Dylist 6th, 351 TA

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Nearly forgot about this thing—it’s been nearly nine days since I started it. I’d give an excuse if I had one, but I don’t, I just completely forgot it existed.

Anyways, so from where I last left off, I was contimpla contemplating my chances of collapsing during the physical. Thankfully, that did not happen. That’s all you need to know about my performance, do not ask about my score. These things are tough, made more so with the fact that, again, I did not practice at all.

Honestly I don’t have much more to write about. These last few days have been rather slow, not to mention dreary—it’s been raining for the past two days now. I’ve spent most of my time in the library, looking for the rare entertaining book. I found a few, but they didn’t last.


Oh—I know, I’ll complain about my sleep, or the lack thereof. The way people here on Brimsey sleep is different. Or, rather, the way I used to sleep on the Oasis Skerry was different. On the Oasis, it is common practice to sleep twice in the day: once at around noon, and again at night. I know from history books this practice is Farath in origin—done because Faramine got too hot at midday to work—hence why in Brimsey, an island with more Metians and Zeri, such is not common practice.

Granted, I understand why most others don’t do this. Heck, there isn’t much of a reason Farath in the modern day still do it. Nevertheless, adjusting to this sleep schedule will take a bit of time.

Doesn’t help that I tend to read for an entire fifth-day at night.

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