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Trevor R

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Epilogue

In the world of purple flames

Visit purple flames

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Chapter 3

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It was a fairly exciting morning. Flow had done his usual tasks. Welcome visitors, take care of his room, go to rehab, and go to the academy for the day. His back leg still seemed to limp even though the attack had happened nearly 6 years ago but that did not stop him. He flew through the castle halls with glee and then landed in front of a hooded dragon who had just entered.

"Ah, hello mistress..." he bowed. The hooded dragon bowed back "Why thank you, Prince Flow." The two stood there for a moment, and then bursted out laughing. The hooded dragon took off their hood to reveal purple and pink eyes. "Sheesh Haze! You look all regal now!" Flow said with a huge grin. "And you still look like you are going rob a bank vault with those piercings." Haze said. Haze had multiple different piercings on their tail and a horn ring. They looked as if they were made to be the future ruler of the scatter wing kingdom. And Flow still looked the same, but still as awsome with his piercings on his feet and his horn ring he designed himself.

"I missed you so much though... it is BORING here!" Flow tackled them with a large hug as they hugged back. "Do not even try to convince me it was as bad as that mountain! We had to wait days just to cast a single ring! They said it was 'traditional'..." Haze stuck their tongue out. "Well, do you know what is in 3 days from now?" Flow asked with his tail wagging like some sort of dog. "hmmm... wait, no, let me think... It's... our 11th hatching day?" "Correct!" Flowy leaped back. "that means no more rehab, no more treated like a child, and no more being made fun of! I will finally be liked!" "I already like you though..." Haze pointed out. "True, but you are also family... so you are an automatic acception." Several rumbling steps entered the area as the whole family came to adore Haze's new look. "Speak of the devil..." Flow muttered.

"Wow, looks great, Haze!" Cain complemented them. Cain has recently trying to get in between the friendship that Flow and Haze had. Every time he was confronted he kept saying "I have no idea what you mean... Are you jealous that I care for my dear sibling?" Flow wished he changed, but he was not ever changing from the jerk he was. Violet just kept slowly nodding at different angles. Recently she has gotten quiet, and Flow has felt more and more uneasy around her. Mother eventually gave Haze what they deserved for so long... approval to join the royal court and bring more justice to this island. "You really have grown... You have grown faster than the wildest weeds, my dear child. I envy your beautiful rings and colors." Flow couldn't help but smile at that.

That night was the happiest night Flow had had all year. Everyone was happier and he had his only and best friend again. After eating dinner, Flow and Haze went for a walk around the city. Flow kept glacing at how stunning his sibling was and wondered how they weren't taken by some hunk by now... wait, he knew why, Haze just really did not care for those types of dragons. The two had such a good night that it made up for all the time apart.

 The next day went by normally accept that there was time with Haze at the end of the day. This was not meant to last though. On the last day of rehab... something terrible happened. Flow was doing his normal rehab session... He had mastered something during the last 6 years, control. He could control the curse and could activate it on command... but this day... was tragic. He suddenly passed out, and then woke up to the same dragon he saw 6 years ago in that dream.

"Flow, I have to warn you about something... I swore to not interfere, but this is something you must know. On your hatching day, you will face a great challenge that will determine your future. All I ask of you is to trust them..." Flow stared confused and asked "Trust who? Wait, who are you? what is wrong with your-" "All will be answered soon, trust me. Trust yourself. Goodbye, kiddo." Flow woke up in the healing chambers. He had multiple tubes stuck into him that were full of magic. He ripped them off and got out of his chamber and then went into the corridor. He read the notes of his chamber. "No signs of life accept for brain activity. Put on high priority." Flow was very confused. He felt fine, he didn't feel like he had been dead, so what happened? suddenly, Flow was tackled by a very, very tight hug. "Oh my moon you scared me you idiot!" Haze was snuggled so close to Flow that if they got any closer, they would become a part of his skin. "We heard you were dead and we came hurrying in and the healers found out you had brain signals and then I cried and cried andohmymoonFlowyouareokay!"

Haze acted like he had been gone for a while, but it felt like he hardly fell asleep long enough for the dragon to say one sentence. "How long was I gone for?" he asked. "Uh about a day... tomorrow is the big day." Flow sat down with a clingy sibling stuck to his side. "It only felt like a couple of seconds... maybe I did die?" "Do not do this to me right now. I am happy, don't get me sad because you may have actually died."

Flow kept sitting until figuring he must find out who or what that dragon was he was talking to. "Haze, I am gonna do some research. Wanna come with me to the library?" he asked. "I despise that place with all my soul..." they said glaring at Flow. "Besides, we got to tell everyone that you lived right now." Haze dragged Flow to the others and Flow got 15 minutes of fame. After this, he headed off to the library. He spent all the rest of the day trying to find anything that resembled the dragon, until, he found the book of the two moons. It told the story of how a dragon named Apollo saved the world from an evil moon by turning himself into a new moon with a unique spell that no other dragon has been able to copy, After this there was a picture of him. It fit perfectly. Flow had talked to his ancestor... who was also the moon? "Trust them..." echoed through Flow's mind. Who was he talking about? some sort of gods or higher beings? He couldn't ever be for sure being this tired, so he decided to go home and go to sleep.

His dreams seemed non-existant that night. could that be a sign that his curse was finally lifted? He couldn't test since Haze was wrapped around him like a straight jacket that night. "I do not care that you are okay." they had said. "I am gonna hold you like a baby if it means I am garunteed to keep you near by tonight!" He was frankly kind of embarrassed by being held like a toddler that could wander off at any moment. he decided to just enjoy a night without the monsters.

Flow woke up to being dragged by Cain. "Time to get up, freak and a half. We all got a huge day ahead of us." Flow stood up and saw Haze choosing their cape. "Good morning to you all as well?" Flow chuckled. "Oh! Sorry Flow... I just didn't wanna wake you so I got Cain to!" Haze smiled brightly. "Well now that everyone is awake, let us celebrate... freedom!" "Yeah!" Flow howled.

It was time for the ceremony. Flow had beat the odds and survived this damned curse. at the throne room, his mother put her claw on his shoulder. "I have underestimated you, and everyone else... I should have known the royal blood would keep you safe. Attention all scatter wings!" She walked to the balcony and looked down at thousands of purple figures. "Today, not only do my children reach adulthood, but my son, whom was cursed beyond hope, has officially beaten the odds and is now safe once and for all!" The scatter wings below cheered as if it were pure thunder. "Now, due to this twice as important event, I will be holding a party in the castle. All are welcome!" Flow felt a huge surge of pride. His mother was proud of him. Him, The supposed runt of the family, was being praised by the queen and his mother!

Things could not get any better, and they wouldn't get any better. It happened in an instant... Flow was talking to a few dragons and Haze, when mother suddenly collapsed. Everyone panicked and suddenly Flow was pinned on the ground. His tail got barbed so he couldn't produce any toxic gas, and he had his mouth shut by a metal plate. He passed out from the pain and woke up in the prison. "H-Hey!" he yelled. "Why am I in here? Can someone help me?" "Shut up, traitor." snapped Cain as he rammed into the bars to startle Flow. "Should've known you wouldn't change on a whim... but this... TRYING TO KILL THE QUEEN! This is too much!" "Wh- What? I would never!" Flow protested. "Oh? then why was it you who stabbed her? We found a wyvern tooth in her neck... The same one that caused your little leg injury. You are going to have your head ripped off for this..." Cain stormed out, leaving Flow there in the dim, dark cell. This day was supposed to be perfect... Why must I be cursed with this fate... Why did I try to kill mother?


Charcoal snuck around the night, and into the prison. Arson was keeping watch at the entrance and she was going to bust out any sky wings that were caught this week. As she entered she saw many Sky wings. She got rid of their metal plates, and set them free. Then she saw someone... was that..? No. Impossible. This couldn't be the same scatter wing who set her and her brother free all those years ago. But just in case... "What is your name, Scatter wing? He didn't answer at first, but then she demanded "Tell me your name now!" "M-my name is Flow! Please... leave me alone! I do not want any more conflict!" She stared with wide eyes, then opened the bars. "Well... my name is Charcoal. It is nice to meet you, although this isn't the nicest place to meet, huh?"

Flow thought for a moment, then remembered two Sky wings he had saved from certain death. Charcoal unlocked his chains and removed the barb, which stung like a- "So, Flow, how about we get out of here and catch up, shall we?" she tilted her wing towards the exit, and they both exited. Arson stood outside and jumped up after seeing him. "Oh my moon... Charcoal, is that the scatter wing you-" "Yes, arson, let's go." she said with authority. Flow looked back at the castle one last time when... "FLOW!" Haze flew to Flow and tackled Arson. "Thank the moon I got here... I am gonna get you away! I have proof you didn't do it! I can-" Haze was pushed off and thrown to the ground. Not far away, Cain was zooming in with a thirst for blood. "FLOW, YOU BASTARD!" Flow and the two sky wings took flight, but Haze grabbed his tail. "Flow..? Wh- where are you going..?" they started twitching.

"I... I am not safe... I am going somewhere that will be safe for everyone. Stay here." he reached and hugged them. "B-But y-you promised..." they kept twitching with tears in their eyes. Flow wiped the tears and said "I know... and I am sorry..." He pulled his tail away from Haze and started to fly off, leaving Haze on the ground, hurt. Cain made it to Haze and seemed to check on her, then flew after Flow and tackled him, making them both fall onto a cliff edge. Flow hurt his wing in the fall, and could only climb or run. Cain leapt at him and Flow countered the attacks with his claws. Eventually they were both beat up and tired, but Cain had enough energy to knock Flow over, and as he went in for the finishing blow, charcoal clawed his eye, leaving bloody streaks along the entire side. He screamed and fell back towards the edge, Charcoal ripped his wing, which left him unable to save himself if he did fall off. He was slipping when he grabbed Flow's tail. Flow was being dragged as well when Charcoal lent her claw to pull Flow.

Trust them...

He grabbed the claw and was pulled up. Charcoal burnt cain's hand and Flow's tail, but Flow did not care about the tail. They both watched as Cain fell into darkness down below, and then charcoal grabbed Flow and flew into the jungle. Flow looked back and thought about the life he will no longer return to... The old life was bad, but this new life was going to be way worse he felt. He wondered if Haze was going to be okay, and if he was going to be okay.

This was his true curse, a curse to suffer...

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