Master LeieSistal
Elie Servantie

In the world of Myths & Legends : Aknos

Visit Myths & Legends : Aknos

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Chapter 2: Lendre's ashes

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The Desolate Land

Slumdum 14th Noxudan 7879

As Erghana and her party set foot on the desolate land of Lendre, they were greeted by the grim sight of charred fields and abandoned homes, a stark reminder of the tyranny of Regent Garnius. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and despair. Erghana cannot help but feel a sense of unease in the air.

"Once a vibrant land, now a barren wasteland," murmured Kael, his usually stoic face etched with sorrow. The landscape is devoid of life, the trees that once bore fruits now stand as hollow husks, and the rivers that once flowed with crystal-clear water have now turned murky and stagnant. It is as if the very life force of the kingdom has been drained away.

Erghana looked sadly upon the desolate plains before them. Kael spoke softly beside her.

"Once, this land was fertile and bountiful. The Council of the Seven Maires saw to the needs of each province, while generals led well-trained armies to protect the realm from outside threats. But the kingdom's strength lay not just in steel, but in magic."

Erghana turned to him questioningly. Kael continued. "The school, founded in ancient times by wizards who delved too deep, seeking secrets better left hidden. Over ages its scholars attained understanding of magic as a science, an art, and most importantly, a force for good."

His eyes gleamed with a scholar's passion. "Elemental magi could entreat earth and sky, while mystics probed the realm of spirits. Greatest of all were the seers, who through meditation and elf-sight glimpsed shards of the future."

Kael's voice took on a somber tone. "With soothsayers at his side, the king steered Lendre through many storms. But a regent answer to no higher power, guided by no wiser heads. And now curtain of shadow has fallen across the school, its students scattered on the winds of change."

Erghana placed a hand on his arm. "Then we must find them, and the princess. With allies both old and new, magic, steel and spirit reunited, we can lift this pall and see Lendre's golden future dawn once more."

Kael smiled. "Well spoken, my lady. Your heart says what this land needs most to hear. Now come - the road is long, but the first steps are also the lightest. Onward lies adventure!"

Erghana’s mind filled with memories of the prosperous kingdom she once knew. The joyous laughter of children playing in the meadows, the bustling markets filled with merchants, and the songs of birds that filled the air—these were the images of the past that contrast starkly with the bleak reality before her.

With each passing day, Erghana's resolve to restore Lendre to its former glory grows stronger. The weight of responsibility presses upon her shoulders, knowing that the fate of Lendre and its people rests in her hands. She is willing to make any sacrifice necessary to bring about a new age of peace and prosperity for all, even if it means putting her own life on the line.

The Farmer's Hope

As Erghana and Kael continue their journey, they come across a small farm in the region now known as Paydufour. The farmer, who has lived in this area for many years, greets them warmly and offers them food and drink. Despite the desolation that surrounds them, the farmer's hospitality remains untouched.

As they sit and eat, the farmer begins to talk about the current state of the kingdom and the rumors he has heard about the princess. His voice trembles with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "You must have heard about the princess," he says. "The rumors say she is still alive and will return to reclaim the throne."

Erghana and Kael exchange a knowing look, aware of the significance of such rumors. The people of Lendre have endured great hardships, and they are desperate for a leader who will restore their land to its former glory. The princess, Seraophin, is well known and loved by the people, and they hold onto the belief that she is the one who will save them from their current plight.

Despite the danger of revealing their mission, Erghana cannot help but ask the farmer about the situation in Paydufeu. The farmer's eyes fill with sorrow as he explains that many of his friends have either died or left for the cities in the east, in search of a better life. He tells them that the land has become desolate, and the once fertile soil is now barren, making it difficult for them to grow crops and sustain their livelihoods.

As the conversation comes to a close, the farmer looks at Erghana and Kael with a mixture of hope and desperation. "I pray that the princess will return and bring an end to this suffering," he says. "We need someone to lead us out of this darkness."

Erghana nods, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the hardships faced by the people of Lendre. She knows that her mission is a dangerous one, but she is determined to succeed, no matter the cost, for the sake of the kingdom and its people. Kael, with a reassuring smile, places a supportive hand on her shoulder, silently conveying his unwavering commitment to their cause.

With that, Erghana and Kael bid farewell to the farmer and his family, their resolve strengthened by the knowledge that their quest is not only for the princess but for the people who are suffering under the oppressive rule.

As they venture further into the desolate land of Lendre, Erghana takes a moment to breathe in the heavy, tense air. She looks over at Kael, his expression serious but determined.

Erghana asks: "What do you make of the farmer’s words about the princess, Kael?"

Kael pondered a moment before responding: “Well we the rumors about the princess to be true, thanks to your father information, having her return would be a beacon of hope for the people. But we must proceed with caution. The situation in Lendre is far more complex than it appears, and there may be powerful forces at play that we don't yet understand."

Erghana: "You're right, Kael. We can't afford having been open to people here. We need to gather more information, learn the truth about what has happened to the kingdom and the princess. I feel a great weight of responsibility on my shoulders, knowing that the fate of Lendre and its people rests on our actions."

Kael: "I know, Erghana. But we're not alone in this. We have each other, and we have the skills and determination to face whatever challenges come our way. We'll do whatever it takes to restore Lendre to its former glory and bring peace to its people."

Erghana: "Thank you, Kael. Your unwavering support means a lot to me. Together, we'll uncover the truth and confront the darkness that has befallen our kingdom. We'll be the light that guides Lendre back to prosperity."

Kael: "I believe in you, Erghana. And I believe in the princess if she's out there. Let's continue on this journey together, no matter how tough it gets. The people of Lendre need us, and we won't let them down."

With a renewed sense of purpose and the strength of their bond, Erghana and Kael ride onward.


A Mysterious Village

As Erghana and Kael approached the village, they sensed an atmosphere of fear and oppression emanating from the huddled group of villagers. Two figures stood at the front of the group, one older and one younger, their presence exuding an aura of power and authority.

Kael narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Stay sharp, Erghana," he warned, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Something isn't right here."

Erghana nodded in agreement. Her analytical mind deduced that the older figure was likely the mentor of the younger. However, their intentions remained unclear. She stepped forward confidently "Greetings, I am Erghana of House J'Khama and this is my stalwart companion, Kael."

The old man studied them warily. "I am Galen, and this is my apprentice Laurent. What business do you have in this place?"

Kael remained cautious. "We seek to understand the troubles that plague this kingdom."

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Galen asked.

Erghana and Kael exchanged glances, and Erghana calmly replied "I give you my word as Knight of House J'Khama that we mean these people no harm."

Galen considered her words for a moment before nodding. "Very well," he said. "Let us put aside our suspicions and speak more."

As they spoke, Galen and Laurent recounted how they had been protecting the village from bandits. Erghana and Kael shared that they sought to restore order to Lendre. Both parties sensed that while they had different goals, they ultimately aimed to help the people.  

Kael commented, "It seems we fight for similar causes, though by different means."  

Laurent nodded in agreement. "Perhaps together we may accomplish more."

Over the next few days, Erghana, Kael, Galen, and Laurent got to know each other better. They shared stories of their past adventures. Galen explained that he and Laurent had been wandering the lands, protecting villages from bandit raids and offering what aid they could to the people in need.

As they spent time together, Erghana and Kael learned about Galen's wisdom and experience as a mage. Galen, in turn, admired Kael's swordsmanship and combat skills, recognizing him as a capable warrior.

Laurent, Galen's apprentice, found a kindred spirit in Erghana, not knowing yet that Erghana was not just a simple knightess but a fireknightess, having talent in fire magic thanks to her unique condition.

As the days passed, mutual respect and trust grew between the four companions. They saw the strength and determination in each other and recognized the importance of their united efforts in order to help the people of the kingdom to survive trough this challenging time.


A Day in a village

The morning sun rose over the village, its warm rays bathing the dirt paths and thatched cottages in a soft glow. Farmers emerged from their homes, stretching and yawning as roosters crowed in nearby coops. The smells of baking bread and sizzling meat drifted through the air, arousing the growling appetites of villagers waking from their slumber.


Erghana emerged from the hut allotted to her small company, running her fingers through disheveled locks of fiery hair. Her keen eyes surveyed the bustling activity of the village coming alive for the day. Kael and Laurent joined her, exchanging terse greetings as they readied weapons and spell books for the tasks ahead.

 In the nearby fields, Kael oversaw Erghana's training, correcting her stance and exercises as she practiced with sword and magic.

"Focus your inner flame," he instructed. "Let the energy flow smoothly from within.", but Erghana still struggles.

Nearby, Galen oversaw repairs to the stockade, exchanging wisdom with the villagers on engineering and protection of people.

As the sun climbed higher, Laurent joined Erghana's lessons, hoping to aid her control of magical forces. "Visualize the energy as a river," he advised. "Let it flow where needed, ebb elsewhere."

After the training Laurent & Galen that they are in the region and village for a year because before the rise of Garnius there was trouble in the region, and they were sent here by the magic school to investigate and help the villagers.

Come noon, all broke to share the villagers' humble meal and converse of village affairs. Elders spoke of planning for the coming harvest while mending roofs before winter's chill. Young ones played nearby, weaving spells of pretend amid fits of laughter.

In afternoon, Kael guided sword forms while Galen taught herb-lore and healing. Laurent assisted any struggling with spells, bolstering their belief in innate talents. As day waned, villagers returned to chores with spirits lifted by community.

That evening around the bonfire, elders wove tales of heroes past for wide-eyed children. In flickering light and deepening shadows, bonds of fellowship endured, now and forever more. And in such simple beauty was harbored strength for any storm.


A Display of Power

Erghana spent the next few days in the village, observing Galen and Laurent as they worked to protect the villagers from the bandits. She could see that they were skilled and powerful, and that they genuinely cared for the safety and well-being of the people they were protecting. But Erghana couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to their story than they were letting on. She made a mental note to herself to keep a close watch on Galen and Laurent, and to gather more information on them and their role in the kingdom.

Kael also remained vigilant, trusting his instinct that there were still pieces missing from Galen and Laurent's story. He resolved to keep a close eye on the two mages as they sought to uncover the truth behind the fall of Lendre.

In the days following the arrival of Erghana and Kael to the small village, a band of ruthless bandits descended upon it, leaving the inhabitants to live in constant fear of their next attack. But this time, the outcome would be different.

Erghana, Kael, Laurent approached the bandits as they pillaged and plundered with impunity. With a commanding voice, Erghana issued a warning to the bandits, "Leave this village at once or face the consequences." The bandits sneered and laughed, but their mirth was short-lived as Erghana charged towards them, trying to ignite her sword with the fiery magic at her command.

She closed her eyes and concentrated, willing the fire crystals in her blood to unleash their power. But all she could manage was a small sputtering flame along the blade's edge that quickly died out. Frustration welled up inside her. The magic was there, simmering within, but her control still felt tenuous.

Seeing Erghana's feeble display of magic confused Laurent, as he did not expect her to have fire magic. Fire crystals were so rare, it was even the first time he had seen someone attempt to use fire magic. But he had not noticed any crystal in Erghana's belongings, "Could it be true," thought Laurent. "Could it be that the book I read about their blood to be true?" But he had no more time to continue his thoughts.

Kael fought at Erghana's side, wielding his sword with precision and strength. His skill and experience as a warrior complimented Erghana's fledgling magic, and together they formed a deadly duo.

Throughout the battle, Erghana desperately tried to summon more than just a few sputtering embers. She attempted to channel the firestorm she felt raging within, to unleash it upon their foes. But no matter how hard she tried, only scattered sparks and smoke trickled from her blade. The power was there, just out of reach.

With skill and determination, Erghana and Kael battled to protect the village and its inhabitants. Laurent watched in awe as they fought, never before having witnessed such power and skill. He marveled at how they moved with grace and precision, dispatching the bandits with deadly accuracy. Their swords seemed an extension of them, instruments of justice wielded with the weight of the kingdom's hope.

During the intense battle with the bandits, Erghana, Kael and the two mages fought fiercely as a well-coordinated team. The bandits, taken aback by the ferocity of their defense, attempted to regroup and counterattack, but the combined strength of the group was too much for them to handle.

The air crackled with Laurent's electric bolts, which struck the bandits with blinding intensity, leaving them vulnerable to Erghana and Kael's onslaught. Galen, the seasoned mage, used his magic to protect the village and the villagers, forming invisible barriers that shielded them from harm.

With Kael fighting at her side, Erghana feels confident and determined as they dispatch the bandits together and face their leader, bringing victory and justice to the village once more. Their combined powers and skills shine through as they restore hope to the people of Lendre, one village at a time.

As the last bandit fell, Erghana turned her attention to the leader of the bandits, a ruthless and feared criminal who had long terrorized the region. He stepped forward, his voice filled with arrogance as he sought to intimidate her with his boasts and threats.

But Erghana was not impressed. She had faced countless adversaries in her adventures, and she was not about to be cowed by this criminal. However, she was also keenly aware of the limitations of her own magic. She knew she lacked the control and mastery needed to unleash her full potential. But she resolved not to let those doubts stop her from doing what was necessary.

With determination in her eyes, Erghana confronted the bandit leader. "Your reign of terror ends here," she proclaimed, her voice carrying the weight of her mission to bring back justice and peace to the kingdom of Lendre.

The bandit leader laughed mockingly, dismissing Erghana as just another foolhardy adventurer. He drew his weapon, preparing to face her in battle. But before he could make a move, Kael rushed in, his sword slashing through the air and defeating the bandit leader with his impressive swordsmanship.

The remaining bandits, realizing the futility of their situation, fled in terror, leaving behind their weapons and loot. The village erupted in cheers and applause as they witnessed the heroic act of Erghana and Laurent, who had fought valiantly to protect them. The grateful villagers surrounded Erghana, Kael and Laurent, expressing their heartfelt thanks and admiration for their bravery.


The Fallen Hero

As the villagers celebrated their hard-won victory over the bandit raiders, a sudden cry of alarm cut through the jubilant noise. Galen, the wise and respected old mage who had guided and protected the village for many years, had been struck by a stray arrow during the battle. Despite the desperate efforts of the other villagers and Kael to save him, Galen's life slipped away as he lay on the ground.

Laurent, the mage's apprentice, was inconsolable with grief as he knelt by Galen's side. "Master, no!" he cried, tears streaming down his face as he held Galen's hand. Galen looked up at him with a weak smile, "I've lived a good life, Laurent. I'm proud to have died protecting these people. And I am proud of you, you have been a great apprentice."

Laurent felt a deep sense of loss and sadness at the passing of his mentor, but also a sense of admiration for Galen's selflessness and bravery. "You were a true hero, Galen," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten."

As the villagers mourned the loss of Galen, Erghana and Kael approached Laurent and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Erghana understood the pain he was feeling, having lost many comrades in her own battles. "Galen's spirit lives on through the people he protected," she said, her voice soft but steady. "And we will honor his memory by continuing our quest to restore the kingdom of Lendre to its former glory."

Galen's death weighed heavily on their hearts, but it also strengthened their resolve to carry on the fight. They knew that they had to remain strong and focused on their mission, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead. Galen had believed in them and entrusted them with the task of bringing light back to the kingdom. They couldn't afford to falter now.

In the evening, the villagers held a solemn ceremony to honor Galen's memory. They built a funeral pyre and surrounded it with flowers, candles, and symbols of the elements he had wielded so skillfully in life. The flames danced and flickered in the night, casting a warm glow over the faces of the mourners. Erghana and Laurent stood at the forefront, their heads bowed in respect and gratitude for the fallen hero.

As they bid their final farewells, Erghana felt a renewed sense of purpose. Galen's sacrifice had touched her deeply, and she knew that she had to carry on the legacy he had left behind. She made a silent vow to honor his memory by using her powers and skills to their fullest potential, to protect the innocent and vanquish evil from the land.

The villagers, too, were determined to continue the fight in Galen's memory. They pledged their support to Erghana, Kael and Laurent, offering them provisions and valuable information to aid them in their quest. The village chief, a wise and elderly man, approached Erghana with a small amulet. "This was gifted to our temple by Galen," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. " He told us it was a protective Amulet. It's a symbol of hope and courage. Take it, as it will be of more use to you." The small amulet had a peculiar symbol carved in the silver.

Erghana accepted the amulet gratefully, promising to wear it always as a reminder of their fallen comrade. With heavy hearts but determined spirits, they bid the village farewell, their sights set on the next step of their journey.


Journeying Onwards

As they settled into the village for the night, Erghana, Kael and Laurent shared stories of their past adventures and the reasons for their journey to Lendre. Laurent shared that he needed to return to the Great School of Magic to inform them of his master's passing, spoke of his aspirations to become a great mage like Galen. He admired the way Galen had selflessly protected the villagers, and he wanted to follow in his footsteps, using his powers to bring light and hope to those in need.

Erghana revealed that House J'Khama, once renowned for its valor and wisdom, had faced internal conflicts and power struggles that weakened its standing in the great Houses of Liviana. She felt compelled to restore her house's honor and reputation, and by doing so, she hoped to inspire others and show that strength could be tempered with compassion and justice.

Kael shared that his main goal was to support and guide Erghana in her journey, having sworn loyalty to House J'Khama. He believed in Erghana's potential as a leader and promised to aid her however he could.

As the night grew darker, Erghana, Kael and Laurent exchanged a solemn nod, knowing that their journey was far from over. The loss of Galen had strengthened their resolve, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind the kingdom's fall and restore Lendre to its former glory.

With the break of dawn, they bid farewell to the villagers. Their path was uncertain, and dangers lay ahead, but they were not alone. The memory of Galen's sacrifice and the hope of the people fueled their determination. And so, the young mage and the determined group rode onward, leaving the small village behind. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but they were ready to face whatever lay in their way, for they carried the hope of a kingdom in their hearts. As the sun rose higher in the sky, it illuminated their path, and with unwavering determination, Erghana, Kael and Laurent ventured forth.

As they rode into the horizon, Erghana's heart swelled with a mix of sadness and determination. The desolate land of Lendre was no longer just a distant memory; it was now her responsibility, and she would stop at nothing to see it bloom once more. Kael was determined to fulfill his duty of supporting and guiding Erghana, staying by her side every step of the way. Together with Laurent, they formed an unlikely but formidable team. 


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