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Valentin Michel

In the world of Project Echo

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The Council

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No sooner had they arrived at their seats, the Commander facing the door and Albus in his seat, someone knocked at the door.

Sofiya, Pyotr and Mariya entered, accompanied by three other people. Ivan greeted by slipping a word to each and led them to their seats. After a long series of greetings and introductions, everyone sat down, and Ivan opened the session.

- Well, I guess everyone is not aware of the purpose of our meeting, I'll ask Sofiya to give us more information.

Sofiya stood up. A large screen and several individual screens appeared.

- Good evening. As you may know, the Commander has charged me with a mission. Several people exchanged glances and Mariya threw a supported look at Ivan.

- I asked her to spy on the US government to see what they know about us, said Ivan cutting her.

- Exactly, Sofiya said, blushing. Ivan asked me to bring all the news in their possession. Humans are aware of our presence, she said, pointing to various newspaper clippings, but they still do not know who we are.

- I thought the shields were online, said Pyotr.

- I was going to ask you to check it, replied Ivan.

- But that's not all, said Sofiya, governments are not stupid, they know that we do not respond to their calls. They want to appease public opinion and hide the facts, but people know, the rumor spread like wildfire.

- How are you going to do it, Sofiya? Asked Mariya.

- Cortex is on it. Replied Ivan. He will write press releases.

Sofiya felt uncomfortable, Ivan answered all the questions for her as if he was protecting her.

- The US government has instructed me to write press releases to extinguish the fire. She replied. But it would be nice if we repair the shield, she added, turning to Pyotr.

- What do you mean, exactly? Albus asked.

- The government wants people to believe that what they see is nothing but a comet. If we restore the shield, they believe she's gone.

- Are you sure? Albus insisted. Humans are not stupid; they feel when something is hidden to them. Could we not remove a module, a rescue capsule?

- To do what? Ivan asked. I see where you're coming, but as you say humans are not easily fooled, they will see the deception. We should disappear and let them believe that the comet is gone.

- Are you sure this will work? Sofiya asked. They stalk us all the time, as one of their satellites. No, I agree with Albus; we must drop something.

- We just should make a rock and swing it at them. Pyotr said.

- Do you realize the amount of energy needed? Already apparently, there is a problem with our shields! Ivan hissed. You think they're going to deliver us generators like that! I thought it was you who takes care of logistics on this ship. Indeed, we must drop something at them to make them believe that the “comet” crashed, but they should believe in it. Sofiya, do you know if they have analyzed the ship?

- No, they failed, but they still have doubt. Some of their pictures are accurate.

- Can we see them? Pavel asked. If we must rock them something, we must see what we can swing them, and how much it will cost us.

- Ah, the human calculator has spoken. Yelena replied. I agree with Ivan; we will not have generators like that. What do you think Yana, stones are in your field, right?

- I think we should throw them a stuff very rich in iron. If they think they see a ship, we cannot swing a vulgar rock. And this will require a lot of energy, Ivan is right about that. And then will be the problem of the crew...

- Sofiya, have you the pictures? Asked Mariya. We need to see if we can get the Columbus for a comet or not.

- I have them. She said, pointing to new images.The shield mask certain details,but we can see the general shape of the vessel.

- It looks like a large asteroid, said Yana, don’t you think?

- Yes, Albus said. I understand better why they talk about this comet. But it is true that in some ways, we see that it's a ship.

- What do you think? Ivan asked. Because if we want generators, we must be very precise. Pavel, do not worry, we have the finances for it. I think we do not need more than one, maximum two.

- Large ones, you mean. Pyotr added. Yes, I think that a Max one may suffice.And it may even help us for the shields.

- Have you calculated this? Yana asked. Without consulting me?

- I made it roughly, sis. I was going to ask you to verify it.

- Do not call me sis! She said uttering each syllable. We are in public!

- Calm down,Ivan cut them - we are no longer in kindergarten.Give me the calculations Pyotr, I got this.

Pyotr detached his tablet, which serves as portable screen, of its station, and passed it to his brother.

- Or rather Cortex,Yana said.

- No,Ivan replied. I can do this kind of calculations, sis. He said with a smile.

Ivan took the tablet of his brother's hands and performed a series of calculations and equations to verify the hypothesis of his brother.

- Indeed, a max one may suffice. He said handling backthe tablet to Pyotr. Well, do we have any other questions? Alternatively, we can stop here.

- And how are you going to do it? Yana asked. You should use Cortex, if you do not ask me.

- I was going to come to it. Any other questions?

- Yes, I have one. Albus said. And when are you going to swing your rock? Because that's what you want to do.

- I think if the generator is obtained quickly, we can launch it within a week. It seems reasonable to you, Sofiya?

- Yes, that sounds good. But if you can do it before...

- You think modeling will take how long, Yana?

- An hour or two, I think. I will need to have access to Cortex.

- Well, I will give you it, I let youdo with Pyotr and Yelena for the launch.Pavel, you take care to release the funds. Sofiya, I let you take care of the media, I let you do it with Albus and Mariya. Try to get it right, I do not want any casualties. I take care of the generator. Well, everyone agrees?

Everyone answered with a nod.

- The meeting is finished. Albus and Sofiya, you stay with me.

- What about me? Yana asked.

- Can you stay? We will need your technical details.

- And Mariya?

- The Earth is composed in two-thirds of water, right? If we can manage to do so that it drops in the Pacific, they will not go to pick it if it falls too far from shore.

- I see that you speak like me, bro. Pyotr said with a smile.

- Oh Pyotr, don’t go. We will also need you.

- I see you prefer to stay with family? Pyotr replied mischievously.

- I'l lgo then, Sofiya said, making a pout.

- No, stay with us, said Ivan. Pyotr loves to joke.

- And you are part of the family, Pyotr added with a smile.

- If Mariya hears you... Yana replied. In fact, why not have asked Mariya to stay?

- I must leave, said Mariya through the door. Ah Ivan, if you need help to order the genarators, I'm here.

- I just wanted to tell you that. See with Pavel for the exact pricing and take the order for me, okay?

- OK, I send the package as soon as I have it. She replied before teleporting.

- Tell me, why she did not stay? Yana asked. It is because of Sofiya?

- Among other things, said Ivan. But she also has an important meeting at the Capitol.

Yelena and Pavel went out. Ivan closed the door behind them.

- My friends, the time is serious. Ivan said without preamble. The reaction was predictable, but the Earthlings do not leave us much choice.

- Much Choice? What are you talking about? Albus asked

- Either we try to save time, or we show up. There are no other options.

- You mean you want to throw this stone as a diversion?

- Indeed. Sofiya replied. Ivan is right, the Earthlings do not leave us a choice.

- We cannot show like that, without a minimum of preparation, Sofiya. You know the orders we have no room for error.

- What orders? Albus asked.

- The Emperor wants us to unite the Earth, but we were supposed to do it discreetly. Sofiya replied. The reaction of Earthlings will force us to show up sooner than expected.

- We had to show us at the end. Ivan completed. I guess this diversion will not be enough, Sofiya?

- I'm afraid not. They have doubts about the purpose of our visit, but they know we're here.

- And how do they know? Pyotr asked. It was your job to fool them, right?

- If the shields were fully operational, they would have seen nothing. It was your job to make sure that we were well hidden, right? Yana asked with violence.

- Calm down. What is done, is done. We cannot go back. We need a plan. Yana, instead of bothering your brother, try to help us.

- And what do you want to do, exactly? Swing this stone and reveal ourselves? Asked Yana, irritated.

- Calm down. Nobody should show up. Or at least, not now. Sofiya, Pyotr is right, you need to calm the situation, even though it will be difficult. We must have the time to return to the original plan, or at least to modify it.

- You can earn a month or two, no more. Said Sofiya. We must show up sooner than expected, Yana is right on it.

- I'm afraid of it. But in the meantime, we must get out of this mess. We should throw this stone. And it must be credible for the average Joe. Yana, you have a week, no more. Pyotr, repair the shields and help your sister for launch. Sofiya, we need the most information possible about who is aware of our arrival and what they know. I'll meet you here at the same time in a week.

Pyotr, Sofiya and Yana went out of the room and teleported.

- Well, as for us, we must begin to work seriously. In a month, you must open the ball.

- Why me?

- Because I cannot reveal myself now. Humans will not understand. But if they see you, and if you are sufficiently credible, we can carry out the plan smoothly.

- And what will be my role in all this? I'll have to play the ambassadors?

- You've got it. As a former Earthling, you are the most qualified for this role. But you will also have to act as a true Ossar. Know all our history and our culture.

- And when do we start?

- Right now. Follow me.

Ivan grabbed him by the arm and teleported to his office on the floor above.

- Where are-we? Albus asked.

- In my office. This room issoundproofed,and Ido not want tobe bothered.

- But your office is one floor above the board room? Why did not we take the elevator?

- Teleportation goes faster, and I do not want anyone to see us going up.

- We teleported?

- Yes, wel li twas me who teleported us to be more precise.Sit down, we are here for a moment. He said, pointing to an armchair next to a coffee table.

Albus and Ivan sat face to face.

- You want a drink? I have water, juices, soft drinks and even alcohol.

- I see no bar or fridge, how are you going to serve us?

- There are kitchens in this ship, right? So,what do you want? And you should get used to magic, everyone uses it in the Empire.

- I'll have a beer.

- And wine of the Elves for me, the10020 vintage is excellent, you're wrong not to take it.

Ivan made appear a tray with two glasses and two bottles. He served Albus, helped himself and sent the tray away.

- What is this beer? Albus asked, connoisseur. I do not know this brand.

- It is the Alayan Ale, beer from home, that’s why you don’t know it. And the label is written in Ossar, that's why you are unable to read it.

- They make beer in the empire?

- Of course, we do, you thought you were the only ones to know the recipe?

- And your wine? It also comes from the empire?

- Not this one. This is the wine of the Elves from Keitheas region. The best of the galaxy. Moreover, it is they who taught men how to plant vineyards.But enough chatted, if I made you come here it is to answer the questions you asked me. But, only in part.

- In part? Why not tell me everything now?

- You should discover things for yourself and you do not have enough experience to assimilate the whole of it, but the time will come when you will know everything.

- What is the mission? Why am I here? Albus asked.

- You're here because you understand, you understand what others do not want to see.

- That our world is going wrong. We run towards disaster.

- Exactly. You’re running your world to ruin.Your resource sare depleted, inequalities are rising, and you do nothing.

- But we try! There is the UN,there is the G20...

- And in the meantime, your world is ravaged by war and armed conflicts. People are fed up, they arm themselves. You think the United States and Europe are spared, it will not last…

- And what do you want from me?

- Now, not much. But your time will come.

- When?

- When the time comes.

- And the mission, it consists of what? Reduce hunger in the world? Stop wars? All that are utopias!

- No, it is. Do you know how much a war cost? Trilions of dollars. Rebuilding Africa would cost only a few hundred bilion.

- Wha tblocks then?

- Greed, lust for power. People who are at the topof the pyramid are afraid of one thing. Losing their power.

- And how you go about it?

- Doing the only thing to do, change everything.

- I do not understand.

- What do not you understand?

- How you will succeed.

- Upon taking power. By replacing all governments by one, removing duplicates and administrative stacks. We will succeed where you failed.

- How do you know all that’s happening on Earth, how are you going to go about it?

Come, follow me.

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