
In the world of Bogowie

Visit Bogowie

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Chapter 4

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「The record describes the events that took place in the course of the several days, not long after the blessing ritual」

The Sun has risen several times and so, Nathalie's spirit managed to calm down. The young Mikos, as well of Kannushi Aoko couldn't help, but be concerned over what looked like an unfortunate struck of sickness happening to their guest of note. The caretakers visited the room occupied by Nathalie few times a day to check if she's in need of hospitalization, making her heart nearly coming out of her chest every time. Her mind needed a few seconds to remember that all the magical equipment is kept hidden by the rituals. Overall, the surprise visits acted as a fertilizer for all the stress. In an ironic twist of fate, however, it seemed exactly as what Nathalie needed. Her mind was distracted from the poisoning source of "sickness" and eventually, she turned better and Aoko told caretakers that their help is no longer needed in that way. 

Nathalie wasn't really left alone, however. Kannushi stopped her in the empty corridor the very same day to bring out the message:

"I am aware that you might desire some free time, but there is something we must to discuss."

Instinctively, fear has struck Nathalie's heart. In a split second the realization came that there is no way that the matter is related to the secrets kept hidden.

"I'm listening, Kannushi.", the guest responded politely.

"You are temporary resident here, right? That means you are involved with the Daishinden matters more directly. While we are loyal to the virtues of the Goddess Mizu by being welcoming travellers and people in need here, there is... practical issue. Our numbers are limited and we are unable to do our duties by ourselves. Do you know what I am referring to, lady Marbot?"

"I think I do. I can look at the guests assi... ehmm... helping with the chores."

"Correct. Don't misunderstand me, lady Marbot. I do not require from you your assistance...", That's how one would say that word!, thought Nathalie, "..., you are out guest. It would just be nice gesture, don't you think?"

"I wanted to look more closely to the city, but truth be said, I don't mind. I also want to get to know Daishinden better."

"Don't worry about it. It won't be all the time. You will have days off and well... you are volunteering. We won't force you to do this. Besides, Miko Mizutamarika and Miko Ikena are busy too. You cannot just hope they will have always a time to act as your guides and I hope they will understand it as well."

"I think they already do."

"Oh, you don't know them enough. They are saying they do, but their actions lack discipline. Miko Mizutamarika is better with pretending, but she also is causing problems in this regard. Anyways! Your work. The caretakers in our hospital wanted to have something to help them. Don't worry, that won't require you to do anything. You will be there to make things easier for them by acting as someone who will bring the needed things or will forward messages between more distant staff, something like that. Do you think you can do it?"

"If that's just it, than sure. I will take this opportunity to learn more.", there was a lack of the enthusiasm in the Nathalie's voice, despite her best efforts.

"I knew you would agree.", fortunately for her, Aoko didn't seem to react to the tone of the response. Maybe she just didn't notice? "Thank you greatly, lady Marbot. Now, let me show you the way."

"Oh is it now?"

"Yes. Are you doing something?"

"Not really"

"Then, follow me.", said Aoko and marched outside with Nathalie following her, both making clacking noises with their geta sandals. The sound has made a very slight sigh of dissatisfaction unable to be heard.

After walking for a moment, Kannushi and the guest have stopped in front of a one of the larger building in the temple complex. Nathalie knew at that moment that they've reached their destination. This thought was quickly confirmed by Aoko:

"Here it is, the hospital. I won't be following with you inside, at least not now. If you want to do your duty, please go through the door and tell one of the caretakers that I'm sending you to help, they know that I was supposed to do that."

"Understood. Are you leaving, Kannushi?"

"I am. Don’t worry, they will introduce you properly, I won’t be needed in person. Although, I might come with a visit later. Good luck! Now excuse me, your dear Miko friends need some tutoring."

The priestess quickly walked away, leaving the lonely figure of a foreign guest standing in front of a hospital. 

Well, let's see what can I get from that. Nathalie didn't bear desire for this activity, yet she knew very well just how valuable good relationship with a priestess could be. She passed the front door and took off her sandals entering the inner side of the building.

It turned out to be exactly what Aoko told her about. When she mentioned she was sent by Kannushi, she was immediately directed with the local overseer of the caretakers, a woman in all-yellow priestess outfit. Nathalie was very quickly accepted as the auxiliary staff member and she began her duty by changing outfits. She was given the clothing typical for a regular caretaker - nearly identical to those of the Mikos, but yellow in colour instead of blue and with bottom part which was keeping both of legs separate, making it more suitable for quick movements. She was also forced to tie behind her black and a bit curly hair. Besides it, she was also wearing a scarf around her left arm - it was of a light blue colour, signifying that she was temporarily sent here by a Kannushi and at the same time she wasn't directly part of the Daishinden staff.

Just like Aoko told her, Nathalie wasn't really given anything important. She barely was having direct contact with the ill and injured. Her duty was mostly consisting of doing simple service jobs for the proper caretakers in order to speed up the logistics. She was finding a whole procedure acceptable, yet still disappointing. There was very little she could actually learn with this position and especially not within a single day. To make the matters worse, the caretakers barely had time and capabilities to talk with her about anything not directly related to her duties.

Nathalie was spending hours, observing from a distance at the suffering of the patients. Sad truth was that state of the most of them weren't improving, despite the hardest effort from the caretakers. To not lose hope, many of them offered for the goddess Mizu their prayers, seemingly with no answer. Asked if this is regular occurrence, they confirmed. Nathalie had genuine issue with imagining just how sad they must feel facing pointlessness, as it was apparently something that humans were doing in a situation like this. She was just tired. After all, she never knew the patients and she would never see them anyways, no matter if they would get better or not.

Hours were passing slowly, which made Nathalie’s desire for the service to finish grow stronger and stronger. Her mind was on its way of ignoring non-essential events happening all around, when the monotony was interrupted. Suddenly, she noticed a woman with blue-robes and bright, green eyes.

"A-Aoko!", the name came out of the Nathalie's mouth.

"I hope you are doing thing well, lady Marbot. Our clothing fits you well. Sadly, i didn't come here for talking."

"What happened?", she immediately questioned.

"Someone here is apparently in the very grave condition."

"Oh, right. There is. I thought that person is already dead."

"Are you even working here?"

"I am rarely seeing patients, Kannushi."

"I see... Well, go with me. You're under my guardianship, so they cannot say anything. Hopefully, you will see why I've arrived here."

They've entered a chamber with a single bed and multiple of caretakers around it. On a furniture, a small figure of a human was laying, barely holding on the fleeting life. The smell of blood was filling the air and the dark red spots were a common sight. A womanly voice could be heard:

"For the summoning, I respond. Have the trust in Restorer of Health and let me in to the one in need."

Caretakers moved further away, in order for the Kannushi to come close. Nathalie was observing the whole thing with slight curiosity. Aoko was saying prayers with words that a Bethunian guest had problem with understanding. Various small objects, the hands of the priestess were taking from the women around. Nathlie saw that something is being done with them, nearby the patient, but she couldn't notice in details. Finally, after a while, Aoko declared the words that were easy to be understand:

"The Great Protector, your servant asks you. Take care of the one that lays in front of me."

 Few seconds later, she walked off the bed, revealing, formerly, broken person, looking seemingly healthy, for all the eyes around to see. Nathalie realized that she just witnessed the Connection between a god and a faithful.

"Mizu decided to give to you a gift of health. I hope it will be a source of joy for a long time.", said Kannushi.

The patient said nothing, shocked by disbelief. The caretakers immediately came close to make sure the state of health is actually as good.

Kannushi proclaimed, loudly:

"It's time for me to leave. I will be taking the guest with me."

Upon saying those words, she turned around and left, giving, with a hand, Nathalie a sign to follow her. She understood the message and has left the room together with Aoko.

Nathalie changed her outfit to the regular yukata for the guests. When both women already had left the building, going towards their dormitory, a question consisting of just a single word came out of the guest's mouth:


The way the priestess stopped and looked at her was enough of a signal for her.

"Why this person? Why not everyone there?", she clarified with a voice betraying the complete lack grief or comapassion, "They all suffer, they all have little hope. You can grant health to everyone, but you got it to the one person. Than, you left. Can you do this more?", her knowledge about gods was enough to suspect the answer, yet the she felt that details about this particular one could be useful for making plans for the future.

Her question was met with the response sounding as if the one who answers was more sad for someone else than Nathalie was in her entire life:

"I... can... Sadly, it won't do the thing. We did it back in the past. We relied on our great Mizu... She was doing it. But even gods have their limits. And fixing people is easier than breaking them. After very short time of the benovelent help... she just stopped. Her brother, Sakusen told to us through his priest that Mizu is barely finding strenght to do anything. We were forced to change the approach. Nowadays, a Kannushi is only called to perform a rite of health, when there is a patient that we know won't survive for long unless the help come fast, and we are unable to provide that help in any way."

"Was she helping everyone in the past?"

"Nearly everyone. But she tried as much as possible. There were still blind spots even back than. Nobody is perfect, even her."

"She sound pretty close to me. That's an achievement."

Aoko smiled and changed a topic, both women were stnading in the same place where they've stopped:

"My pupils were telling me about you. When they were supposed to be focused on something else, of course. It's always like that with these two. Apparently, you harbor a great admiration for the goddess Mizu in your heart."

"Maybe. She's interesting. Sakusen too. Ikena told me their story."

"An outsider genuinely interested in the Siblings, that's nice. Tall, me, lady Marbot. As a guest from the foreign land, what do you think is the most impressive part of their story?"

Nathalie hummed quietly, thinking about an answer. She responded very soon:

"When they've raised mountains. When the Kosui stopped being a part of Yama. The power to affect world that much is something... ehmm... great."

"Interesting... So, you value power, right?"

"What you value, Kannushi?", she asked in return, dodging a question.

 "Me? Well, I'll tell you what I'm finding the most impressive about the Siblings. It's the time when they decided to stand in defense of the people against the raging dragon. They knew many have failed, but they didn't stop. Their hearts were pure and they showed that we Kosuians are under their watchful eyes. That they are willing to risk their lives for us. Ready for the sacrifice. This is what I value, lady Marbot. I think they are an example for us to follow,  because of it"

"Sacrifice, huh? Personally, I never liked it much."

"No, not sacrifice. Not by itself. Care and selflessness. Sacrifice is a part of it, sure, but... now that I think about it, your response is intriguing. Let me ask you, what is a reason for your disliking of the sacrifice?"

"Not just sacrifice. Putting others before yourself. It is pointless, Kannushi. It is only good thing when it is not a value. When one sacrifice themselves, it's for others. It's for the sake of them achieving their dreams. But... if they consider putting lives of others before theirs as well, they would prefer for the situation to be reversed. There are no dreams fullfilled. Only sadness and guilt." 

"That's... really depressing way of looking at the world. "

"I disagree. I like my life. I think selflessness is depressing. How empty someone's life it must be when they value everyone else more?"

"I would say that is prescisely because someone values their own life, that's why they would want to give it to someone else. They want to give for other what they think is the most important."

"They don't. Even when they convince themselves of that. Do you value your treasures if you are ready to give them away for anyone asking to be in need of them, without a question? This isn't something that should be glorified."

"You doesn't sound like someone who's faithful of the gods... At least not of those who are like ther Siblings. Could my pupils be mistaken?"

"Oh, I admire gods. With all my heart. Their beauty and glory. What they can achieve. I want to be like them. Not to assume their tastes or morality, but their qualities. I want to be myself, just... more realized. Gods are realized."

"In other words, you're saying that you would want to be able to do what you want, like the gods do, while ignoring all the others?"

"Not ignoring, Kannushi. I still follow what is expected. I want to realize my own dreams, but I see no reason to be enemy of anyone. I can get something from it and if they can do as well, good for them. Life is not a competition. I simply don't value others more than myself. My dreams are the priority."

"I was afraid for a moment, but you seem to understand the importance of the community. Good. I guess that makes sense given what my Mikos told about you. However, there is one thing that feels... concerning. You say you value your dreams over other people. Would you trample over others if it solely meant getting closer of realizing your dreams?"

Nathalie felt like she knew the answer for this question, yet her consciousness was actively rejecting it. In the end, no word came out of her mouth.

"I take your silence for a sign that you need to think more about it.", said Aoko, "We can go back to this conversation later. Don't worry, lady Marbot. Even if I disagree with you, I believe the discussion is worth to have in order to better understand our own worldviews. Anyways, I think the time is upon me. I need to go to attend something important. You know how to get to the dormitory, so you will be fine. Now, excuse me, lady Marbot."

Something important?, Nathalie was already annoyed that she didn't learn anything helpful. I wonder what's... important. 

"Can I know what's this important matter?", she asked, while bashing herself in her thoughts for being ridiculously despare to get anything from this day.

"Oh, it's certain ritual that we do each year in a rather remote location. All caretakers are also taking part, so for a single night Daishinden is mostly devoid of active defense."

Nathalie controled her face reaction with all of her might. Her heart was in shock. Something like that is exactly what she hoped for. It sounded too good to be true. The words that Kannushi told her next was a confirmation of that fact:

"Don't worry, we are employing measures against it. Each year, the date of the event is a mystery so only few people know when it happens in the first place. We are ready, but you can guess that in such grave situation we need to take an effort."

"Interesting. Keep the details to yourself, than, Kannushi.", Nathalie commented. 

Both women said goodbye to each other and went into the different directions.

What the mage learned today wasn't perfect, but was still extremly promising. A night with no caretakers guarding Daishinden means that she could try access the main hall and finally take the usage of all the power she has stored. An opportunity that will not come quickly again. But the several issues still remained: what are security counter-measures and when it will happen?

Well, at least I have the goal, she thought, coming back to her room.



The next few days were spend in relatively peaceful way. Nathalie was helping Daishinden staff for a bit, while trying to get some information about the caretaker ritual. She didn't learn much new, however, besides the fact that during the evening, some unknown time before the ritual, all guests and priestesses that are not taking part are locked in their bedrooms that could be opened only from the outside. The time of freedom only comes the following morning. Apparently, if anyone not authorized would be caught outside during the lockdown, they could be killed on the spot. Radical measures were taken to provide the security in the time when there wasn't any. While usually, those means wouldn't be effective if used regularly or on a specific date, the fact that it was done once a year and the exact day of this ritual was kept in secret meant that something happening was unlikely, and even if it happened it wouldn't be hard to find someone guilty. After all, only a handful people could tell the date to someone else and in terms of someone inside breaking out, it would be trivially easy to see which bedroom had the locks broken. In other words: Nathalie could finally start to think how to circumnavigate the problems. She quickly realized that the whole plan would likely fail if she won't know a specific time when ritual is taking place. What if it lasts only an hour and the rest of time Daishinden is under patrol as usual?

Getting to know during which day it would happen would be also nice. I don't want to end up with all of my equipment locked in a chest as usual during that exact night. My resources of power are also far from the infinite, even if the current usage rate is not high...

The worries did not become an obstacle, however. Nathalie was still eager to spend some pleasant time. Marika and Ikena decided to invite her to make some errands in the city together. She immediately agreed, as she waited for the occasion to have someone show her around. Like in the temple, she decided to put on local clothing - simple guest yukata and the straw zori sandals for the outside instead of using her own outfit. She went outside of the building to meet her friends to departure, when she noticed they were accompanied by two other people. Those were women wearing relatively simple bronze helmets and having metal on their chests. Each of them was holding a spear in her arm and had a blade near her waist. The rest of their outfits let Nathalie guess that they were the caretakers - white and yellow colours and bare feet everywhere in the ground of Daishinden, even outside.

"Did something happen?", she asked the Mikos.

"No, no, no.", said Marika, trying to explain the situation, "These two caretakers, Kosuta and Hayami," she pointed each of them with quick hand movement when saying out their names, "that here were assigned as our escort during the errand."

"Escort? Is the city dangerous?"

"It shouldn't be, dear guest, but it's better to be safe.", one of the caretakers, that Marika referred to as Kosuta, has responded. Nathalie felt like she was seeing her face before, "We are all the servants of the goddess Mizu and the official guard is expected outside, even if nothing happens and we are providing it."

"You are not wearing armour here often. Why you have it now?", Nathalie commented.

"The situation outside lays beyond our direct control. As such, there is a need to be prepared to higher degree than usual. Besides... we don't really have enough bronze here to equip everyone all the time in this."

"Anyways, you're here, so let's go!", Marika issued her command with only a hint of authoritativeness.

The five of them walked through the main hall up to the Dainshinden entrance. Here, Nathalie and the Mikos changed their wooden getas to the straw zoris. The caretakers however put on the leather sandals, clearly suited for the warriors as their outdoor footwear. Nathalie recognized that, indeed, the escort is something serious and not just a formality. She hoped that it wouldn't potentially cause much trouble later today.

When all the five of them went into the streets of the city, Nathalie noticed that something is different than usual. Ikena was one less enthusiastic about, while the smile was never leaving Marika's face. Naturally, the result of this extraordinary observation was a question of much more ordinary nature:

"What we are we going for?"

Nathalie was not surprised when the response was delivered by none other than Miko Mizutamarika:

"We've received an order to inform some other temples about the joint festivities that are slowly approaching. Each year, we're doing them in the Kosui, with the big chunk of the organization is being managed by the Great Temple and the Marvelous Temple. Of course, the rest need to do something, but they are basing it on a framework provided by the servants of the Siblings. This framework became prepared recently and we were ones given the privilege of spreading the important information to them.", Nathalie clearly heard some sense of pride in the few last sentences in the Marika's explanation.

Ikena commented the whole thing with a single, emotionless line: "Yeah... privilege" 

"Is there something wrong?" asked Nathalie.

"Nothing. It's just, I don't like personally those festivities and duties related to it. I'll still do them, I'm a priestess after all and don't you dare even thinking that I would just ignore due to my own preferences. Well, anyways, truth be told... I don't really like interacting with the crowds. Few people, yes, but going around various temples and talking to all of those, possibly judgemental ones... and this is just delivering information. The festivals themselves are even worse..."

"This is this time of the year, Ikena, when I'm seriously questioning why you chose the priestly life if that's so hard for you."

"Marika, you know very well that I'm planning to focus on less public side of this profession. Besides, I love, with all of my heart, performing rituals that are involving not many people in nature. It's just I know I need to do a bit of... this as well. Please, help me endure it,  The Lady of Compassion...", Ikena quickly made a small praying gesture, "At least, we're visiting one interesting place today..."

"Don't get your hopes up", Marika said this as if part of her duty was to keep her friend down, "We still need to discuss the details with the Marvelous Temple."

"I thought our list is already set!"

"Technically, it is, although it's better to be safe. You know the drill.", the last sentence was finished by Marika with a smile on her face. She quickly added, directing her words to the Nathalie:

"Unlike, this loner here, I am very fond of this time, as you can see."

"I can see this", Nathalie quickly commented, while her mind was intensively active, those big festivities... are they related? She consciously decided to put is back for now, feeling that discussing this topic next to the two armed caretakers could become a cause for some issues.

"Anyways, to the Marvelous Temple we go!", declared Marika, "Did you see that place before, Nathalie?"

"I didn't. I wasn't leaving the Great Temple since I arrived. I will gladly see it."

"That's great!", said Marika, "Now that I think of it... having an outside guests on the official visit will be looking unprofessional. However, may your heart have no worries, Nathalie of Bethune. You will just wait for us in the main hall of the temple. You will have time to watch it and ask the priests there about the details with your own pace."

"Thank you. Correctness be told," Nathalie thought she heard quietly spoken 'truth be told' by someone around, but could recognize who has left such a discrete comment,  "I prefer it this way. Your errands are yours, but I want something else from that visit."

"That said... you will need to have someone that would keep an eye for you. It's not like we don't trust you, but if something undesirable involving you would happen, than we all would need to take the responsibility for it. Me, Ikena, Kosuta and Hayami alike. All right, Ikena, you are not fond of those meeting as well..."

"Not all of them...", Miko Ikena responded relatively quietly, nearly mumbling as if she wasn't sure if she wanted these words to fly out of her mouth.

"I'm well aware of the exception.", Marika had a huge smug on her face, so big that Nathalie didn't even suspected was possible for her, "However, generally speaking, you aren't looking forward to them, right?"

"Yes", Ikena confirmed with much greater degree of confidence.

"Great, I have a little request for you when we arrive. You could do us all a favour and I will make a Favor to you at the same time. By this, I mean you will stay with the Nathalie and keep an eye for it. You might tell her more about Sakusen. I bet you two will be enjoying yourself much more in that way."

"It's fine for me to fulfil my duties that way", brown-eyed Miko said, trying to sound formal, yet she was unable to conceal the relief present in her heart.

Not a long time later, the group has reached the crowded plaza, where the massive temple was located next to. Nathalie remembered passing nearby the building when she arrived in the city. The edifice was looking similar to the Great Temple, just made out of the darker stone. Marika has lead the group through the entrance columns, inside of the Marvelous Temple of Sakusen.

Nathalie immediately noticed they've entered the great hall. She was surprised since there was no sign of a small room for managing the footwear. They all just entered in the sandals they had outdoors. Moreover, they kept walking wearing them. The only exception seemed to be Ikena who stopped for a quick moment just after entering in order to take off her zoris. She grabbed them in her hand and walked barefoot from then on.

The hall was ressembling the one in the Great Temple when it comes to the rough plan. The wooden floor, they were taking steps on was surrounding the stone in the centre with the stream of water present in between. Further down, the giant statue was erected. However, the differences were also very apparent. The room itself was not even as close as dark, lit enough in order for the interior to be easily seen, revealing the elaborate wall-paints illustrating scenes with the gods. There was nothing ressembling the pool. The statue, naturally, was not depicting a naked woman, but instead a man wearing only the helmet covering his face and holding a spear, pointing out vertically, in his right hand. Narby the walls she could see people that she was noticing few times before in the city, on her way here - the male warriors wearing rather impressive bronze armor and dark blue cloacks. Some of them were barefoot, unlike any of those met outside. The other people could be seen here as well, often clothed in the dark, lowly desaturated blue. Only a few of those wearing those colors were lacking footwear. Them and Ikena.

"Ikena, Nathalie," Marika directed her words in a commanding manner to her two friends, "me, Kosuta and Hayami will now go for the scheduled meeting. You can now go around the Temple rather freely, but remember that we will meet up here. It won't take long so try to not get lost, okay? Also, please do not go in the different direction. This is not The Great Temple and priests of Sakusen are not showing as much hospitality as us... for sure not for the complete outsider that would go around alone, clueless, in some places."

Nathalie understood that those sentenced were mainly directed at her.

"Understood! I will keep an eye on her", Ikena confirmed.

"Good. Now, excuse us, we will go now.", saying that Marika walked deeper into the Temple, followed by two caretakers. The three of them quickly disappeared behind the doors. Nathalie looked at the Ikena and lowered her sight onto her feet. Than, she proceeded to look on her own and asked:

"Should I... take them off?"

"If that's what's you desire, than go for it. There is no set rule about this. You see, there is a lot more people going through this place than through the Great Temple. Because of it, taking off the outdoor footwear is not required as it would make it too much of a hassle."

"But you are..."

"Well, it's still sacred place, isn't it? Only because of the convienience, they are allowed. To take them off it is still a show of humility in a front of a diety just as much as with the other temples. I will humble myself if I can. If you can notice, I'm not alone here in that regard. Sure, the other ones might not be numerous and most of them might a priests, but well... I'm a priestess too."

"Priests? You mean those in dark blue robes? Or those warriors?"

"Both. Some priests serve primarily as the sacred warriors. Sakusen is a patron of the strategy and the warfare after all, so it's only natural for some of his servants to show their devotion through those means."

"Like tthe caretakers?"

"Good analogy, Nathalie. They are like caretakers, just more dedicated. Their training goes deeper and is focusing way more on warfare. Their armor and weaponry is among the best that can be found on the warriors of this city. They don't have other duties, unlike caretakers, just those martial ones. And finally, they can serve outside of their Temple. They can be found protecting every important place here. There are few in numbers, but even a small group could be enough to feel the intruder's hearts with enough fear to avoid the place. In fact, they were protecting Daishinden too."

"Isn't that a job for the caretakers?"

"Caretakers weren't always skilled in combat. Before they started training themselves it was a job of the warrior-priests of Sakusen to serve as our guardians. After all, us and them are closely related. Mizu and Sakusen are siblings that are working together all the time, so their servants should do it as well."

"Oh, about the caretakers...", Nathalie realized this is a good moment to ask the question, as there was no one else close to them, "I remember. Someone told me they will have a ritual close by. All of them are involved. Is it related to the festivies?"

"That one? No, they are completly separate. The one you mention is the thing of our Temple alone, while the festivties are for the whole city. Why are you asking me, anyways? Hayami or Kosuta could you tell more. Or some Kannushi. What could a single Miko know?"

"From what I know, it is a big deal. Everyone seems so careful when talking asbout it. I was afraid that I could ask about something inappropriate."

"So, you already knew. You know that I am not going to tell you much and I doubt anyone else would do. Why are you even interested in that so much?"

"I just want to know to not do anything stupid when that will happen."

"Don't worry. That's the entire point of not telling anyone. Besides... truth be told, I don't know anything about it."

Do you, really?, the doubts arisen in the Nathalie's head. However, she decided to put it aside. After all, she had a great opportunity right now. She looked at the statue of a giant man and asked:

"May I change subject, than?"

"As you wish."

Nathalie has put her thoughts into words:

"Ikena, I hear a lot about Mizu and Sakusen. Things are simmilar with them, but I can see the differences. Why is that? Why not a single temple for them both?"

"Several reasons, really. First, it allows for more clear splitting of priesthood by sex. This is handy given that neither of the temples is liking people getting intimate when they are the priests. It helps to reduce these occurences in number, even if there are still happening from time to time. Second, while the two are simmilar, their interests and talens are not the same. Look around. The temple of Sakusen is dark outside, but lightened inside, while that of Mizu is light on the outside, while the insides are submerged in the darkness.This is good illustration of the differences of the two",

Ikena started taking steps toward the central plaza, while making the hand movement for the Nathalie to inform her to follow. She continued explaining: 

"The brother seems harsh and unfriendly: he is the patron the art of war, his servants can be found with the arments in their hands ready to kill and be killed for the city. He is the one that can be seen in person commanding the soldiers when the threat comes to our gates. There is not a single warrior in Kosui, who don't revere him above all others when it comes to the deadly craft, even our caretakers."

she showed with a gesture for the guest to stop while she walked into the stream of water on the stone's border. She sat on the wooden floor and proceed to clean her feet, while still continuing talking:

"Yet, the brother is intergal for us, Kosuians for the other reasons as well. He's the one who commands the rains, he is the one that provides us with crops.", Ikena directed her face at the statue, "He is the one that we turn to when we need a council for law. He's the civilization and order. The strategy and wisdom. The contruction and the growth."

, she looked at the Nathalie, while standing up and taking steps on the stone, still making a gesture for her to stop and still talking:

"In this very temple, there is a storage of grain. There is armory. There are many multiple important materials ready to be used when needed. And finally, Sakusen also patronizes the board games. Something much more petty, I know, but still it's nice."

Nathalie felt like her thirst for knowledge about this god is getting fullfilled. Yet, there was something else for her to think:

"What's the meaning of the Great Temple than? Light outside, dark inside?", she asked.

Miko responded:

"Te goddess Mizu is specializing with things much more friendly. She's the one who commanded us to take care of the guests and the homeless. She's the one who supports us in healing the ones in need. As her name suggests, she's also the one who's guarding things related to the water, making sure it will be giving life more than taking it away. Yet... the water is cold. The ice is also a water. Her care about the injured and sick is not without limit, as she is unbable save the all. The guests are welcomed, but they cannot be fully trusted without a form of control. Our catetakers took the arms for the reason, even if that wasn't their main job. The need of protection from the evil-doers wanting to abuse the hospitality is a nessecity. And finally", she paused for a moment, than continued with a question directed to the Nathalie, "Do you remember the story I was telling you?"

Naturally, she did not forget the details:

"Do you refer to her being a warrior"

"Exactly. She knows exceptionally well how to fight. She's not that different than her brother. Despite her outward appearence making the impression of someone immensly caring, she can be harsh and deadly if the situation needs it. This is the meaning of the dark under the brightness."

After finishing her explanation, Ikena turned around. The only part of her head that Nathalie was seeing was her black, straight hair. Miko declared, from this position:

"Excuse me for a moment. I'll honour the Sakusen now. Don't you dare to let your feet touch the most secret ground, even if you clean them first. As a servant of his sister I can enter, but I'm not the once who can give you the permit."

"I will wait, than", Nathalie responded and was observing, with her genuine curiosity, the girl performing the prayers in front of the statue. Some of the priests nearby seemed confused, but no reaction proceeded, as their collegues  were saying something to them. In the meantime, neither Nathalie nor Ikena really were taking the attention to their surroundings. One of them completly focused on the reverance, the other - on watching it closely.

Miko didn't manage to finish and the three familliar women arrived in the hall - Marika with Kosuta and Hayami accompaning her. She turned to the Nathalie, interrupting her observing.

"We're back", said Marika

"Welcome back", Nathalie greeted her in response.

"Be ready. We'll departure once our friend here will finish. That said...", she paused without finishing the sentence and took of her sandals as well. She turned her face to the statue and did the simpler version of the gesture Ikena was doing. Even the caretakers followed. Just a few seconds later, they put their footwear on again and faced Nathalie just like before. Not a single word was spoken during this short while.

"Forgive us", said Marika.

"No problem. It looked like a normal priestess thing for me."

"Oh, it's nice that you're seeing this that way. It was rather awkward for me. To be completly honest, I've felt a bit embarassed seeing Ikena being the only one from the official Daishinden visitors who performed any sort of reverence. We're Sakusen's servant as well, in a way... I hope she will finish it fast."

"Is she always like that?"

"If by always you mean in the Marvelous Temple... yes. She tend to do less in the other places of worship, though. That said... there is one exception to that."


"You will see today. Seriously, i want to finally tell her. She should be happy."

"Please, be patient, Miko Mizutamarika", Hayami interrupted with a calm, caring tone of voice, "You know very well that she needs some time on those days."

The patience were less needed than the words of a caretaker would suggest as as soon as she finished saying that Ikena has stopped the worship. She turned around to them. A smile appeared on her face when she saw that her friends were back. She came close to them and proceeded to wash her feet again on the border of the most sacred ground. Being slightly busy with this activity didn't stop her from asking questions:

"What information did you get, Marika?"

"It's nice to you. We've came to the conclusion that Marvelous Temple would send their representatives to the most of the minor places of our list. The temple of the Sovereign of the Dead, Justice-Slumber / Kousei-Nemuri, the prophetic oracle of the Apoderufu and more, all of that is on them. They were also considering inviting the cult of the The Forest Lady Reshobuka, but I don't think it's a good idea."

"Oh... cult of her? Is it really part of our city for long enough?"

"Exactly. I have more concerns than that though. I've heard that she's cruel leader of a country in those days, just like the Arashi-no-Ryuu... Nathalie, you travelled a lot, did you hear something about her?"

"I did. I think. Not many years ago some gods captured the far away city of Loma and they are ruling it as the kings directly. Bethune is way closer to that settlement than to Yama, so I know some details. One of the gods who established there is referred to as something like Fera Silvae or Bestia Silvae... I know Loman a bit and the name seems familiar to me in meaning enough - 'forest beast'. She is depicted often as giant beast ressembling a mixture of a bat and a wolf. They say she came from the far north."

"That's exactly Reshobuka", Marka exclaimed, her voice became much louder, "I was right to not invite the cult of her! Quickly! We need to inform someone more important... stop stop stop...", her speech came back to normal tone, "I need to calm down. First, we'll go after our things. So... Ikena, we will visit only two places. One is the common temple of the Daishogujin."

"Nice.", said Ikena happily,  "I think I will need to go there anyways. I guess we will not go to those small independent shrines of some individual Daishugojin members?"


"Noted. What is the second place after theat?"

"Temple dedicated to the Duke of Improvement / Jotatsu-no-Koushaku"

Ikena's eyes immediately grew bigger. Nathalie was under the impression that there are stars trapped inside of them.

"This day is suddenly getting better than I've expected", said Ikena.

"I have thought that you knew very well that place was on the our list", Marika commented.

"I knew, it's just...", she paused for a short moment, wondering how to put her thoughs in words, "I was just expecting that either we will visit a lot more that the pleasant thing would drown in a lake of... that, or I suspected that the Marvelous Temple would take that one"

"You really thought I would give it to them, knowing how much it means for you?"

"Ehmmm... Thank you"

"No problem, hehehe..."

"What's so funny about it?", Ikena asked.

"Nothing!", Marika responded, smiling a bit mischievously, "Anyways, we should already march out. My dear friend, get your sandals on. Unless you're going to show your humility outside as well?"


Not a seven minutes has passed and the five women were already present in the front of the gate to the temple grounds. Unlike Great and Marvelous temples, the places of worship of the Daishugojin was much less impressive as a building. It's outside walls were covered in the green jade, a common building material in Yama. Most of the area of the temple grounds wasn't occupied by it, however. The vast majority of it consisted of the small garden full of decorative plants and a few trees. From the entrance gate, the cobbled path was leading it's way unto the various buildings. The main temples was the largest of them, placed further away from the gate, yet facing it straight-forward at the same time. The paths were also branching off, leading to the smaller shrines and some other buildings that Nathalie was guessing were built for the utility purposes more than for the worship aspect.

Marika was leading the group, not letting any of them to get distracted. All four gone through the gate and went straight to the temple. Upon crossing the entrance, they've came to the small area made for the purpose of taking off shoes. Nathalie noted that it wasn't anything unusual compared to the rest of the Daishugojin temples. Few moments later, the four women have entered the proper room barefoot. The chamber was quite small, dark and mostly empty. It's main feature seemed to be a five altars located near the wall. Miniscule flames located on them were the only source of light. On the tables of each of the altar, a small statue made out of jade was standing. The figures were depicting five distinct people. This time Nathalie was as well rather aware of the subject, knowing these temples from the other cities of Yama. Each of the statue was an image of a different member of the Daishugojin and each of the altars  was devoted to a different one. Mage's eyes quickly went through all of them and with each one a small though appeared in her head as she was recognizing each figure: a straight-horned, short-haired man with the metallurgical equipment, Kaji, the patron of blacksmiths and swords; a woman with loose hair and the wings of the butterfly, Kanashimi-Awaremi, the Lady of Compassion; a woman with tied hair and cat ears, wielding a bow, Kariudo-bushi, the huntress and the patron of the wilds; a muscular man with his right arm being unproportionally huge and holding a spear in his left one, Kimetsu-bushi, a furious warrior who is feared among the oni; and finally, a figure which looks couldn't be fit either to man or a woman, with a pair of the giant stallion’s horns sprung out of the forehead, wearing extensive battle armour, Kyouto-no-Shougun, the one who commands and leads the society.

The contemplation was interrupted by a man asking:

"Welcome dear guests, i did not expect to see many people today!"

The man was wearing sacral robes coupled with Daishugojin's symbols. Clearly he was a local priests in the temple. Nathalie was initially confused Aren't always people here?, but she quickly recalled that today is the day of the week when no rituals relating to these gods are performed. Usually, that is. 

"The servants of the Siblings are gladly receiving your welcome", Marika immediately knew what to say, "We came with an important visit. Could you please lead me and my companions to some place where can we talk. Oh, by the way, can you please do a favour for us and make a sacrifice in our intention to the Daishugojin? The Great Temple will cover all the expenses."

"Of course, of course", the priest responded, "Anything for the servants of our protectors. Do you have any specific request for this sacrifice?"

"Please, make the standard one for the well-being of our future endeavours."

"Any private one?"

"Well...", Marika paused for a short moment, "Make the additional sacrifice for Kanashimi-Awaremi and Kyouto-no-Shogun in the intention of the Miko Mizutamarika from the Daishinden. Ask for the personal plans to end favourable", she turned around, "any of you, do you have a request?"

Nathalie kept quiet, while Kosuta responded:

"Sacrifice to the honourable Kaji, please. For him to consider ensuring the caretaker Kosuta from the Daishinden that her blade will never miss when protecting the sacred ground is at stake."

"I would personally prefer valiant Kimetsu-bushi. For the same intention, though", Hayami added, "mention the name of the caretaker Hayami from the Daishinden."

"Ehmm.. as for me...", Ikena started saying nervously, "please, ask Kanashimi-Awaremi, the Lady of Compassion to console me and to expel all the fears and tension from my mind, regarding my involvement in things I don't want to... Don't make her understand this wrong, though! It's not like I don't want to do my priestly duties, it's just.... involvement in some things makes me nervous, especially since I have some requirements I need to think carefully at all times", Ikena paused as if she realized something, "That's it.", she added in a hurry, "This is the request of the Miko Ikena from the Daishinden", the mage immediately became intrigued Is that it? Is she involved?

"Very nice", said the priest, than he looked at the Nathalie, "And you... ehmmm... foreign lady?"

"Yes, I am not from here", said Nathalie, "I think I don't need... Hmmm... Never mind, make a sacrifice. To the Commander of the society, Kyouto-no-Shogun, to heal the doubts of the Nathalie from the family Marbot, from the city of Bethune, temporary living in the Daishinden", she doubt it will do anything, no god would want to help someone like her, after all, but why not try?

"Is that all requests?", the priest asked.

"I think that's it", Marika responded, "Now, please let's meet somewhere more comfortable.. and private. We need to talk."

"Of course, of course. Follow me", he turned around and slowly begun approaching the door leading deeper into the temple.

He was stopped by the quiet question from the Ikena:

"Can I... can I use the shrine of the Lady of Sorrow? I think I need to tell her on my own some things as well as to have that sacrifice for me."

"Naturally. You can.", the man stopped for a second and then continued walking towards the door. Marika quickly said:

"We'll do like before. Hayami, Kosuta go with me. Ikena, you can visit a shrine and also tell Nathalie something about the surroundings. Although, she seem more knowledgeable here."

Soon after, the priest, the leading Miko and the two caretakers disappeared behind the door. Ikena turned around to the Nathalie and asked:

"How much are you accustomed with the temples of the Daishugojin?"

"Well, I think. Seen many of them in Yama."

"Great! Does it mean I don't need to tell much and instead I can focus on something else?"

"Ehmm... sure", response of Nathalie was spoken with a bit of confusion in her voice.

 "Now excuse me, I'll be back soon. I will be present in the shrine of the Lady of Compassion."

Saying that, Ikena quickly walked through the door leading outside. Nathalie decided to follow, but quietly, as if she was just wandering around. Naturally, the real goal was to observe the exact moment when Miko will enter the shrine. The mage knew well why Yamanohito tend to visit the closed off space dedicated to the goddess known as Kanashimi-Awaremi. Seeking divine help in emotionally heavy matters, the faithful were declaring their burdens loudly for the goddess to hear. The shrines were naturally build in such way for no one outside to hear, but Nathalie knew even they aren't completely immune for someone listening around. Through the numerous investigations in the past, she noticed that in those constructs there is one weak element in the rea. Generally, it means nothing, as accidental bystanders wouldn't hear much and it's barely noticeable, however, if someone is already aware they could put an ear to the correct space and hear perfectly fine all the secrets of the one speaking inside. Nathalie had a perfect opportunity to learn what the Miko will be saying. And what she had told has made the mage suspect that this knowledge might be critically useful.

Nathalie has followed a path, looking around at the vibrant green foliage. Her steps were slow enough to look natural and fast enough to not loose Ikena completly from the eyesight. Despite that focus, she found few seconds about the wondering: Are those Kitsunejin beyond the Sea having such beautiful gardnes in their temple grounds as well? Or is it another thing, next to the black hair, that seems to be unique? Regardless of her thoughts, the cirmcumstances were really helpful for her task as there was very little people around. One factor less to worry about. Eventually, Miko disappeared in a small building that Nathalie recognized as the shrine of the goddess known called among the Yamajin as the Sorrow-Compassion / Kanashimi-Awaremi, leaving her zoris at the doorsteps.

Nathalie’s heartbeat quickened. She knew she needed to be fast. She took off her sandals, leaving them laying down in the middle of the path to making her steps more quiet. Only after two more seconds she reminded herself that there is barely anything anyone inside the shrine hears from the outside anyways. I'll worry about it later, she thought to herself not wanting to lose even a single precious moment to go back for her shoes. She run quickly with her feet making very quiet sound each time she was stepping on a soft grass nearby the building. In the matter of seconds, she arrived at the back wall and localized the narrow slit low nearby the ground. She took on the squatting position and put her ear onto the slit.

Immediately, she could hear a dim voice of the Ikena. Nathalie needed few more seconds in order for her mind to process what's being said, but when the meaning of the words was getting to her consciousness, she knew she made a right decision:

"... please dear Lady, I'm begging you dear Lady, I'm begging you dear Lady about one more thing. Grace me with your compassion as me, the lowly one is confiding it to you. Something I've never did is coming upon me. The ritual that I did not experience with my eyes before. I cannot tell any person who doesn't know already. The secret is hard to keep and is making my heart heavier than I can bear. Please, give me peace of my mind, until that day. Until the 15th night of The Second Summer Month, when it will be done. I did not anticipate the length of the challenge so please, take your watch until the dawn as I will for sure need it. I'm begging you..."

Nathalie couldn't believe. It's exactly what she hoped for. She knew exact day and the fact that it will most likely be lasting for a whole night. The planning can begin. Was the blessing of the goddess Mizu working, even if gods don't approve such acts? Nathalie took off the ear, stood up and really quickly run towards the path. After reaching it, she quickly slipped her feet onto the sandals. She looked around, calming herself. She did not fully managed to shook of the nervous feeling, when she heard steps of the three people coming close here from the direction of the temple. Soon after, Marika, appeared, surrounded by the two caretakers.

"Hi!", she greeted Nathalie, "how are you liking the temple ground?"

"It's beautiful, but not surprising."

"Right, I was about to ask you about it, your knowledge about the Daishugojin seems to go beyond what the one would expect from the clueless foreigner... Then again, you are quite skilful with our speech. There is no way you wouldn't know anything."

"I'm new to Kosui, not to Yama. I seen the temples of the Daishugojin in the past."

"Oh, so must have been in the lands where rulers are bowing to the dragon's pawn they call an emperor. I've made a visit to few cities in Yama too, but unfortunately didn't see much over why I was send there. Not that I didn't want, it's just... well..."

"Didn't have time? You weren't let in?", Nathalie made guesses

"Not really. There was not even a trace of a law or a formal reason why I could not be let in, but in practice, the one like me must be careful on which ground they put their own feet on. It shouldn't be surprise to you that any of the servants of the Siblings might cause some crisis of the diplomatic nature among the draconic realms by the sole act of accidentally making a step it the wrong place... Ikena probably could whine about it a bit more. She was disappointed about it as well. Is she inside the shrine?"

"Indeed. I am waiting for her."

Good. I'll accompany you in this endeavour. Once she will come out, I think it will be the time..."

"To go?"

"No, the time for me to visit the shrine too. We all have some concerns. Didn't you made a request for the sacrifice in your name as well?"

"So, more waiting"

"Don't worry", said Kosuta, "Miko Ikena ill finish her prayer and neither me nor Hayami will be using the shrine, so you won't be alone in this."

"Just one more question.", Marika interrupted, directing her words directly to Nathalie, "The time hen you was spending in the Yama...", her bright blue eyes suddenly changed the direction down in the ground with her voice becoming unexpectedly quiet, "... how our little Kosui compares to all of the draconic countries, in your opinion? You're an outsider!", the words became as loud as before, as if nothing happened, the eyesight of both women meeting once again as well, "You are the neutral here. How are we to them?"

Nathalie felt like the weight of the question was quite heavy. She took few deep breaths, wondering about an answer and finally said it, with the complete honesty of her heart:

"Comparable. You are very similar. You both are Yamajin. But... Kosui has more hospitality. I didn't met such welcoming people than the servants of the Mizu. If I was to abandon my life, I would love to live here, even if so little days has passed since my arrival."

Marika's smiled face was enough for Nathalie to feel as if all that sudden weight disappeared in an instant. Quiet "Thank you" nearly moved her heart just like it felt whenever she was thinking about gods. Nearly. Not enough for the sign of any remorse to resurface, for the sins that were about to come.

[Marika pray, than they go to the third temple]

In the contrast with Ikena, Marika's prayers took way less time. Not even fifteen minutes later, all five of them was already leaving the grounds of the Daishinden. Their legs were supposed to lead them in the final place of visit - the temple of the Duke of Improvement /Jotatsu-no-Koushaku. Ikena was in the noticeably better mood than any time that day. Nathalie even fought that very soon and she could replace Marika as the one leading the group. They were going through one city pathway after another until they've arrived at the wide, non-cobbled road with rows of the buildings on the edges of it. They've stopped in front of the quite large one, made out of wood. Over the entrance, there was placed an emblem looking like a circle. On the both sides of it, the left and right, they were written Kitsune signs that Nathalie recognized as meaning 'temple'.

"Here it is.", said Ikena, who immediately proceeded to remove her sandals and went inside without waiting for anyone.

"Ikena? Slow down a bit!", Marika proceeded to do the same, leaving Nathalie, and the two caretakers outside.

"So, is this what you warned me about having to escort Ikena?", Hayami asked untying her warrior sandals.

"That's it. The young Miko's enthusiasm can be hard to  control sometimes, even if most of the time it's nothing. Don't worry, though. It's not hard to get used to it.", Kosuta responded, taking off her footwear.

Nathalie quickly took off her zoris as well and soon after, all three of them went inside, following the tracks of the two Mikos. Passing the small room, they've entered the worship hall. The ceiling was places rather low, yet the area was rather spacious, with two rows of the jade columns. Overall, the shape of the hall was that of the long rectangle. At the wall directly in front of them, there was the shape of the eye carved in the green stone and decorated with gold, silver and the precious gems, it was overall similar to the circle emblem hanging over the entrance. Ikena immediately went down to her knees and bowed down right to the floor, saying words: "The Great Inspiration, grace us with your glamorous gaze." Kosuta followed, although her prayer was silent. The rest of the women stood still. Nathalie decided to ask, whispering:

"Marika, do we have to do this?"

"Not really. It's nothing standard, just the optional thing. If you want, you can join, but only if you care about directly catching the enlightening gaze of the Duke of Improvement. For me, I am not sure if I would trust him. Jotatsu-no-Koushaku was always on the sidelines here and we already have plenty of more... reliable gods. But as you can see, there are also some who are really devoted."

"Aren't you inviting priests of him?"

"Yes, and I will take part in the prayers here to him too. It's just getting too much of his attention is far from something I wish for myself. That said, prepare to spend some time here. Ikena for sure will be much more active this time."

"I can confirm", Hayami added, "In this place, Miko Ikena basically turns into a different person. When I saw that the first time, I could not believe. Devotion can affect people greatly."

"Personally, I have a suspicion that it's something a bit more than just that, but this is more of the private matter.", said Marika.

Hayami answered for that: "I think that's obvious for everyone to see."

"Please, Hayami. Let our dear Lady Marbot judge for herself."

Nathalie focused her attention onto the bowing Miko, waiting for the revelation that was supposed to come. It arrived in the shape of the young, male priests, wearing robes light in colour. A talisman in the shape of the emblem above the entrance could be seen hanging from his neck. In that very moment, the head of Ikena was raised with the eyes looking directly at the young man. She quickly raised her body, stood on both her feet and proceed to bow slightly as the gesture greeting. Marika, seeing that quickly followed as well as the rest of the visitors at the temple. The priest responded with the same bow. Ikena straightened up and said with a relaxed, but official-sounding voice:

"We feel deeply honoured by this welcome, the keeper of this temple. We, Servants of the Siblings, have arrived here to discuss the important matters."

Nathalie never before heard that girl speaking so clearly, loudly and eloquently. The priest, that for Nathalie was looking like he was having some blood of Północni people, answered with a smile:

"Naturally, my dear guests. Is this hall suited for the discussion or should we move to the another room?"

Eyes of the both of them were immensely focused on the each other's pupils directly. Ikena decided to turn her gaze for a split second, and look silently at Marika. The blue-eyes Miko, standing behind nodded slightly. Ikena smiled and met back the eyes of the young priest.

"I think we should not stand here, but take a seat. Please, lead me... I mean lead us to the room when we could talk about this alone.", she turned back again, and directed her question to the remaining women: "I think I can do this by myself. You can wait here and pray to the Duke in the meantime".

Immediately, Marika responded:

"Miko Ikena, aren't you forgetting our faithful caretakers? Better to have them just in case. I  do not imply that this man here bears any ill intent, but it isn't bad to be careful. Especially if this man seems so young and strong and you are so small, don't you think?"

Hearing this, Ikena's eyes became opened widely in the surprise, for a split second. Then she continued, with nothing in her voice of gesture betraying any disturbance in her positive feelings:

"Of course, how could I forget about our loyal defenders. Hayami, Kosuta, follow me and the priest here. Thank you, Miko Mizutamarika for making sure that nothing bad would happen to me."

"Than, I deduce, everything on your side is set", said priest, "Please, follow me." He quickly disappeared with the three women going right behind him. Marika and Nathalie stayed alone in the hall. 

"Ikena is really acting weirdly.", Nathalie noted.

"I know, right? I'm a little concerned about her, this could be rather serious matter."

"What are you...", Nathalie paused for a moment, "Is Ikena in love with that priest?"

Marika sighted and confirmed:

"Yes, it seems like it. Rather obvious, isn't it? You get why I'm concerned? If she ever becomes intimate with him, again, she could get into the trouble...", sudden realization of her own words has struck the young Miko.

"Again?", Nathalie asked

"Ehmm... Hmmm... I don't know why I said that... Ehmmm.... I mean... she could do it in the past, maybe. We cannot really know... Ehmmm... But, I know nothing about it, just a weird thought, yes."

"Are you sure? You speak nervous. Are you cover up for her?"

"Oh... Well... I guess there is no one here besides you, and you are noticing things, so I will tell you. Just do not tell anyone, please. I won't forgive you if something would happen to anyone if you would tell."

"I promise."

"So, fine than... Truth be told, Ikena has told me she was close with a man once. As far as I know, it only happened this one time. She was really worried, but excited at the same time. It's understandable, as, you know, it is forbidden for the active Daishinden staff to engage in such activities. But... she did. She also told me that won't happen again, but you can see..."

"Did she done it with this priest?"

"Honestly, I am not sure. It is rather likely, though. You noticed how they talk with each other... Who else that might be? I'm afraid... One day she might come back expecting a baby and she might suffer some serious consequences... I hope you won't snitch out. And that your opinion about my dear friend won't hurt..."

"Don't worry. In your age, I was... eager too. Didn't do anything, had enough discipline, but it was close."

"Oh right, you aren't married or engaged or anything like that, aren't you?"

"Not at all. Never had a lover in a proper way too. Maybe one day..."

"Are you a part of some order, or is it normal for a Bethunian woman of your age to be like that?"

"Not normal. My family is just really picky with choosing partners. I am too. For now we didn't find one right for me. And we think it's better to not marry at all than to marry wrong."

"Oh...", Marika suddenly lowered her voice, asking without any confidence: "Can I get to know what... criteria your family has for the partner? Like, how would you recognize the correct husband candidate?"

"But you cannot get married"

"I know, I know... It's just... out of... ehmm... curiosity. What you are saying seem to be exceptional, so naturally I'm curious."

Nathalie's response was a simple statement completely devoid of emotion of any kind: "Loyal. Close ally that you know you can trust with any mystery, any secret, no matter how... damning it could be. That is the husband. Do not ask for more, you are not part of the family. I won't tell you."

"Ehmm... Thanks... I guess.. ehmmm... can you not say to anyone that I've made a question like that? It isn't breaking any rule, just... I am not sure what the other in the Daishinden would think..."

"Of course. My lips are locked."


"Oh, right. My lips are sealed... hmmm... Marika... I do not think I know much about this god."

"Understandable, no visitor from outside seem to have. It looks like outside of our city Jotatsu-no-Koushaku is not famous in the slightest. Even more, he seems to not be the most active even here. Only some of the faithful claim to actually felt his hep. For me, well... I am performing some simple prayers here from time to time just in case. Who knows, maybe I'll get Enlighted one day just like she think she was...?"

"She? Are you talking about someone I know?", asked Nathalie, having clear suspicion on her mind. It got immediately confirmed by the Marika's response:

"Yes. About Ikena, our friend. Honestly, you should ask her about it when she come back, if you are curious. I already told too much about her...", Marika's voice became quieter when speaking the last sentence.

Nathalie's heart immediately was filled with fear about future. Did her questions cost her the Miko's trust? Without much thinking she spelled out the words conveying the meaning of compassion and remorse:

"I'm deeply sorry. I should have think more before I ask."

"No problem. Come, I'll show you the simple prayer."

Both women stood in front of the divine emblem. Younger one was leading, slowly making the gestures and saying lines of worship that were repeated by the older one, one by one. After the few minutes the whole process was done. Nathalie hoped that this god would somehow support her in her blasphemous endeavours, but naturally she kept all of this hope deeply in her heart, not even thinking about letting it out. She was aware very well that this hope was a hope of a fool. Marika also seemed to not betray any desire of her. Both women were spending the time in silence, contemplating peacefully. Not many minutes has passed and the rest of the group came back, accompanied with the priest. Ikena's face was still decorated with a wide and genuine smile.

"Welcome back!", said Marika, "How was the conversation?"

"Everything went as it should be", Ikena responded.

"I need to say, thank you all, my dear guests.", said the priest, "I even have prepared a gift."

Nathalie had impression that Ikena's eyes became like a pair of stars shining brightly on the night sky as the result of the priest's words.

"What is this gift, dear Ziritsa?", asked Ikena. Nathalie wasn't sure what that title meant, but it reminded her a bit of the languages told by the Północni.

"Dear servants of the Siblings. Using my powers of the rank of the Beriki Ziritsa I offer you to take part in the mystery rite, without any initiation."

"We will be greatly honoured.", Ikena responded bowing deeply, partially because of the politeness, and partially to hide her smiling, excited face. No one else said anything.

"Wait for me for a short moment, than.", said the priest and disappeared in the interior. Ikena gave the sign for her companions to spend this time in silence. After a few minutes, the man came back to the room, holding a chalice made of the bull's horn in his hands. He declared:

"The mystery is here"

Ikena immediately bowed down deeply. The rest followed. The priest quietly said: "now, repeat those words: For deeming us worthy, we are infinitely grateful."

They've repeated. 

"Raise, those who will embrace the Wisdom."

They've risen. The priest came closer to the Ikena, who was standing at the front, put his right hand of her forehead and said:

"Lord of the Mysteries, let the one who was not initiated to experience the gift of yours." Few second later, he granted her the chalice and instructed her to say the words: "May my Form be seeded in order for the poppy in yellow to bloom". Then, she took the chalice in her hands and drunk of what was there and gave it back to the priest. The rest woman did the same. When the hand was placed on her head, Nathalie's heart stopped for a second. Without a reason, as the Duke of Improvement  seemed to not mind her participation. She proceeded to pour the drink into her mouth while she realized that the liquid in the chalice is a wine, too strong for her tastes. Slight shock was quickly overcame as she swallowed it as fast as possible.

When all of them were finished, they all said the last line:

"Our role is over. The rest of the Mystery lays beyond the reach."

Immediately as words were spoken, the priest turned around and went inside. He came back even faster than before, just without a chalice. 

"Not many uninitiated are allowed to partially participate in a Mystery, you can feel chosen, the Envoy of the Siblings."

"Indeed, we are, dear Ziritsa." Ikena responded. The, the two said few words to each other that Nathalie was feeling were a bit too close, was given the private gift of the necklace with the eye-shaped emblem of the Duke of Improvement. She immediately put it on. Soon after they all said goodbye to the man and left the temple.

Finally, time has arrived to finish this journey. Nathalie could not stop thinking about a single thing: just how fruitful it was. The only thing left for her was to get ready.

「The record will be resumed when the mage will finish her preparations」

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