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The Dark History of the Empire (Ongoing) Warfare, Magic, And Unit Types (Ongoing) Knight Orders Magic User Types

In the world of Space Empire Setting

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The Dark History of the Empire (Ongoing)

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During the medieval times in Europe, around the year 1282 AD, after the Habsburgs rose to power in Austria, they discovered the magic that allowed the Void Mages to possess the extraordinary ability to manipulate space and time, allowing them to create rifts, warp reality, and bend the laws of physics to their will and more.

By discovering the Habsburg’s void magic, they could forcefully gain control of the Holy Roman Empire. They would seize all land of the HRE, declaring the creation of the Void Dominion, otherwise known as the Empire. By the year 1336 AD, all of Western Europe had fallen to the armies of the Empire, which, at this point, had a standing army of a million men and an unknown number of void mages, any were from five thousand to ten thousand magic of the four main types of magic users known at the time which are Warp Wielders, Chronomancers, Dreamshapers, and Teleopaths.

By 1398 AD, Eastern Europe had fallen to the ever-growing army of the Empire, now several million soldiers from all over the Empire. The second army, otherwise known as the mage army, consists of three thousand Warp Wielders, two thousand Cronomancers, one thousand Dreamshaper, and five hundred Teleopaths, totaling six thousand five hundred magic users.

In 1446 AD, Emperor Klaus II raised the largest army in the history of the Empire, numbering five million soldiers strong and fifteen thousand magic users. So, the invasion of Africa and the Middle East began. This invasion of Africa and the Middle East was only slowed by the discovery of the Rukn al-Quwwa (ركن القوة), otherwise known in English as the Pillar of Strength, magic users with the ability to enhance their bodies to the point that their speed, strength, senses, and endurance are increased to two times that of your average man.

The Rukn were a class of warriors made up of men and women, although due to the culture of the Muslim world, the Rukn woman was often kept away from the battlefield and used for the purpose of “breeding” new male Rukn to be used for war. The Rukn were rare throughout the Middle East, with only around fifty thousand splits, nearly half male and the other half female.

The war in the Middle East ended after two decades of content war where the empire lost around half a million soldiers to the insanely powerful Rukn and the armies they lead. But it would become inevitable that the nearly endless number of soldiers they could muster would end the independent Arab world, including by 1486 AD.

After the fall of the Arab world, all male Rukn were forcefully recruited into a legion or two in the army, and the female Rukn were forcefully sent to Europe to be mistresses and wives to noble lords and knight lords to create a type of soldier for the empire (before genetically enhanced knight dynasties were created).

After the fall of the Arab world, the army would march on the remainder of Africa that was not controlled by the Muslim Sultanates as they had already been subjugated, and two million men were “recruited” into the army, not including the Rukn with were also recruited into the army. By 1492 AD, the Songhai Empire had been annexed while they were in civil strife dynastic inheritance. By 1543 AD, the remainder of Africa had been annexed into the Empire.

By 1643 AD,  a century after the conquest of all of Africa, the continent of Asia had been completely annexed by the Empire, with the Chinese and Japanese putting up some resistance before being overwhelmed by a superior force.

In the year 1756 AD, Emperor Hinrick ordered the elimination of the Muslim population as he saw them as a threat. They were to be forcefully baptized under threat of death. This would lead to the Alharb Fi Sabil Allah, the war for God, where the part of the army that was Muslim, including the Muslim magic users, rose up against the Empire, leading to a ten-year-long war that would eventually lead to millions of soldiers, to be put to the sword and many more millions of mass executions of civilians that refused to convert. In the end, the Muslim population would be driven to near extinction, with less than a million Muslims left.

Finally, by the year 1823 AD, the colonization of the remaining continents would have been long underway, with large parts of North and South America primarily settled by European settlers and less so by people from other parts of the empire.

By 2255 AD, the Empire had started to spread to Mars and other plants that could be transformed into livable worlds using their warping abilities to teleport the ships. By 2345, the first new system had been colonized. By 2536, the empire controlled over two hundred planets, each headed by a feudal Count, with fifty Counts controlled by a Duke.

By 4000 AD, the Empire spread across a million planets, with many major houses controlling vast swaths of territory as Grand Dukes who ruled a hundred duchies each. And finally, the Princes were the highest rank in the Empire, each controlling fifty grand duchies.

By 8000 AD, the empire had spread into the far reaches of space, controlling some five million planets. With around five million Counts (some of which being Archbishops) in the empire ruling one world each, a million Dukes ruling fifty counts each, ten thousand Grand Dukes each controlling one hundred Dukes, and two hundred Princes each governing fifty Grand Duke. Above them all, a single emperor of the house Habsburg (it may be someone of the Habsburg line).

In the millennia of 8000 AD, the empire's expansion began to come to a halt as they ran into a red mist field of magic surrounding all known systems, making it impossible for void magic to be used to teleport past it.

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