
In the world of Bogowie

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Chapter 3

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「The record resumes the next morning, in the room that was assigned to the wandering mage」

Nathalie didn't manage to rest that well since some time. Her body was seemingly demanding more laying down lazily, but her reason knew that it cannot happen. After all, she needed to be ready for the breakfast. She already noticed that there is a fresh kimono-styled outfit of the white colour with red accents prepared in the room. The set of clean clothes was really tempting, but some things needed to be taken care of first. She has picked up all the equipment hidden withing her travel robes and has put them in the chest present in the room. While doing that, she drew a rather simple drawing, placed a single glowing needle in the right spot and lightened it. She immediately closed the chest and proceed to try open it. It didn't move. 

It is working, she thought, This isn't using a lot of power, so it should be enough to prevent anyone for peeking there until the night. She was unable to access that herself until the fuel would run off. Fortunately for her, Nathalie didn't plan on going much today. She put on the guest yukata and proceeded to leave her room to get to the canteen. The destination was still on the same building, so she went on barefoot, leaving both pairs of the sandals, her own and the geta, behind. When she arrived, she managed to take a sit next to the known faces of the two young Mikos. She had hope of meeting Kannushi Aoko as well, but she was nowhere around to be seen. While eating, the conversation naturally arose:

"Did you sleep well, Nathalie?", Marika has asked. 

"Yes. I mean... I did.", Nathalie responded clumsily, "I was in the road before for a bit of time. No nice place to rest. Maybe some remote village. Night in the Daishinden was great after this."

"We can only imagine what you have experienced. Truth be told, neither of us has ever travelled further away than some of the farming settlements nearby the city. I bet that majority of the low-rank Daishinden staff never did it either. We're meeting traveller from afar all the time, but usually not that much from afar. Most of the time, they are from Yama, or from the Bowoni  realms in the North... Ehmm... Can you understand those names?"

"I can. Bowoni is Kitsune for Norde, Północni. They are on the north. I know Kitsune names."

"What a relief! Anyways, we have some people from Yama, Bowonijin from the North and the Kosutajin from the South. They are foreigners, but well... they are not from the far away. I've heard that people of Bethune are somewhat related to the Kosutajin, but it's still a bit far."

"Yes. It is not close. Road took a while. Was worth it. "

"How big the Bethune is?", Ikena asked, "I've heard it is larger than any of the cities in the Yama,  the Kosui, Ryuudou Machi and even Miyako."

"It's large. Bigger than Kosui and all the other places you mentioned. Also..."

"Girls, I'm sorry for interrupting, but I think we need to hurry with eating.", Marika announced suddenly.

"You were talking yourself!", Ikena noticed.

"I won't deny it. I've only realized that we're forgetting about the food only now."

"Nathalie, tell us, do you have any plans later?", Ikena asked.

"Hmmm... Peacefully walk around Daishinden. Relax. I'm too tired to do things."

"So, you wouldn't mind if we would hang out with you?", Ikena asked, "Naturally, if Kannushi Aoko won't give us any chores."

"I don't mind. Feel free to come."

"Great!", Marika declared happily, "After we will finish eating, we're going to find the Kannushi. If we will be free as well, we will come. I cannot wait finally hearing all those stories in peace!", if someone was about to ask Nathalie in that moment, she would say that young Miko's blue eyes were visibly glowing brightly as if there was an oil lamp inside.

"Fine.", Nathalie agreed,  "Where is the spot that we can use?"

"The recreation room in this very building should suffice.", Marika responded, "Any of the temple women here can provide you with the information how to get there. Unless you would get out of luck, of course, and meet some new girl whose knowledge of the Daishinden's layout would be on the level similar enough. That is to say: she would be learning it as well."

"Understood.", Nathalie confirmed, "After eating, I'm waiting for you both there. Are we done with it?"

"I think I am. Ikena, what are you thinking about this idea?"

"It sounds good. We should roll with it."

"Fine, than. Nathalie, Ikena... stop talking and hurry up. We've barely eaten anything."

Less than hour later, Nathalie discovered that her skills related to the special orientation are not as good as she thought. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was much better dealing with the natural landscape and various other kinds of the outdoor terrain compared to the fairly narrow, in her own mind, corridors of the complex buildings? She was wondering about it, but,  truth be told, it was the latter that was deemed correct by the reality itself. Sufficient to say that despite hailing from one of the biggest cities around the Central Sea, Nathalie's brain was belonging to the wilderness and the solitude. Besides the subjective ease of the navigating, the desolations were wonderfully lacking in any sort of the moral dilemmas that could potentially clutter the mage's mind. After all, the social rules can be completely ignored if there is no society around.

「My side comment has reached the conclusion. Going back to the essence of the record.」

The hurried steps of her were bringing the attention of the people nearby. She was naturally asking any priestess or caretaker about the troublesome room and she was feeling that with the each new piece of instruction, that she was supposedly blessed by receiving, she was getting more and more lost. That's it. The next time I'm not going to any place in this overly complicated building until someone will show me the entire way to get there, those and similar thoughts were showing up in her mind during the entire process.

That is, until suddenly someone has showed up. 

Bumping noise could be hear. Nathalie has felt a pain in her head. After a second she has noticed that she was laying on a floor. The heart started beating harder upon the realization that she just crushed into someone by accident. Her mouth immediately formed the words of apology:

"Je suis vraiment désolé...", her consciousness recognized that the Bethunian language was used intensively in the less than appropriate situation "I mean... I want to sincerely apologize... I'm sorry, I need a moment to get up... My head hurts..."

The voice that she has recognized has reached her ears:

"I'm glad that you apologize, but please , Nathalie, try to be more careful. You are lucky that it happened with us."

These words were clearly spoken by the Marika. Nathalie finally has raised her head full of pain and her eyes agreed with the ears of hers. She was seeing young woman, barefoot just like her, in the outfit of the white and blue, the olive complexion and the well-known face. The girl was on the floor as well.

"I'm sorry, Marika..."

"I'm in pain too, but well... it's not bad."

"Not... bad?"

"I was seeking for you."

"But you were supposed to..."

"Well, me and Ikena were waiting for you there for some time. Eventually, I've decided to go search for you, while she was keeping the spot for us. I was feeling that you might have some problems and it seems that I was completely correct."

"Sorry. The building is..., com... complit... compla... ehmm... hard."

"But you were walking around on your own to the canteen."

"Yesterday, I was shown the way. I know it. I don't know this one."

"Fortunately I am here. Now, stand up. I'll be leading."

"Thank you."

After the few minutes of traversing the corridors, both women have crossed the door leading to the recreation room. Nathalie has saw the spacious place, equipped with multiple  small tables, with the four seating spots each, nearby one of the walls. At one of them, a young Miko was present. She looked at the pair that just arrived and smiled modestly, yet genuinely happily. They both approached her, recognizing their friend. Marika has opened her mouth first:

"I've brought the lost one, Ikena. I'm not going to lie, I was truly surprised that such great traveller just got lost in a building that is just a big large. Older than both of us, but we might need to keep an eye on her as if she was just a little child..."

"Why are you so mean to me?", Nathalie asked.

"I'm sorry about that.", Marika responded with the peaceful, yet slightly snarky voice, "Just needed to release a bit of my irritation. We would all be unsufferable all the time if we didn't do than on occasion, would we not?"

"Calm down, Marika. We came here to have fun.", Ikena said.

Blue-eyed girl sighted.

"You're right, Ikena. Again, I'm really sorry, Nathalie."

"I don't want talk about it anymore."

"We won't be talking about it, Nathalie.", Ikena said,  "Is this correct, Marika?"

"This is indeed true", Marika confirmed, "We can start doing nice things now."

"Finally!", after the sound of enthusiasm, Ikena's mouth has formed a grin so wide and happy that Nathalie wasn't sure when was the last time her own eyes were able to see anything like that. All three of them has sat at the table, the guest on the opposite side, while the Mikos were situated next to each other.

"So... Nathalie, can you tell us some things about the city of Bethune?", Marika asked with the voice calm, but expressing the curiosity by being raised a bit. Her face also was showing the smile of happiness, although way more subtle than that of her friend.

"Where should I begin...", Nathalie's mind submerged into the deep waters of her memory. What has followed was the most exciting conversation the young Mikos has had since achieving their rank. The traveller from the city afar has invoked the miracle of words, raising her own status in the hearts of the listeners nearly to a minor goddess, missing it only by the narrow margin . Even if the tools on the disposal were rather simple, leaving many technical mistakes in the careful crafting, the substance coming out of it was enough to overlook all the imperfections that in the any other circumstances would stick out like the fresh and bleeding wound on the otherwise healthy body. The young Kosuians were exposed to the intricate details of the numerous districts of the city so massive that their own minds could not really realize it's size. The traveller from afar has unveiled the worries of the mundane days, the wind touching the skin, the bright colours of the birds alien to the, now shattered, picture of the world, the sounds of the speech so different than what the ears got used to be, the names of the gods who never got the prayer from anyone around. For the young girls that has never left their own city, the relation might as well be the form of travel to another reality all together. There were the intentional holes in the words of the traveller from afar, though. The mage naturally avoided uncovering any fact related to the magical arts and it's practitioners. This secret was supposed to stay that way. 

"...and... ehmm... because of that...", Nathalie was describing, while suddenly she was interrupted by the Marika:

"My dear Nathalie, I'm sorry for that, but I can see you're barely able to talk. Your throat sounds way too tired now. On top of that, I'm already struggling with remembering all this information. It has been so intriguing, but it feels rather overwhelming for me."

"For me, it is fine.", Ikena commented, "Although, i agree that our friend seems a bit of worn off..."

"Of course it's fine for you, Ikena.", Marika said, "You are so good with remembering all those things. I cannot believe you're not an aristocrat, judging by how much are you reading..."

"Reading is fun, so I do it. It's as simple as that."

"It goes beyond just reading for fun.", Marika said, "You're approaching the level of erudition of a scholar, even without the rank... Tell Nathalie what you were reading in your free time since you got the access to the Daishinden's library"

"What were you reading, Ikena?", Nathalie asked.

"Oh, it's  nothing...", she responded, "I was only going through the records of various stories and reports concerning the past of the Divine Siblings, that's all."

"It's nothing?", Marika asked, "We all know some stories about them... given that we're Mizu's priestesses it would be embarrassing if we didn't, but your digging goes beyond all of that. You know so many historical details..."

This time, it was Nathalie's whose face was showing the enthusiasm upon simply hearing the conversation.

"You know it?", the mage has asked, "Tell. About Mizu and Sakusen."

"Ehmm... Fine, I can do this, give me a moment to sort things out in my head... What exactly tell you?"

"The main things. I've heard a bit about Yama's gods. Divine Siblings are different than them. They are like minor gods. Only you worship them. But they are like major gods too. For you they are more important than them. Who they are? I may ask details later. I need to know basics."

"Hmmm.... Let me think... Yes, I feel like I can start", said Ikena, "Relax a bit and hear this story. It will be based on what I've read, but the wording is mine..."

"She's been feeding me her ideas which sentences to use in order to retell those stories all the time", Marika commented.

"And it will be finally put to the proper use even before I will get the title of the Kannushi, even if it might be lacking in the stylistic quality... Anyways, I will start now. Please, relax and listen..." 

"The story begins in the days long bygone. In the time so distant that not even a singular word of the Kitsune speech could be heard voiced by the people of yore who inhabited the Land. Back then, Yama was still reaching this very place, even though the centuries were yet to come until it would be gifted that name. The eyes were unable to spot the towering summits that would mercilessly pierce through the heavens, in the place that could separate it, with the exception of the seemingly smaller ones, looming far over the horizon in a few directions. There was the absence of any doubt or thought. The land was part of the Yama. 

Neighbouring the enormous lake, our settlement was standing, in the exact same place as it is today bearing the name 'Lakus'.  Even then, it was gifted with the blessing of having two gods living close by, a brother and a sister, the ones that claimed the only mountain as their home. What a sight it must have been, that estate of them! The alone summit, towering over lowlands was a constant remainder of the divine presence. It was said that it was a fang of the enormous dragon god,  a supposed child of the Celestial Serpent, who had it torn off in the harshest struggle of its lifetime, during the time when even the gods themselves were but a hatchlings. It was known that the will of the World itself had the intention of having the memory of this event preserved in the eternity. As such, the fallen tooth abandoned its nature with the bone becoming the sharp mountain, piercing the clouds for the all-around it to see, immortal in those new stone robes. No matter how it came to be, the solitary summit was fuelling the burning flame of inspiration in the hearts of the people. Filled with the admiration for the divine inhabitants of the stony fang they were. Out of the hard work of the willing hands, the glamours structure was erected. The city's ornamentation was now enriched by the shrine of devotion, where the faithful were bestowing their hopes to the both of the gods.

Back in the days, the Divine Siblings were not referred to in the same way as they are today. They beared the ancient names in the dead speech with no relation to the Kitsune, sounding alien to our ears. The sister - 'Akulya', the brother - 'Berulno'. 「She is not exacly right. Those are just versions corrupted by the time and adaptation for widely different language. Correct forms of those names are 'AQVARIA' and "BELLONO". End of the digression, the record resumes」Although, the Siblings were graced by the people's respect and worship, they harboured no desire of dominion in their hearts. Content they were, being seen as but a two out of many. Their hearts were filled mostly of the concern for themselves  The mountain top was devoid in the completion of any kind of the inhabitants, besides them. Even then, it often was left hollow, with not a person to be there. The Siblings were embarking on a distant journeys in those times. The adventures they've experienced are the subject of the numerous stories, too many to even list here. If you would have a worry in your mind that this pair would feel lonely, there is a relief to be found. Recognition they got, from the group Beteru Desu, the ones who were for the gods what kings are for the men, as the close friends and allies. The many of the Sibling's adventures would end up in the tragedy if not the helping hands of those divine leaders. They were times even, when Akulya and Berulno assisted Beteru Desu with leading the wicked challengers, who seeked to seize the dominion by force, to their well-deserved doom. However, no matter the worries, happy they were, both of them. The journeys and the friendly feasts has awaited them, day after day, with not a sign of the real responsibility at sight. The years like that were passing, people were born and people were dying. Lives were going on and the period of the merriness for the Sibling lasted long. Unfortunately, it could not be eternal. Eventually, the time has come when the curtain fell on its final day with the crimson red sunset.

When the Siblings were staying in the manor of theirs, a disastrous tragedy has stroked . A new challengers have risen, a divine coalition, consumed by the drive of seeking the collapse of the current hegemons. Initially, the band was leaving a crystal-clear impression of its nature being that as the one of the countless variety of the insurgent cliques. Just another for the powerful Beteru Desu to deal with. The one that would see their ambitions and lifetimes miserably crushed in a span of the short moment, while the ones on top would confirm their well-deserved role of the kings among gods. That impression turned out to be the grave mistake. Beteru Desu were facing the coalition of the fighters of the unapparelled prowess. The fate was the current leaders was to suffer the doom they expected for their own opponents. While the Sun was showing up its lights thrice, One god after another, each and every individual that was considered part of the Beteru Desu was being slaughtered. When the forth morning came, all of the previous hegemons have already perished. The fall of the old has marked the ascension of the new. The gods and the people in the Yama recognized the complete dominance of the coalition. The group started bearing the name of the Foruti Desu.

The moment when the Siblings' ears received the dreadful news, their whole world has crumbled in an instant. The realization has struck their hearts. All the things, all the people that they've cherished so deeply are like the fragile vase. A single unlucky incident and they could crash into the pieces, perishing from the surface of the world forever in but a second. That piece of news has profoundly altered the course lives of the Divine Siblings forever. The new highest priory came to be for them. Their power and efforts now were being redirected into something they didn't think about much before that day - the insurance of the preservation of the remaining people and things held by them the dearest. In the palace of theirs they've stayed for good, relinquishing the travels afar. They have summoned those among the gods that were considered a friend of a family in order to live together in the mutual protection. Some of the summoned, came to the agreement. The newcomers settled in the mansion, giving it more life than ever before. With the court full of the companions, the Siblings proceeded to take the further action. Lakus, the city whose people put their faith onto them was lacking in defence. Akulya and Berulno valued it as well and they could no longer bear to see them suffer from the pillages and conquest. The idea for the new measures of protection came to be. Foruti Desu, the new hegemons, were to be rejected, as the thought of acknowledging the dominance of those why brought the demise of their friends was too much for the Siblings to bear. Instead, they've rallied their court, starting the project greater than anything that this land experienced in the former centuries. The new walls were erected, unapparelled in the height and sturdiness of any structure of Yama, with the exception of its border summits. The long time has passed and the enormous effort was made, but eventually, after many years it happened. The new mountain range cut off the Lakus, the palace on the fang-like top and the land around them from the rest of the Yama as the  announcement aimed at the entirety of the surface of the World that this region is from that day  separate from the any other. Naturally, it was more than the simple declaration. The new summits were perfect wall for defence, inspiring fear in the hearts of anyone who would dare to attempt breaching them by force.

Up to that moment, the Siblings' actions were met by the indifference from the Foruti Desu. In their arrogance, the hegemons never really considered the idea of anyone being bold enough to actually oppose them. It has lasted until a one day they looked closely and noticed that the part of Yama has been cut off by the new chain of summits. Only then, they realized what the Divine Siblings have been actually doing for the whole time. A one of the Foruti Desu was dispatched as the messenger to the residence of the Akulya and Berulno. He was welcomed  as a guest, but not without the clear signs of the disapproval from the housekeepers. The long talks took place that resulted in the declarations of the coexistence. The Siblings and their household agreed to officially recognize Foruti Desu as the hegemons of Yama and announced that they won't attempt taking actions hostile to them, under a single condition. They desired to be left alone, under the completely dominating the newly formed valley from now on considered to be their home territory. The extent of the hegemons was meant to be nothing but simple responses for the prayers in the city of Lakus. As the result, it's people shared most of their devotion to the divine with the rest of Yama, with the Siblings staying as just two out of many. The time of peace among the gods descended upon Yama by the lead of the pact. There was not a sign of love, not a single pleasant word said between the both groups. That peace of the cold has lasted for the many years that were to come, until the happening of the events that changed the Yama like nothing before.

Five centuries ago, ships from the place afar were spotted in the region their crews named 'Yama'. They were part of the Kitsune Folk, people living under the tyrannical rule of the cruel and despotic Sakata family, while bowing before the goddess known as the Solar Fox. At first, they only landed and traded with the locals, but once the amount of jade was noticed, the greed arose in the hears of the callous Sakata. Distant overlords have send their armies to conquer the land. Our Kitsune ancestors were banished from their homeland far east, forced to be settled in the Yama. They lived miserable lives, but the situation of the locals was even worse. Their fate was nothing more than to be enslaved and forced to mine the precious green stone for no greater purpose than just to fill up the void of the relentless greed, inside of the hollow hearts belonging to the wicked overlords from beyond the sea. At first, Foruti Desu gave Sakata forces not a sign of the attention, lacking the desire to engage with the leadership problems of mortals. No matter what were their reason, the people have suffered and there was no end to the hopeless cries for help. Eventually, a new group of gods gathered and made the pledge to solve the problem with their own hands. They declared that they will challenge the Foruti Desu, take their place and drive all of the Kitsune Folk back into the sea. As the response, the hegemons made a promise of taking the action of the similar nature as well, but only after any pretender was wiped out of the surface of the World. The struggle became the opportunity for someone else. The Kitusne settlers were loyal to the Solar Fox, yet she was also far away and no matter how much they prayed, barely any response was received. Moreover, the local gods appeared of them insignificant and potentially even dangerous as they only saw the slaves worshipping them. The third divine group made a choice of  speaking to the Kitsune, promising them protection from the other gods, in the exchange for the worship. As the result, Yama became the witness of the brutal clash between the three divine alliances.

The Siblings and their valley were staying afar from the raging conflict. The barrier of the mountain range was taking care of any risk of the carnage or conquest spilling on their territory, allowing for the neutrality. There was unsignificant amount of care about who among the killers outside would end up sitting on top. They could just wait, enjoying the undisturbed peace and tranquillity in the period of strife. They have waited and waited and soon the turning moment has happened. Foruti Desu have experienced the loss of the devastating proportions. As the result, there were some among their ranks, whose bodies and minds got crushed by the might of their opponents, have fled, seeking the shelter from the dangers in the land who did not take a side. Unfortunately for them, there was not even attempt from their side to make a request for permission. The boundaries were crossed without warning and without the blessing. The great disdain for them was still strong in the hears of The Siblings, but there was no conflict for all those years, as both sides remained faithful to the promise. Now, it was irreversibly broken. The response for that was the vengengeful aggression. Those Foruti Desu who arrived in the valley, have perished, with no mercy shown or even offered to them. The Siblings were neutral no longer. They rejected the allying or loyalty to any of the remaining factions, but they were more than ready to avenge their old friends.  

When the clash between the gods has reached its end, the group aligned with the Kitsune have managed to emerge victorious. The other groups were wiped outt completely, down to the last member. The new hegemons were given the name of 'Great Guardian Deities'/ 'Daishugojin'. From now on, the armies of the Sakatas were uncontested rulers in the entirety of Yama. Together with their spears, the position of the Daishugojin as the main gods of the local Kitsunejin was spread. The Siblings have decided to make a deal with the new overlords, in the vein similar to that of the Foruti Desu. The lack of bad blood between the two parties resulted in the greater tolerance for the errors of the other side than it was the previous time. Seeing how Akulya and Berulno were partially their allies during the conflict, Daishugojin agreed to proposition. The peace was achieved. While Lakus managed to become the only settlement that wasn't conquered, it was still incapable of stopping the change. The Kitsunejin have moved in the city peacefully, with the desire of escaping from the Sakata tyrannical despotism into the place that would accept them. Unfortunately, the military forces of the wicked dynasty were using the presence of the people they claimed to be 'theirs' to make demands to the Lokum's leadership. The city was gradually accepting higher degree of submission, under the threat of the invading blades, until it became just part of their dominion. While keeping the autonomy, the degree of changes were staggering. 
The Kitsune name for it - 'Kosui' was officially adapted, among the new leaders the more and more outsiders could be found, related to higher degree to the Sakta Empire beyond the sea, while the native population, either Kitsunejin or not, were sidelined.「She is putting it very mildly. While overall description is technically correct, the overall situation resembled much more that in the rest of Yama than it is stated here. Regular Kitsune also were generally having much less disdain for the Sakata family than it is presented. End of the Watcher’s digression, the record resumes. 」 Naturally, the worship of the Daishugojin has followed, while many of the local gods were being seen more and more fondly, just like in the Yama. The Siblings solely remain as the exception among them, being revered on nearly the same level in the Kosui of that time as the Daishugojin were. It was then when Akulya was started being named more and more with the Kitsune word 'Mizu',  similarly Berulno as 'Sakusen'. Their mountain have received the designation of 'Shinyama'.

Tyrannical rule of the Sakata continued for the following century until the news of the highest significance have  arrived. The empire beyond the sea has fallen. The Solar Fox was dead. The Sakata family turned into the ruin. As the result, the greed for the jade disappeared, leading to the giant collapse of the empire in Yama. From now on, there were barely any slaves that would mine the formerly precious, now nearly worthless, stone. Each city have gained large degree of the independence. Kosui also was part of this trend. Especially Kosui. Daishugojin were a little concerned, but their position didn't became immediately questioned. It was the time of collapse, but also the time of peace. It was then, when the division between Kitsune and not Kitsune became less and less important. While the ancestry differences between the various classes can still be noticed to this very day, everyone was treated as the part of the same people if they were taking part in the local society. Years have passed and gradually everyone in Yama spoke the same language, worshipped gods in the similar way and had the same customs. They, or rather 'we', all became the one nation. Even though we are using the language of Kitsune, adapted their culture, and are calling themselves as such, in the veins of most of us flows also the blood of the peoples that were before. We are the children of this land in both meanings of these words. Set free from the tyranny and the discouragement, the reverence for many local gods, deemed worthy of the slaves, came back. The situation of the Divine Siblings did not change, however. While for us, the people of Kosui the winds of change were very significant, for them these mattered solely as the another days in their lengthy lives. Nothing lasts forever, though. Over the century and the half, the Yamajin and their gods were living in peace. This tranquillity was bound to end one day.

In the vast mountain ranges, at the reach of the Yama one can encounter many of the homes of the divine. The one important to the story is the large lake, located at the top of the river. Under the surface of water one of the gods is living his life. That is the child of the Celestial Serpent. The body of him is bearing the resemblance of the enormous snake,  his watchful eye can cause the storms and hurricanes to deal the devastation. Flames that he summons are turning unfortunate thing on their way into ashes. Among the people of Yama, many are harbouring fear of that god, bowing to him to avoid his terror, revering him under the name of The Dragon of the Storm / Arashi-no-Ryuu. In the one of the cities, despite its location being close to the lake, the cult of him became so large that it could rival even the Daishugojin. The group in question, naturally felt that their position could be threatened more and more, but ignored it as it was only in the one settlement. Eventually, the king of the city made the deal with the cult, exalting it above the other servants of the gods. Despite the distance, In the strict relationship with the Dragon the cult was. The Dragon was happy from what was happening. From now on, the settlement became known as The Dragon City / Ryuudou Machi. 

Arashi-no-Ryuu has challenged Daishugojin, declaring himself as the sole hegemon in the all of Yama. He was met with the violent response. The fight that proceeded has determined the fate of the land for the following years. While the Daishogujin were the entire group and the Dragon was all alone, his prowess wasn't something they were prepared for. After the few days of the constant and bloody fighting, some of them were killed, while the rest noticed that they have no chances. They were barely able to walk, while Arashi-no-Ryuu still felt as he was having the vitality in him. Knowing there could be only one outcome, the Daishogujin surrendered, leaving the title of the divine hegemon of Yama in the hands of the single god.

The leaders of the Ryuudou Machi has used it as the sign of their own dominance. They've send the envoys to all the major cities asking for the submission. Naturally, some of them rejected their demands, but there were just enough to make the city into the first capital of Yama since the rule of the Sakata family. The ones who refused to bend the knee, put all their hopes into their own gods. Normally, it would be justified, but it wasn't a normal time. When Ryuudou Machi army, now supported by the forces recruited from the subject cities marched towards their victims, the trail of storm clouds and flames was following them. Flying above the soldiers, was a god. Arashi-no-Ryuu was supporting his own faithful aggressive desires in person, willing to slaughter any god who would oppose the invaders. Most of the cities targeted surrendered pretty quickly, becoming the subjects. Those who didn't were completely destroyed, with both no person from them and the gods who tried to protect the defenders left alive. Arashi-no-Ryuu made sure to make the land around uninhabitable in order to put the dreaded decoration of ruins on top of the picture of the Yama's landscape. They were meant to be looked and remembered by the all of Yamajin to accept their overlords. Barely any god even attempted to resist after this point. With this success, the rulers of the Ryuudou Machi adapted the title used by the old Sakata family - 'Heavenly King' / emperor. This moment marks the beginning of the Empire of Ryuudou Machi.

The region of Kosui was initially ignored by the Dragon, yet the siblings knew that sooner or later they will become the target. They've begun the preparations in order to be ready to defend their own place. Both of them made the Divine Weapons out of their own natures. Sakusen created the spear that is called 'The Strike of the Heavens', while Mizu forged a  sword of the very impressive length bearing the name of 'The Dancing Wave'. Both begun the training and thinking about the plans of defence. They were completely right. One day, a messenger from the Ryuudou Machi arrived in the Kosui demanding the submission. As the result of the Sibling's encouragement, the empire was faced with the rejection. 

Soon after, the mountain passes were being crossed by the countless armies with a god looming above. They were confident in their own might. However, they were far from the only ones that were ready. The defenders of the city, Mizu and Sakusen has been planning this for some time. Although they were afraid, the Siblings bravely stood and didn't let the enemy in. The battle was long and brutal, with a big chunk of the Ryuudou Machi army perished. When faced with them both, Arashi-no-Ryuu was forced to escape. For the most of Yama it was the 13th year of the First Dynasty. In the traditional Sakata dating system, it was the 596th year of the Jade Era. For us, the people of Kosui, it was the begging, the first year since we're counting. It was then, when it was shown just how willing Mizu and Sakusen were to defend us. They managed to do this, even if they were both barely alive after the fight was over. Their effort made them what they are now: the gods that we revere the most. From now on, the Siblings were raised from their status as just two out of many to be the proper protector deities. Their valiant victory has made them recognized among the other gods as the sovereigns, independent and not subservient to the Dragon. The priests of both have taken the main role in leading the Kosui.

The threat was not gone. In the later years, the Dragon has attempted subjugate us few more times. But the time has passed since then, and his empire kept falling, needing to be rebuild thrice. Kosui under the guidance of the Siblings and their priests is still standing  unconquered. We cannot be sure what the future will bring, except for the one thing: that Mizu and Sakusen will not let us perish. This is how those two gods became who they are this day and this is when it is time to end the story."

The silence lasting only a few seconds has arrived, once the retelling was finished. It was interrupted by the Ikena herself:

"I hope that the story about our divine guardians has satisfied your curiosity, Nathalie. If it didn't... I can tell way more."

"Please, don't ask her, Nathalie.", said Marika, "We could spend way too much time listening to this."

"Miko Ikena, I'm deeply grateful for your story. It made me appreciate your guardians way more. I'm not going to lie, the Siblings has left quite the impression on me. ", said Nathalie.

"I'm so glad that you liked it! Which part you enjoyed the most?"

"Well... it was less enjoyment, but more of the admiration... it was the part when they decided to erect the mountains. It was really impressive and amazing, going through the range just previous day and then learning this is an effect of someone making their will into the reality... Experiencing their works, it make me feel I would want to visit their palace one day to see their splendour with my own eyes..."

"You're that ambitious?", Marika asked, "I wish you best luck, but that's going to be very hard."

"I am well aware of that.", Nathalie responded quickly and then, after the very short pause, she added "It's not really an ambition, just... a dream like that popped out in my mind when I was listening to the story. I have always admired gods and thoughts like that were always with me. It's not something I'm expecting, but hoping that maybe... the one day... You two are quite young, you should understand well what it means to have dreams. For sure, you have some yourself."

"That's right, I have one.", Ikena declared enthusiastically, "I will train hard and learn more things, advancing my rank as a priestess. Eventually, I'm planning to became the great scholar that will we remembered through the eternity among the people of Kosui and that my devotion will move the heart of the goddess Mizu herself."

"Truth be told, I might be a bit different from you two.", said Marika, "I don't really have much ambition, I just want to live my life here as the priestess. That's all"

"Don't lie, Marika", said Ikena, "This is definitely not all."

Naturally, Nathalie reacted to this information.

"Lie? Can I get an explanation?"

 "No, that's nothing...", Marika started protesting, but was quickly shut down by her friend:

"It is something for sure, but... well... maybe I should tell you later. It's not a subject nice to discuss here in the Daishinden. Remind me of this if we would walk on the streets of Kosui by ourselves."

"Ikena, why are you spreading accusations about me like that?"

"Do you deny it?", Ikena asked.

"Ehmm... well.. you're also involved in that, even further than me. You're so quiet about it. Should I tell our dear guest about this as well?"

"Marika, just because it happened once..."

Nathalie decided to stop the discussion:

"Neither of you need to tell me this. Everyone has their own secrets, I have the  understanding of this fact. Can we please talk about something that won't have the potential to turn into the argument?"

Marika was the first to respond:

"Fine by me."

"Me too. We might have more important things to discuss with or guest than our squabbling.... Hmmm... I have an idea."

"Go on, Ikena."

"Don't worry, Marika. I'm not thinking of anything suspicious here. Nathalie, how about we would do something... official to welcome you here?"

"Official? The process was done."

"Well, this is not technically a part of it, but I am thinking that you would appropriate this as the beginning of your presence in the Daishinden. You seem to admire goddess Mizu and her brother Sakusen, aren't you?"

"Yes... What do you mean?"

Ikena smiled and asked:

"Would you want to get the proper blessing from the goddess? Your visit here should be more fruitful under her protective eye, if she let it, of course."

The excitement immediately overtook Nathalie for a split second. The thought of the proper way of having more direct contact with someone as wonderful as one of those gods quickly disappeared, when the unfortunate realization creeped in. Attention of the goddess, especially this specific one, was pretty much one of the last thing she would desire if she actually wanted to succeeds in her plans. But then, the excitement was coming back. Her heart was stretch line a line pulling in the opposite directions, nearly breaking. Fortunately for her, a few seconds later she said her response, sealing the decision and calming down the inner fire.

"I gladly accept it."

When her lips finally closed with a silence, she came to the realization that those words were not said fully consciously, consisting mainly of the nearly automatic manifestation of one part of her desires. Regardless of this fact, what was done, was done.

"Wonderful!", Ikena said with happiness, and grabbed the dark oiled hand of Nathalie, "Marika, we're coming to the main building."

"I.-Ikena... are we doing it right now?", Nathalie was struck by the surprise.

"If you wish so, Ikena...", said Marika, "But are you sure we can do it at the moment?"

"I do not remember any ceremony that could happen today at this hour. Well, we will just postpone it if the place is occupied. Yes, Nathalie, I am planning to do this right now. With my own hands."

"Your own? I thought you are not a proper priestess yet."

"Oh, we Mikos can perform some simple rituals by ourselves. Blessings are one of them."

"It would still be expected if our Kannushi supervisor would know about it happening beforehand", Mikena added, "However, I'm not surprised by Ikena's... lax attitude for the rules."

"At least I... never mind, I don't want to discuss it further", said Ikena and stood up, still holding Nathalie's hand, "Let's go! Right now."

"I go back to my room, to get the getas...", Nathalie tried to say, but the enthusiastic Miko interrupted with an argument stated as if it was the end of all of the discussions:

"No, we're going straight to the main place. The armed caretakers aren't wearing any footwear on the Daishinden grounds anyways. It will take only a short moment and there are just three of us, so no harm will happen. Who needs a hassle with the getas?"

"I would say something, but I can see that it wouldn't change a thing", Marika commented.

Nathalie didn't even processed the whole situation, as she was dragged by the Ikena. The three of them were going straight to the main room, nearly running. It didn't took much time until they've reached their destination.

As they quietly entered the main hall, they were welcomed by the dim light in the middle in the nearly complete silence. They could hear their own footsteps on the wooden floor. The only other people that could be seen were few caretakers, armed with spears while guarding the sacred place.

"We're lucky", said Ikena quietly, "No ritual is conducted right now. We can proceed."

"You sound enthusiastic", Nathalie commented, trying to ignore the fact that her own heart is beating relentlessly.

"Well... The blessing is a simple thing, but we don't do that very often and it is one of the few things I can actually perform without a supervision..."

"Ikena, I am your supervision",  Marika interrupted with a bit playful tone in her voice.

"You know what I meant."

"Marika, it means for her much, you can see. She want to perform duties the best. Why you are mean?", Nathalie asked, not being sure why a priestess in training would see any problem with her fellow priestess in training taking her job seriously.

"Oh, this is but a friendly jab. And the source of it is that I am not sure if she takes it seriously in a right way. You see, sometimes I don't really get it. This is just a simple ritual. Yes, this is our duty, but there is no need to get excited over it. Especially not to go all of their way to do this single thing outside of any typical schedule, potentially messing things up."

"Dear Marika, my friend. I am not messing anything up, as the hall is completely free. Why not inform the goddess Mizu to keep her protective gaze upon this specific guest when we can without any issue?"

"Yes, you are treating this whole thing too seriously. Never mind, let's begin this. I think I will join you as well."

"You'll perform it too? Thank you, Marika!", Ikena said happily. 

The conversation was met with the Nathalie's confusion:

"Too? What does it mean?"

"You'll get two blessings today! Well, it shouldn't make a difference, but it won't harm you... Marika, wait here, we need to go for a moment." Ikena said and immediately grabbed Nathalie's hand again, before she managed to react. Few seconds later, they were both in the corridor, not even  minute - in a small room full of various items. Nathalie has noticed that big chunk of them is consisting of the exceptionally simple, most likely cheaply made, linen outfits.

The next thing Miko said caused a little shock:

"Take off all of your clothes."

While Nathalie was mostly comfortable with showing her own body to the other women, she still paused for a second, due to the Miko's delivery.

Ikena quickly added:

"I will turn around for the time being, if you don't like it. Just get naked and put on one of those outfits lying around here. Or do you want to have your clothes getting completely wet? Eventually, you could just be nude the whole time..."

"Turn, please", she said. Miko followed immediately. Several moments later, her guest yukata was laying down on the floor. The only thing that was present on her body was the piece of cloth made out of the raw linen, barely covering anything. Nathalie has felt a bit of embarrassment, knowing she will go in a technically public space in that, but only slightly.

"I'm done", she said. Ikena turned back, smiled and commented:

"So, you are ready. Now, take your clothing in your hands. It would be a pity if it got lost. Let's go back."

They entered the main hall as fast as they had left. Nathalie wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to do, so she decided to wait for the further instructions, while her attention was gradually being taken by the enormous statue of Mizu.

With the swiftness of a wind, her thought process of a distraction was suddenly interrupted by the familiar voice of the overly enthusiastic Miko:

"Please, enter the canal on the border of the wooden floor and wash your feet. We cannot let any impure dirt to be brought onto the sacred stone with your soles."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm coming", Nathalie responded joining the both of Mikos in the feet-cleaning in the current laying in between the plank-covered outer pathway and the rocky interior. She was shocked slightly by the chill. The water was more cold than she imagined.

"How much clean?" she asked.

"Completely. Only your pure skin should be visible. Don't even dare stepping onto the stone otherwise."

Nathalie was taken by surprise by the harshness in the tone of the usually cheerful Ikena. Marika did not comment even for a bit, focusing on the cleaning herself. Despite the argument before, both clearly were considering it to be a serious deal. After a while, she couldn't see even a trace of dirt on her soles, so she decided to take a step on the stony area. There, both Mikos already were waiting for her. The stone floor was bringing out cold to her feet as well. Nathalie was needing to be careful to not slip over, as the surface was quite smooth, presumably from the centuries of being stepped by the wet, bare soles. Fortunately, the threat of falling over was manageable.

"Finally, you're here", said Ikena upon seeing the guest approaching, "Be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. Both of us were witnesses of someone getting broken spine or even dying just because they moved their feet too hastily. I wouldn't want to see anything like that happening to you. Take it slow and remember to give the goddess the respect."

"Miko Ikena, which one of us is going to start the ceremony?"

"Miko Mizutamarika, the idea came from me, so let me be the one of the leading?"

"Miko Ikena, perform your duty."

Voices of both Mikos were sounding more serious and official than usual. A reminder for the Nathalie that those two are not just her friends in here. They are really the priestesses ion the training, ready for the commitment towards the divine.

The voice of the one of the leading, has voiced towards nearly empty hall:

"You have arrived, dear guest of the Siblings, onto the sacred stone serving since the time of the First Shrine, to trust your fate in the hands of the Great Protector Mizu. Let your words confirm you still are bearing those intentions in your heart. If it is not your will, leave, to not let your feet to touch the sacred place without a reason. I'm asking you: are you harbouring the desire for the Great Protector Mizu to guide your actions and the well-being?"

For a split second, the doubt has entered Nathalie's mind, but she killed that thought immediately. It was already too late to say 'no'.

"I am", her reverbing voice was followed by a few seconds of silence, after which the one of the beginning commanded:

"Enter the sacred pool, than, dear guest of the siblings. Let your body touch the blessed waters."

Nathalie made few steps in the direction of the giant statue, carefully placing her toes in order to not trip down. Finally she submerged her feet into the pool surrounding the monument. She felt genuine surprise as she did it, as the water was pleasantly warm. The basin was of the little depth, with its surface reaching only about the half of her calves. Her eyes directed her sight at the giant statue depicting a nude woman in front of her. Trembled with the awe and admiration, her heart was. Her feet refused to move closer even a slight of a distance, fearing that the small and irrelevant Nathalie wouldn't be worthy of coming close to something that grateful.

Until the one of the leading, whose was following her into the pool, has issued a new command:

"Don't harbour the fear, dear guests. Let your feet lead you close to the image of the Great Protector. Let your arm reaching far, until the tips of your fingers will came into contact with the statue."

The guest did as commanded, moving her legs and stretching the right arm until the enormous stone ankle was touching her palm. She only could hear and feel the one of the leads standing right behind her, but not see. 

"The Great Protector, please contain all the peril to not let the one standing right before you experience any of it."

The voice of the Miko was accompanied by the sound of the water gathered into a vessel. Few seconds later, Nathalie's head became suddenly wet and her outfit became much heavier. The water was poured down right on her.

"The Lady of Hospitality, please ensure that the one standing right before you will live in the mutual harmony within your house."

Another stream of water landed right on the Nathalie's black and wet hair. The cloth became even more heavy. Part of hers regretted she wasn't doing this naked.

"The Sovereign Sister, please let the other gods, who are taking the interests in the people of Kosui, especially the Sovereign Brother, know that the one standing right before you is under your careful eye."

The third time Nathalie's body had the sacred water poured down on it. suddenly, she was hearing the sound of movement in the waters. What followed was the voice of the other Miko:

"The Rain Lady, please let the skies clear of the violent events, as long as the one standing right before you is within the city walls."

Another pouring. While not that pleasant for her by itself, Nathalie started getting used to it. The voice continued:

"The Restorer of Health, please let the sickness and the failings of the flesh avoid the one standing right before you."


"The Maker of Beauty, please guide the hands of the one standing right before you, in order for her work or craft to produce the results of the outstanding quality, no matter what craft it would be."

The water was poured down the last time. The one of the leading spoken again:

The Goddess Mizu, your servants finished their pledge. Please, may it bear fruits. If you judge it worthy, please grant the one standing right before you the blessing touch of yours for a fraction of your providence and care.", she paused and then continued "The ceremony is over, dear guest, you can let go of the statue."

Nathalie's arm slowly got back to the natural position. Her heart was racing, heavily. The thought of a chance of someone like goddess Mizu directly providing her just a bit of her greatness was really exciting. This didn't last very long, however. Very soon the same thought gave birth to the unpleasant feeling in her. Neither of Mikos managed to notice that the dear guest of the Siblings nearly vomited.

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