Master LeieSistal
Elie Servantie

In the world of Myths & Legends : Aknos

Visit Myths & Legends : Aknos

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Chapter 1 : The Duty and the Sword

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A new dawn

Vernadum 21st Vianedan 7879, Age of Great Adventures


Amidst the imposing stone walls and flickering torchlight of the Central Tower, the powerful wizard's enraged voice echoed through the vaulted corridors. "Where could it be? The key, it seems to elude me." he bellowed, his fists clenched in fury. The sound of shattering glass pierced the air as he swept aside the array of vials and scrolls cluttering the table before him.

Far below in the moonlit redwood forest, the crackling campfire cast dancing shadows across the faces of the armed men huddled around it. Their rough laughter and the stench of stale ale mingled with the earthy scent of the trees. "Now that they're in disarray, we can finally raid to our hearts' content," the apparent leader growled, baring his yellowed teeth in a sinister grin. His scarred knuckles whitened as he tightened his grip on the battle axe resting across his lap.

The rest of his men nodded and chuckled in anticipation, the firelight glinting off their unsheathed blades and dented armor. In the distance, the hooting of a lone owl punctuated the stillness of the night. But as the men sharpened their weapons with slow, menacing scrapes of stone on metal, the serenity of the forest was shattered by the promise of violence soon to come.




Within the lavish council of Dukes chambers, of the Great Houses of Liviana, an air of urgency and frustration permeated the heated debates between the ruling Dukes. Sunlight streamed in through the ornate stained-glass windows as they argued well into the afternoon.

The usual tranquil atmosphere had been shattered by dire news from the neighboring kingdom of Lendre. Tales of oppression and tyranny under the iron grip of Regent Garnius had reached their ears. The Kingdom of Lendre, once known for its prosperity and stability, was now engulfed in chaos and fear.

Duke Erkahm's face was etched with concern, his fingers rapping impatiently on the polished oak table. Other dukes gestured wildly, their voices rising as tempers flared. Some argued for negotiations, hoping diplomacy could restore peace. Others demanded military action, believing only a show of force would topple the corrupt Regent.

Erkahm massaged his temples, weighing his options carefully. His daughter Erghana watched silently from the corner, her bright eyes taking in the unfolding drama.

As the sun began to sink lower in the sky, the council's arguments seemed to grow louder and more heated, yet no resolution was in sight. Erghana watched in silent frustration, her thoughts echoing with a growing urgency. "The people of Lendre suffer while we bicker," she thought, her fingers clenched tightly in her lap. "There has to be a way to restore peace."

The sun disappeared from the horizon and the council adjourned without consensus. The Dukes stalked out in frustration, their ornate cloaks billowing. Erkahm lingered behind, the shadows gathering around him. His furrowed brows and somber expression made it clear the situation weighed heavily on his mind.

The need for swift action hung in the air, a palpable tension that echoed the unease in their hearts. With each passing moment, the fate of Liviana and Lendre teetered precariously on the edge of a blade. Erkahm strode out with renewed purpose, prepared to take matters into his own hands for the greater good. His House’ future prosperity, and his family's legacy, depended upon it.

The days following the heated council debate were marked by a heavy uncertainty that hung over Liviana. Erkahm spent long hours sequestered in his study, personally penning messages to trusted allies near and far, discreetly trying to gather intelligence on the rapidly deteriorating situation in Lendre.

In the bustling marketplace streets of Ocedia city, there was an unusual quiet. Shopkeepers murmured in hushed tones, wary of what news traders' wagons might bring from afar. The people sensed difficult times were ahead.


The Dinner

A few days had passed. As evening fell, the family gathered in the dining hall for their evening meal.

Erghana sat at the high table, her fingers idly tracing the ornate engravings that wound across the polished oak. Though the hall echoed with raucous chatter and hearty laughter, her mind remained elsewhere, reflecting on the challenges that lay before her.

Beside her, her brother Kahm leaned in, his voice low but steady. "Do not let doubt take root, sister. Your skills will sharpen in due time."

The words, simple yet sincere, lifted Erghana's spirts. Across the table, her sister Vanerma glanced up from her meal, offering a sly smile and wink. The gesture, though subtle, reignited Erghana's flickering flame of determination.

Just then, their father Erkahm entered, commanding attention with his booming baritone. " Erghana, you need to push yourself," her father's stern voice echoed through the grand dining hall as he joined the family for dinner. "As the heir to the House J'Khama, you have to show us you're ready to lead." The smell of roasted meat and fresh bread wafted up from the dishes laid out on the long oak table.

Erghana nodded, her stomach churning with anxiety. She fidgeted with the silver goblet in front of her, tracing her fingers over the intricate vine engravings, knowing that her father's words were true, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she would never be able to live up to his expectations.

The mother, Levana, noticed her daughter's discomfort and placed a comforting hand on her arm, the warmth and gentleness soothing Erghana’s nerves. "Erghana, you are still young and have much to learn. But I have faith in you, and I know that you will make us proud." Kahm reached over to give her hand a reassuring squeeze underneath the table. Meanwhile, Vanerma engaged their father in animated conversation, deftly steering him away from criticizing Erghana further.

Erghana shot them three grateful smiles, heartened by their support and grateful for her mother's reassuring words. The crackling fire from the grand fireplace filled the hall with flickering light and crackling warmth. She looked around at the frescoed walls, depicting heroic battles of the past. I have a long journey ahead, she thought, but with my family beside me, I can face any challenge.

The Table was set with many of the typical dishes made in the region, the servants setting the table and bringing all the remaining dishes. The complete J'Khama Family around the table, Erkahm, at the head, regaling the others with tales of his own heroic deeds and the battles he had fought to claim the title of head of the House. As Erkahm began recounting tales of his bravery, Erghana listened attentively while discretely seeking out her siblings' gazes across the table.

"And then, I faced the dragon of Mount Erh’Nah, being the last one standing," Erkahm said, holding up his goblet of wine in a toast. "It was a fierce battle, but in the end, I emerged victorious and claimed the dragon's hoard as my own. This victory brought me glory and honor, allowing me to be given the head of the house, like my father before and I am sure as my daughter will."

Erghana listened to her father's tales, feeling the weight of expectation on her shoulders. She knew that as the heir to the House, she was expected to live up to her father's legacy and do even greater deeds to prove herself worthy of the title.

"But Father," Erghana said, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I am not sure I am ready to take on such great challenges. I am still learning and gaining experience."

Erkahm looked at his daughter with a stern expression. "Erghana, you've got to learn to take risks, to push yourself. The world's not a safe place and if you want to lead this House, you've got to be strong enough to face your fears."

Erghana's mother, Levana, spoke up in her defense. "Erkahm, our daughter is still young. She has time to prove herself and make her mark on the world."

But Erkahm was not swayed. "Nonsense. She must begin her journey now before it is too late. Erghana, you must set out on your own adventure and make a name for yourself."

Erghana looked down at her plate, feeling the pressure to live up to her father's expectations. She knew she must find a way to prove herself and earn her title.

When the meal concluded, Kahm and Vanerma conspired to steal Erghana away, filling the evening with laughter and diverting her troubled mind. Though duty called her to prove herself on the morrow, for now she basked in the comfort of cherished family, strengthened by their belief in her abilities even when her own faltered.


Training Session

The next day, Erghana sat cross-legged in the training yard, blades of grass brushing against her legs. Her training sword lay across her lap. She closed her eyes, slowing her breathing while feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her face.

Her father, Erkahm, watched from the sidelines, his expression expectant. As heir to House J'Khama, it was Erghana's duty to master the fire magic that flowed through her bloodline. By channeling that inner flame through the crystals, she could ignite her blade with supernatural fire.

Erghana's mentor, Kael, stood beside her, his hand resting reassuringly on her shoulder. "Focus on the fire within," he instructed, his voice a calming whisper. "Let it flow from your core, through your blood, into the crystals. Guide it along that path until your sword ignites."

Erghana inhaled deeply, centering her mind. She visualized the invisible flames that crackled within her, fueled by the fire crystals embedded in her cells since birth. Furrowing her brow in concentration, she willed those energies outwards. In her mind's eye, she saw crimson tendrils spiraling through her meridians, gathering in her palm where flesh met crystal.

The sword remained cold and lifeless. She huffed in frustration, losing her tenuous hold on the magic. Opening her eyes, she saw her father's stony disappointment.

"The crystals fail to ignite at my touch," she lamented. "No matter how I focus the flame, it flickers but never catches. Father is right to be displeased...if I cannot master our bloodline's gift, how can I lead our House?"

Kael squeezed her shoulder, his expression sympathetic. "Don't lose hope. The fire is there, within you. It takes practice to guide it along the channels."

Erghana's fingers curled tighter around the leather grip. She would keep trying, until these crystals bent to her unbreakable will.

Again, she closed her eyes, envisioning the flow of magic through blood and crystal. She pictured each breath fanning the embers inside her, building towards an inferno begging for release. The sun's warmth seemed to kindle that inner fire.

There! At last, she felt it - a spark of life from the dormant crystals in her hands. A tiny flicker of flame danced along the sword's edge. She let out a cry of delight. But the fledgling fire quickly sputtered out once more.

Disappointment pierced her brief elation. Kael's stern voice reminded her the task was incomplete.

"I must ignite the whole blade, not just the tip," she murmured. Her inner fire had awakened, but true control still eluded her. She resolved to tame those wild flames, no matter how many hours her practice required.

Kael sensed her flagging morale. "Give it time. The fire smolders within you, ready to be unleashed."

His reassuring words rekindled Erghana's determination. Together, they would cultivate this spark into an inferno befitting her noble heritage. She took a deep breath and stilled her mind, ready to immerse herself in the challenge once more.

But Erkahm was not so patient. He stepped forward, boots crunching on the gravel, his eyes narrowed in frustration. "You need to try harder, Erghana." he admonished, his voice sharp. "You're the heir. You cannot afford weakness."

Erghana's shoulders slumped under the weight of her father's disapproval. She knew he was right, but it didn't make it any easier to hear.

"Again, my flames failed to fully ignite the sword. Father's disappointed gaze cut deeper than any blade. I know I must push past my doubts … and fully command my magic, or risk shaming my House."

 She slowly rose to her feet, gravel bits pressing into her skin, her sword still in her hand. "I understand, Father. I'll keep practicing," she said, steeling her resolve. She would prove herself worthy, no matter how hard she had to try.

Erkahm nodded, but his expression was still one of disappointment. "I have a meeting with the council of Dukes. We'll continue this later." He turned and strode away, leaving Erghana and Kael alone in the training yard.

Erghana let out a sigh and looked down at her sword. She knew her father's expectations were high, and she was determined to meet them, but it was hard when she was struggling with her magic. She looked up at Kael, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't let this failure get to you," Kael said. "Firemagic is the embodiment of power in our realm, and you represent power."

Erghana nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. She knew she needed to work harder and improve her skills, but it was hard when her own father seemed to have lost patience with her. She resolved to keep practicing, determined to prove herself to both her father and the House J'Khama.

It’s been hours of trying and failing until she started to focus her energy, channeling the fire crystals in her blood into the sword. The blade glowed orange and a small flame appeared at the tip. Erghana's face lit up with excitement, but it was short-lived.

"That's not enough," Kael said, his voice stern. "You need to be able to ignite the entire sword, not just the tip."

Erghana's excitement turned to disappointment. She had been working hard to master her fire magic, but it never seemed to be enough for her father or for Kael.

"I understand, truly, I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

"Your father expects great things from you, Erghana," Kael continued. "As the future of the house, you have a responsibility to lead your people. You can't do that with a weak flame."

Erghana nodded, determination in her eyes. "I'll keep practicing. I won't let my father down."

"We will see that you don't," Kael said, "now let’s get back to training!"



The sword inception

Erkahm stood in the blacksmith's workshop, the air thick with smoke and the ringing of metal on metal. He ran his fingers over a finished sword, feeling the smoothness of the polished steel. His eyes taking in the beauty of the forge and the intricate details of the pieces of armor and weapons that surrounded him. As he looked around, he couldn't help but be impressed by the skill of the blacksmith.

The blacksmith looked up from his anvil, his brow glistening with sweat. He gave a respectful nod. "How may I serve, my lord?"

"Master blacksmith," Erkahm said, his voice carrying a hint of respect, "I have come to ask for your services. I need you to forge a sword for my daughter, Erghana."

The blacksmith put down his tools and turned to face Erkahm, a friendly smile on his face. "Of course, my lord. What kind of sword would you like?"

Erkahm says, "My daughter, she’s been tirelessly honing her magic, yet the full ignition of her sword remains elusive. I hold hope that this new weapon will be the catalyst she needs."

The blacksmith nods, his expression serious. "I understand, my lord. A sword is only as good as the wielder who holds it. But I assure you, the sword I will forge for your daughter will be of the finest quality. It will be a worthy tool for her to hone her skills with."

Erkahm nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, I believe you are right. Erghana has always been a determined young woman, and I am confident she will use this sword to its full potential."

The blacksmith nods. "Absolutely, my lord. If she keeps up the hard work and doesn’t give up, she's going to be an incredible warrior. And when it's time for her to set off on her journey, she’s going to be more than ready."

Erkahm nods, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. "Yes, I have faith in her. And I believe that with the help of this sword, she will achieve great things and make a name for herself."

The blacksmith nods, his expression thoughtful. "I have no doubt, my lord. And when she returns, the entire Great Houses of Liviana will sing her praises. But for now, I must get back to work on the sword. Please, do not hesitate to return if you have any further requests."

Erkahm nods, a small smile on his face. "Thank you, Master Blacksmith. I will leave you to your work. I have a meeting to attend, but I will return soon to check on the progress of the sword."

With that, Erkahm turns and leaves the workshop, the heat from the forge warming his back. Soon his daughter would wield a blade worthy of her noble blood. He had no doubt this sword would unleash her true power. His thoughts already turning to the important meeting he must attend. He knows that the future of the great houses and the kingdom of Lendre rests on the outcome of this meeting, and he is determined to do everything in his power to secure a bright future for his daughter and for all the people of the land.



A fond memory

Erghana's mind drifted back to a fond winter memory from her childhood, of an afternoon spent exploring Ocedia City with her dear friend Princess Seraophin of Lendre.

The city streets were blanketed in snow, but the cold did little to dampen the excitement of the two young girls as they set out on their adventure. After building snowmen and having a snowball fight in the main city square, they wandered down cobblestone alleys lined with charming shops and homes. Erghana and Seraophin pressed their faces against the frosted glass of a bakery, gazing longingly at the freshly baked sweets and pastries inside.

As they ventured further, the tempting aromas of roasted meats and exotic spices drew them towards the open-air marketplace. Vendors called out to passersby, selling wares from faraway lands. Erghana was fascinated by the shiny silks and colorful fabrics being sold by a cloth merchant. Seraophin stopped to admire intricate jewelry made by a local artisan.

After exploring the lively marketplace, the girls made their way down to the riverbank. They watched boats glide across the shimmering frozen waters, imagining sailing to distant kingdoms. The looming castle on the other side of the river reminded them of their royal responsibilities ahead.

Cold and tired from their long walk, the girls stopped to rest on a stone bench overlooking the river. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, taking in the scenic snow-covered view. The majestic castle spires, bustling marketplace, and meandering river made Ocedia feel alive in wintertime. Seraophin was the first to break the silence. " When I'm queen, I'll open up the castle gardens for everyone to enjoy," she said. "We'll throw festivals and celebrations, really give the people something to be happy about."

"That sounds wonderful," Erghana replied. "I wish to help those in need, like the hungry and poor I saw with my father. I want to give them food and shelter."

Seraophin smiled. "We'll make a great team. I'll spread joy, and you'll ease suffering."

Erghana smiled back. "Together we'll make our homes a better place. You in Lendre, me in Ocedia."

Though they came from different lands, in that moment they were simply two girls sharing hopes and dreams on a snowy windowpane, unaware of the troubles that lay ahead.

Erghana remembered vowing to always be there for Seraophin, no matter what. Seraophin looked into Erghana’s eyes, solemn yet fierce. "Whatever may come, we must stand by each other. Two realms may divide us, yet our friendship knows no bounds."

Erghana met her gaze. "I vow to be your loyal companion, through darkness and light. No shadow of tyranny shall break our bond."

Seraophin clasped Erghana's hand. "Then we are sisters in all but blood. United in purpose, standing against those who would do harm."

The loud sound of a cart snap Erghana out of her daydream, this memory being years in the past. But she liked coming back and siting on the same spot when they made their promise. Hushed murmurs drifting through the garden intrigued Erghana. Nearby, a group of merchants had gathered on the winding path to confer.

"The caravans from Lendre haven't come through in months," said a stout dwarf glumly. "Our southern route through Bruma is risky, but we've no choice if we want to keep businesses running."

A human merchant nodded gravely. "The Bruma folk grow restless as the drought deepens their lands. Bandit activity has surged along that road."

"What of ships rounding the coastline?" asked another human in tattered robes. "Surely the sea lanes remain open?"

The dwarf shook his head. "I've worded that strange storms now hound those waters, lashing any vessels caught unawares. Some say 'tis fell magic brewing over Lendre that curses the winds."

The group fell into worried murmurs. It was then that Erghana emerged from shadow. "What word have you from Lendre directly? How fare your kin trapped within that land?"

Startled, the merchants turned to her. But when they saw House J'Khama's colors, they relaxed and one spoke. "Alas, letters come few and far between these days. The news grows grim - crops fail under Garnius’s shadow, while citizens flee or live in fear. How our king could let this pass I cannot say."

Erghana nodded, thoughtful. These peoples' fates were now tangled with her own. She thanked the merchants and left with a heavier heart, resolved more than ever to lift the pall over Lendre, if only for the sake of those trapped beneath its clouds.



Honor is due

In the great hall outside the council chamber, the loud voices of arguing nobles echoed off the stone walls. The torch sconces flickered as doors slammed, their flames dancing wildly in the gusts of air. Erkahm stormed out from the chamber, his embroidered velvet cloak swirling behind him, frustration etched on his bearded face.

He swiftly made his way down the winding staircase of the central tower, past arched windows overlooking the bustling city below. Emerging into the courtyard, he breathed in the crisp air, hoping to calm his simmering anger. The clacking of armored guards’ boots on the cobblestones followed him as he crossed to the stables.

As Erkahm’s white stallion galloped down the street of the city back to his estate, his mind raced with potential solutions to Lendre’s plight. The kingdom had been a loyal ally for generations, and its downfall could destabilize the entire region. He had to act.

Entering the training yard, the sound of clashing swords rang out as Erghana dueled with her mentor. Her blade glinted in the afternoon sun as she lunged and parried, swirling her cloak of deep red. Seeing her father arrive, she sheathed her sword and turned to him expectantly.

Erghana turned at the sound of her name, watched her father stride across the courtyard. Though his brow lay furrowed in thought, beneath shone a glint of inspiration.

"I've turned the matter this way and that," Erkahm began, clasping hid shoulder in a mantle's grip. "A solution presents itself, should you be willing."

Curiosity stirred within her. "What path have you envisioned, father?"

A smile broke across Erkahm's face, weary lines lifting in its wake. "A hero's journey, should you accept it. One to shake the realm and lift your name to glory."

Before her stretched unknown trials, yet walking beside family, what shadow could fall so deep? Her chin lifted, eyes sparking with newfound resolve. "Speak your will, father. I am ready."

"The princess of Lendre is in hiding, scared for her life, and the kingdom is in chaos. As a Fireknightess of the Great Houses of Liviana, I think it falls to you to find the princess and bring order back to Lendre."

Erghana's heart began to race as she considered her father's proposal. "But, father, I am still not fully trained in my magic, and I do not have enough experience to embark on such a quest."

Placing a hand on her mailed shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "We will prepare you for this journey, this quest will push you to your limits and beyond, and I have no doubt that you will succeed. But you have been training for years, Erghana. You are skilled with the sword, and your magic is strong. You remember the Princess?"

Erghana nodded and Erkahm continued, "She is the key to defeating Garnius and reclaiming the Kingdom of Lendre. You must find her and bring her back to the council. You will not be alone on this journey, I have arranged for your trainer, Kael to accompany you. He is a skilled warrior and will help you complete your training. This will be the opportunity for you to prove yourself as the future leader of our House and a hero in the eyes of the council. Do you accept this quest, my daughter?"

Erghana takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of fear and excitement and looked at her father, "Yes, father. I will not disappoint you. I will find the Princess and restore the Kingdom of Lendre to its former glory."

Erkahm smiled, "Good. Then let us prepare for your journey. We have much work to do and not much time. I will speak to the council and see what resources we can provide for your quest." Erkahm embraces his daughter, a sense of hope and pride swelling in his chest. He knows that this quest will not be easy, but he believes in Erghana's abilities and her strength. He knows that she has the potential to be a great leader and a hero, and he is excited to see what the future holds for her.

Erghana felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the thought of her journey. She knew it would be a great challenge, but she was determined to succeed and prove herself as the worthy leader.



The preparation

The conference room was a spacious chamber, with tall windows that looked out over the sprawling city of Ocedia. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books and scrolls, and a large table sat in the center of the room. Maps of the kingdom of Lendre were spread out on the table, surrounded by quills, ink pots, and other supplies. Erghana, Kael, and Erkahm sat at the table, looking over the maps and discussing the details of the journey.

Erkahm begins, "Erghana, your journey to Lendre is of utmost importance. We must ensure that you are well prepared for the challenges you will face. The first step is to seek allies in the kingdom of Lendre. You will need to visit the mayors of the major cities and request their support in your mission to overthrow Garnius."

Kael interjects, "And we must also seek the support of the School of Magic. The headmaster may be able to provide you with valuable information and resources for your journey."

Erghana nods, "Yes, I understand. I will do my best to gain their support."

Erkahm continues, "Remember, you must be diplomatic and persuasive in your approach. The success of your mission will depend on the support of those you meet along the way."

Kael nods, "And because I will accompany you, I will be able to offer you, my expertise."

Erghana looks at both of them, "Thank you for your support. I will not let you down."

Kael adds, "Erghana, I have also studied the history of Lendre and our neighboring kingdoms for years. I will provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions and overcome any obstacles that may arise."

Erghana nods gratefully, "Thank you, Kael. Your knowledge and expertise will be invaluable to me on this journey."

Erkahm continued, "We must take every precaution in our preparations, and make sure that we have thought of every possibility," he says. "Your mission to Lendre will be no easy feat, but I am confident in your abilities, and with our support, you will surely come out on top." Erghana's heart swells with pride and happiness at her father's unwavering confidence in her.

The three of them continue their discussions, finalizing the details of the journey and ensuring that Erghana has everything she needs to be successful. They go over their plans multiple times, making adjustments where necessary and discussing various scenarios that may arise during the journey.

Finally, with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, the three of them rise from the table, ready to embark on their mission. They know that there will be challenges ahead, but with their combined strength and determination, they are confident that they will be successful in their quest to save the kingdom of Lendre.



Siblings duel in the garden

The Sun was setting over the Duchy of Ocedia, bathing the J'Khama estate in a soft orange glow. Erghana sat in the gardens, lost in thoughts of her coming journey, when she heard laughter drifting through the trees. She followed the merry noises; there she found her siblings Kahm and Vanerma engaged in a more spirited contest than mere childish games.

Kahm wielded his training sword with practiced skill, parrying Vanerma's rapid strikes. Though only a wooden blade, Vanerma met each blow with ferocity, her brow furrowed in fierce determination. Erghana watched with admiration as the siblings dueled amongst the rose bushes, their footwork nimble and forms precise.

When Vanerma managed to disarm Kahm with a deft flick of her wrist, cheering triumphantly, Erghana couldn't help but applaud. "Well fought, sister! Your skills continue to improve."

Vanerma beamed at the praise while Kahm chuckled, rubbing his bruised ego. "Come now, do not gloat so loudly! Another round, little sister, and this time I shall claim victory." He plucked up his sword and motioned her to ready her stance once more.

But Erghana interjected, unsheathing her own blade. "If it's a true contest you seek, brother, then face an opponent worth your steel. Come, let us add our magic to the dance."

Kahm grinned, and soon the trio was lost in the whirl of steel, their sparring fueled by affection instead of malice. As Erghana parried Kahm's blows and Vanerma harassed from the flanks, she felt her cares lift. With siblings such as these by her side, no darkness could overcome her.

The sword

Once the moon had waxed and waned thrice since Erkahm, Erghana and Kael first planned the perilous journey to Lendre. In the weeks since the fateful planning session, Erghana had trained relentlessly, honing her skills in preparation for the challenges ahead. Kael had overseen her training, pushing her to the limits of her endurance.

The grand hall of House J'Khama is a magnificent chamber that showcases the wealth and power of the J'Khama family. The walls are adorned with intricate frescoes depicting battles, sieges, and other historic events that have shaped the duchy of Ocedia. The floor is made of refined wood plank, and pilar were oak wood carved and gold leaf embellishments. At the far end of the hall stands a raised dais, upon which sits a grand throne made of gold and gems. This throne is the seat of the head of House, and it is here that important decisions are made, and honored guests are received. In front of the throne, a large fire pit burns, casting warm light and heat throughout the hall. The air is heavy with the scent of incense, and the sounds of soft music and hushed conversation echo off the walls. It is a truly awe-inspiring space, reflecting the majesty and prestige of the J'Khama family.

Erghana had just finished sparring in the training yard, the ring of steel still echoing in her ears. Her mentor Kael was recounting the progress of her skills as Erkahm raised a hand, wordlessly commanding his attention.

Erkahm clears his throat to get their attention, and Kael steps back, leaving Erghana to face her father. "Erghana," says Erkahm, his voice boomed throughout the hall with a chieftain's authority. "I have something for you."

At his gesture, a servant hurried forth bearing an iron-bound chest. Erkahm rose from his throne and reverently presented the chest to his daughter. "Open it," he urged, pride glinting in his eyes.

Erghana removes the lid of the box, revealing a beautiful and exquisitely crafted sword. The hilt is adorned with gold and rubies, and the blade gleams in the light of the chandelier overhead.

"This sword was forged just for you, Erghana," says Erkahm. "It has been forged with the finest materials and enchanted with the power of the fire crystals. It will be a great asset to you on your journey."

As Erghana gripped the leather-wrapped hilt, she felt the sword's power awakening within her blood, the fire crystals singing in harmony with her soul. The blade of the sword shimmers with an otherworldly light that seems to come from within the weapon itself. The light is a result of the fire crystals that were used in the forging of the sword. These rare crystals are said to have an elemental connection to fire and imbue the sword with an unmatched strength and power. Erkahm looked on approvingly as the blade glowed brighter, accepting its new mistress. Erkahm looked on approvingly as the blade glowed brighter, accepting its new mistress. He was proud that the sword has recognized his daughter's strength and power.

"The sword’s crystals are special, Erghana," says Erkahm. "It will only respond to those with the power of the fire crystals in their blood as they are lensing fire crystals. You are the only one who can wield it effectively. Use it wisely, and it will never fail you."

Erghana nods, understanding the weight of the responsibility that has been placed upon her.

Gripping the hilt tightly, she focused her mind and summoned the fire magic that flowed within her blood. She felt the energy gather and surge through her as she willed it down her arm and into the crystalline pommel. Suddenly, the blade erupted with flickering flames, casting dancing shadows across the hall. Erghana's eyes widened in delight and triumph. After countless failures, she had finally ignited the blade fully with her own fire magic, unlocked by the power of the sword's crystals. She grinned as she gave the flaming sword an experimental swing, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

Erkahm looked upon his daughter with pride. "Well done, Erghana. I knew you had it within you. With the fire sword at your side, you will have the power to face your destiny." Erghana met her father's gaze, flushed with excitement at her accomplishment.

"The ruby pommel gleams in the firelight, it must be fire crystals, one of the last we have. I vowed to wield this sword, and my magic, to uphold our noble name through any challenge, and for the betterment of our people and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”

But then, just as quickly as it had ignited, the fire extinguished itself, the sword's blade going cold and dull once more. Erghana's excitement turned to disappointment as she realized she did not yet have full control over sustaining the magical flame. She looked to her father, worried she had failed his expectations.

Yet Erkahm gave her a reassuring smile. "Do not be disheartened," he said. "The sword has shown you the potential of your powers. But controlling them takes practice and discipline. We will train you, so that in time, you can ignite the flame at will, and keep it burning bright for as long as needed. This is merely the first step on that journey."

Erghana nodded, her confidence rising again with her father's wisdom and encouragement. There was still much work to be done, but now she had tasted the exhilaration of her magic unleashed. She would harness that power, no matter how hard she had to train.

"This sword represents more than just a weapon; it represents your heritage and the power of the J'Khama family. You are the future leader of this household, and it is my duty to ensure that you are equipped with all the necessary tools to fulfill that role. Your training has been chaotic and not to the standard I wished, but you have made some progress. However, your journey has just begun, and with Kael at your side, you will continue your training and manage to be worthy of this quest. The kingdom of Lendre is in peril and you must be ready to face any challenge that comes your way."

Erghana nods, feeling a sense of responsibility weighs heavily on her. She knows that her mission is not just to save the kingdom, but also to restore the honor and pride of the J'Khama household.

Erkahm nods, "I trust Kael, he has been a loyal friend and servant to the J'Khama household for many years. His support and guidance will be invaluable to you on your journey."

Erghana looks at Kael and then back at her father, "Thank you. I will not let you down. I will do everything in my power to save the kingdom and bring the honor of our house."

Erkahm smiles, "I have faith in you, Erghana. You are the future of the J'Khama house."



The departure

« What a beautiful and soft orange glow on the garden trees. I should appreciate it, but I find no peace in this beauty tonight. So much rests on my shoulders. What if I fail? Fail my father, fail my house, fail Seraophin, who even now lives in fear for her life under Garnius's shadow. How can I be sure I have the strength, the skill, the wisdom to see this quest through? The road ahead is long and fraught with peril. Darkness lies thick over Lendre - can my flames truly pierce it?

No, no… I must banish these thoughts. I did not train all these years simply to waver now, on the eve of my departure. My people, my house needs me. With Kael at my side, I will grow and train to be the best knightess.

I am heir to House J'Khama. Doubt will do me no good now. I have a duty to fulfill. Come dawn, my quest will begin in earnest. »



Erghana guided her white stallion along the winding forest path, dappled sunlight dancing across the mossy ground. Her newly forged sword hung at her hip, the ruby grip glinting. Beside her rode Kael upon his chestnut mare, his eyes alert for signs of danger.

Erghana straightened her back, feeling the weight of duty settle upon her shoulders. She would be the one to save Princess Seraophin and restore glory to the kingdom of Lendre.

Kael glanced at Erghana, noticing her pensive expression. "We will succeed, my lady," he said. "Have faith in yourself, as I do."

Erghana managed a small smile. "Your confidence heartens me."

Up ahead, the path opened to reveal a sprawling valley dotted with wildflowers. Erghana took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet floral scent. The beauty of the land filled her with hope.

She placed a hand on the sword's hilt, feeling the power that lay within. With her loyal companion at her side, she would overcome any foe.

"Come, we have far to go," Erghana said. And together they rode onward into the valley, ready to face their destiny.

As Erghana makes her way through the verdant landscapes of Liviana, her mind is plagued by memories of her childhood friend, Princess Seraophin of Lendre. The thought of the atrocities that her dear friend must now be enduring under the tyrannical rule of Regent Garnius fills Erghana with a sense of determination.

Seraophin was sent to spend her childhood in the duchy of Ocedia to gain experience and knowledge of foreign lands. Her father, the king of Lendre, believed that it was important for his daughter to have exposure to diverse cultures and ways of life and as his family and House J'Khama had a long-standing friendship, it was the perfect place.

Erghana and Seraophin had quickly bonded as they grew up playing together in the grand gardens and exploring the bustling streets of Ocedia. They shared a love for adventure and often found themselves getting into mischief, but their friendship only grew stronger with each new escapade.

As they grew older, their paths started to diverge as Seraophin returned to Lendre to take on the responsibilities of being a princess. However, their bond never faded, and they kept in touch through letters, sharing stories of their lives and adventures.

Erghana remembers the last time she saw Seraophin before she returned to her kingdom. They sat in the gardens, sharing their hopes and dreams for the future. Seraophin had expressed her desire to bring peace and prosperity to her kingdom, and Erghana had promised to always be there for her, no matter what.

But now, with news of the fall of Lendre under the rule of Regent Garnius, Erghana knows that she must keep her promise and be there for her dear friend. She sets out on her journey, determined to uncover the truth, and bring an end to the tyranny of the regent.



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