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Trevor R

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Epilogue

In the world of purple flames

Visit purple flames

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Chapter 1

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It was dark.

Flow was pacing around the room, mumbling to himself again. "Flow?" haze asked, half asleep. "It is midnight and you are still awake?" Flow did not respond and kept walking around, mentioning something about the curse. Flow was the age of 5 and was unfortunatly cursed. Haze never liked the thought of this curse taking over their brother. But what could they do about it? Nothing. Flow was taller than Haze, but only by a little bit. His purple and black scales seemed almost as smooth as silk as he turned over and over... if it weren't for those injuries, that is. The cuts and other injuries from the caretakers yesterday were still as nasty and painful as they looked minutes after he was hurt. His shattered eye on his right almost glowing in the room that was only lit by a single candle and the dim moon light that shone through the window.

After a moment, Flow blinked as if he had just been startled awake. He looked around the room, and then at Haze. "It happened again didn't it... hahaha..." He tried to seem fine about it, but Haze knew he hated his curse just as much as they did.

Flow looked at the floor for a moment. What can I possibly do... he thought. He grinned and then chuckled at a concerned Haze as he climbed back on to the bed. Haze was always the one who had to watch the curse first hand and he felt guilty because of that. He always worries he might hurt them... or worse. Haze was not at all a muscular dragon and if anything, they were slightly under weight. they usually were usually a happy-go-lucky dragon but  when Flow's curse got bad, they always seemed to nearly cry with their multicolored, pink and purple eyes.

Flow laid on the bed, turned away to avoid Haze's upset look. However, this never stopped Haze from coming over and putting their wing over Flow like a blanket.

The next day was very important. The festival was that night and every single scatter wing seemed to be getting ready. Flow woke up to the sound of steps. Haze was still asleep by him, curled into a tiny ball of purple. "Haze, wake up!" he said pushing Haze nearly off the bed. "Mother hates it when we get up late, especially on days like today!" "You don't have to push me off every time, you know?" Haze said, trying to cover their eyes from the bright sun. "And you don't have to knock me into every lake I stand by." Flow said with a grin. Flow and Haze ran into the hall, and then right into their mother, queen tempest. She was a tall, menacing dragon, and Flow sometimes wondered if he was  actually related to this giant, furious, dragon. She had piercings along her back and tail, and a horn rings that seemed to be stuck onto her horns now.

She seemed fine with the accident but then looked at Haze. "where is your cape, young lady?" She snorted with a fierce look on her face. She wasn't exactly angry because it is some sort of royal dress code. Not at all. Infact, all female scatter wings had to wear them, as a way to keep their bodies consealed, though Haze thought they should be treated different since they weren't sure on who they were. "Oh, I forgot... I'm so sorry mother!" they ran back into the room and came out covered in a black cape with a gold chain holding it together. Flow thought it looked great on them and often complimented it, but Haze never seemed proud to wear one. "Much better. Now, Haze, head off to the meeting room immediately. And Flow, go to your daily session and then you may join us." Flow nodded and Haze started off, but then looked back at Flow with a reassuring smile for a moment and continued.

Flow went off in a different direction, counting the same bricks on the walls that had been there 5 years ago. He eventually found the right door and went in. It was the music teaching room full of instruments and an organ in the back. but was currently repurposed to help Flow's 'deadly purple curse'. A tall scatter wing walked in holding papers, spell books, etc, and, sadly, a small dagger in case of any episodes. or so Flow thought that was the use. "Well hello again, Prince flow, hope you have a good moon festival today!" the dragon chuckled to him self, ignoring the fact that Flow clearly wanted him dead. "Well, anyways, how about we begin the rehabilitation for today, shall we?"

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and finally it was over, well, almost. "There is one more thing we have to do today, can you guess what it is?" the dragon seemed to be grinning as he reached for the small dagger. Flow had not realized today was the day he got another scale removed. "Wait, today of all days?!" "That is correct, young prince. Now you must remember this can cause out bursts, so keep your mind clear. Understand?" he grabbed flow's front leg and gouged a scale off, leaving a stream of blood from where it cut. Flow nearly fainted but kept awake because of what happened last time he passed out. He covered the wound and walked out, not even saying another word to the dragon. It was going to be a long night.


He hurried to the meeting room and walked in. His mother sat at the end of a long, obsidian table. Cain set on one side to the left of her and violet was to the left of him. Violet and Cain never cared for Flow and often ignored his existence. They were also very secretive and kept to them selves. Cain was training to be the leader of the royal army, while Violet was all 'look perfect and everyone will adore me'. Haze set to the right, listening to mother ramble on about decorations and such. They looked and saw Flow and pointed to the seat to their right. Flow quietly sat down, hardly noticed by everyone accept Haze. "So, what did they tell you-" Haze stared at the gash, nearly falling out of their seat. "They didn't..!" "Yep, they did very much do it today." Flow felt so tired that he could sleep right there, ignoring all the yells from his family. Haze had to keep nudging him awake because they also knew what would happen.

Haze was distracted by mother talking about the food plans, then suddenly looked over to see Flow, passed out. Their heart sank as Flow started twitching. What do I do? What do I do?! they thought as Flow suddenly jumped up. "Greetings, fish breaths- breaths!" Flow yelled with head twitches. He pointed at mom and yelled "I am gonna make you kiss my feet, MOTHER!" he chuckled as everyone in the room murmured with disbelief. "Oh, is that so?" their mom stood angrily. "Yeah I will!" he bursted out laughing. "I am going to be the best ruler of this island! I will!" Haze stared for a moment and then grabbed Flow by the front leg and dragged him into the hall. "Flow! You can't say that!" Flow stared at them and then put his front claw on their shoulder, digging his claws sending a bolt of pain into Haze's shoulder. "Of course I can. That is why the sentence exists!" Haze pushed Flow off. They knew what to do in order to stop this, but they hated doing it. They grabbed a large metal object and knocked Flow out cold.

Flow started to dream. he saw those monsters. the same ones in each dream he has. They were full of teeth, spikes, cuts, eyes, and more things he didn't wanna think about. They never had a single form rather than just blobs that pulsed into different looks. many times he can see him self in the blobs. Today he was not going to let them take control. He knew Haze was near by and he was not going to let his best friend get hurt. If this kept on... he would leave if it meant they would be safe. He stretched his wings out to ward off these monsters. He had no idea why they feared the wings, but it worked so he kept on. eventually they disappeared and he was alone. He laid on the dark ground and drifted off to sleep.

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