Chapter 9 - Mission

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Tristen doubted they ever would've found the entrance to Ivy's "creepy cave" -as Ranito translated it- without the Windwyrm's assistance. Tucked away on a ledge just above the treeline, the opening was only visible to those able to fly that high and only accessible with a combination of Oswall's climbing gear and Ranito's magic.

Ranito's levitate spell only worked to a height of twenty feet, necessitating they stop at regular intervals up the shear cliff to recast it, something he was only confident he could do safely for himself. So instead, the Archmage cast feather fall, which would prevent the team from plummeting to their death from the slippery rocks, but required they climb up the hard way.

Ebonwing and Ryuuko flew up with the ropes and pitons, while those who wore armor removed it for the climb. It hardly helped. Soaked through by the resumed rain and already out of breath at the halfway point, Tristen began to doubt that the Warlocks could've made the climb. And only a little beyond that, he began resorting to magic, praying to Saint Giorgos to empower his limbs and lungs. Climbing beside him, Alena exhibited a pale yellow glow, apparently she'd also petitioned her god for assistance...

Ebonwing had it easiest and was already waiting at the top, though Ivy and Tore were nearly as addept, following along in the trees, their wind assisting them in great gusts. Ranito was cheating, levitating up as far as he could before being forced to grab his rope and recast the spell. Of the four climbers, two had divine magic to draw from, yet they were still the two struggling the most.

Tristen looked away from Alena to watch Shon ahead of them. He pulled himself over the ledge, followed quickly by Oswall, then studied the two ropes holding Tristen and Alena. Neither Shon nor Oswall had magical assistance, and yet both had trained themselves to a point where they outclassed those who did. Fascinating, Tristen thought, though more than a small part of him also felt frustrated, particularly when Shon shrugged, then reached down to grab both ropes to help pull the two stragglers up. 

"Thank you... Mas-... Shon." Tristen heaved as he pulled himself onto the ledge, then he cursed under his breath. Tore was examining a campsite. 

"It's fresh enough, it could be them..." The Ranger said, "I estimate this is only a few days old at most."

"How..." Alena gasped while Ebonwing rubbed her back, "Did they make it... up here...?"

"There are other spells," Ranito explained,  "Spiderclimb, for one-"

"Then why, by Horsa's spiked balls, didn't you cast that one!?" Oswall exclaimed, glaring at the Mage.

Ranito returned the glare, but Tristen interjected before the two could argue, "That spell is regulated and not commonly known. It is too useful in burglary." But that just had Oswall rolling his eyes, though he kept his grumbles under his breath.

Ranito took a moment to straighten his robe, then stated, "I will refresh myself on it when we return. But unless you wanted to glue yourself to the first thing you touched, I didn't think it would be best to attempt from memory."

Ebonwing shivered, rubbing her arms and staring nervously at the cave entrance, "Well... at least we know something is alive here..." The first they noticed missing on the way here were the birds, then the small mammals, until finally it seemed that they were the only living things foolish enough to approach this mountain. 

Sometime in the distant past, a large chunk of the lower mountain had crumbled, giving it a distinctive crescent shape -though the peak was obscured by the constant cloud cover. Tristen squinted up at the overhang, shading his eyes from the sun setting between the clouds and trees. More caves were exposed up the collapsed face, “Is that a stairway? Near the top about-” 

“I am NOT flying up there to check it out.” Ebonwing interrupted with another shiver, Ryuuko whistling in solidarity.

Tristen scowled, but it only took one look at the Druid for him to back down, assuring her, “That won't be necessary, Druid Ebonwing.” He sighed, “Besides, I’m pretty sure we’ll be going down.” The Warlocks they were tracking were looking for a Death Knight afterall, and he couldn’t imagine it anywhere but in the darkest depths of this already dismal place. “Tomorrow,” He continued, “We’ll camp here tonight, double watch.” 

For once, no one complained, though Ivy shuddered. She tugged on a lock of Ranito’s hair and said something he translated as, “Don’t die, you promised to teach me common.”

Before anyone could reassure her, Shon said, “Any kingdom settlement will take you to the capital.” The implied ‘if we don’t make it back’ was louder than the words themselves and had everyone speaking up at once,

“I am not telling her that, Sorcerer.” 

“We'll be back, soldier boy.” 

“Please don’t talk like that, Shon…” 

“Come on, big guy, a little confidence.” 

Tristen thought he heard Tore mumble something about getting her hopes up, but chose to ignore it to say above the rest, “He is correct. If Miss Ivy doesn’t want to wait for us here, she can go on ahead.” he made eye contact with Shon to finish, “But we will be coming back, Master Sergeant,”

Shon looked away, running a hand over his hair and crossing his arms to stare at the cave entrance.

Ivy looked between everyone, then whined as loudly and dramatically as she could until Ranito translated a combination of Tristen and Shon’s statements. It sounded as if she had follow up questions -probably about why everyone had jumped down Shon’s throat- but Ranito just waved whatever those concerns might've been aside, instead explaining that they would be camping for the night and go into the cave in the morning. 

But it seemed she’d read the emotions behind the unknown language, because she narrowed her eyes at Shon as she spoke and Ranito translated, “I will wait here, so if you want me to go, you will have to come back and get me.”

Shon took a deep breath, letting it out in a slow calming sigh, but didn’t say anything more, running his hand over his hair again and not looking away from the cave entrance. 

Tristen waved silently for the others to start setting up camp on the ledge -choosing another night in Ranito's anti-rain bubble over the cave itself- and moved to stand beside Shon. Clasping his hands behind his back and maintaining his professional tone, Tristen spoke quietly to the Master Sergeant, “Do I need to be concerned?” 

Shon shook his head, then noticed the others setting up and nearly went to join them before Tristen held out a hand to block him. Shon arched an eyebrow at Tristen, but when the Paladin didn't say anything more, he looked back at the entrance again, saying, “There's a Death Knight in there…” 

So he was going to play it off as general concern and caution… Tristen nodded, “It seems so. But that is not our mission. We are here for the Warlocks. The Temple of Saint Giorgos will handle the abomination. 

Shon’s eye twitched, and for a third time he ran a hand over his overly long hair. But he didn’t argue, and Tristen dropped his hand to allow Shon to help the others set up camp. 

He knew Shon had been putting on an act and wasn't at all fine, but he couldn’t tell if it was due to the run-in with Lily, or the news of the Death Knight. Assuming it was both, he’d decided to wait and address it after the mission, but now… Ryuuko interrupted his thoughts, alighting itself on Tristen's shoulder and even nuzzling the Paladin’s cheek as if to thank or reassure him. It made Tristen grin against his will, still torn, but feeling in his soul that all he could do was continue the path they’d chosen. 

“After,” he whispered to Ryuuko, “We will give him time and get him help.” Perhaps a visit to his master would be enough...

Despite Tristen's prayers, the Warlocks did not return to their abandoned camp that night.

At breakfast, Oswall grumbled about camping in the caves, while Ranito countered by explaining that tracking the insane magic users would be faster than the blind searching the Warlocks were doing. Alena rushed to agree, adding that camping in the cave would at least be dry, while Shon stared silently into the cookfire, his pommel swirling a slow pale-blue. 

Tore and Ivy stayed behind to wait for them, though not before the Ranger and Oswall conferred with one another over the clear tracks left behind in the shelter of the cave tunnel, only five separate sets. Tristen prayed they were right, forcing down the anxiety this placed inspired. It seemed too good to be true that they might have the advantage in both numbers and overall sanity.

The team moved into the cave complex, Ebonwing taking the form of a short legged hound, and Oswall taking out a special lantern with multiple doors. Offering only dim illumination and able to close at a moment's notice, Oswall opened the lantern's base so the light would shine on the floor and the two took point, marking their way with chalk at every intersection. Ranito and Shon followed at a distance with a more traditional light stone, while Alena and Tristen took up the rear, their armor muffled to prevent their echoing clanks from negating the scouts’ stealth.

It didn't take long for the sound of the jungle to fade behind them, the near total silence settling itself into Tristen's bones. He focused on the sounds of his own foot falls, then of Alena's beside him. Ahead of them, he could almost hear the scrape of Ranito's robes on the worn and cracked stones. Once everything he expected to hear was identified, he would be better able to respond to anything new, particularly from behind, and would be able to think of other things... such as what their upcoming moves should be. He had standing orders to destroy any abomination that threatened the rule of the kingdom, of which both Death Knights and Warlocks qualified. His primary order was to capture the Warlocks, but shouldn't he also find the Death Knight to confirm and report?

They seemed to be making great time and progress, considering that nearly every intersection showed signs of their quarry backtracking. "They really are wandering aimlessly aren't they?" Alena whispered at the fourth such intersection.

Tristen hummed in answer.

"Careful, Sir Tristen, or I might mistake you for Shon. What are you thinking?" she responded, holding her light stone higher as not only Shon and Ranito, but Oswall and Ebonwing, came into view ahead of them. They waited at a fork in the tunnel, Oswall pointing something out to Ranito at one tine, while Shon stared down the other. Ebonwing, with Ryuuko perched on her head, watched Shon.

Tristen glanced sideways at Alena and answered the Cleric in a whisper, "Just feeling…" what? Nervous? Concerned? …Curious? "... conflicted." He finally answered, then called to the others, "Something to report, Staff Sergeant?"

Oswall grumbled something unintelligible, then spat out his wad of tobacco, answering, "I'm pretty sure they split up. That, or this is a trap."

Ebonwing pulled her attention away from Shon and his branch of the tunnel to add, "Even if we were looking for the Death Knight, everything here is so… wrong, I can't get a read on which way to go."

Tristen moved to stand beside Shon, Ryuuko leaping from Ebonwing to Tristen as he passed. Behind them, Alena said, "I don't like the idea of us splitting up." Shon narrowed his eyes to a glare and shook his head, while Tristen put voice to what he was sure the man was thinking,

"We won't. We'll just have to pick a path and-"

"This way." Shon interrupted.

Silence met the Master Sergeant's rare breach of protocol. Even he seemed surprised, as he quickly turned to Tristen with a sharp salute, saying, “My apologies Sir, but I… I… feel we should go up…” 

Except Shon shouldn’t be able to feel anything, at least not in the way Tristen, Alena, and Ebonwing could. 

Tristen wasn’t sure what he felt, though Alena hesitated before whispering, “I feel… I feel Shon is right, or… I don’t know, just that we should trust him?” 

Tristen closed his eyes, trying to parse out his own feelings from those of his god. The others spoke around him and Shon stood at attention. Was he holding his breath?

“I would rather not go down, assuming that way really is up.” Ranito said, squinting at Ebonwing's makeshift map and taking his own notes.

“Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other,” Oswall shrugged,

“Yeah… I feel like both are equal options, but with different ends…” Ebonwing said.

Tristen took a moment to walk a few paces down Shon’s path, feeling in his soul… approval? But then went back and did the same with the other path and felt… just as much approval. Damn… It wasn’t the first time he’d wished he could actually hear Saint Giorgos. Though the meaning seemed clear enough. If both were valid options, then, “We will follow Shon’s path.”

The Master Sergeant let out his held breath in a relieved sigh and ran a hand over his hair. Oswall made a mark on the wall while Ebonwing filled out more of their map. Ranito hummed over his notes, and Alena bit her lip. And Tristen prayed he’d made the correct choice.


As everyone prepared to continue on, Alena chewed her lip.

She tried to take a moment to study each of them. Tristen confessed to feeling conflicted, Ebonwing was visibly agitated, Ranito wasn't taking as many notes as usual, and Oswall... Well, Os seemed to be the least affected. She could tell they were all struggling to some degree, but Shon's detachment was making her particularly nervous, an emotion that was only being enhanced by the unnatural aura of the area. 

"Wait!" Alena forced herself to call before she could hesitate any further, "I have something I need to say," she finished in a whisper, gesturing for the others to gather round.

"This dread we're all feeling-" the party exchanged looks and Alena continued, "-It isn't ours. Tris, Eb, you can feel it can't you? The same darkness that drove the animals away is trying to do the same to us."

Oswall kept his hands busy balling up a new wad of chewing tobacco, and asked, "So, how do we counter it?"

Before Alena could answer, Ebonwing groaned, slapping her head in frustration and saying, "Damn it, I remember now. And you won't like the answer." 

Tristen pinched the bridge of his nose, and Alena chose to take comfort in the familiar gesture of frustration as the Paladin sighed, "Yes, thank you for reminding us, Alena." he said, dropping his hand to finish, "We can't dwell on negative thoughts or emotions." 

"Think happy thoughts," Ebonwing added, though her mocking grin seemed strained. 

Alena shook her head, but forced her own grin, making the conscious choice to ignore the discomfort to explain, "Undead like the Death Knight have an aura, the longer they exist in an area, the more it will spread to the land around it-"

"Ah! like the zombies in Swailand." Ranito declared, flipping open his notebook to scribble in. 

Alena smiled at the interruption, thinking it was good that they were almost acting normal again, and continued, "Well, a strong enough aura can affect our thoughts and emotions, nudging us to dwell on the worst case scenarios and general misery. The only way to combat it, is to recognize it as separate from ourselves, and to purposely focus on something else, something positive. Like a goal, or memory, or something good that won't be affected by anything that happens here." She looked around the group, and Ryuuko flew over to settle on her shoulder. But that just drew her attention to Shon, he wasn't looking at her.

Her confidence faltered, but she straightened her shoulders stubbornly and finished, "Well... I just wanted to let you all know, so... so just do your best not to let it get to you. Find a happy place and bring it with you. Just... just in case this way takes us closer to the source."

Everyone whispered, or grumbled, some form of affirmative... Everyone, except Shon, who just looked towards the chosen path again... Ryuuko twittered quietly in her ear, and nuzzled her cheek. In her own efforts to stay as positive as possible, Alena chose to interpret the pseudodragon's response as a reassuring one. It was Shon's familiar afterall... part of his soul... it would reflect his emotions... there was nothing to worry about. Or at least, nothing more than the usual.


Shon's light flickered across the cave walls, casting shadows in the cracks and crevices that danced as they walked. He should've been more tired than he was… He’d had a nightmare, the same one as always, and had spent the entire watch on edge over what the man in white had said… Only two words before Shon had woken in a sweat unrelated to the muggy heat.

Be careful…

He doubted the blasted man wanted them in the caves at all, and still suspected it had been him that bid Shon run from danger years ago, to leave an entire city to be buried by a volcano.

He hated the man that haunted his dreams for many reasons, not least of which because he didn’t know what the man was. A messenger from Hengist? A branch of his own broken psyche? A demon sent to torment him from the outer planes? Though in the end it didn’t matter. Whatever the man said, Shon felt a pull towards the mountain, and up… a pull he couldn't ignore. No matter how hard he tried. 

Shon knew better than to look for a happy thought, and the last thing he wanted was to taint a good memory. So, rather than follow Alena's advice, Shon focused on the images created by the interplay of shadows and light across the rough stone surface of the cave walls, drawing them again and again in his mind's eye. Anything to distract from the emotions hammering away at his icy cage of a heart. 

Half an hour into Shon's chosen path, his prediction turned out correct, as the elevation began to climb steadily higher. They wound their way up the interior of the mountain, the side passages coming less and less often until they disappeared completely. Leaving them only one way to go. 

Ahead, Oswall and Ebonwing stopped again to wait for the rest, this time at the foot of a stairway. Once the team was together, Ebonwing said, "There's no way this isn't man made..." 

And Oswall pointed out a triggered trap five steps up, “Someone went this way for sure, but considering the dust, it must have been a long, long, time ago.” 

Shon stood at the base of the stair looking up and Ryuuko flew over to perch itself on his sword with a quiet twitter of worry. The pull was only getting stronger, and distracting himself the usual way wasn't working as well as it should. He tried focusing on the others talking, though he didn't join them. 

“Color me curious…” Ranito said. 

“We’ve made it this far, and the tracks continue.” Alena pointed out.

“Yeah, but if Tristen really did see stairs from the outside, it might mean there’s a dead end…” Ebonwing said, sounding nearly hopeful.

“You would think there would be more information on this mountain if it has a structure up there.” Oswall said.

Trisen hummed in thought, then approached Shon to follow his gaze up the stairs before saying, “Let’s continue. Tighten formation, Staff Sergeant, keep an eye out for more traps, the rest of us will follow within sight.”

Shon breathed a sigh of relief, but resisted taking point in the larger group, instead falling back to take up the rear while Ryuuko flew ahead and perched on Oswalls lantern, casting its draconic shadow on wall, ceiling, and floor. The air was cooler than in the jungle, but musty and just as thick. Shon breathed slow and even, drawing his energy to his center with each meditative breath. He tried again to focus on his physical senses, everything he could see, hear, or smell. The tension in his companions backs, their exchanged glances and nervous shifting. The sound of their careful steps, the wind coming from somewhere ahead, and a steady drip from somewhere behind. The dank musk of old dust and stagnant air, broken occasionally by a whiff of something fresher...

Ryuuko forced a memory past Shon's icy shields. 

The smell of cinnamon on fresh air...

Damn you... Shon thought to the little dragon, but the deed was done. He thought of Lily... What would she think of this place? of Alena's 'advice'? Would she even be affected? Where was she now... 

Shon shook his head in an attempt to clear it. He did not want to think about Lily. She'd been his happiness, and yet... all thoughts of her lead to the dark that was their future. Bleaker than even this place...

Shon clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palm and using the pain to distract, if only for a little while.

The way became easier as they continued to climb, the walls and ceiling smoothing out until there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the place had once been crafted by human hands. Oswall found more triggered traps, and one that had been made ineffectual by time. Still, they continued to climb, until they reached the portion of the mountain that had collapsed.

The left side had completely crumbled, revealing a breathtaking view of the jungle from further above than any but birds should enjoy. Shon dropped further behind, taking in the sights of the mountain's curved overhang disappearing into the clouds above while the green blanket of the jungle stretched out for as far as the eye could see below. He could practically hear Lily begging him to draw it for her...

The team hugged the remaining wall, but continued their assent, until the stair itself disappeared off the side of the mountain. 

“End of the line…” Oswall said, gesturing at what was left of the broken stair on the remaining wall. It reappeared another fifteen feet up, twisting back into the mountain proper. 

“The tracks never turned back…” Ebonwing said.

“But how did they get across?” Alena asked, moving to the edge of the shear drop for only a moment before scrambling back.

“Only Warlocks would be insane enough to try crossing this, even with Magic.” Ranito chimed in. Shon twitched and Ryuuko flew across the expanse, landing on the far stair with a whistle.

Shon tried to ignore the continued pull made worse by Ryuuko following on careless wings. Tried to ignore the pounding of his heart and smothered emotions. Why should he even be feeling such nonsensical things now anyway. Dred? fine, everyone seemed to be feeling some of that. Anger? It could only be at the man in white, couldn't it? Perhaps at the Death Knight, for whatever they had done to twist their soul... But sadness? Why should Shon feel such... regret...

Tristen hummed in thought, saying, “Perhaps we should check the other path before-” but he cut himself off as Shon made a sharp aboutface, marching back and counting his paces.

“Master Sergeant?” Tristen asked, while the others exchanged looks and began to follow.

Shon didn’t respond, and sixteen steps down unsheathed his sword. The pull was nearly overpowering, and Shon rested the weapon against the wall before turning right back around to pass the rest, heading back up. Shon could feel when he left the effect of his sealing item, as if a weight had been lifted, his magic flowing from his skin, showing as even more mist in the still hot jungle air.

Lily hated that Shon sealed his magic, how would she respond if she could see him now? He knelt before the final stair, placing his hands on the ground and focusing on the mental image. Shon hated using his magic, and growled as he pushed his energy outward, into the stone and beyond. Out of the corner of his eye, he could almost see Lily beaming at him.

His lack of training showed, as ice blasted out from the stairs -far more than he’d intended- creating a thick ramp up to Ryuuko, who took flight with another whistle, this one sounding… proud?

Various exclamations of surprise sounded from behind, and Oswall demanded, “Holy shit, man, you really want to go up don’t you?” 

“Color me very curious…” Ranito said, scribbling in his notebook while Alena and Ebonwing exchanged worried looks. 

Shon stood, nearly stumbling as a dizzy spell hit him. Tristen attempted to steady him with a hand on his shoulder, but both men flinched. Tristen pulling away from Shon’s cold and Shon flinching away at the touch. 

“Get his sword,” Tristen whispered to one of the others, while Shon attempted to blink the stars from his vision. That had been far more magic than necessary, but at least they could be sure the path was solid, considering it had formed nearly ten feet thick down the broken side of the mountain. 

“Shon…” Tristen spoke softly, dropping all formality to watch him in concern, “what has gotten into you?” 

Shon shook his head. He didn’t know, and that, more than anything, more than facing whatever was up there, scared him. “I’m sorry, Sir.” Shon answered, “But… I-” 

“It’s fine.” Tristen interrupted, taking Shon’s sword from Alena, Ryuuko perched on its hilt once more, and passing it back to him, “We will continue. Whatever is driving you, I feel it’s important that we listen.” he hesitated, and for a moment looked as if he wanted to grip Shon’s shoulder again, but refrained, whispering, “I hope you can find comfort in that.”

So Saint Giorgos, at least, wanted them to go up. To face what was ahead. And yet comfort was the last thing Shon felt. He did his best to smother what he could feel, confusion, dred, and a burning need to keep going. 

Be careful… 

Shon resisted growling at the memory he could almost hear again, taking his sword and continuing up the path of ice to whatever waited for them at the top of the mountain. 


Oswall needed to play cards with his team more often. The winnings from their shit poker faces should cover all of his 'expenses,' as Eb had put it. The way they were acting, you'd think they somehow didn't live under a constant pressure that could aptly be described as 'dread.' As for Oswall, he was used to this feeling.

Never show weakness lad, an old memory of an old voice came back. It was one of the best kind too, both happy and sad all at once. Such two sided memories gave his pessimist brain something to bitch about, but could never be fully separated from the happiness that came with it. 

Ryuuko joined Oswall once more as he led the way up the twisting, spiraling stairs. Up and up and up, keeping the pace slow so as not to wind himself or the others. Confident from the resumed tracks that only two of the original five Warlocks had gone this way. 

He smelled the change in the air long before he felt it. Fresher, and yet different from where the wall had broken. Dryer...

An hour later, the quality of light, or lack there of, started to change. 

He closed his lantern, and a moment later his companions shielded their own lights, plunging them all into darkness. He doubted they would be able to discern the subtle difference in the darkness that he could, and knew it didn't matter. They trusted him to inform them after he'd scouted whatever had set him off. Or at least, that's what they normally did. This time Ryuuko clicked quietly and took off from his lantern to scout on its own. 

Rounding a bend twenty steps up, it swerved back down to Os and clicked again. From below, Shon's deep voice sounded, "The stair is clear to a landing." 

Oswall opened his lantern once more, holding it -and Ryuuko- high as he continued up, the others close behind, grumbling, "...your damn familiar... wanna get it killed...? be my guest..." though he honestly didn't know if Shon had sent it, or if Ryuuko had gone on its own. Those two had the strangest Sorcerer-Familiar relationship Os had ever heard of. He spit on the ground, finishing even quieter, "none of my business."

Oswall rounded the bend and continued up to the 'landing' Shon had reported. Damn Master Sergeant needed another lesson on the dangers of understatement. The stair opened up onto an atrium built for giants. Light from the setting sun shone up from below the clouds to their left with stars just beginning to wink to life from above. 

A great vaulted ceiling arched from the open left side to the wall on the right, its crumbling surface shrouded in shadows from the floor, though Os thought he could make out something that might have been a door, now hanging from broken hinges.

He waited for the others, sweeping his lantern across the floor to show the prints still clearly visible in the dirt and stone, but addressed Shon when he said, “You call this a landing?” 

Alena held her light stone high, over powering Oswall’s dim light. He eyed the opening he was now sure was a door while the others conferred with each other. 

“The tracks continue, so should we,” Tristen said.

“I vote we hug the wall…” Alena whispered, taking a step in that direction and away from the open sky before them. 

“Why do I get the feeling this place was used for landing… literally?” Ebonwing asked, rubbing the chill from her arms. The Temperature had dropped noticeably above the clouds, though perhaps some of it was due to their own icy companion, now glaring down the atrium as he had the cave before. 

“This place is stunning, I expect a drawing later, soldier.” Ranito told Shon, who didn’t respond.

Ryuuko let out a quiet chirp, and flew along the path of the footprints to the wall, where it latched onto the cracks in what had once been smooth stone. 

With a collective shrug, the team followed the little dragon, now crawling along the surface of the wall like the lizard it resembled. The tracks continued past the broken door, but Oswall took a moment to peak in, finding… “Horsa’s mighty swinging balls…” he breathed, letting his feet move of their own accord into the huge room.

Shelves upon shelves stretched into the darkness beyond the reach of his light, each one packed with books and rolled scrolls. Os took a moment to open his lantern’s front, shinning bright light over the walls with tattered remnants of tapestries and faded frames that might once have held paintings. 

“Saint Bede’s wisdom…” Ranito breathed from behind, passing Oswall to gape at the collection. 

The others followed him in, Ryuuko flying ahead and nearly landing on a shelf before the Archmage squealed “Don’t touch them!” the others nearly jumped out of their skin at the volume, but Ranito continued quickly, “It will take both magic and a trained hand not to destroy them. Gods… don’t… don’t touch anything.” 

Ebonwing and Alena stepped back, away from the books, but Shon took another step forward, looking down and scraping his boot along the ground. Color… there was color below the dirt. Oswall mimicked the man’s motion, and soon the others were doing the same until they revealed a small portion of the mosaiced floor. 

“Saint Bede, huh…” Oswall grumbled, having uncovered the unmistakable image of a mage looking up at… 

Tristen was still uncovering that part of the floor, but he didn’t have to do much before he stopped with a growl. A dragon. The mosaic mage was conferring with a dragon…

Silence greeted the discovery, until Shon turned around, returning to the broken door with a single word, “After.” 

“Yes…” Tristen agreed through gritted teeth, “We shouldn’t be surprised, if the death knight really was sworn to a dragon god-”

“But it was human wasn’t it?” Ebonwing asked, hurrying after Shon with the others as they exited the library. 

“That’s what the firewyrm reported, was it not?” Ranito asked, his voice returned to its earlier quiet tones as he scrawled frantically in his book.

“Yes,” Tristen confirmed, though he didn’t elaborate as Oswall took point. Once more following the tracks along the wall. He stopped again when he reached a hinge larger than he was. 

Shining his light up the edge of the cracked door he found it’s partner nearly fifteen feet up and… Oswall took out a spare cloth and used it to scrub the door, his breath coming out in an awe filled sigh, “Silver…” he shined his light over the gargantuan doors, and nearly choked, saying again, “It’s solid gods damn silver.” The finder’s fee alone would be enough to pay for ALL his added expenses and then some. “I could retire on this…” he whispered, though not quietly enough because Tristen echoed Shon’s earlier statement. 

“After, Staff Sergeant. We are here on a job, not treasure hunting.” 

“I dare say the real treasure was in the library back there,” Ranito chimed in, examining the door where Oswall had cleared the dirt free. 

Ebonwing hugged her arms, taking a step back to look up at the door with a shiver, declaring, “Okay, yeah, I think we should go back. Get the Temple and-”

“Eb, are you alright?” Alena asked, reaching for the Druid. 

Eboning looked like a cornered rabbit, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. Oswall stopped Alena’s hand, shaking his head at the concerned healer while Tristen said, “Just a little further, Druid. We have to find the Warlocks, but if we discover the Death Knight, we retreat.”

Shon twitched at that statement, but didn’t argue against it. Os watched him for a moment, but then shook his head with a nondescript grumble, continuing past the door to its partner standing ajar. Where the tracks disappeared. 

Oswall doused his light again, peaking into the room and finding only impenetrable darkness. He didn’t know what Ebonwing was freaking out over. The pressure here was no worse than that at the base of the mountain. “The tracks go in here, but I can’t see without a light.” he fingered his lantern, and the others nodded, drawing their weapons. 

Once they were prepared, Oswall opened the light again and entered the massive room. Nothing moved, and Os breathed a sigh of relief, scanning the floor with his light until it landed on something white… bone… he brought the light up and nearly dropped it. 

“What is it?” Tristen asked from the atrium, as first Alena then Ranito and Ebonwing squeezed past Os only to stop as awestruck as he was. Tristen actually pushed Oswall out of the way before noticing what had them all dumbstruck. Reaching back into the hall, he pulled Shon in by the sword strap, making Ryuuko squawk from his shoulder, as Oswall swept his light over the huge skeleton. The skeleton of a dragon.

The light shone on a horned skull taller even than Ivy, continuing along its long sinuous neck to a rib cage large enough to build a house in, before sweeping over something else… Oswall quickly went back to the crook of the curled dragon’s ribs, shining the light on what looked like a suit of armor.

“You can’t have her…” 

A voice, deeper than the darkest pits in any of the hells, reverberated off the walls. Oswall did drop his lantern then. The light shining across a pile of purple and crimson robes, onto a mound of twisted armor and bone.

“You can not, have her…” the voice said again, sounding from the suit of blackened scale mail. The door behind them slid shut with a screech of protesting hinges. 

I can't market myself, so everything is free. But I do take donations! Help a writer starving for coffee and tobacco, channel their inner Oswall to get shit done!

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