The Great Sky Hunter’s Hunt

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The Harpy Eagle flies for about a day until she comes across the area that John described to her. She flies over the Harpies nesting area.

Some of the Harpies let out an alert cry and all the Harpies fly into the crevice and settle at the bottom of it. They all look up at the Harpy Eagle.

The Harpy Eagle circles for a moment. She knows she can’t enter the nesting area because it is too tight for her to fly in. She then flies away from the nesting area. She flies over the forest and sees a pack of boars. She dives down and grabs a boar that is just big enough for her to carry off. She lets go of the boar once she is at a height that will kill it when it hits the ground. She picks the dead boar up again and flies back to the nesting area.

A few of the Harpies start to venter towards the opening to look around. They see the Harpy Eagle coming back and raise the alarm again.

The Harpy Eagle flies straight over the nesting area and drops the Boar in the middle as she flies over.

The Harpies scatter as the boar lands on the floor. A few of the Harpies approach the boar to check on it after a bit. Grandma and the elder mother come near it once the Harpies realize its dead.

The Harpy Eagle lands at the top of the crevice and looks down at the Harpies unaware she is near Grandma’s nest.

Grandma looks up at the Harpy Eagle saying to her flock “This is unusual for a great sky hunter.”

Elder Mother says “maybe it’s a way of saying it not here to hunt us.”

Grandma turns to a nearby Harpy and says “Go see what it wants.”

The Harpy squawks back “Why Me!”

Grandma says “because I am old and unable to move as quickly as you. We will follow behind you.” Motioning to Elder Mother.

The three Harpies make their way up to the Harpy Eagle. The young Harpy slowly sticks its head above the ledge line.

The Harpy Eagle raises to move back and spreads her wings for balance.

The young Harpy quickly retreats and Grandma and Elder Mother have to stop her from running away. They then force her back towards the Harpy Eagle.

The Harpy Eagle understands the fear she causes and stays very still when the Harpy pokes its head back up. The Harpy Eagle waits until the Harpy slowly approaches the Harpy Eagle while keeping very low to the ground. The Harpy Eagle slowly raises her foot off the ground and stops when the Harpy flinches. She then slowly starts drawing figures in the dirt.

The young Harpy approaches to see the drawing. It is of four figures, one with short arms and legs, one with short arms but a long body with no legs, one with short arms and short legs with an additional set of legs attach to the side, and one with long arms.

The young Harpy looks at the Harpy Eagle then retreats to Grandma and Elder Mother saying “I think it knows the stranger who cares for the lost one’s child.”

Both Harpies say “What!”

Grandma quickly climbs up to see the drawings, Elder mother follows and moves between Grandma and the Harpy Eagle. Grandma studies the drawings and says to the others “it seems so. I heard he encounter one on the way here. Could this be it?”

The young Harpy says “But why is she here and why did he send her to us?”

Elder Mother says “good questions.”

Grandma says “I will see if I can find out” as she moves Elder mother out of the way to face the Harpy Eagle.

Grandma tries speaking to the Harpy Eagle and even pointing with her wings to the drawing. She keeps her eyes on the Harpy Eagles' face for a reaction.

The Harpy Eagle doesn’t understand the old Harpy but sees the old Harpy motioning to her drawing. She decides to turn around a lift her tail feather up to expose her lower body.

Grandma starts sniffing as she approaches the Harpy Eagle. She then gets a whiff of something in the air. She turns to the other Harpies saying “She is in heat!”

Elder Mother says “He must have told her about how he helped us find willing mates nearby.”

Grandma lowers her head saying “Glee is not going to like this.” She moves to the edge to check on the flock yelling down to them “Can you move the animal.”

The Harpies try moving the boar but are unable to. Grandma says to the nearby Harpies “We are going to need her to move it.” Grandma starts motioning the Harpy Eagle forward.

The Harpy Eagle moves forward as the old Harpy is motioning her to do so. The old Harpy starts motioning to the boar then motioning towards a building. The Harpy Eagle looks at the old Harpy with some confusion.

Grandma yells down to the flock “Try moving the animal towards the edge!” The Harpies do as they are told and Grandma starts motioning again.

The Harpy Eagle looks down again and sees her pitiful weaker kin try to move the Boar. She then realizes what they want her to do. She stands up and flaps her wings to show she understands now.

Grandma and the other two start making their way back to the boar.

The Harpy Eagle stops up to the edge of the crevice and is hesitant to enter. The three Harpies call to her to follow. So she does.

The Harpy Eagle is very awkward as she moves down to the floor. She even crushes a few nests as she moves downward. The Harpies retreat as she nears the floor. Two Harpies help New Mother get her hatchling away from Harpy Eagle as she tries to use her wings for balance. Her flapping destroys more nests as she moves.

The Harpy Eagle makes it to the floor with very little grace intact. She moves over to the boar and tries to take off with it. But her flapping destroys even more nests and she is unable to get herself airborne.

Elder Mother says to Grandma “I beginning to think this was a bad idea!”

Grandma snaps back “Well I didn’t hear any other ideas!”

Grandma quickly moves in front of the Harpy Eagle and starts motioning to the ledge. The Harpy Eagle drags the boar to the ledge and then pushes the boar off it.

The Harpy Eagle tries opening her wings near the ledge, but she slams her wings into the crevice walls when she flaps them. The Harpy Eagle tries to climb up the crevice walls to get more room to open her wings. But unlike her weaker kin, she has no thumb claws to grab with. She falls, crushing some nests under her weight and destroying others with her wings.

The Harpies are starting to wonder if any nest is safe now. Grandma yells to some Harpies near the Harpy Eagle “Show her how we take off as the stranger did with the lost one’s child!”

A brave Harpy moves in front of the Harpy Eagle and motions her to follow. The Harpy leaps from the ledge and goes into a dive pulls up and starts circling nearby.

The Harpy Eagle looks down and judges the height to be too short for her to become airborne in time, but it might be high enough for her to make a controlled fall. She steps up to the edge and leans forward so she can open her wings. She can barely get them open before she falls off the edge. She opens her wings fully before she hits the ground and lands near the boar.

Grandma yells to the flock “I need Speaker to fly to Glee’s farm to tell him we’re coming! I also need some who have successfully mated to come with us to show her what to do!”

A Harpy who has been listening to the people talk and starting trying to speak back takes off for Glee’s farm. Grandma takes off and calls to the Harpy Eagle.

The Harpy Eagle grabs the boar in her claws and takes off with it.


The sun has started to set and the farmhands are settling down after a hard day of work. Glee is sitting outside his house smoking his pipe with Glato. Linee doesn’t like him smoking it while in the house.

A Harpy lands saying “Hello, Hello!” and is flapping her wings like crazy.

Glee see she doesn’t have a kill with her says to her “Settle down! What do you want?”

The Harpy stops and tries to think of something to say. The boar suddenly slams into the ground right behind the Harpy. The impact causes the Harpy to jump back into the air and land on the roof. Then Grandma and some other Harpies land on top of the boar. Glee’s pipe falls from his mouth when what Glee swears is the largest Harpy he has ever seen lands near the boar. Linee comes out to see what’s going on and jumps to block her daughters from exiting when she sees the massive Harpy.

The Harpies start doing the “mating dance” with Grandma calling to the larger Harpy while motioning to the Harpies.

The Harpy Eagle looks at what her weaker kin is doing and tries to mimic it.

One of the farmhands says out loud “That thing want’s to mate!” They all start looking at each other with not a brave one among them. Some have come back with scratches from their encounters with the Harpies, mostly due to the language barrier and Harpies using their feet as hands.

Glato looks at the farmhands and says to them “wusses” and walks towards the Harpies.

One of the farmhands says to him “Are You Crazy!”

Glato says “I have seen those boars on my hunts. And something that can take one of those things down is going to be an interesting partner.” He walks up to the Harpies and holds his hand out as a way to signal his willingness.

The Harpies all call to the Harpy Eagle with joy and motion to the landwalker that walked up.

The Harpy Eagle looks at the landwalker, spreads her wings, and grabs him while taking off.

Please read the main story.

Human Myth: Vol 1

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