Knight Orders

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Ordo Equites Imperii - The Order of the Imperial Knights

The Ordo Equites Imperii is the personal Order of the Emporer. Knights of the order are the best trained as the imperial trainers train them. Some of these trainers are powerful void mages that have been able to use time manipulation to expand their life span by a hundred or more years, making them masters in the ways of wars. The knights of the Ordo Equites Imperii are insanely strong in their armor, with the strength four times the strength of the strongest man.  Outside of their armor, they have the strength two times that of the strongest man. The Imperial Knights are equipped with the best weapons and armor that can be obtained. For example, they can access the best projectile weapons like the AstroBolt Rifle to fight other knights that shoot exploding .50 Bmg Caliber bullets or standard .50 Bmg. Caliber bullets and a regular rifle to fight your average soldier. As well as armor that can block many types of ammo smaller than .50 Bmg. Caliber bullets. As well as piloting an Eques Type Steed that is more advanced than your average Steed of a Knight.

Ordo Spatium - The Order of the Space Knights

The Ordo Spatium is the most common order of knights found in space. They are primarily used for fighting in space or boarding vessels like large Cruisers or other large spaceships. The knights of the Ordo Spatium are insanely strong in their armor, with strength of two times the strength of the strongest man. Outside of their armor, they have the strength two times that of the strongest man, like in their armor. The knights of Ordo Spatium are often trained on low-gravity moons or space stations, like the moon of Gronland, a low-gravity moon ruled by Gunther of House Sietasch in the year 8035. The “Space Knights” were armor/spacesuits that could deflect many calibers of rifle rounds. The weapon these knights are best known for is their Shock rifle, which can shoot a beam of electricity, aka plasma, that is so powerful and hot it will burn through the space suit, shocking the target, and be used in space to kill a target without sending the user flying back through space, as well as piloting an Eques Type Steed that is made for space and space alone.

Ordo Planetarium - The Order of the Planet Knights

The Ordo Planetarium is the most common type of knight found in the empire. They are found used in combat on the surfaces of planets. The Ordo Planetarium is an order of knights, some of the physically strongest knights, not including the imperial knights. The knights of the Ordo Planetarium are insanely strong in their armor, with strength three times the strength of the strongest man. Outside of their armor, they have the strength two times that of the strongest man. They also stand an enormous seven feet eight inches compared to your average man standing around five feet nine inches tall. They can often be found as petty lords controlling miner noble houses on planets where they breed the most powerful knights they can. This often leads to the knight lord having a single wife and many concubines or mistresses to have as many sons and daughters as possible. The knights descend from humans that have been genetically enhanced to be faster, stronger, etc. than your average human this goes for all orders of knights, and these genetic enhancements are passed down to their children.

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