ladyship.”

Her ladyship understands this. Please accept her apology, but understand she disdains violence. Her Ladyship offers hospitality as you remain here, but any acts of violence shall affect the wellbeing of all.

“Under my orders, we of the Jade Empire shall maintain the peace, but I cannot say the same of others.”

Void looks towards Niy, waiting for a response. “We of the Blue suns hold the peace as well.”

We shall discuss more in the future but for now rest.

Void fades into the floor. The kneeling Knight stands up. “Her Lady’s knights! Return!”

The knights lower their weapons, march out of the dockyards. The head knight turns to look beside Vodoz. He takes a few steps forward before stopping. “You heard her ladyship’s command. Any more of this action, I shall follow her command to end your life.”

A pair of metallic fangs and claws appear before him. Niy shouts for all to hear.

“Stop It Sher! It ain’t worth it.”

As cracks of light appear, a towering female werewolf emerges. Her purple fur with dark stripes adds a striking contrast, while her well-muscled body exudes power and agility. Large, sharp claws and metallic teeth hint at her deadly abilities, and her pointed ears and elongated jaw only emphasize her ferocity. However, what sets her apart are her sleek, metallic legs, which grant her impressive speed and maneuverability.

Void is eager to learn from these guests as they treasure trove of knowledge.

The head knight is the last to leave, leaving both the Vodoz and Niy to settle their own matters. Abby ran out of her room and onto the balcony. The golden sun shining on her with the biggest of smiles, she shouts with all of her might. “I said hello to someone! People came into my home! I’m not alone! I will soon make friends! Have big families and lots of kids!” Those within the dockyards unknowing fulfilled a long awaited dream of hers.

Dawn and Dusk clap their hands at Abby's sudden celebration, the crystal on her chest shines a rainbow of colors. It’s a short-lived celebration. As a loud noise startles Abby. As something heavy fell onto the floor. Abby turns around, seeing Void lying on the ground struggling to get up with the red eye dimming.

My… lady

Abby runs over to Void, picking her off the ground, holding Void in her arms. Void eye has gone dark and her body motionless. “Are you ok?! What do you need?! Answer me Void!”

Void doesn’t respond. Abby shakes her to wake her up. Still doesn’t respond. “Dusk! get over here!” Dusk walks over, placing his hands onto Void's motionless body. Dusk shocks Void as electrical currents run through Abby's body. Abby winces from the pain, but she has endured worse pain.

Abby holds Void’s red tight in her chest. “Please don’t leave me.”

Void red eye turns on as Void lifts itself from Abby’s arms.

Sorry, my lady, a simple power outage. It seems appearing in section 2 took more out of me than expected.

Tears roll down Abby’s face as she smiles through the tears. “Your back.”

Forgive me, my lady. I didn’t mean to scare you.

“It was forever since I see you fall. The last time it happened, you left me for days. When I was a kid. I knew then you wouldn’t leave me, but never do that again.”

Understood, my lady.

Abby just holds Void tightly as mechanical arms appear, holding Abby just as tight.

The repairs are on schedule, so this won’t happen again. So, for the time being, please remain in Section 1.

Abby nods in agreement, but the sounds of heavy footsteps echoing throughout the halls of Abby’s home cut the tender moment short as Abby squeezes extra hard, cracking Void’s her red eye.

“Void, is that an army of white robot knights with red capes heading towards my room?”

Ah, it seems I have miscalculated this matter.

Abby snaps Void red eye and tosses it to the side. Dawn and Dusk go outside of Abby's room as Void reappears from the ceiling beside Abby. Dozens of weapons form beside Abby, covering the door as a screen forms beside Abby, showing the hallway before her room. It shows dozens of those white knights marching in perfect order, led by larger head knight.

Dawn and Dusk halt Lunar and his knights from coming any closer. The knights stop as Lunar walks forward, only stopping a step away from them. No words or movement as Dawn and Dusk stare him down. Lunar raises his arm outward.

“Brothers! How I missed you!”

Lunar comes in close, hugging Dusk. He then hugs Dawn. If Dawn and Dusk had faces, they both would be confused.

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