Anwon 23rd (Continued)

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CW: Injury Detail

I write this mere hours before we arrr arrive in Port Brimsey. I haven’t slept a wink, though I doubt I could do so if I tried. These next few pages will be dedicated to a quick interview I made had with Inkana Ivakina Jiehow. I apologize in advance for all the errors I am making, again, I have not slept.

I started talking to her shortly after her Sea Curses manifestd manifested. Everyone was shocked, including the medics, including me. We all thought she was going to die. I mean, her chest had been ripped open, arm torn off, and she was lacerated all over.  Even now, watching her with her sea curses I don’t understand how she isn’t dead.

I started talking to her soon after she was stable. The doctors were amazed by her recovery, and horrified by the Sea Curses now residing in her body. They left her alone, leaving me ample time to talk with her. At first, our conversato conversations went nowhere. She was predictably shaken by all that had happened—both to her and the crew. While I waited for her to recover, I went to help other members of the crew. So many of them were injured, some fatally. The moans, sobs and cries... I still hear them as I write this.

After tending to those I could, I went back to talk to Ivakina. She wasn’t looking very well, and looked sad. I asked if she felt okay, in hindsight that was a stupid question, I kind of just asked it automatically. She got over everything remarkibly remarkablely remarkably quick, and I asked her several questions I had written down. I mean, this was an opportunity for me to learn more about Sea Curses, I couldn’t just pass it up.

My tests were less than comfortable; I asked to examine all the mutated flesh on her body. This included her torso, which, considering the doctors had removed her clothes… yeah, it was more than slightly awkward. She actually agreed, I’ll copy my notes on my observations below:

  • Tentecles tentacles are cooler temperature than rest of her body, like actual squid meat. They do not appear to have her blood in them, but are attached?
  • Her open chest wasn’t sealed as I thought, more like tentacles and eyes stop the bleeding. Laceration is still there. I don’t know what this will mean in terms of infection. She may have to be cut open to sanitize the wounds.
  • She doesn’t have a sense of touch in tentacles or eyes. Nor pain, though she may be in too much to feel pokes and prods.
  • She can already manipulate them like limbs, even the small ones it seems? It’s kinda freaky…
  • She says she can’t see out of the eyes, and she cannot control where they look.

Later on, I had one final thing to test with her. I rememberered remembered one of the papers I had obtained stated that those with Sea Curses can develop a fear of the ocean. In the middle of the night, I had her come up to the deck. I told the doctors I was getting her fresh air. (And yes, I did get her some clothes prior. The previous few hours had been uncomfortable enough.). Interestingly, the papers were right. Ivakina used to be completely unafraid of the ocean—she was a better swimmer than most due to her athletism athleticism—yet now she wouldn’t even get near the ship’s sides. She started shaking, so I took her back inside.

I honestly pity her. I’m not sure what will happen, the navy, as an organization funded by the inner islands, cannot legally support those with Sea Curses. On one hand, she’s a hero for having fought that Thing, but I’m not sure she’ll be allowed to stay in. Hopefully they at least give her compensation, it’s the least they can do.

In any case, it may be a good idea for me to keep in contact with her. She seems as curious about her new condition as I am. I have no idea how she’s staying this stable mentally. While I do hope to run further tests with her, I also feel obigated to try and help her as best I can. Again, her life will likely be hell after this.

As for me? I don’t know. Again, if anyone speaks of my cowardice, there’s probably a good chance I’ll be booted. I don’t know what will happen to my family if that happens. Will the debt be relieved? Surely not after only a year. Honestly, I don’t even know how much we have left to pay. Also—if I get kicked out, I’ll lose my inner island citizenship, and that combined with the debt could quickly send me to Artima Island…

Gods help me—fictional as they may be…

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