Gwenifreya: Hope

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It took an hour of preparation to get everything they needed. Extra food and supplies, everything needed to care for Mark, as well as a small bag of coins to act as a bribe if needed. Gwen carries both Mark and the larger bag for Katarine down to the docks alongside her. They stand there for a while, huddling together with everyone else trying to evacuate against the chill breeze. Some try to get onto the boats but a line of soldiers keep everyone back from the docks. Most of the ships are being cleared of various crates of unnecessary goods and loaded with other supplies. It makes people nervous to stand there and watch the work, fearing the Demons will arrive at any moment.

Someone in the crowd says that they see the Princess, and it takes only a moment for the entire crowd to turn to her. Gwen didn't see her until she got to the dock and watched her walk. Katarine gave a soft complement about how pretty and composed she was and Gwen agreed. Before the Princess boarded the ship she turned to the crowd and spoke. "My Father, King Nikodim Iola has asked me to watch over you. I hope we can be friendly while we wait for everything to pass, together." Gwen was impressed by the Princess, how calm she was despite the threats bearing down on the city.

The soldiers began parting to the various docks and shouts to line up in an orderly fashion was being called out regularly. She quickly moves into a line, motioning Katarine to join her and begin their way through the line at a decent pace.

Gwen and Katarine quickly get to the front of the line and are stopped.

"Names and ages?" He says brisquely.

"Katarine twenty-eight, Mark two, and Gwenifreya Sixteen."

"I'm sorry, but fifteen is too old to get a free pass. Are their extenuating circumstances?"

"She's here to help me, and we brought extra food and clothing for people to use." This was true enough, but Katarine also slips the bag of silver into view.

The Soldier looked at the bag, then at Gwen's hair, then sighs. "I'm sorry ma'am. She can't board. Please step to the side. You can say your goodbyes before you board. Next." He steps away from them a bit to let the next person start.

Gwen winces a bit. Of course they get a soldier unwilling to be bribed. They move to the side and look sadly at each other. "I'm sorry Gwen."

"It's okay Katarine, we obviously won't get by him and I don't want to cause trouble. I guess, I'll just have to hope everything turns out alright."

Katarine's eyes water and she picks up Mark and hugs her back. "Stay safe Gwen. I want to see you when we get back. Okay?"

"Yeah, I'll see you after this blows over." She smiles to hid her worry, then hugs her back. Katarine has been like a second mother to her, and she hoped she could keep her promise.

Returning home her father and Pyoter were sad to see her there. She explains what happened and all they can do is shrug in response. "It was worth a try." Pyoter sighs, then brushes off his hands.

Her father begins putting on his coat. "There's no point in holding off. Better to go see what they want us to do now rather then later. Maybe we can get you a safer job for you Gwen." They both nod in response, resigned to helping out in defense of the city, then head back out immediately.

They go to Army Square and go into one of the lines Pyoter and her father reach the front first and are assigned to a labor group for repairing the walls and defenses. Then she approaches.

The man behind the table is large and lightly armored, even standing straight she looks up at him. "Name and age?" His baritone asks.

"Gwenifreya Leanne. Sixteen." He looks at her with pity, but focuses on her long white hair.

"Do you have any magical abilities or training?"

"No sir, I was trained in the basics of rune-carving, but it's been years since I've used or done any magic." She pulls on her shirt a little bit to readjust it.

He nods. "Alright. Head to the Western Palace Gate. You should be able to help out the mages in some way." He moves as though to start the next before pausing. "Thank you for helping us young lady." Then continues his motion as though he said nothing.

Gwen bows politely then rushes away.

"So, sending you to help the mages."

Gwen nods back, "Yeah, I think he sent me there because of my hair."

"I thought he would. I think it's better that way. Being with them should keep you away from the front of the battle. Maybe some of your lessons will come back to you while you're their."

"Yeah, I hope so. Maybe mom's books and stuff will come in handy?" She shrugged a bit.

"I'm sure it will. Now, take care." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and a hug. He and Pyoter were heading to the Mountain Gate on the Northeast of the city, away from the Western Palace gate where she was headed. They waved one last time, then went their separate ways.

She approached the Western gate, where she sees a handful of people milling around. Most are holding Mana Crystals, imbuing them with mana. A small few are drawing spells on various objects. Bits of stone, strips of paper, anything relatively small. Amongst them a few people stood out to her as important.

The one who seemed the most important was a tall, lanky man with pale skin reminiscent of parchment and inky black hair that seemed darker then it should. He moved from the various groups quickly, casting spells, pointing things out, and complementing people. Something was off about the way he moved, how his shadow seemed to proceed his movements, and his appearance that made Gwen uncertain about him.

Next, she saw a woman surrounded by the youngest members. She was pretty, her long black hair pulled into two long braids, and she was busy drawing runes in precise and smooth motions. Gwen approached to see what she was drawing in better detail and saw a complex rune circle. Instinctively, Gwen started counting various parts and symmetries within and looking for the runes. Her old lessons were bubbling just beneath the surface, but she couldn't recognize most of what was there. She stared at it deeply, as if glaring at it would make it to speak all of it's secrets. She didn't even notice the woman had stopped drawing, and was looking at her.

"Can I help you miss? Miss?" She pokes Gwen on the shoulder easily within her view, but she jumps as though bit, even squeaking a bit. "Are you okay miss?"

Gwen has to take a few deep breaths to calm herself before she turns to respond. "Y-yes, I'm sorry. I was looking at the rune."

The woman looked at her for a moment longer before smiling kindly. "Do you know any runes?"

"I know, er, knew a few. But I don't think they'll be that useful, just the most basic stuff." She pauses then remembers her presents. "But, I can use a bit of magic, and I brought some things that may help." She pulled out her bag of presents and showed them to her. She immediately gasped as she saw the spell cloth.

"This is a high quality spell cloth, where did you get it?"

"My mom sent it to me for my birthday. She's a Runecarver in Arcana and sent that along with these notebooks and this pen." The woman looked uncomfortable at the mention of Arcana and paused for a moment.

She looked at the box and pen before handing them back. "These are yours and you should hold onto them. Especially, the pen since it is a gift meant for you." She took a look at one of the books, then opened it and nearly laughed, grabbing the shadowy man's attention. "I'm not sure what to do about this. It looks like a notebook, but-"

"What is it Saphira?" The man approached her curiously.

"It's this book, the handwriting is so sloppy, but- but the longer I look at it the more competent it seems." She holds it out for him to look at and he looks at it, his brow furrowing in concentration at the writing.

He looked at Gwen. "This belongs to you?"

"It was a present from my mother."

"And you are?" He asked with a hint of accusation.

"I'm Gwenifreya Lleanne."

His accusing face disappears behind surprise. "Lleanne, are you the daughter of Maeve Leanne?" Gwen nods enthusiasticly, and is about to talk when he continues talking on. "Hah, I didn't know the Forge Sprite found a husband, or had a child for that matter. These books, are they all hers?"

"Y-yes. They're all mine. She sent them to me." Gwen tried to add iron to her voice.

He turned back to look at her. "Ah, right. I'm sorry. I forget myself sometimes. May I take a look at these? I'm curious what she's done since I last talked to her."

Gwen looks uncomfortable for a bit but eventually concedes. "Alright, so long as I get them back. You promise right?"

He nods assuridly. "Of course." She hands him the books and he bows. "Thank you. I'll return them as soon as possible." He turned and walked to the stone wall of the Palace then in practiced ease smoothly sat down, and hunched over the books.

"I'm sorry about him." The woman, Saphira responded politely. "Of our group, Takeshi's the craziest about runes and that stuff. Now, as for this Cloth, I think I can use it for a more complex healing spell. It should be able to heal multiple people, and be portable. Would you like to help me make it?"

Gwen gaped, getting to help with a healing spell. This was a great opportunity. She grinned widely. "Yes, I would love to help!"

"I like your enthusiasm. Come on, let's spread it out."

Gwen was excited, she told her father that much. It was rare for her to get a chance to do magic like this. She just wished the joy could've lasted until the next day.

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