
Wayward Galaxy
Ongoing 1665 Words

Chapter 2

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Moments pass as the shaking has stopped, and Abby’s home becomes stable. Void repairs the room as Abby opens her eyes, seeing her reflection on Dawn’s golden chest. Her bright glowing eyes frighten her for a second before Abby is relieved that it’s her reflection and Dawn is still here. Abby scans the room, seeing the damage, and is glad to see Dusk’s electrical field.

The tension leaves her body as her eyes return to normal but vomits onto Dawn’s chest. As the room spins for her. Dusk removes the field, scanning the surroundings as the shaking stopped. Dawn carries Abby onto his shoulder and pats her back, helping her feel at ease. “What happened, and why do I feel like my brain is inside my feet?” 

One moment, my lady, I have to orient myself as well.

“Didn’t know you could-.” Abby threw up again. Dusk fans her air as Dawn’s dark burning hand emits a chilly breeze, comforting Abby. Abby watches as the rubble throughout the room melts into the floor, and the room repairs itself to pristine condition.

Forgive me, my lady, it was a hidden protocol, but I have removed it and ensure it doesn’t happen again.

“That’s good. Just make the room stop spinning.”

I will try, my lady, but it’ll be difficult, as it isn’t moving.  

Abby tries to hold back more vomit as Dawn and Dusk tend to Abby. She finds it weird but won’t stop it. “How is my home?”

Damaged and operating at 35%. Core systems are limited but functioning. Repairs shall finish within a few weeks to ensure 100% operating system… oh.

Abby and the two knights become alert, as Void never said. “Oh.” Unless it was a life and death situation. Abby became cured of her sickness as she jumps off of Dawn, she struggles to stand. Dusk helps her stand as her body hasn’t recovered yet.

Abby looks up, seeing Void red eye on the ceiling. “Oh!? what you mean oh!? I can’t handle anymore, ohs!?” A broken screen struggles to form before Abby. It takes a few moments for the screen to turn on, as it flickers on and off. Abby gives it a good whack, as strange lifeforms appear on the screen. “Void. What am I looking at?”

It seems during our event we now become hosts to unknown wanted guests. They are currently in section 2.

The screen focuses on these strange lifeforms within her home. Abby grabs the screen as she becomes silent, seeing blurry forms walk around her home. Waterfall of tears falls as Abby speaks the words she wanted to say her lifetime. “I’m no longer alone.” The crystal on her chest emits a bright gold, even blinding Void for a moment.

Abby stands up, holding the screen in her hand as a tremendous smile appears. “friends and families. They are real.” Abby memorizes every action and face on the screen as it fades from a lack of power. “No, no no no no, Void turn it back on!”

Void, Dawn, and Dusk watch as Abby’s mental and physical strength fades as she struggles to keep herself up. All those years alone and begging for someone to talk to finally caught up to her. She tries to keep herself upright and conscious but Abby's fatigue wins as she stumbles backwards, tears still running down her. Dawn holds her up as Dusk open a portal. Abby struggles to keep her eyes open as she feels the softness of her bed underneath her.

“Void, clean my room. Today finally came.” A metal wave rushes forward as it consumes the mad writing of Abby's loneliness. Abby closes her eyes with tears and a smile on her face. “Today.” The last words she speaks before she enters a deep sleep, a barrier of white and dark energy encompasses Abby. Void watches as the energy flows in and out of the crystal. Void records this unknown phenomenon. Dusk stand outside her room as Dawn stands at the end of the hall, blocking the only way towards Abby's room.

Guardians of Abby. You know your duty. We must protect her at all costs. She is young and vulnerable; her want of friends can be her downfall. We must keep her safe.

Dusk and Dawn's helmets crack as their two broken voices echo in the metal corridor. “Protect. Abby. Safe.”

A week has passed since Abby has entered her slumber. Dusk and Dawn haven’t moved as Void focuses on repairs and limited studies the guests, learning all she can to ensure Abby protection. The guests are in sector 2, the mouths of the Silver Star or dockyards as Abby calls them. A vast white space capable of holding a limitless amount of materials until they get transported to section 3.

It serves as the only entrance into Abby's home. A place she visited often in the past, waiting for people to arrive or hopefully stop people from leaving, but Abby stopped visiting after realizing that no one would visit. Abby held hope for so long.

The guests comprise many races, some with wings, multiple legs, no legs, earthly bodies, metallic bodies, etc. An array of vast knowledge before Void. To ensure Abby protection and well being. Void must investigate all of them.

The guests split into two groups. The strongest of the two are called The Jade empire is a powerful military force of advanced biotechnology. So advanced that trees seem to grow out of their ships. Even the soldiers have unknown plant life growing out of their armor or flesh, but no key leadership. Void can’t make an accurate reading because of the uniqueness of the tech, but what plagues Void’s mind is their flagship. It’s a couple dozen miles in size, excluding the 5 miles tree growing from the top of the ship. It emits powerful energy signature, blocking Void eyes, preventing it from being scanned. Once in a while, the tree branches move without reason. A powerful force, but even their flagship is littered with weapon fire.

The second group is a mercenary force called Blue Suns. In various matters, equal to the Jade empire. Their ships are of high quality, with potent weapons, and a broad range of armors. This mercenary group, at first glance, they appear to be brawlers, but each one seems to be a veteran soldier. They made this group to fight the Jade Empire. It intrigues Void, gaining answers can ensure Abby's safety.

Both sides keep the peace as their injuries and fear of this unknown place keeps them in check, but tension is slowly rising between the two. Two dangerous forces involved in a major battle won’t simple forgive one another as they mourned the dead. Void focuses on repair while the peace last.

On the 8th day, the two forces can no longer withstand one another as each side takes positions across from one another. The Blue Suns fire the first shot, hitting a damaged empire ship exploding its thrusters. This action wounds several soldiers and starts a Warzone with the dockyards, destroying platforms and walls. The energy disappears around Abby as she opens her eyes, feeling a burning pain from within. Letting out a painful yell.

“Void make it stop! It burns! Make it stop!”

Hearing the scream, Void, Dusk, and Dawn appear in the room as Abby springs up from her bed, feeling painful stabs within her body.

“Void! what’s going on?! It hurts!?”

I do not know my lady, but please bear with it.

Void scans Abby's body, finding nothing wrong, but as the battle intensifies within section 2, Abby's pain grows greater. “Please Void! Make it stop!”

Dawn cools Abby down. Dusk heads towards section 2 and stops those forces from fighting. They are causing her pain.

Dawn grabs Abby and emits an icy blast that reduces the heat Abby feels. Dusk slams his staff summoning power to teleport to section 2.

Wait Dusk! stay here!

It confused Dusk and Dawn as Abby writhing in pain. A screen appears before them, showing an intense battle as blue smoke erupts throughout the dockyard, causing mass confusion on both sides. The fighting stops as the blue smoke covers the dockyards, blocking sight within a few feet.

Abby gains some senses as the burning pain has ended. “Whats happening?”

I do not know

It confused Abby as she focuses on the screen. Even Void watched every movement. Both sides hear the sounds of heavy metallic footsteps as large hidden figures rush through the smoke. No one fires a shot as it’ll cause panic and friendly fire in mass.

As abruptly as the blue smoke arrived, it left as quickly. The first sight that everyone sees are red flowing capes as dozens of white mechanized knights appear throughout the dockyards, pointing weapons at Jade Empire and Blue Sun’s forces. Each knight is around 7ft in height with a red vertical line on their smooth metal plates’ faces.

Both forces remain still and quiet, but the sounds of heavy metallic footsteps echo throughout the dockyards as everyone notices a larger robotic white knight standing at 9ft in height with a large red cape draped over his left arm, ornamental gold designs across his body, a triangle with the number 03 etch on his head, and most surprising to Abby and Void. He has a smooth metal plate for a face.

Abby's eyes open wide as Void mimics the action with her single eye. The two look closely at this strange figure, but seeing the number 03, Abby turns to Dawn and Dusk. “Dawn and Dusk, do you know him, her, it!?”

The two inspect the figure, but they just shrug.

“Oh, don’t shrug me! What in my house is going on?!”

The two knights don’t respond as they stand beside Abby. Abby wanted to punch them, but hearing an unknown voice from the screen, her attention shifts back to the screen.

“It can talk!?”

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