Chapter 11 - Panic

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Flying high above the rocky mountains of Stiudal, the warm sun and cool air mixing on her skin, Lily should have felt freer than even the birds. She lay on her back on Rose's flying carpet, watching the clouds as they flew past and doing her best not to think. She was failing. Her mind was running itself in circles again. Like a caged animal trying to find a way out. Appropriate, really.

They had attempted to wait out the blizzard to no avail. Oh it had died down, probably when the Ice dragon needed to sleep, but had billowed back up before Lily and Rose could figure out where on the empty tundra they were hiding. Whoever their icy sibling was, they clearly didn't want visitors. 

Just like Lily, they had escaped the Warlocks, but unlike Lily, she doubted they would ever agree to come back. Even with the change in command. "Smart..." Lily grumbled. 

"Did you say something?" Rose asked from her seat in the middle of the carpet, the controlling circlet glinting on her brow. 

Lily opened her mouth, then closed it again. Twice. Rose must have caught her internal struggle because she continued, "I'll take that as a yes, but interpret it as something I shouldn't have heard." 

That just made Lily growl out her frustration, blurting, "I said they were smart. Our icy sibling I mean..." she rolled over, running into Rose on the small carpet. She didn't have the energy to reposition herself more than that, so she just lay on her side, resting her head on Rose's knee with a sigh, "At least they're far away from any kingdom settlements. That storm hasn't even been noticed as far as we could tell..." It was true at least, even if that wasn't what she'd meant. Only half a lie. Just like the ice dragon, and Lily, were only half free. 

Rose nodded, and even reached over to stroke Lily's hair, her damp skin sizzling against Lily's heat. "Do you really think we should turn them in?" she whispered.

Lily groaned, rolling back over onto her back. Rose's water wasn't nearly as soothing as Shon's cold, and was doing nothing to calm the storm within. A storm that was sapping her energy in every other regard. 

"I don't know," she whined, brining her hands up to cover her face, "I can't even decide what I want to do, let alone what I want to do to someone else." Someone far more alone and possibly afraid than Lily had any right to feel herself. It wasn't the first time Lily longed to have someone else make the decision for her, and yet the only ones she trusted enough to do it weren't around anymore. Because she had run away. Run back to her captors rather than submit herself to her allies...

She kicked her feet in frustration, throwing a mini temper tantrum in her restless frustration with herself. Rose sighed heavily, squinting into the distance at the tower library just coming into view between the mountain peaks. Finally she said, "I would decide for you, Lily... but you won't be happy no matter what I chose..." 

She was right of course, that was the problem. 

"We're almost there..." Rose said, as if trying to change the subject. She shielded her eyes, squinting into the distance, then said, "Is there someone on top?" 

Lily sat up, turning around to squint at the quickly approaching tower. Someone was definitely on the top... and they had, "A mirror?" Lily asked, cocking her head at the strange sight. There was Tolinar, his spiked red hair clearly discernible, and beside him was a large standing mirror reflecting someone else. Perla.

Why was the Diem spy there?

Anxiety joined the fray in her already jumbled thoughts and emotions, and Lily actually stood, walking to the edge of the carpet. It couldn't go any faster. There was no way for her to even question her fears... Trapped. She was still and forever trapped in her freedom. 

The final few minutes of their flight felt like hours, and Lily shouted as soon as she thought she could be heard, "What's wrong?!" and even lept from the carpet to land in a crouch on the nearest parapet as Rose flew over her head to land. 

"No fire's in the library..." Tolinar sang, though Perla did her best to speak over him,

"Nothing, Lily, everyone is fine." Perla knew Lily didn't give a damn about the Warlocks of this tower, so she could only be referring to the Team... to Shon.

Lily managed to resist reaching for the mirror, though she did draw her staff to tap on her leg. Maybe hitting Tolinar would help her feel better. Especially if it would wipe the grin from his mad face. "This doesn't seem fine..." she said instead.

"Everyone is alive." Patrich's voice corrected from below the open trapdoor, and before Lily could truly panic, Tolinar continued, 

"Your mate is very stubborn you know. He refuses to wake up! He almost did fighting the Death Knight, but then he went and passed out again, and now he is double asleep." 

Lily's ears started ringing and Perla hurried to explain, "But they have him stable and sent him home with the others, it's just..."

"It was a close call." Elen said, also from inside, shouting up through the trapdoor like Patrich. They were afraid of her. Of her reaction. So they had sent Perla, who couldn't be hurt through the mirror, and Tolinar, who was expendable. It was a wise decision. 

A close call... Lily's head was spinning. Stable... she could barely hear Perla's continued explanation, Refuses to wake up... 

"... fought the Death Knight, but the wounds inflicted were cursed, they can't be healed properly with magic." 

What? Lily hadn't known that was possible, let alone a risk. She'd sent him on this hunt... she... she... "How long ago. How long has he been out?" she managed to choke out, fighting against her panic with a mantra that he was alright, that they had met her up here to tell her he was alright...

"Two weeks." Perla's voice sounded as if from far away, partly muffled by the pounding of Lily's own heart in her ears. It was a close call... He'd almost died. She'd have never seen him again. 

Lily hugged herself, squeezing her arms so her nails dug into the flesh of her biceps, trying to focus on the pain. Tolinar and Rose were sweating. Lily's breathing was fast and shallow. All this time they were supposed to be working together, and yet he'd almost died. Almost died on a mission she'd set him on. While she'd agonized over either being trapped in the Mages guild, or trapped in the open world unable to interact with anyone of the kingdom, he'd nearly been killed...

"They wouldn't have sent him home if they weren't confident-"

"Open a gate." Lily whispered, then shouted, "Patrich! Open a gate to the capital and prepare to move the tower. I won't be coming back."


Perla ran, sprinting from her room in the Deim Mages guild and over the side of the balcony railing. Her featherfall spell took effect on the second floor, allowing her to float down at a painfully slow pace to the floor below before she continued her mad dash down the stairs to the atrium and public spaces. People's concerned calls followed her as she continued around the balcony, down to the ground floor and out into the street.

She thanked any god that would still listen that she knew exactly where Sasha would be as she took every shortcut she could through the capital towards the docks. Rounding the final corner, she saw the earth sorcerer and her familiar standing with the fire sorcerer and her dragonell, about to board a ship.

She tried to slow her run only to trip, crashing into the ground at Sasha's feet, scraping her palms on the rough dock wood and gasping out, "She's coming." before cradling her bleeding hands, wondering for the first time what Sasha could possibly do about it. There would be no stopping Lily once she'd made up her mind. 

Sasha cursed, and Blink disappeared while Kylana knelt, taking Perla's hands in her own. They were so very hot, but the fire sorcerer held her gently, muttering something under her breath.

"I'm sorry Kylana, I have to see to this," Sasha said, starting off only to have the dragonell step in front of her as the fire sorcerer called,

"One moment before you go. I know you don't believe me when I say the dragon gods are alive and well..." Sasha turned back, looking frustrated... then awed as Perla's wounds began to close, "... but it's true nonetheless." Though sweating already from her run, Perla could feel the heat of the firewoman's healing wash through her body, making her heart race all the faster as her hair was quickly drenched in perspiration.

Kylana stood, helping Perla up as her familiar stepped out of Sasha's way once more, "I'm sorry, you should go now, it's clearly important."

Sasha hesitated, but then shook her head and started off at a jog. 

Perla stared down at her healed hands, then up at Kylana's smiling face. The fire sorcerer held a finger to her lips and winked, then turned around and lead her mount towards the waiting ship. Perla could only stare, and pray, Oh great Yoryuu, please... hurry.


Sasha's mind was swimming. Lily was in Deim, Kylana was either a very convincing conwoman or she had just shown Sasha the last bit of evidence she needed to really start questioning her entire worldview, and she was supposed to do something about them both. "One thing at a time," Sasha reminded herself, letting her senses stretch out to reach Blink.

He had found Lily and was leading her down back alleys to avoid the panicking guards. They were already reacting to the detected Warlock magic... Sasha took over, directing Blink to show Lily not only the safest, but quickest way to the teams manor. Perhaps she would sneak in through the window, or scout it out until the others were asleep. Perhaps... 

Sasha watched through Blink's eyes as Lily sprinted through the wrought iron gates, down the front garden and straight through the front doors.


Shon dreamed of Hamerfoss...

"Am I dead again...?" he whispered into his empty room. Ryuuko trilled, flying in through the window, dusting him in snow and landing somewhere to his right. So no... he hadn't been injured badly enough to hurt Ryuuko, meaning this was just another nightmare.

Then someone beside him chuckled. Someone who wasn't the man in white.

Shon turned his head slowly, and there, sitting on his simple squires desk, a new man with silverbonde hair and wide grin looked down at him, saying "I wanted to tell you something."

Shon arched an eyebrow at the stranger, sitting up. His head was already starting to hurt and the man's next chuckle came as if from very far away. His vision was already starting to fade, the color washing from the dream and shadows broadening until it was just him and this man with the far away voice. "He can't hold it, and I have to..." he trailed off, his smile fading as he looked away. Staring off into the darkness, he continued, "I still hate him you know. But you..." he looked back at Shon, his eyes were a stunning pale blue, much like his own, "You, I wanted to thank..." 

The pain was nearly overpowering, Shon struggled to focus, the man himself blurring, then shrinking down to a point. Shon gripped his head, not sure if he wanted the nightmare to end now or continue and give him more answers. He couldn't see anything anymore, lost in a sea of dark and pain he heard one last "thank you..." and knew no more.


He was alive... somehow...

The first thing Shon noticed was the smell. He was back in his room... had the entire expedition been a nightmare? But no... he tried to move, but his body was sluggish to respond. He was wrapped tightly with bandages that pulled when he tried to roll over, his head felt like it weighted and extra ten pounds, and the light from his cracked window assaulted his vision when he finally managed to open one eye.

He managed to sit up, gripping the left side of his face and feeling yet more bandages there. It hurt to move, but the more he did the more the pain began to fade. He stood, grateful to find that he at least had pants on. His reading chair was pulled up to the side of his bed. The others must have been taking turns to sit with him... but where were they now?

Flashes of memories were working their way into his slow to wake mind. Where was Alena? Had they managed to heal her? What about the other's, they couldn't have been unscathed... how had they gotten him out of the Death Knight's lare... The Death Knight... what had happened to him?

Back on the bed, Ryuuko whistled, sending a stabbing pain through Shon's skull. It attempted to make up for it by taking flight towards the window, landing on the curtain rod and pulling the curtains fully closed. The darkness was soothing, but then the damn pest flew directly at him, latching onto Shon's bandaged chest, tangling its claws in the chains holding his Hengist pendant and ring to chitter in his face. Clearly demanding that he get back in bed to rest. 

And yet, if Shon was home, then it meant he'd already spent at least a week unconscious in the Church of Soleil's healing ward and had been deemed healthy enough to return home. 

Shon did his best to ignore the little dragon, pushing it off him only to have it climb up his arm to nuzzle his face so hard it forced him to turn, "Enough." Shon tired to push it away gently, but inevitably had to grab it by the long neck and toss it off him, grumbling "Pest..." 

With Ryuuko fluttering around him, Shon took a moment to flex each muscle one at a time, gauging his injuries as he mused over the fight. He'd lectured a Death Knight... on love. In the end all the hate he'd felt for the fallen knight had transformed into pitty, and yet what right did Shon have to speak of love? Even after vowing to live, to see this mission complete and the world saved, he'd nearly made Lily a widow. 

Lily... was the last memory he would ever have of her destined to be one in which she was running away... 

Somewhere in the manor, a door slammed hard enough to make him flinch again. Ryuuko squawked, and voices began to yell over the sound of pounding feet flying up the stairs.

"Hey! What in all the hells..."

"Tris! Tristen, hurry!"

Then, directly in front of his door, Alena's voice, "What are you doing here, stay back." 

"You," and unexpected voice snarled, shouting, "Why is it always him? You were supposed to be a team, supposed to keep eachother safe and yet again Shon is the only one still hurt. Useless. You're all useless! Now get out of my way before I have to make you..." 

Shon stumbled for the door, wrenching it open and shielding his eye as the light assaulted him. He hardly noticed Ryuuko wing its way out over his head towards Oswall and Ebonwing, who stood at the head of the stairs in dumbfounded shock. Tristen was sprinting up from below and Alena was doing her best to block his door. And there, her hair whipping in the wind of her angry heat was "Lily..." Shon breathed her name and Alena gasped, turning to see him only to have Lily shove her aside and throw herself into his waiting arms. Shon nearly fell over, but managed to catch himself, holding Lily tight, he kicked the door shut.


The door slammed as Tristen reached the landing, and something heavy fell onto it from the otherside. Alena reached for the handle, but Ryuuko landed on it, snapping at her fingers as Ebonwing grabbed her hand, pushing it down gently. "I told you he was taken..." she whispered, barely heard under Oswalls continued curses,

"What the fuck just happened?! Tris, oi! What the actual living fu-"

"I will explain," Tristen raised his voice over the exclamation, then calmed to continue, "Downstairs, please. But in short, it seems..." he took a moment to feel the glow of Saint Giorgos in his heart, dreading that the god would insist that he hammer down Shon's door. When he felt nothing, he sighed and continued, "...that the Firewyrm is officially in our custody."

Oswall and Alena gaped at their leader, and Ebonwing had the gall to snicker, muttering, "I suppose that's one way to put it."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Tristen lead the way back down the stairs, Ryuuko still hissing at them from its perch protecting Shon's door. He gestured the others into the library, but headed towards the front door himself. He opened it as a fellow Paladin of Saint Giorgos, accompanied by a Mage of the Guild, was raising her fist to knock.

He didn't need their report, and didn't give them the time to give it, snapping, "I need a complete guard around the manor. Paladin guards. Someone for every window and door and a few to monitor the roof. They are to remain outside. Mage, the Firewyrm has been known to use teleport stones in the past, your Guild will set up an anti-teleport area around the house. Now." 

The Paladin saluted, but stuttered, "The... the Firewyrm Sir? The king needs-"

"I will inform the king myself once I have instructed my team inside." Tristen interrupted. The last thing he needed was for someone else to report to his majesty before Tristen could attempt his final play. 

He turned away from the door to find Oswall, Alena, and Ebonwing still in the entryway. Oswall was glaring daggers at him, while Alena focused on the floor and fiddled with her fingers. Ebonwing was smirking, though her eyes looked more concerned than amused. Once again Tristen gestured for the library, following his team as they filtered in.

Ranito sat unperturbed in his usual chair with a book and plate of cookies. The Mage watched them all enter in silence, taking a moment to swallow the last of his snacks before asking, "So... what's all the hubbub about?"

Oswall fell into one of the chairs with a huff, while Alena took a stiff seat on the edge of another in silence. But Ebonwing leaned over the back of Alena's chair before Tristen could begin to explain, declaring, "Shon got a booty call."

Ranito exchanged his reading book for his notebook, scrunching his brow to ask, "So he's awake?" 

"That's what you took away from that statement?" Oswall demanded.

Tristen glared at Ebonwing, the blasted Druid was making this needlessly awkward, "The Firewyrm... Lily... is here. She is with the Master Sergeant. I need to report to the King, and you all are going to make sure she stays."

"I think Shon's got that handled." Ebonwing said with a shrug, but before Tristen could admonish her, Alena whispered, 

"Eb... Please stop..." 

Ranito cleared his throat, readying his pen to say, "I think it's about time you explain, Sir Tristen." 

Tristen took in a sharp breath, but tried, "I need to report to the King. If you could-" 

But Oswall interrupted with another angry curse, "Fuck that. You explain Tris. The Firewyrm herself comes sprinting into our house, right into our ice-man's waiting arms-" Alena flinched, "- and you aren't even fuckin' surprised?"

Tristen tried to pinch his growing headache away. He didn't have time for this. He answered anyway, "I assure you, Staff Sergeant, I am quite surprised..." he let his hand fall, straightening his back and lifting his head, attempting to find both strength and brevity in professionalism, "In short, I can assure you that the Master Sergeant has not been working with the Warlocks, or miss Lily, in his time with us. However, before he joined this team, he was... more than just friends with her-"

Alena gasped, looking like she was holding the breath, but Oswall leaned forward in his chair to interrupt once more, "Damn Hengist, and damn you! You damn bastards ordered him to hunt his lover?!"

Tristen held up a staying hand, and Oswall actually fell silent, though his glare only intensified. "We did not, Staff Sergeant. We requested that Shon join this team, and he agreed under the condition that he not be required to assist in the capture of miss Lily." Oswall's jaw fell open, and Tristen continued, quieter, "Though I did order that his relationship, and ultimatum, be kept confidential."

Alena's quiet voice broke the resulting silence, "But Eb..." 

Ebonwing shrugged again, "I only found out recently, in Gasha before this last mission." 

Ranito cleared his throat, "I made the discovery on the Winter Solstice when he got drunk."

Tristen closed his eyes so as not to see the hurt in Alena's "I ordered that they both stay silent on the issue until Shon could explain himself... after this mission." When Tristen opened his eyes again, it was to see Oswall leaning back in his chair once more, crossing his arms and grumbling something incoherent, and Alena burning her face in her hands with Ebonwing attempting to rub her back soothingly. Had her crush really been that intense?

He cleared his throat once more, "We can discuss this further after I report to his majesty. He wished to be informed once Shon awoke, even before the Firewyrm-" 

"And you expect us to keep her here while you do that?" Oswall demanded. 

"I expect you to follow orders and complete your mission, Staff Sergeant." Tristen snapped, at the end of his patience.

Alena lowered her hands to whisper, "And if Shon... If he tries... tries to help her escape?"

Tristen turned his back on his team, heading towards the door, "He won't." It was part statement, and part prayer. He only had one more chance to help the man that had become his dearest friend, he could only pray to any god that might still favored them that the pair would allow him to do so...


Lily pressed herself against Shon's cold chest, hardly cognisant of the door closing behind her as her mouth found his. He returned her kiss with equal passion, even as he over balanced and sent her slamming into the door, pinning her body to the wood with his own. 

He was alive. Awake and alive and cold against her skin. With her arms wrapped around his neck she tried to pull him closer, even lifted her leg to rub against his, only to have him flinch in pain. And she remembered. 

Lily pulled away from his lips, even bringing her hands down to push him away, "Oh Shon, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Lily's slitted eyes allowed her to see in the dark of the room, and she tried to examine the bandages wrapping his chest and side in the limited space Shon allowed with her push. Bandages! They had released him from the Church despite that he still needed bandages! She wasn't sure if she wanted to growl or whimper. It came out as a rough whine and Shon grabbed her hands. 

With one large, rough hand, he held her's to his heart, and with the other he stroked her cheek, lifting her face to look in his eyes. Or eye. He had yet more bandages all around the left side of his head and face, his long dark hair hanging in a loose tangle down his back. She whined again, but Shon smiled his small subtle smile and said, "I've had worse."

Lily barely stopped herself from hitting him, instead leaning her head against his neck and taking a deep calming breath, growling, "You idiot, at least those could be healed... If I'd known..." she squeezed her eyes shut. She would have what? Not told him about the damn Death Knight? No, that wasn't a secret he would've forgiven her for. Warned him yet again not to take any hits? As if that had ever worked... 

As Lily struggled with the renewed feeling of being trapped without any good possible choices, Shon cupped her cheeks and lifted her face once again to his. Resting his forehead on hers, he sighed, lacing cold fingers through her hair and saying, "Can you help me take the bandages off?" 

Lily gaped at him, and Shon continued, "I just woke up and haven't seen them for myself." 

"I... but..." Lily stuttered, "I don't... we should get Alena..."

But Shon pulled her close, almost desperately, "No. Please, Lily, not yet. Just a little while longer..."

He thought she was going to run again... He nuzzled into her neck, holding her tight, and Lily sighed. Soon, they would come to get her, but not yet... "sit down. I'll help." she whispered. 

He let her go, but Lily took his hand. Not wanting to stop touching him for even a moment, she lead him through the dark room to the large bed in the corner. "Sit." she ordered, taking a moment to study the bed as he arranged his pillow to allow him to lean against the headboard. "I swear this thing is big enough for three or even four!" Lily exclaimed, lightening the mood a fraction. 

Shon shrugged, and even managed a light chuckle, "apparently not everyone likes to cuddle." 

Lily scoffed at that, then straddled him. Shon squeezed her hips, then stroked up her sides, but as much as she wanted him to continue, she also wanted to see the extent of the damage before the fool went and exerted himself and possibly made it worse. With a thought she lit a handful of small candle sized flames to float around them and better illuminate the bandages. Shon flinched at the light, but shook his head when Lily opened her mouth to apologize again, saying, "Thank you. My night vision isn't as good as yours." 

Lily snickered, picking at the cloth until she found the end and saying, "I figured this would be better than opening the window, its just after noon." 

Shon sat up off the headboard so she could unwrap him, continuing his smooth stroking motions up her sides and back down to her hips as she did. "So, tell me about the Death Knight..." she prompted as she worked. 

Shon sighed, resting his head on her shoulder, "I don't really remember... he... he should have been redeemed, but the dragon gods were already dead..." she felt him shake his head against her neck as she neared the end of the wrapping, "I don't know what happened after the fi-" he stopped as Lily took in a hissing breath, looking down with her at his exposed wound.

They'd had to stitch it shut, yellow and brown bruising maring the pale white skin where it puckered around the sutures. Still infuriatingly calm, Shon nodded, even adding, "It seems to be healing well enough." 

"I can't believe, with all the kingdom's resources, that they couldn't find a way to heal it." Lily growled. 

Rather than comment or argue, Shon just shrugged, lifting one hand from her hips to pull at the bandages on his face and asking, "This one next? I want to see you properly, Lily." 

Lily sighed in frustration, with the kingdom, and with herself. Guiding him down to rest on her shoulder, she began unwrapping his head by feel alone, "I know I'm overreacting. I'm sorry. But when I think that I'm the one who sent you..." she trailed off as Shon kissed her neck, then nibbled the spot, humming in the negative. She sighed again, this time in pleasure at his continued touch. She'd wanted to complain, again, that they were supposed to face such dangers together... But decided she didn't want to squander their limited time with that. Soon, the kingdom would be here to take her away... but until then...

Lily closed her eyes and the last of the bandages fell away. She let her hands trail down his chest as Shon sat back up, smiling as she reached the waist of his pants. But then Shon froze, stiff as a statue made of ice. 

Lily opened her eyes to cock her head at him, but he was covering the left side of his face with his hand, the other squeezed her hip. Not in a sensual way. He wasn't looking at her, his cold right eye seemed to be staring through her without seeing. 

"Shon-" she started to question, but his quavering voice interrupted,

"I can't see..." 

Lily's heart fell into her stomach and Shon's hand began to shake. His right pupil dilated and finally seemed to focus on her as he repeated in a whisper, "I can't see..." 

Slowly, Lily took his hand, lowering it to reveal a long deep cut from just below his hair line to just below his cheek bone. They had stitched this one closed too, though much more carefully, the sutures fine and skin smooth around them. Shon's eyes darted around her face, searching for something in what Lily could only describe as panic. The left was clouded over, a soft pale film lightening his already pale blue further. 

Lily could barely breathe. She could practically see the fears whirling behind his right eye, his only good eye. He'd lost half his vision, and his depth perception, could he still fight like this? Still serve? His service to the Temple and to Hegist was what he'd built his entire life around. Even after being denied by the god himself, Shon had served and faught. Would that be taken now too?

Before Lily could find her words, a door closed somewhere in the house, making her jump. As quickly as she'd flinched, Shon wrapped desperate arms around her, burying his face in her shoulder and speaking in a rush, "Please Lily, not yet. I... I'll help you escape, anything, just... don't leave... not yet..."

He still thought she was going to run... He said he'd help her escape. Fight against the Temple and the Kingdom for her freedom. He'd chosen her... Fool of a man. Wonderful, fool of a man.

Lily wrapped her arms around his shoulders and stroked his head. Calm and sure when he couldn't be, she lifted his face to hers once more and rested her forehead on his. "Never again Shon. We'll get through this. Together." 


Lily interrupted his questioning protest with a finger over his cold lips. Even colder than his skin. She listened, but no sound of pounding armored footsteps coming up the stairs sounded. So it was probably the Paladin leaving to fetch reinforcements. She nodded, choosing to believe that was the case. Taking Shon's cheeks in her hands she pulled back enough for him to see her smile clearly, then she leaned forward to kiss the cut over his brow, feeling a small divot in the skull beneath her lips. Shon returned still shaking hands to her hips and she kissed the cut above his cheek. He squeezed her, and she lifted just enough to kiss his closed eye before sitting back again. 

"You can still see me..." she whispered, running gentle fingers over his good eye. She trailed down his arms to his hands, squeezing them over her hips, "You can still feel me..." she removed his hands but held them as she left his lap to stand beside his bed. Shon looked like he wanted to protest, but she leaned down to kiss his words away. Taking just one of his hands she guided it under her shirt to the bare skin of her waist, letting it rest there as she straightened just enough to remove the shirt. 

"Lily..." Shon breathed her name, but said no more as she slipped her pants down next.

Kicking her boots and fallen trousers off, Lily resumed her seat across his lap, taking both his hands and once again placing them on her bare hips, "I'm not leaving you, Shon. Never again." she repeated, "We'll get through this, together." 


Tristen abandoned a fraction of his dignity and jogged to the palace. With the gods blessings, the King would still be at lunch when he arrived. The gods, it seemed, where truly with him as he was escorted to the inner gardens where he found not only his majesty, but his wife the queen as well. His greatest alley in this cause.

Though the royal couple had smiled upon seeing their cousin approach, the expressions quickly faded when Tristen not only bowed, but took a knee before his king. 

"Should I dawn my crown, Sir Tristen?" King Conar asked as his wife said,

"Please stand, cousin..." 

Tristen stood with a sigh, "I'm afraid so, your majesty." but as the King reached for said crown -hanging from a loop at his waist- Tristen continued, "Though before you do I should report, informally, that the Master Sergeant Shon is awake." 

The queen sighed in relief, but the king's brow furrowed at the news as he placed the simple iron cerclet around his head, "That hardly requires such formality, cousin..." 

Tristen waited until King Conar's crown was fully in place before bowing at the waist to report, "The Firewyrm is in our custody, your majesty. With the Master Sergeant in our headquarters. The rest of the team is there to keep her in the house, and a contingent of Paladins and Mages are stationed outside should she attempt to leave." 

He looked up to find the King looking shocked, and the queen frowning. The King started, "She-" but Queen Dalia interrupted her husband,

"She turned herself in?" 

"That has yet to be seen, your majesty. All I can say is that she came willingly into our house." Tristen answered. The royal couple exchanged looks, and he continued, "Though it is my sincere belief that this time she has come to stay..." After all, Saint Giorgos wouldn't have allowed him to leave her with Shon if there was too much of a chance she would escape again. He had to believe that... 

To Tristen's dismay, the King scowled, "This confirms that the Warlocks have spies in the city then." 

But to his relief the Queen rested a hand on her husband's lap to add, "And she used them to determine her lover's health and safety." her eyes darted to Tristen for a moment, and with a slight nod she continued, "But that is only part of Sir Tristen's report. Shon is awake, did you not say, husband, that you wished to give the Master Sergeant a boon for his defeat of the Death Knight?" 

Tristen resisted sighing in relief that the Queen would take over his argument. Perhaps, with his brother the Master Archmage still away surveying the Death Knight's library, she would be able to convince the King to show some trust and make a compromise... 

The King, however, shook his head, "I also said that I would not grant such a boon, because we all know what he would do with it." though he did reach down to squeeze his wife's hand.

Queen Dalia attempted to argue, but was interrupted by a racking cough that had both men looking at her with concern. She waved them both down, taking a sip of water with her free hand before continuing, her voice regaining some strength as she spoke, "I understand that we cannot grant the Firewyrm free reign just yet, however, has she not proven time and again her intent to keep our citizens safe? Has she not, just now, submitted herself to us despite her undoubted continued trepidation at being confined to the Mages Guild? Is it not true, husband, that as we speak she is in the custody of our representatives, and therefore the Kingdom?"

The King continued to frown, and Tristen took a risk, daring to interject, "I do not believe that Saint Giorgos would have allowed me to leave her at the Manor if being in our custody did not constitute her capture by the Kingdo-"

The King rose a hand to silence him and Tristen cut himself off with another bow. 

"I must think on this... Perhaps when Corwin returns-" 

But Queen Dalia did not seem to take the gesture for silence as being directed at her, continuing in a whisper to her husband, "Both the lesser and greater counsels' worries have been much eased by the capture of the Windwyrm. Perhaps if we display both trust and compassion with the Firewyrm, and much earned gratitude towards the loyal Master Sergeant, we might more easily convince the others to join us of their own free will."

The King sighed, resting both hands over his wife's to silence her, "Please, my love, a moment..." 

The Queen subsided, partly. Turning to Tristen she asked him directly and informally, "Had miss Lily not come, what do you believe Shon would have done in his current state? Would he consider leaving the Temple of Hegist, considering his... handicap?" 

As she finished the question, she was hit with another coughing fit, giving Tristen time to think. Before he wouldn't have hesitated, he knew that Shon had every intention of dying in service to his Temple. Whether that be in combat or old age. But now... 

He managed to answer as the Queen took another calming drink, "In the past, the Master Sergeant has taken leave to recover under his Master. I believe, now more than ever before, he would wish to seek out the Grandmaster's..."

Tristen allowed himself to trail off as the King looked him over once more. Steal in his royal gray eyes. "You believe that the Master Sergeant would wish to stay with his Temple and on this team despite his injuries?"

Once again, Tristen bowed, "Yes, Sire." Though with Lily in the custody of the Mages Guild...

The King took a while longer to think, even standing to pace around the table. Eventually he shook his head. Then he looked from his wife, to Tristen, then towards the doors leading out of the garden, saying solemnly, "I have made my decision."

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