Return of the Rival flock

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Linee and her daughters are in town delivering the pillows to the healers as their payment for helping the Harpies. They start to head back when they hear loud cries form above and see the entire Harpy flock fly overhead with Boar Killer following behind them. Linee looks at her daughters then they all run after the flock.


They soon find the flock on the edge of the farmland and near the forest almost opposite of the crevice. They are attacking another flock of Harpies. The other flock is trying to keep away from their flock by staying near the trees and in the bushes. Linee then spots Elder Mother chasing one Harpy around and trying to claw at her. The Harpy seems to be trying to speak the Elder Mother and even at rolls over on her back at one point. Finally the Harpy just drops to the ground and lets Elder Mother yell and tire herself out.

Elder Mother finally calms down and starts to speak to the Harpy. Linee says more to herself than anyone “where is Speaker when you need her?”

Her Eldest says “I think it’s a territory dispute. It sounds like this new flock wants to just pass though and ours is being very defensive with them.”

Linee says to her “You understand them?”

Her youngest daughter says “don’t you remember mother, she has an ear for tongues. She was quick to pick up Traders Tongue.”

The middle one says “She tried learning some words from the chicks while they were staying with us.”

Her eldest says “I think this is the flock that attack ours. It seems that they encounter Orcs soon after being driven away.”

Linee says “Can you speak with them?”

She says “I…think…so.”

Linee says “Good, Here is want I want you to tell them.”


Leader says “Please! We are tired and weak from hunger. We don’t have the strength to fight you. This is your territory.”

Elder Mother is snapping at the leader of the other flock “You came back here! And you want us to let you just fly though our territory! After you attacked US!!!”

Linee’s Eldest steps forward saying in the Harpy’s tongue “May…I…speak?”

Elder Mother turns around saying “You speak our tongue!”

The leader from the other flock says “They learned our tongue?”

Elder Mother snaps at her “Quiet You!” causing the leader to flinch and keeps low.

Linee’s Eldest says “You…learn…our…tongue…Why…not…we…learn…yours.”

The two elder chicks say “We helped her” and move in front of her with Speaker quickly joining them.

With the help of the other Harpies Linee’s eldest is able to say this “How far is your territory?”

Elder Mother says “as far as our call can be carried.”

Linee’s Eldest quickly nods to her mother then says “So you claim the whole valley as yours.”

Elder Mother says “Yes!”

Linee’s eldest says “But you rarely fly this far do you.”

Elder Mother says “Your point!”

Linee’s eldest says “The farmers on this side of the valley have told us that favor our side and don’t hunt their fields.”

The Leader of the other flock says “What are they talking about?”

Elder Mother turns snap at the leader, but says “We have a deal that we hunt their fields and they cook the kills for us.”

Some of the other flock speaks up saying “With fire!” Which cause both Elder Mother and the leader to snap at them. But the other leader quickly lowers back down again.

Elder Mother turns back to Linee’s eldest saying “We don’t need to fly that far to hunt for food. What is your point?”

Linee’s Eldest says “Why don’t you share the valley. Let this flock hunt this side and you stay on our side of the valley. You can use the town as the dividing line.”

Elder Mother says “Share our territory! That is not our way.”

Linee’s eldest says “You’re not exactly traditional flock anymore when you count my family and a great sky hunter as part of your flock.”

The Harpy Eagle then says “Flock!” in her lessor kin’s tongue, causing everyone to look at her in shock.

Elder Mother sits there for a moment to think. Then a breeze blows though ruffling her feathers and seeming to only target her. Elder Mother says “Alright, Alright.” Linee wonders if that was Grandma voicing her opinion on the matter. Elder Mother says “We will share the territory. But we will not share our nesting grounds.”

Linee’s eldest says “Agreeable, It would be a waste of time and energy if they had to fly over here every day.” She turns to her mother saying “Where are they going to stay?”

Linee is quickly trying to think of something when her youngest says “The Peddi farm.”

Linee says to her “Your right!” She then says to her eldest “The Peddi farm.”

Linee’s eldest says to Elder Mother “We have a place in mind that is nearby. You will need to help explaining how things work and how to get willing mates.”

The Leader of the other flock says “You have willing mates?” Elder Mother shoots her a look and then one at Linee’s daughter, like she didn’t want them to know about that.


The Peddi’s had tried to start a new farm, but they were too far from the town to get aid when they were attacked by Orcs. Luckily no one was killed and the Peddi’s now live closer to town. But the farm was just abandoned and old barn and farmhouse still stand as a reminder to everyone.

The Harpies find the buildings great for them. They have plenty of nesting materials and can take off from the tops of the buildings.


Speaker decides to stay with the new flock and show them what to do. Soon the new flock has settled in and has their own Speaker.

Please read the main story.

Human Myth: Vol 1

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