Ch. 11: Eurbasadur

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"Almost got it….there, everything's set up now. The shower's not due for another thirty minutes, but at least we got the best view for miles around," Rowen said as he set up his telescope on its tripod. The sun would not rise for another two hours.

"When my grandfather took me traveling in the desert, he had a deep appreciation for natural beauty, but he grew up in a time when nothing could be taken for granted, and one had to count every blessing, even the sight of the stars in the sky. Nowadays most people could care less about seeing stars. City lights drown them out and people are too consumed with daily life to even know they're there. You seem like you'd rather be reading than watching the stars. Does your love for the sky come from your armor?" Roxi asked from where she stood on the other side of the telescope. Rowen looked up at her and smiled.

"You could say that. I guess I'm drawn to them, but my armor's element really isn't the stars. Technically it's air, or firmament, but my Armor's spirit is Life, and as long as I've had it I've always been intrigued with the stars, because our own sun is a star itself, and each star out there has the potential to support Life."

"So you feel there's life on other planets?"

"It's not something that can be denied, but we can't prove it either," Rowen shrugged and stood up from adjusting the telescope. Roxi stared off at the horizon, reflecting on their conversation. She glanced at her watch.

"Hmm…still 15 minutes to go….I wonder if you can see any of the other planets right now…" Roxi muttered and bent over to look through the telescope. At its current setting one could see a meteor the moment it entered the atmosphere and watch the scorching missile deteriorate from magnificent blaze to a mere trickle of debris in clear detail.

"Not at this time of night, but constellations are always a surefire view," Rowen commented. Roxi hummed and swiveled the telescope to one side slightly. She tilted it upwards then back to the left. "Find any yet?" Rowen queried. He didn't think anything was wrong when he heard Roxi gasp, but then she blanched and stood up jerkily.

"R-Rowen?" she stuttered. Rowen frowned when he saw her face, pale as a sheet, and eyes wide in terror. "T-That's no constellation," she said and took a step back. Rowen looked up at the sky first before stepping infront of Roxi and placing his eye to the viewfinder. It didn't take long for him to see what had terrified his girlfriend.

It hovered in space, a gigantic metal ring thousands of miles above, maintaining a steady orbit. Blinking lights flashed to an unknown rhythm on the tip of each of the four spires extending from the ring and bolts of energy crackled between them. More than a dozen blunt rectangular "teeth" lined the inner rim of the ring. Violet, green, blue, and gold smoke trailed out of each of the teeth, feeding into the swirling tempest of chaotic energies that lay at the heart of the ring. If anyone had been in space close to the ring, they would have heard a thunderous, groaning roar where there should have been none.


Ryo looked up at the sky again before peering back into the viewfinder. "Now I KNOW that thing wasn't there just a day ago…" He heard the others muttering amongst themselves. The mysterious object remained in clear view. It could even be seen with the naked eye as a distant star-shaped object.

"It almost looks like a gate," Ryo commented as he stood back up.

"You think the Dynasty built it?" Kento asked.

"The Dynasty has never held any interest in the heavens. It doesn't even look like their architecture," Anubis argued.

"Whatever it is, it had to have appeared recently. I'm surprised we haven't heard anything on the news. How could anyone NOT see it?" Sage added. Ryo bent back down to look through the telescope. He turned the focus knob and zoomed in slightly. He continued studying the strange structure, barely aware of the warmth he suddenly felt from someone's face close to his own.

"Oh, it is just the Transgalactic Gate Eyurodin built," a faintly European accent commented idly. Ryo blinked and jerked his head back slightly. He glanced to the side and saw a woman's face, voluminous lavender curls flowing over her shoulders and back, amethyst eyes peering into the telescope.

"Gaah!" Ryo squawked and staggered back a couple of steps, his leg bumping into the tripod. Rowen winced when he thought the telescope would fall over, but the woman reached out with a yellow-gloved hand and steadied the device. She chuckled softly and looked at Ryo. "H-how long has she been standing there?!" Ryo exclaimed.

"Uhh…." Cye trailed off. The others looked just as stumped. The otherworldly woman seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Thelektukak, RyoTakin," Chi Chi Lina, Danae greeted in her native tongue. Ryo dumbly scratched the back of his head and shrugged, at a loss for words.

"Um…..welcome back?" he said feebly. Danae merely nodded and smiled.

"Hey Danae! You came back! Everything okay on your world?" Kento asked.

"Naditanyankina nasurin," Danae said quickly.

"Yeah yeah, I know I'm an idiot," Kento folded his arms over his chest and nodded his head from side to side.

"Danaetanera, what brings you back to our world?" Anubis politely inquired. Danae frowned and glanced to the side.

"Many things have transpired since I returned to my home, to Thanged. I would discuss them with you, but I do not see all those who were first with me here. I will wait until they are all gathered," Danae stated and looked back at them.


Ryo, Anubis, Rowen, Kento, Sage, Cye, Tanya, and Roxi waited in the den. While they had taken seats on the three sofas, Danae remained standing and paced about the room. Roxi leaned over to Rowen.

"Who is she? You guys know her from somewhere?"

"Uh…yes. She's from Thanged. Her name's Danae. We met her a few weeks back."

"Thanged? Now I know that isn't some country I've never heard about. You mean she comes from another planet? Oh you were so BS-ing with me earlier! So it's okay if you tell me you're a Ronin Warrior, but you don't say squat about meeting a woman from outer space?!" Roxi hissed. Rowen shrugged and whined defensively. Danae turned towards the door just before it opened.

"Hi guys. What was so urgent-Danae! Guys! You should've said she was here!" Mia beaned and dropped her book bag by the nearest sofa. Danae met Mia halfway into the room and held out both hands, palm up. Mia returned the gesture by slipping her hands into the woman's gloved palms.

"Thelektukak, MiaTakin. I am glad to see you well." Danae greeted.

"You too! How are things back home?"

"Ah, that must wait until the last one is here," Danae replied cryptically and held up a finger, then turned back around and walked over to a shelf on the wall and clasped her hands behind her back. Mia raised an eyebrow and looked at Ryo.

"What's she mean?"

"Since you're here, all we have to wait for is Yulie," Ryo answered.

"Yulie? Why him?"

"Danae said she wanted everyone here when she first woke up," Ryo said and shrugged. Mia bit her lip but accepted the answer and sat down beside him on the sofa. She noticed Danae pick up a framed black and white photograph. The otherworldly woman placed her fingertips on the glass and peered at it intently.

"That's my grandfather with a fighter pilot, from fifty years ago. He worked as a part-time journalist during the War," she explained. Danae didn't reply. In fact, her fingertips actually covered the faces of the two men immortalized in the old photo. She seemed more interested in the winged craft on the runway behind them. Her lavender eyebrows furrowed as she called to mind the ruined relic that lay in a shrine back home… Her head snapped up when she heard the distant thumping of feet up the stairs.

"Hey guys! Thanks for bailing me outta class. I didn't really need that history test," Yulie commented idly as he entered the room, clad in his school uniform with his book bag slung over his shoulder. "What's the big emergency anyway? Is it the Dynasty again-Danae! Hey! You're back!" Yulie cried and ran over to greet her.

Danae set the picture back down on the shelf and walked over to Yulie, reaching him in two swift strides while he took four, he was so excited. Ryo gasped in horror when he saw Danae draw her sword, but she did it so fast Yulie didn't even notice. He paused when Danae set the tip of the gleaming blade on the carpet. She moved one leg back then executed a deep curtsy. "Er thar vedis vaor, Il ator tuv," Danae said and closed her eyes.

"…um…..thanks?" Yulie said dumbly, confused by the elaborate greeting. Danae stood up and sheathed her sword.

"I will tell you why I have returned." She closed her eyes and clasped her hands behind her back. "Two of your years had passed since I embarked on my journey. Roth surely guided my path to intersect with yours. My family live. Thanged lives and the Pegacorn live, but now as Pegasi. As I had prayed, all of their kind were saved, and our enemies' plot thwarted. I told my lord, Watch-Rider Torkenantakin, of the people who aided me in taming Pegasus, and he bid me return through the Gates Eyurodin built. I have come to ask that you serve as the Oldworld's eurbasadur." The last word rolled off of Danae's tongue.

"As what?" Ryo asked and placed a hand on his knee. Danae looked up and tilted her head to the side, staring off into space.

"It means 'World Speaker', or 'Speaker for the People'." Rowen scratched his chin and wrinkled his face in deep thought.

"Oh! You mean you want us to serve as ambassadors! …To Thanged?" he asked and wrinkled his face, sounding a bit startled. Danae nodded encouragingly. "Um….."

"Guys, huddle," Ryo suggested. The Armor Bearers scooted close together. "She's inviting us to go to her homeworld!"

"To Thanged? Isn't this kind of sudden?" Cye asked, sounding almost worried.

"Oh come on guys! Think about it: We'll be going to an entirely different planet! Not even the Americans can hold a candle to that!" Kento boasted and pumped his fists.

"If we learn more about her people, they could prove valuable allies against the Dynasty," Anubis theorized.

"But that would mean we'd be expected to help them against their enemies!-"

"I say we go. Danae seems like the kind of person who doesn't fear much, not even death itself. Those kind of people can help us beat the Dynasty for good," Tanya stated, drowning out Cye's earlier protest.

"So it's agreed then? The Ronin Warriors will go to Thanged?"


"Uh huh."

"Hells yeah!"

"Guys-" The others stood up before Cye could say another word.

"Danae, we would be honored to go to Thanged with you," Ryo said and nodded.

Danae nodded then turned to Mia. "MiaTakin, you are welcome to come as well. You seem like a woman of knowledge, and there is much to see on my world."

"Why thank you, Danae. I'd be happy to come along."

"Can I come too?" Yulie piped in. The years hadn't dulled his sense of curiosity and enthusiasm.

"Uhh, Yulie…" Ryo began, prepared to assume a patronizing tone.

"Absolutely," Danae said before he could get out another word. She stepped infront of Yulie and bent down slightly. "Even Roth knows of your mighty deeds." Danae stood up and turned towards the door. "Now, if we may proceed outside…"

"Can Roxi come?" Rowen suggested. Roxi herself had been itching to ask, but hesitated, not wanting to butt in. She glanced at Rowen appreciatively. Danae turned to the side slightly and looked at the blue haired markswoman.

"I do not know her," she said stiffly, scowling slightly.

"But Roxi's a good friend of ours. She knows about us and our Armors and she's fought evil several times before. She's unmatched with a gun," Rowen argued.

"We of Thanged do not use firearms."

"Wait….don't the Pegasi use lasers and stuff?" Kento brought up.

"That is different. Pegasi bodies were specifically designed to combat Thunthen fighters. Against the Thunthen themselves, we use blades. While the Thunthen are vile beasts, they do oblige us by using their natural weaponry. It is the only rule of war they respect," Danae finished and turned back around. Rowen opened his mouth to protest but Roxi put a hand on his arm.

"She's right, I don't know her real well. I only hope I can prove myself to you in the future," Roxi said to Danae. Danae merely nodded curtly before exiting the room. Rowen squeezed Roxi's hand reassuringly before following the others outside.

"So Danae, how do we get to Thanged? I don't see a ship anywhere." Ryo asked as he looked around the yard. Danae snorted.

"I did not require a vessel to come here."

"Then how do you plan to take us back?" In response to Kento's question, Danae paused and calmly pointed to a metallic shape standing under a tree near the house. Everyone watched as it spread its wings for balance and reared back on its hind legs. It stretched its segmented metal neck and daintily nipped foliage from overhanging branches before settling back on all fours to chew.

"…I know Japan set a world record for fitting forty people on a single motorcycle, but I don't think the same can be applied to a winged horse," Sage commented.

Danae laughed richly. "You do not ride him! He will merely lead the way through the Gate," Danae stated then throat-clicked. The creature looked up at her, white eye lens glowing. Yulie didn't get a good enough view of the creature until it began trotting towards them. His eyes widened each moment it came closer.

"Yulie, meet Pegasus," Rowen introduced. Yulie had only gotten second hand information from the guys, but they described Pegasus as a mere machine. As the Pegasi came to a stop infront of them, the light from the sun shifted over its polished black metal hide. It lifted one foreleg and set the golden hoof on the ground with a soft thump, arching its neck majestically. Every curve of the body, every knot of muscle looked preserved in meticulously worked alloy. Tiny plates in and around the Pegasi's nostrils expanded and contracted. Yulie felt drafts of air shifting his bangs about as the Pegasi breathed. This was no machine! It lived and breathed!

Pegasus evidently took notice of Yulie's undivided attention and leaned down, bringing his nose within inches away. Yulie blinked and stared at his reflection in the highly polished nose plate. He closed one eye slightly as the Pegasi sniffed at him, each breath pushing his bangs up. He smiled and reached out and placed his hand on the golden cheek plate on the right side of the Pegasi's head. Pegasus made a soft whinny and returned Yulie's caress by nudging him in the shoulder with his nose.

"Looks like Yulie made a new friend," Tanya commented. As if attempting to regain some attention, Whiteblaze stepped out from behind the others and padded over to Danae. The woman's face lit up and she crouched down and reached out for him.

"Il naeg memjag, chiaje," she cooed and grabbed the fur on his jaw and tugged at it playfully. Whiteblaze completely submitted and seemed to be grinning with delight.

"Chiaje means 'tiger', doesn't it?" Ryo asked.

"Yes…they do not exist on Thanged, but my father told stories about them," Danae replied and tickled Whiteblaze's chin. Ryo raised an eyebrow. She seemed to know quite a bit about Earth. While he mulled over that, a darker feline form slipped out from behind him and stepped towards Pegasus and Yulie. The boy busily stroked the Pegasi's neck, not noticing at first, but cried out and had to jump back when Pegasus whinnied sharply and danced to the side. Tanya grabbed Yulie's shoulder and pulled him away from the startled creature in time to avoid his wingtip.

"Relax. It's just Blackblaze," Ryo said. Pegasus flipped his ears and blinked, the metal plates around his eye lens clicking.

"He probably thinks Blackblaze is mechanical like him with all that armor he wears," Rowen commented. Whiteblaze kept a cautious eye on his spirit brother while Danae rubbed his ears. She seemed to regard the black tiger with respect. Pegasus leaned down and sniffed at the gold crest on Blackblaze's helmet. The tiger stared up at the Pegasi with calm golden eyes.

Blackblaze's calm demeanor vanished entirely when Pegasus screamed and reared up on his hind legs. The guys had to duck to avoid his wing blades and Ryo gasped in horror when he saw the golden plates on Pegasus' forelegs start glowing. Everyone had to skip back to avoid the shuddering shockwave that caused the ground to sink and ripple outward in a small area. Blackblaze managed to avoid the first Shock Hoof attack, but took off running when Pegasus began chasing him across the yard.

"Blackblaze!" Ryo cried out, genuinely worried for the Nether Tiger.

"Relax, RyoTakin," Danae chuckled and stroked Whiteblaze to calm him. "He is war dancing. Paigasurin is testing him to see if he is worthy of his respect." Yulie watched, awestruck at the way Pegasus chased after Blackblaze in a rapid gallop. Every time Blackblaze nimbly avoided a Shock Hoof, Pegasus skidded to a stop and launched himself after the tiger. His hock joints creaked as the Pegasi made on-the-dime turns that no normal horse would've been able to execute.

"Well can you tell him to stop? I don't think Blackblaze appreciates it very much," Ryo argued, his gaze following the two animals back and forth across the yard. Pegasus had his neck stretched out as if trying to nip off Blackblaze's tail.

"Plus he's leaving a lot of dents in my front yard…" Mia added. Already the yard looked like the surface of the moon. Blackblaze whirled around and swatted at Pegasus, roaring angrily and sounding like he'd had enough. The threatening gestures did nothing to daunt the Pegasi and he reared up for a final, devastating Shock Hoof. The ground cracked and rolled away, the powerful surge sending Blackblaze flying onto his back. His armor creaked as he rolled to a stop on his back, unconscious with legs curled over his tummy. Ryo winced, worried as Pegasus trotted over to the tiger and leaned his head down. The Pegasi sniffed then jerked his head up suddenly and skipped about in a tight circle, whinnying merrily and tossing his head to and fro.

Everyone except Danae and Whiteblaze looked appalled. Danae chuckled and patted Whiteblaze's shoulder. "He likes him," she stated and rose. Pegasus jerked his head to the side when he heard his mistress' throat click and trotted back briskly. He halted, turned to the side, then extended his wing towards the ground. Danae mounted him and Pegasus folded his wings and lifted his head up and to the side. "Gather around him until you form a half-circle. Hold hands. As before, you must maintain physical contact at all times," Danae stated and held out her hands. The Armor Bearers, Mia, and Yulie arranged themselves in a loose semi-circle infront of Pegasus and Danae. Blackblaze just barely stirred as Ryo and Rowen took Danae's hands, completing the circle. Whiteblaze sat down on his haunches and began swishing his tail. Danae noticed his wistful expression.

"Fagure Il, Chiaje, but you and Phitchiaje must remain and keep watch. There will be other days, for Roth has not failed to take notice of you or your courage," Danae promised. Whiteblaze stopped twitching his tail and seemed to accept that answer. "It will take a few moments for Pegasus' Gate transmitter to activate. Then we will be taken to Thanged," Danae stated. Tanya took a few deep breaths, remembering how Danae's "digitization" teleport left her feeling last time. Yulie looked like he felt eight again; he kept fidgeting in his place, waiting to be taken across the stars.

Sage had ended up in the middle of the semicircle, right infront of Pegasus. At first he remained calm, waiting for the teleport. He blinked and frowned when it seemed like the glowing white eye lens fixed right on him. Then he heard a soft creaking noise coming from the Pegasi as he extended his neck.

Sage leaned his head back slightly as the Pegasi brought his nose inches close to his face. He grimaced when each sniff disturbed the hair that draped over his right eye, pulling golden blonde strands out of place. "Yes, I like you too," Sage grumbled warily, turning away from the Pegasi's inquiring nose. Pegasus made a throaty grunting sound and cocked his head. Then he swung his muzzle up and lunged. Sage's eyes popped wide and he barely leaned away in time to avoid a determined chomp.

Blackblaze came out of his daze just in time to see the entire group distort and vanish in a column of light that darted up into the sky, towards the distant metal ring in space.

This had better be worth it… The Nether Tiger gazed up at the ring and narrowed his golden eyes. Whiteblaze cocked one ear. He could only guess as to his spirit-brother's true motives, but for now he had to trust in his master's judgment…


A crisp breeze rifled through the long stalks of a coarse grass that covered a wide plain dotted with gnarled trees. The grass began swaying violently and rippled outward in a circle from an area on the ground. A bright blue light erupted from the center of the disturbed grass and within seconds a large group of beings materialized on the plain.

Sage staggered back and landed on his rear in the thick grass. His eyes widened when he heard the crunch Pegasus' hoof made on the grass as the creature stepped towards him, determined to get a delectable bite of his prized hair. Danae dismounted swiftly and grabbed Pegasus' rein cord close to his mouth and jerked his head to the side.

"Paigasurin! Stiaideno! Stiaideno maokolin! Veh tuvo pursur humuir Il? Sepithen! Ve crour," Danae ordered and smacked Pegasus in the cheek, directing him to nearby shrubbery. Pegasus glanced once at Sage but obeyed when Danae tugged on his rein cord again and pointed sharply at the ground. The Pegasi stepped away from the group and set to cropping the abundant grass. Rowen jerked Sage to his feet unceremoniously while the frazzled Ronin struggled to tidy himself, plucking burrs out of his hair and jacket. Sage's lip twisted into a sneer and he whirled around when he heard wild laughter from the others. Tanya kicked and giggled hysterically from where lay on her back in the grass. Kento and Anubis guffawed and pointing at Sage.

"That wasn't funny!" Sage protested.

"Pfft, yes it was!" Tanya giggled.

Danae glanced down when she felt something tug her surcoat. "Danae," Yulie asked. "If Pegasus is made of metal, why does he have to eat?" the boy queried and gestured to the Pegasi as he wandered further away from the party, nibbling as he went.

"It is the memory." The other Ronin stopped laughing, suddenly interested in Danae's wistful tone. "Their bodies are designed so they can gain essential energy from consuming all manner of materials, metal chiefly, but also grass and other organic substances. You must keep in mind that the Pegasi are not merely machines, but living creatures bound within bodies of metal. If we did not allow them such a simple luxury as eating, they would have died from madness rather than the disease which destroyed their Pegacorn bodies." Danae explained. The others fell quiet upon hearing that, with only the whistle of the wind through the fields and the increasingly distant chomp of Pegasus' teeth on the fresh grass to break the silence.

Danae took a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders, her lavender hair sliding away from her neck. "Watch-Rider Torkenantakin waits," she stated and took off walking through the grass. The others followed close behind. Ryo glanced up at the sky and the two suns. Unlike the Gate on Earth, Thanged's Gate maintained a much closer orbit, this time plainly visible to the naked eye. The Ronin Leader quickened his pace until he caught up with Danae and walked alongside her.

"Uh, Danae, I need to tell you something," he began. She glanced at him, never changing stride. "I know you're trying to start good relations and all, but I don't think it's a good idea to have something like that so close to Earth..."

Danae narrowed her eyes and frowned. "You worry your militaries will attempt to destroy it." Her eyes took on a more relaxed expression and she smiled. "Only those who Eyurodin wishes will see it," she replied and quickened her pace. Ryo frowned, puzzled by the answer. She seemed to mention that name quite often…

Yulie's eyes popped wide open when he saw several species of strange animals moving over the plain. Golden-furred bears clambered over fallen trees, raking the bark off with their long claws in an effort to get at the scrumptious insects to be found within. Long tailed monkeys with wiry black whiskers lounged in taller trees. Large bovine creatures with long horns that curved up over their necks grazed idly and tended to their young. Thin-bodied birds nipped flies off of the animal's hides. A herd of horse-like beasts with long, curved crests protruding from the back of their heads gathered at the shore of a river. Even the youngest-looking of the creatures stood taller than Rowen at the shoulder.

Ryo glanced in each direction but couldn't see anything other than the rippling expanse of grass. "Danae, where are we going? I can't see any sign of civilization anywhere," he said and swept his gaze to the side again.

"Wait for it," Danae teased and continued walking. The others noticed they walked up an incline. The warrior woman's pace quickened and she stopped abruptly when she reached the hill crest. She folded her arms over her chest and breathed deeply from a strong breeze that swept past the ridge. When the others reached the slope, they saw at last what captured Danae's gaze.

London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, the most iconic cities on Earth wouldn't have matched the size and majesty of the immense feat of architecture which lay before them. Clean white villas and carefully tended gardens sprawled in all directions, far as the eye could see. At the heart of the otherworldly megalopolis lay a brilliant square of patterned brick, its edges lined with sheltered stalls. A huge white stone wall encompassed the entire city with a single gate in each side, one larger than the rest.

Aside from smaller homes and the more lavish mansions, they saw several distinct buildings which towered above all others. One resembled a stepped pyramid with walls of dark marble, while another spanned over a grassy park, shining like a fine sculpture. Pillars and circular levels comprised the third. The fourth looked like a round arched frame encompassing smaller structures. The previous four combined could not achieve such size as the fifth, a colossal marvel of architecture whose appearance called to mind the Greek Pantheon….except several times larger.

"Bainshaebo," Danae said, breaking the silence brought on by awe. "Chief city of Thangaea, monument to the first ancestors, shining testament to our enduring culture." Ryo blinked and frowned when he saw Danae's expression. Her eyes watered at the corners, and her lips spread in a bright smile. Her chest swelled with pride as she took several deep breaths. Now he understood what she felt, what it must have been like after she and Pegasus took flight from Earth and returned to Thanged after two whole years, at last setting foot on the verdant world, gazing upon the shining city she called home.

Danae whirled around abruptly. "Before we enter the city I must ask something of you," she said in a humbled tone. She bit her lip and glanced to the side. "It would be most unfitting for me to enter the city with the saviors of Pegasus dressed as common folk. I need you to appear…Emn esplidor," she said in her own language.

"As what?" Tanya asked. Danae waved with both hands.

"Maegu imirat tak." Ryo noticed she didn't wear a translator on her collar and ear like she had during their first encounter. She attempted to speak without aid of the device, but had problems with certain words. "Morindae regi," she finished.

Rowen tried to make sense of the words. He assumed most Thangien words deviated from old Latin but still shared a common root. "I get it!" Rowen exclaimed and snapped his fingers. "Ryo, she's telling us to look our best." Ryo grinned.

"Well then, by all means let's oblige her," he said. "ARMOR OF WILDFIRE!"

The sentries at the gate shielded their eyes from a bright eruption of light from the slope in the distance. They heard several shouted phrases but couldn't make sense of the brilliant lights. The light gradually faded but they remained confused.

Ryo shrugged his shoulders and held out his arms, letting the brilliantly embroidered surcoat furl out at his sides. The other guys wore similarly styled garments with patterns corresponding to their armors. The strong Thangien breeze ruffled the mystical fabric, giving the guys a surreal appearance.

Tanya whistled shrilly and raised both eyebrows. "Wh-oah! Guys! Where's the wedding?" she teased, surprised by the bright clothing she'd never seen before. Anubis looked similarly impressed.

"They're actually part of our Armors, we just don't wear them often," Cye said.

"Yeah, I dunno why ol' Suzie gave us these. They probably have some ceremonial meaning…" Kento muttered and tugged at his surcoat's collar then shrugged and held up both hands. "But hey, I'm an idiot, so what do I know, eh?" he joked with a big grin.

"Now the Watch Rider can see you in all your glory," Danae praised.

"Just hope your people don't get fried seeing us in all our glory like those old myths," Kento smirked.

"Kento, if a woman were to see you in 'all your glory', the only thing that would get fried would be her expectations," Anubis said stiffly. Tanya broke out laughing hysterically, metal squealing softly as she smacked her palm against her thigh. Kento chuckled awkwardly before frowning and sighing.

The sentries at the gate blinked when they saw the approaching group. One of them stepped forward. "Danaetanera? Lorah tuvo vethu?"

"Benar turil peac Vatoran. Ardet," Danae nodded to the other sentry. "Il coun Morindae de Witheren," she said and held out a hand to the Ronin behind her.

"Hello," Ryo began in a cheerful tone. Before he had a chance to finish his greeting, the sentries cried out and scurried over to the main gate. Ryo blinked as the sentries fumbled with the opening mechanism. Bars against the other side of the colossal doors rolled back into the wall. Metal and stone groaned as the thick slabs swung inward slowly. The sentries returned to their original positions and stood at attention. "Um….nice to meet you too…" Ryo muttered and lowered his hand to his side.

"Come, the way is open," Danae said and moved towards the gates. Ryo glanced back at the sentries before following her through. Mia and Yulie stayed to the rear of the group with the seven warriors marching abreast of each other and Danae at the front.

Another pair of sentries stood stationed near the main thoroughfare, but the moment they saw Danae and the travelers from Earth-before Ryo even had a chance to open his mouth-they gasped and bolted for towering flagpoles positioned by the archway. Ropes whirred as the sentries worked feverishly to raise matching banners that billowed gently in the wind. In the distance they could see more and more similarly-patterned pennants rising on flagpoles mounted on buildings throughout the city.

The people closest to the gate flocked to the main thoroughfare the moment they saw the banners rise. Children halted and watched wide-eyed from the side of the roadway as the armored strangers passed. People congregated on the edge of the road. Many Pegasi joined the crowd, just as curious as the people. In fact, almost half of the crowd had a Pegasi accompanying them, each with its own unique colors and design.

"These people sure love their horses," Tanya noted. The Thangiens incorporated stylized equines into much of their artwork, ranging from murals and statuary to embroidered clothing. A pair of gigantic equine statues marked each of the main gates.

"Yeah, Roxi woulda liked it here," Cye commented.

"Just because Roxi's from America doesn't make her a cowgirl!" Rowen protested.

"And I suppose that giant display case of Smith and Wessons on her living room wall doesn't say otherwise?" Sage replied coolly, ignoring a withering glare from Rowen.

Ryo noticed something peculiar about the crowd gathered. As the Ronin passed, the people sank to their knees and bowed their heads, or drew their swords and pointed them to the ground. Even the Pegasi seemed to pay respect as they leaned back on their legs and spread their wings towards their bowed heads.

"Um…Danae, what's with everyone bowing?" Ryo whispered, finding all this pomp and circumstance quite odd: Danae's gesture to Yulie, the sentries at the gate, and now the gathered crowd?

"They show their respect for you."

"I…didn't know Pegasus meant that much to you all."

"That is not the only deed for which you are known," Danae replied cryptically.

The kneeling people rose when a shrill whinny echoed from the sky. They pointed to a gleaming object approaching the roadway. Sage narrowed his eyes to focus.

"It's a Pegasi," he noted as the creature came closer.

"Sunbolt Skyhammer, the mount of the Watch-Rider. Torkenantakin is approaching."

"Is a Watch-Rider like your king?" Yulie asked.

"You could say that. He is not so much a monarch but rather a guardian. He comforts and guides us in times of peril to keep us strong and steadfast, and directs us in times of peace to keep us from becoming lax," Danae answered.

Sparkling exhaust trailed out from the wing blades as the Pegasi settled into a steady glide. People backed away from the roadway to make room for the Pegasi's large wingspan. Its hooves clopped against the brick as it landed and came to a stop.

If Pegasus were a hero among Pegasi, Sunbolt Skyhammer could be considered a lord. His hide glowed with the light of the two suns, making him resemble a bright golden statue fit for the palace of a king. Metal whispered as he folded his blue wings and lowered them, allowing the Ronin to see the person mounted on Sunbolt's back.

He hopped off in a casual manner, the fabric of the detailed robes and trousers he wore rippling as he moved. While the Ronin had been expecting a wizened man, Torkenantakin looked to be no more than into his mid forties. A thin circlet of woven gold and silver curled around his brow and through his thick brown hair. A broadsword hung from an elaborate scabbard at his waist. Judging from the way most Thangiens wore their weapons, they viewed a sword as a part of everyday life, not just a ceremonial item for show, and the sword of the Thangien's king would be no different. Torkenantakin let his fingers hang in the rein cord of his mount and placed his other hand on his hip. He regarded the Ronin Warriors with bright light brown eyes.

Ryo glanced at Rowen and Anubis before he slowly bowed formally. Armor squeaked and whispered as the seven Ronin Warriors bowed before the Thangien Watch-Rider. Even Mia and Yulie showed their respects.

"Imn dari youn, Il nega ravesta," Torkenantakin spoke cheerfully then began walking towards them, the soles of his boots clacking against the brick. He let go of Sunbolt's rein cord and held both hands out, palms facing upward. "Rise. You need not bow before us." Ryo looked up and noticed a tiny translator on the Watch Rider's collar. "I would rather we stand as equals. Aeras ta vami tuvo." Ryo glanced at the others before they straightened themselves. "Thangea is honored by your presence, and we welcome you. Roth knows you are here, and She is glad. Let Bainshaebo celebrate! Edara Morind de Witheren!"

As Watch-Rider Torkenantakin raised his arms and shouted his proud decree, a loud cry rose up from the gathered crowd. People hooted and cheered, rattling their swords in their scabbards. Pegasi screamed shrilly, leaping up and down, bringing their hooves down on the brick with loud bangs. The echo intensified inside Ryo's helm, and he almost raised a hand to cover his ear. Yulie hunched his shoulders, trying to ward off the cacophony which assailed his ears. Eventually the chorus stopped and everyone dispersed, returning to their earlier activities. Some people milled about, but as soon as the celebration had begun, it ended.

"Okay….that was different," Tanya muttered and screwed a finger inside her ear.

"I must take my leave. There are matters I must discuss with Everlasting Mother Yainae," Danae said apologetically.

"You would not leave so soon to visit our esteemed mother," A hearty voice spoke up from behind Danae. She whirled around to face the two people that approached.

"Without first introducing us to those who returned you to us safely," a tall woman finished in a teasing voice. A man stood beside her, slightly taller with his hands resting on his hips and his lips spread in a welcoming smirk. Danae's face lit up and she practically threw herself towards the two people, wrapping her arms around their necks.

"Tintaes!" she cried with joy. The two returned her embrace and patted her on the back. Danae pulled herself away and stepped to the side. "Ronin Warriors, my brother, Chi Chi Lina, Azuro, and my sister, Ru Ru Tiki, Aurora!" she introduced proudly.

If they thought Danae looked curious with her lavender hair, her older sister, Aurora very much earned her name. Streams of gold flowed down over her ears while soft blues and purples went down her back. Curly bangs of emerald and crimson hung over her brow. Azuro in contrast sported long blue hair. Tanya glanced from him to Rowen several times, blinking with surprise.

"Man, you must use the same stuff as Rowen," she commented.

"FOR THE LAST TIME!" Rowen shouted. "I don't dye my-oh screw it," he sighed and waved his hand dismissively and folded his arms over his chest, sulking irritably.

"We are in debt to you, Ronin Warriors; for bringing our kid sister back home to us," Aurora said and ruffled Danae's hair. Danae giggled and said something in Thangien.

"Danae has matters to attend to, but you are not to be left alone while you explore our city. The Watch-Rider instructed us to serve as your guides. I am to take any who desire to visit the Pavilion, the heart of our city and seat of entertainment," Azuro stated.

"And I am to take any who desire to Mazzan, the great dome where the valiant Pegasi are bred and trained," Aurora added.

"I wanna see how Pegasi are made!" Yulie said excitedly.

"I'll go with him. The kid needs company. Besides, I'm a bit interested about the Pegasi myself," Tanya offered and placed a hand on Yulie's shoulder.

"I think I'll go to the Pavilion. I'm more interested in learning more about Thanged's culture," Rowen shrugged.

"I'm going wherever there's food to be found!" Kento crowed and drummed his fingers on his stomach. Cye shrugged helplessly and gestured to his friend.

"Someone's gotta look after him."

"If the Pavilion is the heart of the city, it's probably the best place to learn more about our gracious hosts. I'll stick with the rest of you guys," Sage stated.

"I agree. I can probably study some of Thanged's customs," Mia noted.

"I would like to discuss history with you," Anubis said to Azuro, who nodded then turned and walked down the thoroughfare.

"Later, Yulie," Kento waved.

"Have fun!" Mia added.

"Bye!" Yulie called out. Aurora turned to the side and held out one hand.

"If we may," she hinted and nodded towards a distant dome-shaped structure. Yulie jogged over to the rainbow-haired woman's side and immediately peppered her with questions. Tanya followed behind, chuckling softly and shaking her head.

Ryo stood alone on the roadway. He hadn't yet made up his mind about where to go, but he paused his deliberation when someone called out to him.

"I would have a word with you, RyoTakin," Torkenantakin stated as he walked over to the Ronin Leader, Sunbolt Skyhammer following close behind.

"Your Highness?" Ryo snapped to attention and straightened himself. The Watch-Rider chuckled and waved his hand slightly.

"No need to treat me any differently than you would treat Danaetanera. Roth appointed me to guide the people of the city, not stand above them. She also told me many things about you. I have an understanding of your history, but it would be best if you understood ours before I am to ask what I need of you." Ryo didn't know what the Watch-Rider meant by history, but the man's tone sounded urgent. Torkenantakin throat-clicked and turned to the side. Ryo looked up when he saw another Pegasi trot over. Not nearly as tall as the kingly Sunbolt, this Pegasi boasted a vibrant array of colors on its many parts.

"Aurorakhan was gracious enough to loan me Northern Light for the day. He will bear you to the Rider's Citadel, where we will speak together."

Aurora? Wow, she's got a matching Pegasi to boot. Northern Light turned around until he stood beside the Ronin Leader.

"Have you ridden a horse before?" the Watch-Rider queried. Ryo nodded in reply. "Riding a Pegasi is quite similar…that is, while it remains on the ground," Torkenantakin chuckled. Sunbolt made a sound almost like laughter and arched his neck. Ryo watched as the Thangien leader placed one boot heel on Sunbolt's elbow joint then hoisted himself up gently onto the Pegasi's broad back. Ryo looked at Northern Light, who tilted his head. A small door opened up under his chin and a length of gleaming blue cord spilled out. Ryo reached towards it cautiously and placed a hand on the shoulder just above the wing joint then crouched slightly.

His Armor creaked as he vaulted himself onto Northern Light's back and landed between the shoulders with his legs dangling behind the wing joints. Northern Light jolted slightly from the sudden weight. The Pegasi made a squealing growl and whipped his head around and fastened his eye lens on Ryo.

Nichratho! Ryo's eyes popped open in surprise upon hearing the word shouted in his mind. He could have sworn the Pegasi just cussed at him…

"Easy, RyoTakin! Pegasi may be made of metal, but they are still quite sensitive," Torkenantakin laughed. Ryo blinked and looked back at Northern Light. The Pegasi still had his glowing eyes fixed on the Ronin Leader, and the lid plates narrowed.

"Oh! Um….my bad," Ryo said hastily. Northern Light's lid plates relaxed and the glow in his eyes faded. He shrugged his wings and shook his neck, making a 'nyik nyik" sound as he moved. Sunbolt made a rumbling whinny and turned around.

"It is a long ride to the other side of the city, but perhaps you would enjoy a tour of Bainshaebo," Torkenantakin offered "Oh, and RyoTakin, if you wish, you may call me Torke."

"Thank you, sir," Ryo nodded, still choosing to refer to Torke formally.

Sunbolt didn't need a command from Torke as he took off at a steady gallop. Northern Light didn't even wait for Ryo's reaction before following the great golden Pegasi. Ryo glanced at the Watch-Rider and noticed how he held the rein cord loosely in his grip. Torke didn't seem to command Sunbolt Skyhammer, but rather the Pegasi sensed a need and understood the desire.

I know Danae had a pretty deep connection with Pegasus after he was rescued…I wonder if the Pegasi can communicate telepathically. As if hearing the idle thought, Northern Light glanced at the Ronin Leader. The Pegasi seemed more complex than mere machines, of that Ryo felt certain, but a tour of Mazzan could wait for another day. The great colonnades and arched balconies of the Rider's Citadel loomed in the distance.



"So this is where you build Pegasi?" Yulie asked as he walked alongside Aurora.

"Only the first few of the Pegasi were actually assembled. They are no longer built, they are born," Aurora explained and smiled. Tanya let out a soft gasp when she saw the cluster of circular pens gathered under Mazzan's immense structure. Each of the pens housed several groups of Pegasi. Some Pegasi seemed to be courting others. In the next pen one handler instructed a student about a device that could be slipped over the Pegasi's back and latched under the wings. The student listened attentively while his companion examined the new piece of equipment. The next pen over had students polishing their metal steeds with oiled cloths.

Yulie gasped in awe when he saw the occupants of another paddock. Even Tanya's heart melted at the sight of a tiny ungainly form struggling to stand. The tiny Pegasi whinnied shrilly as it tried setting all four hooves on the ground at once and lifting its relatively skinny body. Its legs looked strong enough, but the young creature had trouble keeping steady. A much older Pegasi, apparently the foal's parent, nudged it encouragingly and grunted softly. Only a living creature, a being with a soul, could display that sort of tenderness and affection. Only the truly ignorant could still dismiss Pegasi as mere machines after witnessing this event.

Yulie stepped away from Tanya and inched closer to the fence, being careful not to disturb the foal and parent. He knelt down, trying to keep himself behind a large trough full of assorted grains while he peered around the corner. In his mind he kept repeating words of encouragement, as if by force of thought he could help the little Pegasi stand.

He looked up very slowly when a huge shadow slid over him. Gravel crunched as a gold colored hoof set down near the trough. Yulie stood back up and backed away from the fence and back to Tanya's side, keeping his eyes on the towering Pegasi. "Whoa…That Pegasi's huge! Look at the size of him!" Yulie remarked. The blue and gold Pegasi ate grain from the trough calmly.

"He is Skybolt Sunhammer," Aurora replied. Yulie blinked.

"King Torke's Pegasi?" If he remembered right, the Thangien Watch-Rider's steed had a gold body with blue wings, not the other way around.

"No….his brother," a male voice spoke up from behind. Aurora turned to the side as a grizzled Thangien rider strode up to them. Messy lavender hair flowed down his shoulder and stubble adorned the jaw. His dark blue eyes greeted the newcomers. "They were twins, you see: Sunbolt, and Skybolt. Sunbolt befriended Torke. Skybolt chose his friend, Chi Chi Lina, Ander."

"Chi Chi Lina…?" Yulie muttered, trying to piece things together.

"My father," Aurora spoke up and bit her lip. "Norin, I am glad you could join us."

Norin folded his dusty gauntlets over his chest and turned to the visitors from Earth. "Before the Plague, Pegacorns formed deep bonds with whomever they chose as riders. So strong if the rider ever perished, the Pegacorn would die from heartbreak. When Ander left, however, Skybolt endured. He holds on to hope that he will find someone to fill the void, but not just anyone, not even Ander's children. We host a contest each year, to see if there is any aspiring rider Skybolt will accept. When the Plague struck, we could not just let Ander's cherished friend wither away. He was the second after Paigasurin to be converted, and still he waits."

"Aurora…" Tanya began carefully. "What happened…to your father?"

"He was killed by the Thunthen…in the Battle of Banguk, many cycles ago." Yulie stepped back over to the fence. It seemed tragic, what had happened to Danae's father and his steed, yet hopeful in a way: a legendary Pegasi, whose rider had died in battle years ago, rather than give into despair and die, survived, waiting for someone strong and noble enough to be worthy of being his friend. What a romantic tale of fantasy on an already mystical world…

An eruption of shrill whinnies jerked Yulie out of his contemplation, drawing his gaze towards the center of the paddock. Tanya stepped to the side to get a better view of the commotion.

The white-colored Pegasi stood only waist high compared to an adult, but still managed to intimidate the Thangiens as it spread its red and blue wings. The Thangiens tried speaking to it, but the little Pegasi pawed the ground angrily and shook its head. One youth tried sneaking close to grab the colt's rein cord, but the colt spied him out the corner of its eye and whirled around. It folded one wing and used its shoulder to slam the Thangien boy against the fence roughly. It skipped back to the center of the pen and rose up and down on its hind legs, curling its forelegs and beating its wings.

"Whoa…what's his problem?" Tanya muttered. Norin shook his head.

"It happens sometimes. The young ones do not know why they are metal, and it frightens them. Most of the older Pegasi know what happened and why they are like this, but the little ones do not understand, and it makes them unruly," Norin explained. He barked some commands in Thangien to the youths in the paddock. They promptly slipped out between the fence rails.

"And Mia tells me I have a bad 'tude, eh kid?" Tanya asked and glanced to where she last saw Yulie. "Yulie?...Yulie!" Tanya looked around frantically when she didn't see him by the trough. Aurora's eyes widened when she saw the boy slipping through the fence. He stepped into the pen and slowly approached the wild white colt. "YULIE!" Tanya shrieked as the colt noticed the brazen Earth boy and pawed at the ground. The Lady Ronin grabbed the top rail of the fence and vaulted herself into the air.

She smacked into something and fell back onto the ground roughly. "OW! What the crap-!" Tanya swore and shook her head.

"The air shield! It keeps the young ones from flying out," Norin cried. Just then did Tanya notice the barely visible distortion in the air. She scrambled to her feet and ran back to the fence. She tried to squeeze through, but her Armor kept bumping against the rails. The white colt began imitating a Shock Hoof, infuriated at the Earth boy who dared approach.

"Oh screw it," Tanya sneered and made a motion with her fingers. Her Armor flared then vanished. Now in sub-armor, she easily slipped between the fence rails. "Yulie! Get away from that thing, NOW!" Yulie ignored her and continued walking. Tanya crouched and bolted, aiming to tackle the rogue Pegasi and put herself between it and Yulie.

Without warning, Skybolt Sunhammer leapt infront of her. Tanya staggered back, startled as the large Pegasi spread its wings and pawed the air. Tanya glanced from him to the white colt. It began trotting in circles, getting ready to charge at Yulie. "I don't have time to play with you, Mr. Ed!" she snapped at Skybolt and leapt into the air.

Normally Tanya would have leapt clean over the unruly Pegasi. However, she didn't count on him grabbing her ankle with his teeth and slamming her onto the ground. Tanya grunted from the impact but shrieked and rolled away as Skybolt slammed the ground beside her head with his left hoof. He continued dancing from side to side. He seemed determined to keep her away from Yulie. Yulie stopped and breathed slowly, the way he did when he practiced with Sage for their kendo lessons. The white colt raised its mane crest and made barking snorts. Its back legs buckled slightly and Tanya knew it prepared to charge. "YULIE!"

The colt lunged and galloped rapidly towards the boy. It didn't take long for the colt to close the distance as its hooves beat against the ground. It lowered its head, leveling the small silver horn like a spear. Tanya made one last desperate attempt to lunge and block the colt's charge, but Skybolt once more stepped infront of her, keeping his legs too close together for Tanya to slip through and his wings too low for her to jump past. The colt came within twenty feet of Yulie. Fifteen. Ten.

Dust flew up in a billowing cloud as metal squealed and ground against the gravelly ground of the pen. Norin and his students watched anxiously as the dust drifted away. Aurora's jaw dropped when she saw Yulie still standing, alive and unscathed. The little colt had stopped with his horn no more than a few inches away from the boy's face. He showed no fear as his breathing remained steady. The white colt, however, snorted and seethed with anger and narrowed its eyes. It stepped back then began jumping up and down, beating at the ground, springing from side to side, sending gravel and dust into the air. For some reason, the scene looked oddly familiar to Tanya until realization hit her. He's…he's war dancing, with Yulie!

Yulie's unyielding expression seemed to annoy the young colt and it reared back smote the ground with both front hooves. Though not nearly as powerful as a real Shock Hoof, even though the ground didn't collapse, it shuddered briefly. Yulie tottered back slightly but regained his balance and straightened himself. The colt began poking Yulie in the shoulder with its horn. Yulie merely stood still as the colt poked and prodded. The colt's breathing slowed and its lid plates relaxed. It gazed into Yulie's blue eyes. Mazzan fell quiet as the two stared at each other for several moments.

The colt snorted abruptly and trotted off, swishing its tail. Skybolt Sunhammer walked back to the food trough and ate as if nothing had happened. Tanya scrambled to her feet and ran over to Yulie as the boy began walking back towards the fence.

"Yulie, what did you think you were doing back there! You could've been killed!"

"He wasn't gonna hurt me. He just didn't want anyone to get near him. He didn't think they were worthy." Tanya's jaw dropped, flabbergasted by the boy's blunt answer.

"Yulie! Don't DO things like that! Ryo'd skin me alive if anything ever happened to you because of me." Yulie gave her an almost annoyed expression.

"I've been through both Dynasty Wars, Tanya. I can take care of myself."

Tanya narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Yulie….word of advice….DON'T talk back to me!" she snapped and glowered at him, enough to cause him to recoil slightly. "It's a surefire way to get your ass kicked and I don't GIVE a shit how old you are." With that, the Lady Ronin turned around and slipped through the fence. Yulie didn't wait to see if she'd make good on her threat or not and followed sullenly.

"The boy has the potential to become a great rider," Norin commented.

"He is an Oldworlder. There is no place in his life for a Pegasi," Aurora argued.

"They said the same thing about Ander once," Norin reminded crisply then headed off to gather his students. Aurora lingered by the rail a moment before leaving to meet back up with Tanya and Yulie. No one seemed to pay attention as the little white colt stood by the fence, watching the visitors from Earth as they left Mazzan…


"Here we are," Torke announced as Sunbolt came to a stop in a courtyard. Northern Light halted abruptly, almost throwing Ryo out of his seat. Ryo growled softly but relaxed when he saw the stunning estate before him. Despite the beauty of the Riders Citadel, Ryo's gaze strayed up towards the massive building behind it, the same structure he'd seen from the top of the hill before the Ronin entered the city. If THAT wasn't Thanged's seat of power, what was it?

King Torke slid off Sunbolt's back carefully and turned his steed over to attendants. Ryo prepared to dismount himself but Northern Light raised his wings slightly and leaned forward. He lifted one hind hoof and began scratching the back of his ear, the same way a normal horse would. Ryo looked over his shoulder, thinking he could slide off the Pegasi's rear, but the Pegasi seemed to wrap his wings around the Ronin Leader.

"You're not still mad at me, are you?" he inquired. Northern Light craned his head around and glanced at Ryo with his white eye lens. The lid plates shifted in such a way that seemed almost mischievous. "….Okay….there's something wrong about a metal horse smirking at you…" Northern Light stretched his neck around and seemed to nibble at the corner of his wing. "Look, I said I was sorry! What more do you want!" Ryo shouted then smacked his forehead. Stop talking to the Pegasi, Ryo!

Northern Light straightened himself up then folded his wings. Ryo didn't waste any time in hopping off. "THANK you!" he snapped then bit his lip. Dammit, I did it again… "Ooof!" Ryo pitched forward slightly when Northern Light butted him in the back with his nose. He looked over his shoulder at the metallic animal, who stared back at him innocently. Ryo grumbled something under his breath then walked over to Torke.

"It would be easy enough for me to outright explain the situation here on Thanged, but harder to illustrate the gravity facing our future," Torke began as he walked up the steps, Ryo following at his side. "So, I will show you in the way we do best…"


"LLAUDAUN!" a man announced proudly and swept the gilded wooden staff in his hand to the side, his colorful robes furling in the breeze. People gathered all over the Pavilion cheered and clapped from where they sat at tables or stood by stalls. The man continued speaking in Thangien and paced around in a circle, gesturing to the crowd while assistants set up props nearby.

"Kento, in the name of all things holy, will you PLEASE make SOME effort to mind your manners? You're making a scene," Cye complained from his seat opposite his stocky friend. The visitors from Earth and Azuro occupied a table close to the stalls.

"MMmmhh mmohh mphhhmm!" Kento mumbled and pointed to something in his hand while bits of food poked out of his already full mouth.

"I do think he's trying to communicate," Mia joked. Sage didn't seem amused in the slightest bit.

"Kento, you're a disgrace to the Ronin name. Already some of the Thangiens are starting to circulate myths about how you bargained with Roth for a bigger stomach," the Warrior of Light sneered. Kento swallowed mightily and lowered his hand.

"Wow…my own legacy….Dude! How cool is that!" he beamed before taking a huge swig from the draught in his glass. Sage rubbed his brow with his fingertips and growled softly.

"Give it up, Sage. Nothing you say's gonna spoil his fun. He's enjoying himself too much," Rowen chuckled. Kento threw his friend a big toothy grin and giggled.

"Rowen," Rowen glanced to the left at Anubis, who sat beside Azuro. "You really should have a chat with him yourself, he is a mine of information! According to him, Men have lived on Thanged for almost ten thousand of Earth's years."

"Ten thousand years? Man, I know a few people on Earth who'd blow a neuron at hearing that," Rowen mused and snickered. Back out on the brick, the robed man seemed to be winding down his speech. Rowen frowned and shifted his position on the bench. "I think Danae forgot to give us translators. I can't understand what he's saying."

"It is about to begin," Azuro said. "The llaudaun. It means cloth-dance. Torke's friend, Khanphe, wrote it in your honor."

"'Cloth dance?'" Cye raised an eyebrow.

"Some form of performing art, I suppose," Mia said. The man named Khanphe spoke a few more sentences, even gesturing to the seated Ronin, calling them "Morindae". Some of the guys smiled and returned the attention by raising their glasses or waving. Khanphe turned around and spoke in the direction of children seated at another bench. His tone lowered, and the word that he spoke dripped with such dread and foreboding that some of the children gasped, a few even burying their faces: "Ouagli".

The Ronin watched, intrigued as Khanphe walked offstage and huge swathes of gold cloth began swirling about the area. Rowen noticed cleverly dressed actors carrying the billowing swatches, so it seemed the cloth moved on its own. Music played, a slow, soothing rhythm reminiscent of Ancient Japan. The wall of cloth parted and a costumed actor entered. He wore a painted wooden mask and white hair spilled down his back. He wore a wide, pointed hat, the brim sheltering the dark eyes of the mask. His blue and silver robes furled around him as he paced about the stage. In his hand he held a long golden staff with an ornamented top.

The cloth wall parted again and other actors entered, wearing wooden masks and flowing cloth garments. They seemed to represent normal people, as they began doing every day activities. Children played, mothers tended to their young, husbands chatted and bartered. All the while the actor with the gold staff greeted each of them, nodding graciously. The scene seemed peaceful and calm, all beautiful and well.

The cloth wall changed color into violent red and the music became deep and grating. The civilian actors cringed and glanced around in confused dread. The cloth wall parted once more, and a large, dark form entered. Rowen drew in a sharp breath when he saw the dark gray armor, the blood red mask, the steel horns and the black talons. The dark one took heavy steps towards the gathered people and leered at them threateningly. The people staggered back and collapsed, curling from terror. Swathes of red and black flowed out from the wall and wrapped around the fallen civilians, gathering them up and stealing them away off stage. Only the actor with the gold staff remained. He pointed at the dark one and swept his staff to the side.

Begone demon! You shall not win this day! The dark one curled his claws and swept a huge wicked sword to the side, leering at the robed man.

This world is mine and shall remain mine. All the people shall bow before me and fear me and worship me, and you will not stop me. The robed man smote the butt of his staff against the brick and swept his arms to the side.

I will prevail! The robed man let the staff stand on its own and reached for the front of his costume. He jerked his hands to the side, shedding the robes to reveal shining gold armor beneath. The audience gasped, amazed by the transformation. No longer robed, the golden warrior grabbed the staff by the ringed head ornament. Like a hilt drawn from a scabbard, the gold warrior pulled back, drawing a gleaming narrow blade out of the staff. He brandished the sword and pointed at the dark one. Ready yourself!

I shall enjoy tearing you asunder. The dark one paced about the gold warrior, making threatening gestures with his claws. Tension hung thick as the two enemies regarded each other. Then they lunged, but unlike the careful choreography of theatre, this fight felt fast and furious. As they fought, Rowen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He leaned forward so he could see Azuro.

"'s almost like a blend of kabuki, ballet, and, what exactly is this about?" he whispered and nodded in the direction of the cloth dance, squinting slightly. Azuro glanced at him.

"It is the Pridae: the First Confrontation between Tyatatiainte, the Great Wise One, and the Demon King, Ouagli," he explained. Rowen raised an eyebrow and sat back.

"Huh….funny…the demon guy...almost looks like Talpa," he muttered.

Azuro shrugged dismissively. "The Silver Haired Maiden did not disclose many details as far as names went, so Khanphe had to improvise." Rowen's brow furrowed in worry but his attention returned to the stage when the gold warrior eventually got the upper hand and slashed the Demon King across the back. The Demon King staggered forward and slowly sank to his knees.

You are defeated. Leave and trouble this world no more. The Demon King looked up at Tyatatiainte and reached out jerkily, strength fleeing his body in the form of silken tassels "spilling" from his chest.

I….will…return….This world shall once more know my wrath, and you will be powerless to stop me… And at last, the wicked Demon King collapsed onto the ground, dead. Tyatatiainte sighed and sheathed the sword in the staff. Gold swatches of cloth flowed out from the wall and swirled around him before retreating, leaving him in the blue and silver robes of before. He began pacing around the fallen evil one.

This power cannot be left intact… Tyatatiainte raised his arms and shook his staff, the rings clattering richly with each sweep. The cloth wall turned red and orange, and swatches fled out and swirled around the fallen Demon King. While the cloth churned and rippled, nine wooden boxes painted black and gold slid onto the stage close to the cloth wall. The boxes hinged open.

There will be nine. Nine so that the Demon King will never be whole, and never return. They will guide and guard, watch and wait. They may struggle, but the spirits imbued within will guide them to their proper path. The Great Wise One pointed to each box and a swatch of cloth flew out from where Ouagli had fallen. The cloth snaked into the box and from within a new form rose.

Kento let his glass slip from his fingers, sending it clattering onto the table. Sage lowered his hand from where he rested against his cheek and sat up straight. Cye's eyes widened in shock. Anubis jerked his head back slightly and raised both eyebrows. Rowen's breath caught in his throat as a new actor stood up from each of the nine boxes, each clad in flowing colored cloth and gleaming wooden armor. A black and gold symbol appeared on the front of each box. Tyatatiainte gestured to each box. The armored actor would grab the swatch of cloth surrounding him, wrap himself in it, then retreat inside the box as the lid swung shut. When all nine boxes closed, Tyatatiainte held his staff infront of him and bowed his head.

The time will pass, and there will be trial, but let all know the Nine will keep watch. Tyatatiainte threw up his arms and the audience cheered, except for the Ronin. He removed his mask and revealed himself to be none other than the Thangien playwright, Khanphe. The people cheered louder, and Khanphe smiled and turned around.

"Vedar Morindae de Witheren!" he shouted and pointed to each of the wooden boxes. The lids opened once more and the armored actors rose and stepped out onto the stage. "Taun Rhakka, Taun Vaihku, Taun Kuno, Taun Gaui, Taun Khaori, Taun Brach, Taun Sayer, Taun Uvin, Taun Fennon! Euir vor Morindae!" Khanphe announced and the other actors from the opening scene stepped out. All together the actors bowed and waved. The children cried out with glee and pointed at the heroes in the nine armors.

"It's…us! This…is about us! Azuro! How did Khanphe know all this?" Rowen stammered. Azuro looked almost taken aback by the Ronin's frantic tone and shrugged.

"Everyone knows about you," he said calmly, sounding confused about Rowen's apparent ignorance. "When Danae returned, Roth spoke with the Silver Haired Maiden, and she in turn spoke to us. She told us of the Darkening of the City, Flamerider's flight into space to rescue Skyrider, the birth of Sun Pharaoh and the First Defeat of Ouagli, Jewel-Bearer's daring defiance, and the Glorious Four Resurrections of Wrathrider." Azuro finished, leaving the five Ronin speechless.

"Tell me I wasn't the only one who was totally weirded out by all that?" Kento fretted.

"I don't see why you guys are so surprised. You're the mighty Ronin Warriors after all," Mia shrugged. Rowen clenched his fist, exasperated by Mia's naivety.

"That's just it, Mia! We never told Danae anything about us! We never had the time! Danae left for her home world almost immediately after we rescued Pegasus!"

"But she saw you guys fight Pegasus, right? Maybe she learned from watching you."

"That still doesn't explain how they know our armors names! Did you hear what Khanphe said? He listed all nine armors by name! Danae only met six of us!"

"Rekka, Tenku, Kongo," the others glanced at Sage when he began speaking. "Suiko, Korin…those are the most ancient names of our Armors, and somehow Khanphe knew about them and translated them into the Thangien language."

"Rhakka, Vaihku, Kuno, Gaui, Khaori ….I see the resemblance...but-"

"Guys… Those are the Warlord Armors! Danae never saw the others! How could she know about them?!" Kento argued and pointed at the actors in the darker armors. Except for a few stylizations, the actors looked exactly like the original armors.

"'Glorious Four Resurrections'? What the bloody hell does that mean?" Cye asked.

"I died when I first became a Dark Warlord," Anubis began counting off on his fingers calmly. "I was reborn when the Ancient freed me. I died when Talpa captured my soul in the First War, I was reborn when I returned as the Staff Bearer. I died when I rescued Kayura. I was reborn when Dygra reanimated me. I died when the five of you attacked me with your powers. I was reborn when you freed me from Dygra's spell…"

"Now can you understand why this is so strange for us, Mia? Danae shouldn't know anything beyond our own names and our fighting abilities, yet somehow everyone on Thanged knows about our entire history as Ronin Warriors!"

"Azuro said something about 'Roth speaking with the Silver Haired Maiden'. If Roth is one of their gods, this Silver Haired Maiden is probably a prophet of some kind…"

"No…" Rowen shook his head at Mia's statement. "I don't care what kind of powers Thangiens have; there's no way anyone except us could know those kinds of details!"


King Torke and Ryo entered a balcony overlooking a small arena. Torke held out his arms and walked over to the rail. "Llaudaun. Khanphe is busy entertaining your friends, but the rest of his troupe remained here," he explained and sat down in a chair. Ryo clasped his hands behind his back and watched as people set up a stage of some sort. "RyoTakin, you can sit," Torke gestured to a chair beside him close to the balcony.

"Um…its tradition, sir, for a warrior to remain standing in the company of a lord," Ryo muttered. Torke nodded understandingly.

"Of course…" Ryo blinked when the Watch-Rider stood up out of his polished seat. "How could I forget my manners." Ryo didn't have time to dwell on this gesture as music began in the arena below. Much the same as the cloth dance the other Ronin had witnessed, actors set up a billowing wall of cloth, this time of green and blue. The music felt benign and soothing, and warriors sparred and maidens reveled in the paradise.

The cloth wall changed to orange and yellow, and smaller strips of cloth fluttered upwards, giving the appearance of fire. Drums beat ominously as a shadow approached from behind the wall. The fiery wall parted and the newcomer stepped forth.

The actor had to have been very tall to wear the costume in the first place, and the design of the costume gave the illusion of him being much taller. Thick wooden boots painted orange with three thick talons covered each foot, and a cruel six-inch long white claw tipped each of the four fingers on each hand. Curved white horns curled out from the back of the rectangular head, and two rows of crocodilian teeth leered at the other actors. A heavy shell bristling with thick white spikes hung on the actor's back. A long stuffed cloth tail swung behind him, a huge round spiked club on the very tip.

Some of the warriors leapt forward, swords drawn, ready to face this new attacker. The dragon man raked its claws across the warrior's throat. The warrior collapsed, pulling filmy red cloth out from under his costume collar to emulate blood. Aiming to avenge their fallen comrade, the other warriors attacked from all sides, but the dragon man proved too powerful. Thin transparent strings connected the tail to either arm, so when the actor swung his arms, the tail appeared to move on its own. The club slammed into the face of one warrior, and the dragon man thrust its talons into the ribcage of another, then lashed out with its feet and disemboweled another would-be-avenger.

Only one other warrior remained. The dragon man beckoned with its claws and lashed its tail. The warrior charged, aiming to decapitate the dragon man. The dragon swept its tail but the warrior ducked. It slashed with its talons but the warrior dodged. The warrior finally got a clear shot and swung his sword, but the dragon man opened its mouth. Red and orange streamers poured through the wicked teeth, blinding the bold warrior. While the warrior clutched his face, the dragon raised its claws and plunged them into the warrior's back. Red cloth spurted out. The dragon pulled back its hand and stabbed again, and again, until streams of red cloth all but covered the warrior's broken body.

The actor's costume looked comical at a glance, but somehow, in Ryo's eyes he saw the living creature; the wicked Thunthen. This actor represented the dragon men-the mortal enemy of her people- which Danae had spoke of with such bitterness when she first spoke to the Ronin on Earth. "This is the foe we face," King Torke whispered. "They are brutal, and devoid of mercy, and if we do not reply with force, Thanged as we know it, as you have seen, will cease to exist."



Dew bounced off leaves as a hand grabbed a round reddish fruit and twisted it off the stem. Slender fingers pried open the rind and juice spurted out as teeth dug into the soft pulpy inside. Azuro closed his eyes and sighed, indulging in the taste. "Chorinae, Ritho's Bounty: A single fruit can keep a rider strong and healthy through the entire day. This is Tirmutua…" While Azuro continued to explain the story behind the majestic garden, Cye noticed a pile of peeled rinds lying on the ground at Kento's feet.

"Umm…Kento…how much of those have you eaten?" he queried.

"Four," Kento replied lazily as he swallowed a peeled fruit whole. Cye's jaw dropped.

"I wonder when Ryo's gonna get here," Rowen muttered.

"He's still talking with the Watch-Rider. He could be a while," Anubis commented. Mia looked up when she heard movement through the brush. Her expression brightened and she stood up as Aurora entered the garden with Tanya and Yulie.

"Hi guys! How'd you enjoy your tour?"

"It was awesome! Way cooler than the Nether Realm!" Yulie exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Hey Tanya, why'd you take off your armor?" Rowen asked.

"Long story," the Lady Ronin replied as she seated herself. Azuro discarded the rind and placed a hand on his hip.

"RyoTakin will be here shortly. We must leave now to pick up our youngest sister from the Academy of Peirolyth."

"It's said that anyone trained by Eyurodin can become a master metal smith. We've both taken wagers that Australa will be the first to disprove that ancient theory," Aurora chuckled and exited the garden with her older brother.

"Quite the family Danae has…" Sage commented.

"Yeah…I wonder what her father would've thought about us…I just found out he's dead. He died in battle," Tanya added.

"I kinda gathered as much from the way Danae spoke about him…" Rowen shrugged.

"So, how was Mazzan?" Mia asked cheerfully. Tanya scowled and looked at Yulie, who had taken a seat beside her.

"I dunno. Why don't you ask Rodeo Kid here?"

"Um…" Yulie hunched his shoulders and bit his lip. "We learned that Pegasi can have babies." Tanya placed her knuckles on her hips and glowered at him.


"We met Norin. He's the Master Breeder of Pegasi." Tanya narrowed her eyes.

"And?" she growled.

"We met a legendary Pegasi." Tanya snorted and rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"The kid here almost got trampled to death."

"I already told you he didn't want to hurt me! I was fine!"

"What did I tell you about talking back to me, boy! Don't you know you're supposed to respect your elders!" Tanya snapped and raised a fist threateningly.

"You're only like two years older than me!" Yulie snorted dismissively.

"Oh you are REALLY asking for it now!" Yulie let out a strangled cry of protest as Tanya caught him in a head lock and began noogieing him roughly. Sage watched the fuss only for a short moment before looking at Rowen and Anubis.

"I don't mean to insult the Thangiens' hospitality, but all this fanfare makes me wonder why they brought us here so soon."

"I know what you mean…I'm still a little freaked about that llaudaun we saw. You know, when Khanphe was talking about us, I heard him call Anubis a 'Phit Morindae'. Morindae means knight, or warrior, and phit connotes black, or dark. He called you a Dark Warlord. Danae never knew about you being evil," Rowen said to Anubis.

"So Rowen, you becoming an expert on Thangien language?" Cye teased. Rowen smirked and shrugged, shaking his head.

"I am starting to pick up on some words. That word Danae called Yulie before we left to battle Pegasus means little one. Tintae means sibling. Tiainta is mother and Tiainte is father, and Tatiante or Tatiainta is grandfather or grandmother. Another thing is that word the Thangiens add onto our names. Takin's a suffix used to refer to someone special. 'Witheren' is one of their major deities, also known as the 'Maiden of Blood'. That title Danae used for all of us translates into 'Knights of the Maiden of Blood'."

"OH!" Tanya let go of Yulie and began giggling. She snapped her fingers and pointed at Kento. "You," she said and continued snickering in a sinister manner. "I found out what that word Danae keeps calling you means. It means-"


"Ander and I were friends for many years, and it grieved me when he was killed. I would not have been elected Watch-Rider without his support." Torke took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I am not a brave man, RyoTakin. When the Thunthen launched their campaign, things would have turned out poorly but for Ander spurring the rest of us into action. He knew from experience, from the time he came from, that if one did not fight with all their heart and with all their soul, they would lose something far valuable than their lives, they would lose their very will.

"The world is changing, Raeo Flamerider." Ryo blinked upon hearing that but remained quiet. "Our gods tell us there will come a time when a great evil will come, an evil so powerful, we will seek alliance with the Thunthen themselves. If we are to forge a pact with our ancient enemies, it can only mean that something will occur…something I have known about and dreaded ever since I was old enough to speak." Ryo watched, curious as the Watch-Rider drew in a sharp breath, his body shuddering with anxiety.

"Entide." The word rattled out of his mouth in a labored sigh. "The End Tide….the last great battle, when all good heroes will die, and yet, the future of the next age is secured, and evil scoured from the stars. When I received my name, I was told it meant 'Testament to Great Deeds'. Now I know what it really means: Testament to the End. Entide will occur in my lifetime, and Thanged will be the Battlefield. I have seen your history, RyoTakin, and I know in your heart lies the power to unite people. If you can aid us against the Thunthen, they will know your might and at last discard their desire for conquest!"

Ryo listened as King Torke finished his petition. He gazed down at the floor a few moments before looking back up. "We are powerful, but we are few. Still, I swear to you, the Ronin Warriors will do whatever we can to help you against your enemies." Instead of looking relieved, King Torke almost looked disappointed and shook his head.

"You misunderstand, RyoTakin…we do not ask you to bleed for us. We, will bleed with you! As Watch-Rider of Thanged, I swear we shall stand with you against whatever evil you face." Torke beckoned towards an adjacent chamber. A young girl stepped out onto the balcony carrying a square-shaped panel. On top of it rest a small pyramid of crystal set into a base of metal. Torke reached out and lifted the device up and held it out to Ryo. "This is a Gate Beacon, made by Roth herself. Tap it three times, once on each side, and it will send a signal through the Transgalactic Gates. In this way you can contact us.

"RyoTakin, Thanged learned long ago that war is an inevitable evil we must face and fight, but we need not fight alone. Thanged stands with you. Will you stand with us?"


Everyone stared wide-eyed in shock, and the only sound came from flies buzzing around the rinds on the ground.

"All that from a seven-letter word?!" Cye exclaimed.

"That's…a pretty superfluous way to say 'stupid'," Sage muttered

"So, Rowen, did that expand your Thangien vocabulary any?" Anubis queried.

"Err…she lost me half-way through," Rowen said weakly.

"TANYA! Be more considerate next time!" Mia scolded from where she stood behind Yulie keeping her palms over his ears, preventing him from hearing all thirty-six insults composing nasurin.

"It's literal translation is 'every kind of stupid'. Just like 'Paigasurin' translates into 'every kind of Pegasi' since he was the first. So you learned something! Hey, be thankful I didn't learn what that other word meant. Its much worse."

"Okay…..self esteem just took a dive…" Kento whispered and twiddled his thumbs. Some distance away from where the visitors from Earth sat, a small brownish form popped out of the brush and pecked at the pile of rinds. Kento noticed the new creature and his expression immediately brightened. He carefully slid off the bench and moved towards the short, squatty bird.

"Kento…please tell me you're not stalking the chicken," Cye moaned.

"Guys, that's not just any chicken! That's a Chamia hen!" Kento whispered and wiggled his fingers in anticipation. He crept closer to the hapless bird step by step with a surprising stealth one wouldn't expect from someone like him. The bird continued snipping flies from the rinds of the chorinae fruit. Only when Kento's shadow slipped over it did it realize its peril. It made a puzzled clucking sound before attempting to bolt, but Kento's hand shot out and gripped both its legs. The bird squawked in protest and flapped its wings frantically. Kento held it away at arms length for a moment before placing one hand on the bird's shoulders and squeezing slightly. The bird folded its wings and Kento cradled it in his arms, giggling ecstatically.

"You're not gonna eat that, are you?" Rowen asked and wrinkled his nose.

"Guys, now what kind of Ronin of Justice would I be if I did that? You see these tags?" The bird started squawking again as Kento held it upside down and pointed to a wooden chip attached to its ankle by a string. "That means it belongs to a noble family. If I return it, they'll reward me rather handsomely, say, with a tasty meal?"

"Wow, you are such a glutton," Sage snorted and shook his head. Kento ignored his friend's disgust and continued grinning like the proverbial cat with a canary.

"Kento, drop it!" Kento blinked and looked up when he heard the sharp tone. Ryo entered the garden and didn't seem to be in a jovial mood. The Chamia hen squawked in protest as Kento opened his fingers and let it fall to the ground. It beat its wings and wasted no time fleeing. Kento turned around as Ryo walked past him and towards an open bench. The Ronin Leader took off his helmet and set it on the bench beside him. He waited for Kento to sit back down before looking up. "Report." The others spoke all at once about Pegasi facts, or popular delicacies involving Chamia hens, or that nasurin translated into a 36-word insult.

"We've only been here a few hours but they know everything about us, every battle, every person-Ryo? Are you paying attention? Ryo, have you heard a single word we've said?" Rowen demanded when he saw Ryo with closed eyes.

"I know that the Thangiens know about us, Rowen," Ryo began and looked up. "And I know how they know about us." The others fell silent and waited for him to continue. "They didn't know about us for hundreds of years like Suzunagi did, they only just learned about us recently, and already they've incorporated us into their mythology. Their mythology also states that there will be a great battle involving many worlds."

"Entide." Ryo glanced at Anubis. "Azuro spoke if it. It is said to transpire in the near future." Ryo looked forward.

"King Torke asked if the Ronin Warriors could be there when the End Tide comes."

"Why?" Everyone else looked at Cye when he spoke up, some surprised by the question. "Why should we get involved in this? We've got enough to deal with on our own with out getting caught up in some inter-galactic Apocalypse! What do we owe the Thangiens? We hardly even know them!" he argued. Ryo took a deep breath.

"Because they're human." The others gasped upon hearing that. "There are gaps in space and time scattered across Earth. You know those stories about people vanishing without a trace? Ancient men stumbled into these Transgalactic Rifts and ended up on other worlds. Ten thousand years ago, the first humans arrived here and became Thangiens.

"Danae's father was a pilot in World War II when he wound up here. That's how Danae knew so much about Earth, and not only that: According to King Torke, Danae and Pegasus should have passed by Earth. Something altered their course and caused them to land right in our area. I don't know much about Thangien beliefs, but there is a power at work on this planet bigger than anything we've ever encountered, and its willing to help us fight! When we became Ronin Warriors we swore to safeguard human life against any and all evil. The Thangiens are our kin, our blood, and we are bound to protect them!"

"Duty…" Cye whispered and rest his hand on his helmet in his lap.

"King Torke knows about Dygra, what she's done and what she'll keep doing if she goes unopposed. We've defended long enough, now its time to take the battle to her."

"Ryo! You sure we're ready for that?" Sage asked.

"Why shouldn't we be? Think about it. This is the first time in history all ten Armor Bearers have been united on one side!" Anubis shifted in his seat and folded his arms over his chest. "The Lady Ronin is with us. We have Kayura and the Ancient's Staff, and Shannon and the Ronin Cross. We have the AnimArmors and the Incarnations and now we have the Thangiens. We've played on defense long enough, reacting instead of acting as long as we've been fighting. We'll rest for a couple days, train, prepare, and then," Ryo took a deep breath. "We'll bring Entide to Dygra."


Have you seed my steed,

Pegasus War-Born?

Long are his legs,

And longer his horn…

Have you seen my sword

This fine forged blade?

Such keen, honed edge

That Eyurodin made…

Have you seen us together,

Blade, Steed, and I?

We are the last you will see,

Before you die.

Next, on Ronin Warriors: Aftermath
Age of Despair

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