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Ivan took Albus by the hand and they appeared in the middle of a teeming room. The room was full of documents and equipment and giant screens showed continuous information on the walls.

- Where are we? Albus asked, eager to learn more.

- In the war room, it is here that are collected and processed all the information that comes from the Earth and the Empire. All the people here work full time on the project.

- That's impressive. I did not think so many people would be involved.

- And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Our agents are positioned around the globe and are waiting for our signal.

- And this chart it used for what? Albus pointed to a panel located against the wall.

- This table displays the advancement rates. And this, he said, showing another panel located facing the windows, shows the tasks.

- And the count? He said, pointing a clock displaying "remaining time: 3650 d."

- It is used to measure the time remaining until the end of the project. For now, it shows only the days but with time it will become more accurate.

- It remains how long?

- Ten years to the day. Ten years for the Earth at to be the same level as the Empire. Ten years for what is just a bunch of countries to become a unified empire spanning the entire solar system.

- A whole program. Albus said. And we must come to what?

- If you want, I'll show you around. Said Ivan.

- You'll take me where?

- To the Capitol. That way you will realize by yourself.

- I've always dreamed of traveling in space.

- Your wish will be fulfilled. We have more than comfortable shuttles.

- And the journey takes how long?

- One and a half hours, time to go into hyperspace and emerge.

- Why is it so long?

- To avoid disrupting the orbits of satellites and planets, entering hyperspace is always done in the interstellar void.

Albus and Ivan materialized on a platform orbiting the Earth. The stars shone above their heads.

- How come we can breathe? Albus asked.

- The platform is equipped with an artificial atmosphere and the same conditions as on Earth. It allows crews to move freely and shuttle landing.

- We are in a spaceport.

- On the runway, to be more precise.

- I do not see our shuttle, where she is? Albus asked.

- Here, said Ivan.

Meanwhile, a private shuttle landed on the tarmac in front of them. The captain lowered the bridge and greeted them. The shuttle was composed of two rows of leather chairs facing the windows. Minibar occupied the center of the cabin. The walls were lined with gilt and wood paneling and floor covered with a thick blue carpet.

- It's like my Falcon, Albus said, amazed.

- Except this cuckoo fly at Warp 10 speed and is designed for hyperspace flights.

The pilot went out of his cabin to greet them. Ivan greeted him and made the introductions.

- Albus, I present to you Dima, my pilot.

- Pleased, replied Dima.

- Delighted, Albus replied.

- I put you where? Asked the pilot after shaking the hand of Albus.

- At the spaceport. Ivan replied. I want to show the Capitol to my friend.

- How long should I stay in orbit?

- The time for one or two rotations. No need to damaging the cabin for so few.

 - You want a drink? Dima asked.

- Two beers, replied Ivan. I'lldrink with you.

Dima served them and returned to the cockpit. The unit took off slowly and then reached its cruising speed. After a brief journey, a planet surrounded by a blue halo appeared. They had arrived. Ivan showed Albus different interest areas and centers while the shuttle was on a rotation around the planet, then they landed smoothly.

Albus was the first to set foot on this unknown ground. Ivan went down in turn and felt surrounded by a familiar aura, he had gone home.

- When, we entered hyperspace? Albus asked. I almost felt nothing.

- The unit is designed to avoid turbulence at maximum, but at some point, you've got to feel the distortion of space around you.

- It's true, at one time, we went in a white halo. I do not think it would be so fast.

- It is because we flew at a Warp 10 speed, or ten million times the speed of light. A normal vessel would have flown three months to get us here.

- Where are we going? Albus asked.

- On a walk.

Ivan showed him the different facets of the capital, tourist areas, business districts, and shopping streets and even showed him the university area. This was soon they walked three hours, when the Commander felt the need to sit down.

Albus and Ivan sat in a cafe not far from a park.

- Where are we? Albus asked.

- Near belt Park in the government district.

- The government districts?

- Yes, all administrations, ministries and the parliament hall are gathered here around this park. Suffice to say that security is maximum.

- It's true that we do not see many people.

Ivan looked at his watch, it was 18:00.

- It's six o'clock, replied Ivan. People are still in the office. But they’ll leave it soon.

- It's already six? lamented Albus. And my dinner?

- Do not worry about it, said Ivan. I invite you.

Before dinner, Ivan ended the visit of the government district by quickly explaining the operation of the Empire and its Administration and stopped in front of a massive building that blocked their view.

- What is it? Albus asked, amazed

- This is the Summer Palace, the official residence of the Emperor, says Ivan. But the Emperor also has other homes in the four corners of the Empire.

- We can visit it? Albus asked, curious to know more.

- I'm afraid not. Said Ivan. But maybe one day my father will grant you an audience or invite you to a reception. But enough of this, said the prince, looking at his watch. Tell me you are a football fan, aren’t you?

- Yes, I am an inveterate fan of Bayern, Albus replied. Why do you ask me this?

- Because, I told myself that nothing better than watching a game to relax after a busy day, and I counted just go to the stadium tonight.

- At the stadium, you? Albus asked, surprised.

- What? You thought I was not a simple man? Come, I invite you.

- Now? Albus asked. And where are you going to go get tickets?

- I do not need it. Said Ivan, winking.

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