Nadia: The King is Dead

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Nadezhda didn't believe Undyine, she couldn't but there was no reason to doubt her. She had to see for herself, and she wish she hadn't. Her father's body was the easiest to look at. His face was peaceful, at rest. But the shroud that covered him hid the grieveous wounds that covered his body. One which had torn open his chest. Nikalai was in pieces, his head and a part of his torso the only remaining parts to find. Cherim wasn't shown. She was told that he had been burned to death, the fire had melted most of his body, and what remained had been cremated so as to maintain his honor. Stalm, her nearest brother wasn't there. They couldn't find his body, only the remains of his sword and shield which were twisted and shattered. No matter how much she wanted to she couldn't cry. She couldn't scream. She just felt a cold empty feeling in her chest.

Undyine and Amar were there to watch over her, and once she had seen them, rushed her out and back to her room.  Once there she simply crouched, hugging her knees and letting her sadness wash off of herself. They didn't know what to say. Or how to say it. But they felt their hearts break with hers.

Undyine resorted to her skills as a maid and gathered comfortable clothes for Nadia. Amar knelt beside her and put his hand on her back. "My Queen, we—" Nadia interrupted him to stand and push him back.

"I'm Not your Queen! I-I'm your Princess. The- The King's Daughter. I'm n-not ready for this. I didn't ask for this. J-just don't-" Amar was shocked by her outburst and watch as she continued. "I wasn't-was Never supposed to be the Queen! My father was to rule, then Nikalai. He was ready, he was trained. I'm- I'm just a girl, playing at royalty compared to them. I-" Amar approached quickly and wrapped his arms around her in a strong hug. "N-no. Let me go Amar! I- Iiieee. I don't want to be Queen. It's not my place. It-it's not." She let herself go limp then grabbed hold of Amar as strong as she could as her tears fell. She wailed into his chest, quickly soaking it in tears, and asked questions no one could understand and no one could answer.

Undyine approached as well, slowly wrapping her arms around both of them. Undyine and Amar had joined her in crying. Amar patted her on the head and slowly went to the ground so Nadia's knees wouldn't give out from her shaking. He didn't know what to do. He had never had a child, and he could never have prepared for this.

Undyine rubbed her back and cooed to her slightly, comforting her like a child as she shared her pain with both of them. King Nikodim was closer to her then many would've thought. She was there for his coronation, became the caretaker for all of his children, and was even a wet nurse for Nadia as her mother withered from illness. She wished there was more she could do.

"Nade-. Nadia, I'm sorry this has happened. But remember, while you lost your family, the people lost their King. They need someone to guide them through these troubled times. If I could give this to one of your brothers I would, but it falls to you." She looked up at him, her tears still falling. "Remember though, you are not alone. You have Undyine, and myself, and everyone in the palace to help you."

He waited for her to respond but she didn't, simply burying her face into his chest again. He couldn't say anymore, so Undyine did instead. "Nadia, take a few days to rest. We'll handle things in the palace and city for a few days. What I want you to do is to prepare a eulogy for your father and brothers. If you need anything we'll be here for you. Amar, do you think we could hold a funeral for them the day after tomorrow?" Amar nodded, having already planned that. "Nadia, let's get you something to eat, then why don't we go see Dante. Would you like to see him?"

Nadia turned to look at Undyine, her head still against Amar's chest and tears slipping from her eyes. "He, he's alive? Dante is?"

Undyine nodded. "Yes, and I think even injured he'd like to see you too. Come on, let's get up now." Undyine helped her up, then shooed Amar out so she could get cleaned up. It took a while, as she kept crying, but there was nothing to be done about it. Undyine didn't chide her for it this time, it was too soon for that.

Eventually, Nadia was ready to leave and see Dante. Dante was in one of the halls which had been converted into a makeshift hospital. The young man's serious face was strained a bit more by pain, but did little to alleviate his expression. He was pale, and looked sickly, but was chatting amicably with another patient, a knight from the looks of it. He was older then her at twenty four, and she had always been interested in him, but few understood why.

As she approached, she saw what was wrong. There was only one leg visible under the sheets. She wanted to cry again, but held back. He was alive, that was something and she didn't want to cry again. Not yet. "Dante." She spoke softly as she approached his bedside.

He turned to look at her and smiled, his strained, serious face melting away. "Na-" He stopped himself short. It was improper for him to speak to her so lightly. "Princess. Thank you for visiting me while I'm recuperating."

Nadia laughed. "Even injured you remember your manners. How are you Dante?" Undyine had slipped away and returned with a chair for her to sit in. She understood his position, and what he thought. He wanted her to act properly, at least in front of the others.

"I-. I'm fine. I'm afraid I won't be able to be a knight anymore, but I don't intend on falling yet." He seemed sad, but steeled himself. "And you Princess? Are you well after your father and brothers passing?"

The question caught her off guard. She should've seen it coming, but still. She felt another wave of tears welling up, but stopped when she felt his hand on hers. She shifted her other hand to hold his. She felt the calluses and rough spots of skin from where he'd held his spear. But even with the rough skin, the touch was soft. "I'm well, though my heart aches. I'm just glad you're still alive. If I had lost one more person I loved-" She stopped for a moment, embarrassed by what she had let slip, but continued quickly. "I don't know what I would've done. Thank you for staying with me." She squeezed his hand.

He squeezed it back reassuringly. "If I had, I would've chosen to say behind to watch over you." Her breath caught.

"Yes, you would've. Thank you." She bends over as though to kiss him, the eyes of everyone were on them. She stopped, feeling a teardrop fall, then shifted to kiss his forehead. She was not quite that ready, and she knew he would be embarrassed also. "Please Dante. Rest well, and get better. The people may need your strength for these trying times."

He pulled her hand over, and kissed it on the wrist. A proper action. Then turned it over to kiss her palm. Improper, perhaps, but it meant a lot to Nadia. "I will rest easy knowing that you are here for everyone. Thank you for giving us all strength." He said that last part for the sake of everyone listening in, but did mean what he said.

Nadia stood and left, offering a bow, and many thanks to other knights as she left. For a long while, Dante looked happy, much to the chagrin of everyone around him. Nadia returned to her room to begin writing the eulogy. She made no progress this day though.

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