Ch. 12: Age of Despair

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Dense fog blanketed the grounds around the estate. It brought back memories for some of them as they milled about the front yard: memories of a time when the city lay shrouded in unnatural mists under the shadow of the Dynasty.

"Man, this stuff's thicker than pea soup. I hope we don't have to put up with this in the Dark Territory," Sage muttered from where he stood close to the jeep in full Armor.

"If it doesn't clear up by then we can always get Tanya to help," Rowen joked from beside him. The Lady Ronin paused in carrying several sleeping bags behind him.

"What the *censored* do I look like? A giant fan?!" she snapped. Rowen smirked, completely unfazed.

"We have the Staff of Ancients and the Ronin Cross backing us up, but it couldn't hurt to bring along some conventional supplies..." he commented as Tanya deposited the bags on the ground.

"Good gravy, Kento! What the heck did you pack in these bags? A supermarket?!" Cye exclaimed as he dropped two heavily laden duffel bags on the ground with a soft thud, panting heavily after the effort.

"Of course not, I just made sure we have enough food for our campaign," Kento replied matter-of-factly from where he knelt on the ground checking bags.

"Lemme guess, this one has all the food for you and this one is reserved for everyone else?" Cye pointed to a large, bulging bag first then a much smaller one.

Sage chuckled softly as he listened to the two friends bicker. He glanced to the side at Anubis, who stood a bit further away from him and Sage. The former Dynasty general stared off into the fog impassively.

"Do you think they'll come?" Sage queried softly.

"They will," Anubis assured. "They have as much reason to do this as we…"

"They might already be here. Someone's coming," Rowen said and peered into the fog at three approaching shapes. The mist seemed to thin gradually as Shannon, and Brianna stopped a few feet away from the Ronin.

"Hey girls! Come to see us off?" Kento called out as he and Cye stood.

"Actually, we're here to go with you," Brianna stated and smiled.

"Umm…we agreed to bring Shannon along because she has the Ronin Cross but the two of you really shouldn't be in the Dark Territory," Sage addressed Roxi and Brit.

"Well you can't just expect us to sit at home doing nothing. We may not have powers or anything but we can help in our own way," Brianna countered.

"Mortal civilians such as yourselves are ill-equipped for the hazards of the Dark Territory," Anubis sniffed disdainfully. He quickly stiffened and scrunched both arms up to his chest when Roxi casually laid the barrel of her buffalo gun against his shoulder.

"I beg to differ..." Roxi growled and moved it close to his neck. 

"...I intended no slight..." Anubis reached up cautiously and placed two fingers against the barrel. "Milady," he added as he gingerly pushed the barrel to the side and away from his neck. "Modern firearms fair poorly against the Dynasty!"

"So? You're relying on the Thangiens for help and they use technology," Roxi argued and lowered her rifle.

"But they have strong wills and warrior hearts," Anubis countered.

"Oh yeah? Well so do I," Roxi stated firmly. Anubis blinked at her a few times then sighed.

"Women these days…" he muttered and shook his head.

"Give it a rest, Anubis. Girls like them come one in a million," Rowen teased.

"And we found three of them," Sage added proudly and smiled at Shannon.

"Make that four. You guys honestly don't think you're going to leave without me?" Mia teased as she approached.

"You sure you wanna come with us, Mia?" Cye asked in a concerned tone.

"I've been with you guys from day one. It'd break tradition if I missed out now," Mia laughed. Everyone had a good chuckle about that but paused and looked skyward when a bright blue beam shot up into the sky. The light pierced the clouds and continued into space and the great gate unseen by any but them.

"Looks like Ryo sent the signal," Sage whispered and glanced towards the house where he saw Ryo walking towards them. "I just hope they get it in time."

"Is everything ready?" Ryo asked and looked over the gathered team.

"Not quite, the others haven't shown up yet," Rowen answered.

"They probably chickened out," Kento scoffed.

"Don't be so quick to judge," Anubis grinned as he watched four approaching figures. "You nearly missed the fun!"

"Hey, someone has to chaperone these kids and keep them in line," Sehkmet sniffed. Unlike past battles, the warlords wore their armors without their faceplates, discarding the metal masks that had made them so recognized as villains in the Dynasty Wars.

"Dude, you're the same age as us," Kento sneered.

"Physically, not technically," Cale corrected.

"Guys, save it for the Dynasty," Kayura chided and tapped Cale in the shin with the Staff. Ryo chuckled briefly then stopped and glanced at everyone.

"We're all here now. Join hands so we can group teleport. I'm sure we all remember what the Dark Territory looks like…" Rowen and the other guys grumbled and nodded and began gathering up the supply bags. "Let's get moving-"

"Ryo! Wait!" Everyone looked towards the driveway as Yulie sped towards them on his skateboard. Like a pro, he ground to a halt by leaning back on the board and kicking it up into the air. He grabbed it by the edge and tucked it under his arm all before both feet hit the ground. He had his backpack slung over his shoulder and his bokken bound snugly by the straps. "I wanna come too!" the young teen said enthusiastically.

"Yulie, having Mia come is one thing, but you can't come this time," Ryo said sternly.

"But I can help!" Yulie whined.

"What are you gonna do against the Dynasty? Hit them with your bokken?" Dais taunted. Sehkmet's spiky shoulder plates rattled as he snickered sinisterly. Yulie scowled but avoided making any sort of childish pout.

"He's got a point, Yulie. You have to stay behind this time," Ryo reiterated.

"Why?" Much to Ryo and the other guys' surprise, Tanya walked over to stand next to the boy. Yulie himself looked surprised to have the mighty Lady Ronin standing at his side championing him. "Out of all the children in the world, he is most familiar with the evils of the Dynasty. He can be as much help as Brianna or any of the other girls," Tanya stated. The warlords' scornful attitude faded and even the guys had to agree. Ryo heard the others commenting behind him and sighed and held up both hands.

"Allright, I know when I've been outvoted…" Yulie's face lit up with a wide smile. "But you have to stay at the camp."


"Don't look a gift Pegasi in the mouth, boy," Anubis warned and glowered at him. Yulie hunched his shoulders and remained quiet, but Dais and the other Elders raised eyebrows at the word. Even Kayura looked confused but didn't say anything.

"Well, let's do this." Ryo held out his hand. Everyone gathered close and placed their hands on his. "No stopping, no turning back. Dygra's assault on our world will end once and for all." Everyone nodded solemnly. Ryo closed his eyes and pictured the charred, poisoned black landscape of the Dark Territory and the untouched green forest that bordered it. There they would make their camp; there they would have their refuge from the coming battle. Energy rings appeared around the five Ronin then grew in size to encompass the entire party. In a second they would leave the comfortable estate and arrive on the doorstep of the Dynasty.



"Yes Sehkmet?"

"We agreed to help you because we're trying to atone for past sins, stuff like that."


"I just want you to know I hope whatever luck got you through the Dynasty Wars will get us out of this mess," Sehkmet said as he stared out at the legions of Dynasty Soldiers that blanketed the scorched ground between the forest border and Dygra's citadel. The warriors hastily formed a protective ring around Mia and the rest of the civilians as well as Kayura and Shannon.

"Did you really think you could sneak into the Dark Territory without Dygra knowing?" Black Hawk taunted from where she hovered over the vast army. "Her scrying magic allows her to see any and all potential threats to her designs. She knew you were coming the moment you started putting together your little sleepover."

"We're not here to camp out, we're here to crash the party!" Ryo linked his swords together and swung them up and forward. "FLARE UP NOW!" A thin red blade of energy flew forward and sliced into the mass of soldiers before exploding in brilliant flame. Smaller explosions peppered the area as the fire consumed individual soldiers. The glow flickered on the Ronins faces for a few moments before the fires subsided. Ryo disengaged his swords and held them at his sides, a confident smile on his face.

His eyes widened when the smoke cleared and he saw battalion upon battalion of mindless Dynasty minions, minus a few thousand, but tens of thousands still waiting.

"Nice of you to fire things up, Wildfire. Attack!" Black Hawk swept her coiled whip and at her command the army charged.

"Girls, go into the forest and setup camp! Yulie, go with them!" Ryo shouted.

"Ryo!-" Yulie opened his mouth to protest.

"Yulie, don't argue with me! Guys, spread out! We can't let anyone get past!" Ryo ordered. The Ronin took up positions along the forest border, weapons drawn as the inhuman soldiers thundered closer. "Hold the line, hold the line!" Ronin and Warlord hacked and slashed together, determined not to let any of the attackers through.

"Don't let the Cross-Bearer escape! Kill her!" Black Hawk shouted. A group of soldiers spilled past the defensive line and immediately went for Shannon and Kayura. Shannon looked over her shoulder and cried out when she saw dozens of spear-wielding soldiers, blank, white eyes fixed on her and the other women.

Ryo glanced back when he heard the echoing boom and the loud crack of shot plowing into metal. All of the soldiers that had gotten through collapsed, Nether essence spilling out through multiple holes. Roxi Hirochner stood between the other girls and the defensive line, both rifles in hand, vest thrown open to display the multiple belts that held her ammunition.

"Way to send a message, Roxi!" Brit cheered. Roxi glanced back and smiled.

"Watch out!" Kayura screamed. Roxi snapped her attention back forward in time to see the hulking form of Balkak in the midst of the attacking soldiers. Cye yelped as the demon reptile bowled him over and stomped towards the civilians.

"Stop him! Bring him down!" Ryo yelled. Rowen fired some arrows but they merely glanced off the scale armor. Dais tried snaring him with webbing, but the demon tore through with ease. Roxi narrowed her eyes and opened up with twin blasts, but the bullets lodged in the iron-like muscle, not even fazing him. Balkak's jaws hung open hungrily, eyes glowing with anticipation.

"Leave them ALONE!" Tanya leapt infront of the demonic juggernaut. Balkak scarcely paid her any attention, but would soon regret his error as the Lady Ronin planted one foot on the ground and spun around and lashed out with the other. Even Roxi grimaced from the sound of shattering bone as Tanya drove her armored toe into the demon's crotch like a javelin. Balkak stood there, mouth hanging open and strangled croaks rising from his throat. Tanya stood there on one foot with the other firmly planted in the demon's body a few seconds before pulling her leg back and setting it on the ground. As the crippled demon collapsed onto his back, Tanya let out a piercing scream that seemed to echo for miles around.

"AAAIIIIIIEAAAAAAYYYYYYYYGGGHH!" Tanya sank to the ground and fell over onto her left side, one hand clamped over her right hip. Mia instinctively clamped her hands over Yulie's ears as the Lady Ronin spat out a stream of epithets.

"What's wrong with her?" Brit fretted as she and Shannon knelt beside Tanya.

"She's badly injured her leg… she can't go back to the fight."

"Can't you just heal her like last time?" Roxi asked while she kept an eye out for any other attackers and reloaded her rifles.

"Not this kind of injury. We have to take her to camp."

"Well…at least I got one of the bastards…" Tanya smiled weakly and grimaced. She tried standing using only her left leg while Brit and Shannon supported her by her arms. Tanya wobbled to one side and swore again at her condition. She looked up when she heard a different sort of metallic rasping. "WHOA! Heads up Roxi!" Roxi raised both rifles when she saw the hideous rotting form of Rujek shambling towards her. She let loose with two blasts at his waist, blasting apart his lower spine. The lich still managed to pull himself forward along the ground with his arms rapidly, despite losing his legs. Roxi yelped as the bony fingers clamped around her ankle and yanked her off balance.

"Roxi! NO!" Mia cried. Tanya raised her blade launcher, but couldn't get a clear shot around Roxi's head. Dry moans rattled out of the decayed windpipe as Rujek pulled Roxi towards him.

"When a girl says 'no', she MEANS NO!" Roxi shrieked and pointed one rifle at the ghoul's mouth and the other at his chest. The thunderous report echoed across the forest. Bone and armor shattered and sprayed backwards over the ground as the bullets tore through the skull and spine. Not even the tainted power bestowed by Dygra protected him from such an attack.

"The other Demon Warriors aren't doing their job…I'll have to fix that," Black Hawk muttered and surveyed the battle. So far the Ronin managed to stand their ground and take out any soldiers that managed to leak past. Anubis seemed to be doing the lions' share of the left defense, using his chain to skewer several soldiers at once and toss them out of the way. "And I have just the thing too…" Black Hawk reached into her belt and pulled out a thin tube. "Dygra spent weeks brewing this stuff. Shame I only have one."

Anubis let his rage fuel him in the battle as he cut down any soldiers in melee range and lashed out with his chain to strike down those at a distance. He had his right side turned to the distant Citadel when he felt the needle pierce his neck. Anubis cried out and stumbled to the side, weapon slipping from his hand. He reached up and felt along his neck and his fingers found the fine dart just above his collar. He pinched the dart and pulled it out and held it up to examine it.

"Ohhh no…." he sighed as he detected a faint, familiar scent from the needle's tip. "This is not good…" Still clutching the expended dart, Anubis rose to his feet but tottered to one side after a wave of dizziness. Rowen noticed his partner's condition.

"Whoa! Ryo, Anubis is down!" The other Ronin gasped and glanced at him.

"I'm allright…I can still fight!" Anubis snapped and tried to regain balance. His body betrayed the weakness overtaking him as his chain spilled out of numbed fingers.

"He's been poisoned! I can sense it even from here!" Sehkmet shouted.

"We do not need this…we so do not need this," Cale muttered grimly.

"Ryo, two of our number are out of commission. Unless we stop the assault in one hit, the Dynasty will just keep picking us off one at a time! Can't you summon the Inferno?" Dais demanded. Ryo glared straight ahead, ignoring the suggestion. A second wave of soldiers charged towards them, closing the gap with each thunderous footfall.

"Rowen, Sage, Kento, Cye, get ready for the Pyramid Formation!" Ryo cried abruptly.

"The Pyramid Formation? Ryo, we haven't done that in years!"

"It's our best hope of stopping those guys. Form up NOW!" Ryo howled. The four guys wasted no time obeying as Sage and Kento took up positions infront, spacing themselves several feet apart. Rowen and Cye took up similar positions in the rear, leaving Ryo in the middle. Ryo tightened his grip around his swords then sprang into the air, rising high above the battlefield.

The four former warlords watched amazed as thin bubbles of energy formed around each of the Ronin. Beams of energy connected each bubble, forming a pyramid framework of multicolored light. The oncoming rush of Nether Soldiers halted as Dygra's minions beheld the spectacular sight moments before crackling waves of energy surged from each of the four Ronin on the ground. Rowen and Cye's beams swept to the side, barring passage into the forest, while Kento and Sage's flew forward, obliterating any soldiers in their path. The brilliant display of energy above shadowed their eyes, and they seemed entranced, completely under the sway of the power unleashed from their armors.

Kayura and the other women had lingered by the forests edge, fascinated by the attack. The waves persisted a few moments longer. The framework slowly vanished as did the bubbles and Ryo dropped to the ground, landing nimbly on his feet.

"WHOA-HOA! Now THAT one hurt them!" Cale crowed.

"Do it again!" Sehkmet cheered gleefully but frowned when he saw Ryo panting. The other guys looked spent as well.

"I…don't think that attack's meant to be repeated," Ryo wheezed and blinked, trying to focus on the smoldering battlefield. When his vision sharpened he didn't feel triumph, but disappointment. Thousands of lifeless shells littered the blackened ground, but beyond all of the destruction he could make out the unmistakable shadow of yet another wave. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Ryo cried and staggered back a step.

"It's Dygra's necromantic power! She can rebuild her army within minutes by harnessing Nether essence!" Dais stated.

"And you choose now to tell me this?" Ryo growled loudly, plainly irritated.

"I don't believe it…after all that there's STILL more of them! I don't know how much longer they can keep doing this," Roxi fretted as she surveyed the battle.

"They don't need a stronger attack…they need," Tanya began as she slipped out from between Shannon and Brit, pulling her arms away from their support. "A more focused one," she finished as she drew out one sword and plunged the tip into the ground, using it to support herself while she placed all her weight on her left leg.

"I dunno, Ryo. Think we can do that again?" Cye suggested.

"I don't think we have another one in us, at least not now."

"RYO!" Ryo blinked and looked over his shoulder when he heard his sister's cry. His eyes widened when he saw her staggering towards them, hopping on her left foot while keeping her balance with her swords.

"Tanya! Get back to camp! You're in no condition to fight!" Ryo ordered. With her usual disregard for authority, Tanya hopped over and stopped beside him.

"Jump into the air when I do," she said simply and crouched, shifting her right leg to the side, grimacing every few moments. Ryo didn't know what to think but watched her as she summoned up the energy to spring high into the air. He crouched and leapt up to join her. "Use your attack now! TYPHOON BLAST!"


"WIND OF FIRE!" Wildfire swept over the battlefield powered by Typhoon, but instead of the two attacks operating individually, they merged together, swirling to form a concentrated hurricane of gust and flame. Black Hawk actually had to rise higher, abandoning her comfortable vantage point as the storm grew in size, smothering heat spilling across the ground, melting any soldiers in its area of effect. Brother and sister disengaged their swords and hung in the air a moment, surveying the damage and the decisive blow. Ryo landed on the ground with no injury or weakness, but when Tanya landed she had to use both feet.

"AAAIIIAIIAAAAAAAIIIIIGH!" she screamed and buckled to one side. Ryo caught her by her arms and held her up, trying to keep her right leg from touching the ground.

"Someone take her to the camp!" Ryo shouted.

"I'm on it!" Kento leapt over and scooped up the Lady Ronin in his arms and made a dash for the forest border. All the while Tanya squirmed and swore.

"What the *censored* do you think you're doing, you big dumbass! Put me down NOW!"

"Ryo said to take you to the camp and that's just what I'm gonna do." Tanya narrowed her eyes as Kento continued running.

"Put me down right now or else I'll...!" she growled threateningly.

"Your safety is more important right now," Kento interrupted, scowling with determination instead of his usual goofy cheer. Tanya blinked, surprised by the serious tone and remained quiet as Kento arrived at the camp. Mia had rolled out one of the sleeping bags and motioned for him to deposit the Lady Ronin on the makeshift bed. He set her down gently, almost with exaggerated care. Tanya glared at him sullenly but kept any comments to herself as he prepared to leave. Kento stiffened when he saw a shadow sweep over the ground. He looked over his shoulder at the sky. "Is that…?" he began before sprinting towards the Dark Territory.

"What was that all about?" Brianna asked.

"No idea. But we're safe enough here. We've got Shannon and Roxi to protect us, after all," Kayura said cheerfully. Tanya snorted and looked around the camp. Her disdainful expression melted when she noticed one person missing.

"Where's Roxi?"

"Ryo! The next wave's advancing!" Dais shouted. Despite the terrific force of the Wind of Fire attack, Dygra quickly renewed her soldiers and sent them into battle once again. The Ronin readied their weapons, awaiting the fresh onslaught. Rowen placed an arrow to the string and drew back, charging it with Strata's power.

He blinked when he heard the metal click of a cocked hammer and glanced to the left side. Much to his horror, Roxi herself stood close by, raising her loaded Sharps. "Roxi! What are you doing up here? Get back to camp NOW! This is no place for you!"

"Rowen, I promised myself I would fight evil as you do. I aim to keep that promise!" she cried and took aim. The other Ronin further down the line nearly jumped at the sudden report. Smoke drifted backwards and the muzzle jerked up slightly. One of the Dynasty Soldiers in the advancing line grunted when the small, smooth bullet penetrated its' visor, plowing all the way through the void that passed for a head and exiting out the back of the metal helmet, but it didn't stop there; The soldier behind the first staggered back as the bullet smashed into its brow, and the soldier behind suffered a similar fate. A dozen soldiers collapsed, Nether essence escaping from holes created by the same bullet.

"But, the Dynasty is supposed to be immune to modern weapons like that!" Cale protested, surprised as Roxi continued to down ranks of the oncoming army at range.

"With a heart such as hers, any weapon will work," Anubis stated from where he sat on the ground. He looked up when he saw Kento return to the battlefront.

"Is she here yet?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Who? Roxi? She's right over there," Ryo answered and gestured to the left end.

"No, I meant-"

"Here they come!" Sage shouted. The warriors braced themselves when the tide of soldiers pressed against them. Even without armor or powers of her own, Roxi compensated for the loss of Anubis to the left defense. When she saw a trio of soldiers try sneaking into the forest further away, she reached down to her boot and pulled a huge Bowie knife out by the hilt. She spaced her legs apart, turned her upper torso to the side, and hurled the knife mightily. The knife plunged into the first soldier's left temple, actually causing the helmet to buckle enough so that the tip poked out of the opposite side. As the soldier tottered to the right the knife tip punctured the chest of the second soldier. The soldier jerked his arm up in surprise, inadvertently plunging its halberd into the third and the trio collapsed in a heap.

"Whoaaa! Rowen, your girl's got bloody good aim!" Cye cheered.

"Man, I hope I find a girl like that one day," Kento whispered.

"You and me both, dude," Ryo said and smiled wistfully. Rowen glanced at Roxi and seemed strengthened by pride in her courage. They stood side by side, an inspiring sight as they kept soldiers at bay with bullet and arrow.

"THUNDER BOLT CUT!" A great scythe of lighting sliced through the army, frying thousands of Dynasty Soldiers. Sage drew back his nodatchi and scanned the ground. "That stopped this wave but more will come," he muttered. Roxi and Rowen continued taking out members of the next distant wave with their ranged attacks.

"Rowen! I'm running out of bullets!" Roxi said suddenly and looked up at him worriedly. Rowen glanced at her and saw her bandoleers running dangerously low on ammo. To her credit, the expert markswoman had made every shot count; for every one bullet she fired she took down several soldiers, but she simply underestimated the sheer relentless numbers.

"Well, if you used a bow instead I could always loan ya some arrows. I got a neverendin' supply," he said smugly and drew back on the bowstring.

"Sorry, but I prefer a weapon with finesse." Rowen's eyes popped open and he almost dropped his weapon, arrow and all.

"Finesse?!" he squawked. This time Roxi looked smug.

"Ryo, we can't keep this up! We don't have enough power to completely destroy all of them. We have to pull back!" Dais stated, desperation showing in his single eye.

"No! We can do this! The Thangiens will come!" Ryo howled.

"The who? You're not talking sense, boy!" Cale snapped.

"Your stubborn pride may have helped you in the past but its just going to get us killed! We have to retreat, recoup at the estate!" Sehkmet argued. Ryo stood there in the middle of the defensive line, swords drawn, shoulders quaking as he seethed.

He looked up and saw the distant form of Black Hawk hovering above the army. The traitorous former human grinned, reveling in the prospect of victory. Ryo growled again.

He sensed something coming up behind him and he heard a metallic creaking not that different from armor when it moved. He turned to the side slightly and glanced over his shoulder the same time the shiny, smooth belly soared overhead in a neat arc. The golden hooves barely missed Ryo's helm crest and Ryo turned his gaze forward.

Metal squealed as four hooves crunched onto the ground. The tall form buckled slightly before straightening itself. Red tail fibers swished between the hind legs. Metal rasped as the long wing blades folded up, tucking close to the shoulders. Fine black metal plates shifted as air blew out the nostrils and lips curled in a snarl. Thin red metallic cord dangled from under the chin to the back of the neck, held up by a pair of yellow gauntleted hands. Delicate metal plates closed and opened over the white eye lens in a blink as Pegasus shook his head impatiently, light dancing over the surface of the golden horn in the middle of his forehead. Thick lavender hair shifted as his rider shrugged her shoulders almost lazily as she relaxed in the saddle.

"Danae! It's Danae! She's here!" Rowen cheered. He and the other guys cried out with joy upon seeing the Thangien woman.

"Danae! Glad you could make it!" Ryo greeted proudly. Chi Chi Lina, Danae turned her head to the side and glanced at him calmly with her amethyst eyes.

"Stiaideno, RyoTakin. We will finish this fight," she said sternly.

"Whoa….who is she?" Cale whispered, eyes wide in awe of the new rider.

"Her name is Danaetanera," The three elder Ronin glanced back at Anubis. He seemed to have gotten weaker as he had trouble propping himself up on one elbow. "She is a noble princess, from a nation of warriors; an ally in both sword and spirit. She will aid us in our time of need…" Anubis explained and grimaced.

Black Hawk watched the Ronin Warriors welcoming the strange rider, ecstatic, overjoyed. Her mouth twisted in a sneer and she put two fingers to her lips and whistled shrilly. The Ronin and the lavender haired woman looked up at her. "Hey! You! I don't know who you think you are, but don't think you being here is gonna make a difference!" Black Hawk shouted angrily before chuckling evilly. "One rider cannot possibly stand against the might of the Dynasty," she declared smugly. The rider merely stared up at her, her bangs drifting about her face. Her mount flicked his ears idly.

Danae's chest shuddered slightly then began shaking from mirth. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, guffawing richly. Black Hawk glared at the rider, angered by the woman's musical laughter. "What? What?! What are you laughing about?" she demanded. Danae closed her mouth and ceased her laughter. She opened her eyes and locked them onto the Demon Warrior.

"What makes you think I ride alone?" she purred. Black Hawk raised an eyebrow at the cryptic remark but nothing prepared her for what Danae did next.

Danae's chest swelled as she inhaled deeply and she closed her eyes once more. If hearing Roxi's gunfire on the battlefront had startled the Ronin, the ghostly wail that emitted from the Thangien's mouth chilled them to the marrow, rising in a pitch and tone that no human throat could have produced. The wail reached a crescendo before fading and Danae closed her mouth and looked at Black Hawk again.

Black Hawk gasped when she heard a second wail echo, and then a third, deep, trumpeting cry. "There's more of them?" The shadows spiraled closer to the ground, wings flapping, sunlight glinting off red and pale silver hides. One form lowered its hind legs to touch the ground, fluttering its wings before landing on all fours to the right of Danae. The other landed more abruptly and turned around until it faced forward.

"Allies in battle, childhood friends of old; Blade Brother Cu Cu Lurn, Tornath, and Sword Sister Ki Ki Crol, Rona!" Danae introduced the new arrivals proudly. Tornath looked no older than the other Ronin with wild, dark brown bangs curling over bright green eyes. His Pegasi, the pale silver one, tapped the ground with a fore hoof. The much older Rona sported luxuriant bright red hair that flowed down her back and thick springy bangs that hung over her deep blue eyes. Her nearly solid red Pegasi fluttered its wings and shook its head. "We have come at the behest of Raeo Flamerider to defend our allies. In the name of Roth we will meet your challenge," Danae declared.

"Oh…oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" Black Hawk taunted. Danae narrowed her eyes and tugged Pegasus' rein cord slightly. First of the First of all Pegasi curled his neck. Rona's Pegasi blinked calmly while Tornath's stretched his neck and flattened his ears. He bared his teeth, sharp barking snorts coming from the back of his throat. Pegasus let out a low moaning whinny and Rona's mount swished his tail. Some of the Dynasty Soldiers shifted about on their feet. Black Hawk noticed this and sneered down at them. "Stand your ground you spineless fools! You are soldiers of the Dynasty; you fear nothing!" The soldiers stopped their fidgeting for the moment.

Danae and her companions drew out their weapons. Danae unsheathed her broadsword while Rona held up a narrow pipe of some sort and Tornath brandished a mace. "Guelvat!" Danae shrieked and jerked back on the reins. The metal plates forming Pegasus' hind legs bunched together as he sprang forward. The red and silver Pegasi took off at the same time and the three riders thundered over the ground to meet the Dynasty.

"Captain," Black Hawk addressed a soldier with red trimming on its armor. "Position your pike-men close to the front. Have them hide until those riders are about upon you. I'm sure you know what I have planned," she hinted and narrowed her yellow eyes.

"Yes, mistress," the captain acknowledged and made several motions to the other soldiers. The Thangiens took no notice of the sudden shifting in the battalions and continued their savage rush. The Pegasi's hooves tore into the ground, flinging up chunks of dirt. They snorted and roared in anticipation. Danae leaned forward in the saddle.

"Why only three riders? Why not send an army?" Sehkmet grumbled.

"Maybe three's all they need," Ryo said and watched the Thangiens close the gap. Black Hawk remained calm and ticked off the seconds with her finger against her coiled whip. No more than fifty feet remained. Metal clanked and whispered as the front line of soldiers stepped back and the ones behind rose up, brandishing their wicked halberds. Ryo's eyes widened when he saw this. "NO! DANAE! STOP! STOP! It's a trap! STOP! TURN BACK!" he screamed. The other Ronin joined his desperate pleas as they realized what the Dynasty had prepared for the proud otherworldly warriors. However, instead of halting, the Pegasi actually sped up! The red Pegasi curled his neck and sprang into the air briefly. The silver one growled and raised the blades of his mane crest.

Now you die! Black Hawk watched the last fifteen feet with eager anticipation.

Rona tugged on her rein cord and veered her mount to the right. Tornath swung his to the left slightly. All three Pegasi unfurled their wings, enough space between them so that the tips barely touched. Then they swiveled their wings up and around so that the tips of the wing blades pointed forward. All of a sudden it was no longer three riders, but thirty, bristling with spears.

The Pegasi collided with the army with a grisly crunch, the wing blades impaling the soldiers and flinging them up into the air, like a boulder into a rushing tide. The soldiers behind the front line staggered back as the impaled remains rained down upon them. Pegasus turned around in a tight spiral, sweeping his wings like swords of his own, using them to dice up any soldiers close by. Rona raised her weapon and it grew, metal segments extending until she wielded a double-tipped spear. With deft fingers she twirled the spear, leaving deep, mortal wounds. Tornath swung his mace and the head of the weapon flew out, stretching along a thick black cord. Not unlike Dais' morning star, the spiked weapon plowed into the heads and chests of various soldiers.

The soldiers managed to recover from the initial shock of the charge and began wielding their weapons against the Thangiens. One Dynasty Soldier had the audacity to thrust its spear at Danae herself as she sat in the saddle. Pegasus swept his wing up, blocking the move and causing the spear to shatter upon the dererium wing blades. The soldier recoiled in surprise but had yet to face Pegasus' wrath for daring to strike at his friend.

The great dark Pegasi craned his head around and fixed his glowing white eye lens on the hapless soldier. The eyes narrowed then widened and Pegasus opened his mouth and screamed: not a whinny, not a neigh, he screamed in intense rage. The soldier cried out as the Pegasi thrust his head forward and latched onto its neck with his teeth. Pegasus tugged and shook his head from side to side looking very much like a dog wrestling with a stubborn piece of rawhide. The white dererium teeth sank into the soldier's neck until finally Pegasus wrenched the head off and flung it to the side.

Black Hawk didn't do anything but watch the melee in shock. This shouldn't be happening…this wasn't supposed to happen!

"Whoa! Man they're shredding them!" Rowen cheered. Kento grinned eagerly.

"Well? Are we gonna let the Thangiens have all the fun?" he asked of Ryo. Ryo had watched the charge with an almost stoic expression but gradually took on a bloodthirsty sneer, quite uncharacteristic of the Ronin Leader.

"No we're not….HAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Ryo howled and tensed before dashing forward. The rest of the able Ronin Warriors waited only a second before following their leader and the defensive line became an offensive charge. Roxi remained where she stood and watched, amazed at the sight of all eight of them dashing across the field, together.

The army had surrounded the Thangien riders, hoping to overwhelm them from all sides. One of them heard the Ronin's approach and glanced over its shoulder. Its eyes widened when it saw Ryo not too far away. When the Ronin charge met the Dynasty army, the skirmish ended and the slaughter began.

Kento's bo whistled as he twirled it through the air over his head before swinging it mightily, smacking a soldier's head clean off its neck like a golf ball and sending it flying. Dais swept his extensors to the side and shredded entire groups with heavy strikes. Sehkmet struck fast and left small cuts, but acid slowly ate away at metal until Nether essence found exit. Rowen sprang into the air and loosed salvo after salvo of charged arrow shots. Sage let out a throaty cry and severed nearly a dozen soldiers at the waist with a single swipe. Cale didn't just slash at the soldiers with his claws, he mangled them, not satisfied until he literally tore them apart.

Ryo didn't launch into the fray right away, but instead did something strange. He placed one foot forward, joined his swords as if prepping for a flare attack, but leaned back then swung the double blade forward, smacking it against the ground. The ground cracked sending a split running under the enemy ranks and actual magma gushed out, scorching any standing on top of the fissure.

Cye paused, shocked by the way his friends fought. Somehow the Thangien's graceful brutality inspired the Ronin Warriors and they fought in kind. Cye furrowed his brows, worried. He'd never seen his friends act so…violently. He'd expect Cale to tear a soldier in half with his hands, but Sage? Cye watched appalled as the typically reserved Warrior of Light buried the edge of his nodatchi into the face of a Nether Soldier, pushing the sword to one side with one hand while slipping the fingers of his free hand into the gap. The look on Sage's face as he pried the already-slain soldier apart unnerved Cye.

A soldier noticed the Warrior of Water freeze and crept up behind him, preparing to strike. Without looking, Cye swung his trident back and jabbed upwards rapidly, puncturing the soldier's jaw. The soldier grunted and sagged to the ground and Cye moved his trident forward. He continued to fight, but couldn't help noticing the disturbing change in his friends as the battle escalated.

Black Hawk barely had enough time to duck when she heard the shrill whistle of the bullet. She moved to the side as another bullet sped through where her head had been. "What the-! OOOGH! Strata's hillbilly bitch thinks she can take potshots at me! I'll show her!" Black Hawk flapped her wings, sending a rain of feather blades towards Roxi. Roxi yelped and skipped back, avoiding the assault. I'd go after her myself, she wouldn't last long against my Whip Lash Thrash, but my place is here….

"Roxi, you've done all you could, go back to camp now! Please!" Rowen shouted before returning his attention to the battlefront. Roxi nodded and ran back towards the forest, passing the trio of soldiers she'd downed with her heroic knife throw. She paused and back-stepped then reached down and grabbed the Bowie knife by the hilt.

"Gonna be needing that," she said and yanked the knife out unceremoniously. She slipped the blade back into its sheath and continued walking but paused when she saw Anubis still on the ground, trying to stand. "Um…Anubis? Sir? You need help?"

"It seems I do…As much as I dislike leaving the Ronin on the battlefield," Anubis relented and let Roxi support him by the shoulder and lead him to camp.

Balkak! Balkak, get up you lazy over-grown horned toad! The demon opened his eyes and looked skyward upon hearing Black Hawk's voice in his head. I know you're not injured that badly. Dygra commands you to kill those people in the forest! Obey her! Balkak let out a rattling hiss and slowly rolled to the side and stood up. Roxi had barely finished helping Anubis sit on the ground with his back to a tree when the elder warrior saw the approaching form of Balkak. Kayura raised the Staff.

"Oh….so…you're back for more?" Tanya began and tried pushing herself up. Balkak hissed and took one step towards the camp. "The first time wasn't good enough for you? I'll break my other leg if that's what it takes to bring you down!" The defiant Lady Ronin shrieked, struggling to stand as Mia and Brit held her down by her shoulders. Balkak took another ponderous step. Neither the power of the Staff or the Ronin Cross would work against the demonic beast. Roxi raised her rifle but knew from before the bullets could not pierce the thick muscle. She squinted and rather than aim for the chest, aimed for the eyes. However, the demon's erratic staggering prevented her from getting a clear shot. Anubis tried rising but could barely scoot forward.

Rona had made a wide arc of the battlefield, checking if any soldiers had the initiative to ignore the Thangiens and go for the camp. She frowned when she saw Balkak stalking closer and closer to the civilians and injured Ronin. "Red Thunder, make clear the path for Witheren's power," she said and throat clicked to the Pegasi. Red Thunder stepped to the side until he stood at the forest edge, in nearly a straight line from the demon. He spaced his legs far apart and bowed his head, leveling the horn at the demon. Small metal spurs shot down from the backs of his hooves into the ground. He spread his wings to the side and held them down for balance as motes of light gathered to his horn.

Balkak took another step, jaws slavering with a thirst for flesh. Roxi raised her rifle and ever so slowly squeezed the trigger. Tanya growled and drew out her chakaram. She pulled her arm back to hurl it at the demon but stopped when she saw a tide of white light rush out from the right, enveloping the beast. The light washed over Balkak and he stood still, surprised as his scale armor began peeling away. He opened his mouth and let out a cry as scale, skin, and muscle shredded away. Brianna turned away from the sight and Mia held Yulie close to shield him, but the others watched in awe as the remaining skeleton finally evaporated. The light faded and revealed the smoking remains of Balkak's feet on the ground. Kayura looked up through the trees and saw Rona.

"Grey Fury, now is the time!" Tornath howled to his mount. Grey Fury did the same as Red Thunder had, bracing himself to unleash the fury of his horn cannon. The blast caused him to rock back slightly, only the spurs in his hooves keeping him stable. Paigasurin wasted no time with his ultimate weapon. Twin tides of energy plowed into the Dynasty armies, reaching as far as the foundations of the Citadel itself. Pegasus roared and leveled his horn at the upper balconies of the Citadel.

Right before he loosed the collected energy, a thin, black cord wrapped around the horn. Pegasus snorted in protest as something tugged the horn to the side. The cannon fired and the Ronin had to scatter to avoid the beam as it tore into the ground. Cale dusted his cape off and used his sword to right himself. Ryo lay on his back, shocked at what had almost happened.

"HEY LADY! Watch where you point that thing! You coulda killed us!" Kento accused. Danae sat in the saddle, horrified. Her attention returned to the front when Pegasus snorted and shook his head, trying to shrug the black cord off his horn. Danae watched the cord unwrap and slip up as Black Hawk coiled her whip together. The battle paused as the two stared at each other.

Danae whispered something to Pegasus in Thangien and slid out of the saddle, giving him a reassuring pat on the neck. Pegasus flicked his ears back then trotted off to the side to continue the battle in his friend's absence. Black Hawk slowly descended and landed as Danae walked towards her. They stood alone in an area bare of any soldiers save the shredded remains of the previous army. Black Hawk didn't need to make any motion or command to let the soldiers know she wanted the Thangien woman to herself and the soldiers resumed their battle with the Ronin. A sudden gust of wind sent Danae's lavender locks and Black Hawk's feathery tresses flagging before subsiding. They stood alone in the unofficial arena, silent for a moment.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you're not from around here...Who are you? Where do you come from? Why do you fight the Dynasty?" Black Hawk demanded, scowling. Danae squared her shoulders and held her arms at her sides.

"I am Chi Chi Lina, Danaetanera, daughter of Ander Vai Stel Vethu, Herald of Thanged. I came to fight you and your masters, for they are a blasphemy against Roth."

"He-ey, don't knock it till you try it. The Dynasty offers power in exchange for loyalty. You should consider joining us," Black Hawk taunted. Danae ignored the offer and narrowed her eyes.

"You were human once," she whispered.

"Yeah, keyword: once," Black Hawk snorted and made a flicking motion with her hand. Danae scowled, her tranquil expression giving way to intense revulsion.

"Your kind have forsaken their birth heritage, so weak and uncomfortable in your own form you gladly drown yourself in another. My father fought against your kind in his lifetime. Your very existence is an affront to his memory, and the mere act of you standing before me is an insult!" Danae hissed, her hair seeming to bristle.

"Oh! Well I apologize. I didn't mean to be so rude to a new arrival," Black Hawk mocked and placed a hand on her chest. Danae set her jaw and reached up to the collar of her surcoat. Her fingers found the tab of a zipper and she pulled downward. Black Hawk watched, confused as Danae shrugged off the thick coat and flung it to the side. She even discarded the thick golden necklace, leaving herself only the long blue tunic and pants and the yellow gauntlets and boots. She reached to her waist and closed her hand around the hilt and drew out her signature sword. The watered blade glistened in the meager sunlight that filtered through the overcast sky. Danae raised the blade and held it parallel to the side of her face, throat-clicking threateningly.

Black Hawk scowled and hung her whip in its belt loop. "You're not the only one packing points, missy!" she hissed and drew out two feather swords from her tail. Danae and Black Hawk continued the stare-off for a moment before Danae let out a chilling wail and charged. Black Hawk stood her ground and crossed the swords infront of her. Dygra had trained her in the art of sword fighting, so she felt confident in her own strength. Danae belted out her inhuman wails as she closed the gap and slashed. Black Hawk dug her talons into the ground but neither that nor Dygra's training prepared her for the Thangien's opening blow.

A faint shockwave rolled out and the force of the strike actually caused Black Hawk to stagger. Danae swept her blade to the side and struck again, forcing Black Hawk back another step. The blows jarred her arms to the elbows but she managed to keep her swords raised as the Thangien woman continued her furious assault. The wakes sliced into the ground and sent dirt and metal scraps skittering to either side. Black Hawk discarded all confidence when she continued to lose ground to Danae's rage. When Danae made her next strike, Black Hawk moved her swords like scissors and snagged the blade. While this move startled Danae, she used the opportunity to vault into the air. Danae growled, enraged by this cowardice.

"I won't let you win that easy. You may be strong, but the sky is my domain!" Black Hawk taunted. Danae said nothing but throat-clicked. Even in the din of battle Pegasus heard his friend and galloped over. Fft, I knew it: she can't fight without that stupid horse of hers… Danae ran alongside Pegasus. He halted suddenly and lowered his rear to the ground. Black Hawk grunted in surprise when Danae ran up Pegasus' back all the way to his horn and crouched, using the horn to vault herself up into the air towards the Demon Warrior. Danae screamed as she came closer and Black Hawk drew out another feather sword and held it up to block the coming strike.

She felt the sword shudder multiple times when Danae slashed. On the fifth, the sword snapped in two, and Danae barely had finished withdrawing her sword. Black Hawk cried out in dismay as the shattered half of her sword fell to the ground. Danae swung her sword up again, but this time brought the sharpened pommel down hard on Black Hawk's radiant crown. Black Hawk grunted as the blow sent her plummeting. She landed with a heavy thud on her back and "oofed" loudly. Danae dropped to the ground and landed neatly, crouching for a moment before standing. Black Hawk remained on her back before pulling her legs together and rolled to the side. She got to her feet shakily and rubbed her forehead then looked at Danae and frowned.

Not long after her induction into the rank of Dygra's elite Demon Warriors, the Beast Warden herself had instructed Black Hawk on the coveted art of harnessing and manipulating dark energy. Black Hawk spread her wings and held her hands together, curling her fingers. Danae raised an eyebrow when she saw tiny black bolts crackle between Black Hawk's hands. All the while Black Hawk chuckled wickedly and grinned. The energy formed into a small dark sphere which she pushed forward abruptly with her palms. Danae raised her eyebrows and held her sword to the side. Black Hawk waited in anticipation, confident that the Thangien couldn't escape this kind of attack.

With the ease of a home run hit, Danae smacked the energy sphere to the side with the flat of her blade. Black Hawk blinked a few times before twisting her face into a snarl. Danae watched and waited as Black Hawk launched yet another sphere and added to her irritation by swatting it away again. Black Hawk growled through her teeth and began firing spheres in rapid succession. Ryo stopped to watch the duel when one of the deflected spheres obliterated the soldier he'd been fighting. Explosions peppered the area, ceasing after a few moments. Dust drifted away revealing a nearly exhausted Black Hawk and an eerily calm Danae.

Black Hawk seethed at the smug Thangien from under the rim of her golden crown. Her expression changed to realization when she saw Danae's blade glowing, not with some harnessed energy, but the glow metal made when heated. Wisps of steam rose off the blade, and for a second Danae's gaze flickered from Black Hawk to her weapon. Both of them knew the blade would shatter after continued strain, which Black Hawk had every intention of providing.

She conjured another sphere and flung it forward. Danae batted it away with the practiced ease of before, but again she cast a glance at the blade. Black Hawk's lips curled in glee and she summoned up every last scrap of energy into one powerful crackling orb. Danae raised her sword again but had to hold it at arms length because of the heat. Black Hawk snickered. Not only would this single powerful burst snap the weakened blade, but as an added bonus, fry the defiant lavender-haired woman.

BLACK HAWK! She halted in throwing the sphere and gasped, eyes wide upon hearing the stern voice of the Beast Warden in her mind. Call off your assault.

What? Why!?

You are no match for a foe such as this. Pull your forces back to the Citadel.

NO! Wait! Please, I can win this!

DO NOT DISOBEY ME! The sphere dissolved as Black Hawk lost focus and collapsed onto her knees. A sharp pain like a hundred needles in her skull reverberated through her mind and body. YOU WILL HEED MY COMMANDS TO THE LETTER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? She dug her fingers into her feathery hair, her skull feeling like it would explode. RETURN!

Danae hummed and raised an eyebrow when she saw Black Hawk's odd behavior. The Demon Warrior glanced up but seemed to be staring at something other than Danae, eyes wide in terror. She shuddered a few times and stood up shakily, breath coming out in rapid, strained gasps. She gulped then straightened herself and raised an arm.

"PULL BACK! Retreat to the Citadel!" she howled. At her command the remaining soldiers ceased their attacks and swarmed away to the cliff base. Rona and Tornath gave chase, executing a few last soldiers before halting and turning back towards the forest. Black Hawk threw Danae a withering glare before she launched into the air and glided away, shrieking angrily.

Danae didn't sheath her sword; the blade had yet to cool. Pegasus trotted over and walked up beside her, bringing his nose close to her face. She reached up with her free hand and patted his cheek. Behind, her friends from Thanged and the Ronin rejoiced.

"Lets get back to camp, tend to our wounded. Good job everyone," Ryo said. Danae and Pegasus lingered on the battlefield a bit longer as the Ronin trekked into the forest.


The clicking of Black Hawk's talons echoed through the room. She walked swift and steady. While she maintained calm on the outside, inside she reeled with dread. Her talons sank into the rich red carpet lining the floor before Dygra's throne. She lifted one leg up and swung it back as not to tear the carpet as she knelt. She laid one arm across her knee and braced her knuckles against the floor, more for support than reverence. Her heart pounded, and the mocking voice of her arch-enemy echoed in her head.

"You're only of use to them until you make your first mistake..."

She cleared her throat and put her fears and second thoughts aside as she opened her mouth and ran her tongue over her lips. "Forgive me, Mistress Dygra, for failing to repel the Ronin's assault. I take full responsibility for my actions and the resulting outcome and am prepared for any punishment you deem fit."

"There is no punishment." Black Hawk's fears and doubts evaporated when she heard the smooth, calm voice. "None is needed. You had no chance for victory against such a foe."

Black Hawk raised an eyebrow and tilted back slightly. "What makes you say that?"

"Lord Talpa warned us about them; these strangers from across the stars…This is not the first time they have visited this Realm." Dygra muttered softly then looked up, scowling. "They have the same resilience as the Lady Ronin!"

"What?" Black Hawk gasped, her wings shifting in response.

"Their hearts are shut to subversion. Fear is as alien to them as they are to us." Black Hawk stood up slowly.

"Well, there has to be a way to defeat them. I mean, I-I may have exposed a weakness in my battle with that woman. They are very strong and physically fit, but they can probably be injured, even killed. And those robot horses-"

"They are no machines." Black Hawk hummed and paused in her report. "These are no mindless automatons devoid of any will of their own save for their masters. These entities have souls! I could sense them; living souls encased in bodies of metal. This is a very strange mystery indeed. What sort of ghastly allies are these that the Ronin gathered to protect them, I wonder…" Dygra trailed off and stood up, turning around and clasping her hands behind her back, wrinkling the leathery cape. Black Hawk bit her lip and glanced to the side. Then her lips spread in a grin.

"Mistress…How can they protect the Ronin Warriors…if the Ronin aren't there to be protected?" she hinted. Dygra turned back around and glanced at her.

"I sense a plan brewing on your voice. Go on."


The dererium joints of Pegasus' legs creaked as he knelt down behind his rider on the ground. His eyelids clicked shut and he flicked his ears back, apparently settling in for a nap. Danae leaned back, resting against her friend's barrel-like midsection. The man named Tornath knelt by the campfire as he rendered something in a small shiny kettle hung over the flames by a metal tripod while his companion, Rona, sifted through numerous packs she had unloaded from their steeds. The Pegasi Grey Fury and Red Thunder reclined on the ground outside the camp, eyes open and ears raised and alert.

"So what's the deal with these 'Thangians'?" Dais asked abruptly. The guys threw him annoyed glances, since he pronounced the word "Thang-ee-ans".


"Huh?" Cale blinked and glanced at Tornath, who regarded him levelly.

"We are called 'THAN-ge-ans'," he said stiffly, providing the correct pronunciation.

"Um…ok….Thangiens…where they from?" Sehkmet asked and shrugged.

"They come from the planet, Thanged. It's the eighth world in the Thurukian system, located in the middle of the Orion arm of the Milky Way," Rowen explained.

"Yeah! You guys gotta go visit sometime, it's like a Ronin Warrior's paradise there! They got all sorts of cool stuff! Food, art, battle, um…food," Kento counted off on his fingers. The three Elders exchanged looks before glancing at the new arrivals.

"Well, um…it's nice to meet you. Allow us to introduce ourselves: I am-" Cale began.

"We know who you are," Rona said stiffly, her fluffy red bangs shading her eyes. "DaiTakin, SehkTakin, CaleTakin; Last to Turn. You three took the longest to redeem yourselves." She regarded them icily. Sehkmet blinked his beady black eyes while Cale shifted in his seat. Then Rona tilted her head up and smirked warmly. "But Witheren recognizes those who fall then rise. You have earned your forgiveness," she finished and returned to her task of unpacking.

Dais looked unnerved by the comment. Sehk and Cale kept quiet but looked rattled just the same. Kento and Cye sat together close to where Rona knelt and snickered. Kento glanced at the red-haired woman and leaned to one side to examine the contents of the bags. His expression brightened when he saw a familiar edible item, and without thinking, he reached over to grab one.

Rona's hand whipped up and down like a striking serpent, smacking the back of Kento's hand abruptly. Kento jerked his hand back and frowned, but blinked in confusion when Rona grabbed his wrist, pulled it toward her, tilted his hand palm-up, then grabbed a chorinae fruit and smacked it into his palm firmly.

"Ond," she stated and closed his fingers around the fruit and pushed his hand away then went back to sorting items. Kento stared dumbly at the fruit in his palm. Cye smirked and leaned over and opened his mouth, pausing before speaking.

"I think that means you only get one." Kento's shoulders drooped and he whined, disappointed, before proceeding to peel open the rind slowly.

"The Thangiens proved very effective in turning the tide, but they won't have the element of surprise next time. The Dynasty knows we're allied with them now, and they'll probably look for ways to defeat them," Sage muttered.

"They don't need surprise." Rowen and Sage looked up, disturbed by the odd expression on the Ronin Leader's face. "We won't let the Dynasty divide us with fear. Not this time." Sage frowned, concerned by the tone. Ryo always had a fair amount of confidence in the past, but this sort of determination, the look in his eyes even, indicated a firm, unwavering belief in victory. He'd never seen Ryo so sure of himself.

Across the campfire, Cye listened to the statement, the same fears from earlier pecking at him from within. He hummed and glanced to the side at his friend. Kento had peeled off the top rind of the chorinae and licked and sucked at the pulp blissfully, insuring not a drop of juice escaped. Cye leaned back and wrinkled his face, appalled by his friend's manners.

"Come on, hon. Just hang in there." Brianna knelt on the ground, cradling Tanya's head in her lap and stroking her hair. Tanya lay on her left side. Roxi knelt behind her with her knees braced against the Lady Ronin's back to keep her steady. Shannon knelt by her legs, one hand clutching the Ronin Cross pendant and the other resting on Tanya's plated hip. The Lady Ronin had her right arm curled up beneath her and her left lying over the ground. Her fingers curled and uncurled and she panted heavily.

"Kento!" The burly Ronin paused in savoring his fruit upon hearing his name and looked up, blinking. "Can you come over here for a sec?" Shannon asked. Kento wiped his mouth on the back of his arm and handed the remaining chorinae to Cye.

"Hold this please," he said simply and rose to one knee. Cye took the dripping fruit but held it at arms length with two fingers and groaned softly. Kento scooted over the ground and knelt beside Shannon. "What's up?" he asked cheerfully.

"I need you to hold Tanya down."

Kento's eyes widened and he blinked. "Um…..excuse me?"

"She dislocated her right femur and cracked the hip socket, but before I can heal the bone, I have to pop the joint back into place. It'll be very painful for her and I don't want her thrashing around and hurting herself any further…or us for that matter. Just…move over here where I was," Shannon hopped to the right, making space between herself and Roxi. Kento slipped into the spot but still looked clueless as to his duty until Shannon grabbed his right wrist. "Put your hand here…" Kento's round cheeks turned red immediately when Shannon placed his hand between Tanya's legs, bracing his palm against her left thigh. "And your other hand here," she instructed and placed his left hand under her arm and close to her chest. "Press down on her, make sure she doesn't budge a bit. Roxi'll do her best to keep her shoulders steady."

"Um…ok…" Kento murmured and gulped. He looked at Tanya, trying to determine her feelings on this awkward situation, but so far the Lady Ronin stared at the ground, eyes distant and breathing steady and heavy. "You sure you're doing this right?"

"Trust me: I know what I'm doing." Shannon tucked the Ronin Cross under her shirt and scooted further down and wrapped her hands around Tanya's right thigh. "You ready on your end, Brit?" Brianna nodded and stroked Tanya's bangs away from her eyes.

"Here, bite down on this, it might help," she said gently and held a short, thick stick across Tanya's mouth. The Lady Ronin opened her mouth and accepted the stick, teeth digging into the bark loosely. She closed her eyes and panted some more.

"You ready?" Shannon asked. Tanya nodded and curled her fingers some more. "Ok…remember, keep her steady! One…two….three!" Shannon gripped Tanya's thigh tightly and shoved forward. All across the camp everyone, even the Pegasi, grimaced upon hearing the sickening popping crunch. Tanya bit down so hard the stick snapped in two, but it served to muffle her screams as she tensed. Kento pressed down hard, sensing the strength he felt from the Lady Ronin's small body would have sent any normal medical team for a tumble. Tanya let out a pained whimper, the broken halves of the stick spilling out of her mouth. She remained tense for a few moments before going limp. Kento relaxed his grip and leaned over, worried. Tanya had her eyes squeezed shut. That moment seemed like the closest she'd come to tears since she first joined the team. He'd never seen her so frail before.

"Thanks for your help, Kento. We'll take it from here," Roxi stated. Kento glanced at her then at Tanya. He wanted to say something but he remembered he still had his hands in their positions. He quickly withdrew them, blushing once more, and stood up and walked back to his seat beside Cye. He sank to the ground slowly and clasped his hands over his lap, eyes still on the girls as they huddled around the recovering Lady Ronin.

Cye still held the dripping half-eaten fruit and looked very annoyed that Kento seemed to have forgotten it. He smacked his friend in the arm with the back of his hand, jerking Kento's attention from Tanya. "Huh? Oh, thanks," he said softly and reclaimed the fruit. Cye cried out and threw up both arms to shield his eyes from the sight as Kento began licking the bottom of the remaining rind for the juice that had seeped out in his absence.

"The Cross will only heal so much since you're not one of the Five, but I can at least get you started, and this'll save you weeks of rehab," Shannon explained as she channeled healing energy into Tanya's recovering hip. Tanya nodded slowly then moved her shoulders, propping her upper torso up by her left arm. Ryo had watched the procedure conclude and smirked at his sister.

"Maybe this is Fate's way of telling you not to kick people in the crotch so much," he said. Tanya glared at him and raised her right hand. She only managed a brief gesture before collapsing back onto her side, groaning from a spasm of pain echoing from her hip because of the sudden movement. She looked up when she saw Tornath kneel before her.

"Here, drink this. It is a tea made from the Richtho leaves. As the leaf heals external wounds, the tea renews from within." He held out a small mug of the steaming bright green fluid. Tanya reached with her right hand and accepted the mug daintily.

"Thanks," she answered and raised the rim to her lips for the first sip. Tornath scooted back to the campfire in time as Tanya pitched forward and coughed up some of the tea onto the ground. She stuck her tongue out and gagged, still holding the cup in her hand. "AAAGH! That stuff is awful! It tastes like laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid!" she exclaimed and spit some more.

"You drink dishwashing liquid?" Sehkmet raised an eyebrow. Tanya glared at him, tightening her fingers around the mug.

"Oh quit your whining, girl," Anubis snapped from where he reclined against a tree, holding a mug of the Richtho tea in one hand. "What would Mardrena say if she saw you, complaining as you are?" he sneered and took a long sip of the tea with no adverse affect. Tanya glared at him, annoyed, and with her eyes still on him, tilted her head back and gulped down the entire cupful of tea. She swallowed strongly and while she didn't cough as before, she heaved slightly and puckered her lips tight, gurgling softly.

Danae couldn't help but chuckle at observing the behavior of her Oldworlder friends. Rona had completed her inventory of supplies and Tornath removed his gear from the campfire and scooted back towards his mount. All around the campfire the Ronin and their friends remained in their own little quarters: the guys on one side, the girls on the other, the Elder Ronin off to themselves, and the Thangiens and their Pegasi occupying the opposite side. The fire crackled and popped softly and Danae closed her eyes.

"Danaetanera." The lavender-haired warrior opened her eyes when she heard Kayura speak. "Some of us aren't familiar with your culture. Perhaps you could tell us a bit about the world you come from." The others around the camp nodded in agreement and spoke in encouragement. Danae glanced at each of them before looking at the ground.

"I am not as well versed in history as others. Rona, however, is a frequent visitor of the Archives of Raaezen, and an avid student of lore. She would be more qualified to enlighten you to our world's traditions and history."

"Can you tell us a story?" Yulie asked from his seat. Dais looked over his shoulder sharply and narrowed his single eye.

"What are you, four?!" he demanded, irritated by the teen. Yulie returned Dais' glare with one of equal intensity.

"Hey, shaddup!" Rowen snapped, quickly coming to the teen's defense. "You might learn something from this." Everyone in camp quieted down and looked to Rona.

"A story, hmm?" She drew out her telescoping spear and one of the ends extended and she set the point in the dirt infront of her. "Then I will share one of our most ancient fables, and one of my personal favorites." she proclaimed with a smile and smoothed down the dirt with the side of her spear and began drawing with the point. She tilted her head back and looked up at the sky.

"Long ago, when the world was young…before Eyurodin forged the stars. Before Man ever dwelt in Bainshaebo…Before Thanged was even called Thanged, only the animals lived in the world. And at first, they lived alone and in peace.

"Then one day, a being came from the sky and spoke to the animals, 'Many distances have I traveled, many worlds have I visited, and all I have claimed as my own. I will claim your world, and you will serve me for all eternity unless you defeat my champion.'

"Now the Conqueror's minion was a horrible creature; a demon imp of great cunning and agility, but a wicked soul: a mockery of all animals. 'Choose your champion', the Conqueror said, 'and do battle with my minion.' The animals were frightened, and they gathered together to choose who would save them.

'The Kirya Bull! Great is his strength and size!'

'But he is impulsive, quick to anger and clouded by pride.'

'The Gherfen! Sharp are his talons and swift his blows!'

'But he is overconfident, and does not conserve his energy.'

'The Tree Bear! Thick is his hide and thicker his fur!'

'But he is fat and lazy, with little patience and endurance.'

'The Vitreelas! He is fast and cunning, wise in the hunt!'

'But he is a scavenger, with no loyalties to the world.'

"After much deliberation, the animals were left with only one choice; Cresta, but they were concerned for Cresta dwelt in solitude, seldom caring to mingle with the other animals. They came to Cresta and petitioned him to meet the Conqueror's challenge. Cresta said nothing, and the animals feared he would refuse, but Cresta turned and traveled to meet the Imp. The Conqueror saw that Cresta had come forth, and he smiled, confident his Imp would win. Every champion the imp had battled had lost, for the imp was quick and cruel, and always found ways to turn the champions' skills against them.

"Cresta waited and the imp attacked. It hit Cresta's neck and his side, but Cresta would not move. The imp struck his legs and his belly, and still Cresta would not move. The imp felt it had won and moved to strike Cresta's head and destroy him.

"Cresta bowed his head…but not in defeat, for he splayed the great curved horn atop his head! The imp squealed and flailed, but he could not escape, and it impaled itself upon Cresta's horn! The imp was dead, and with it, the Conqueror's dreams of claiming the world. He fled, never to be seen again in the world or any others.

"Cresta flung off the imp's corpse and roared in triumph. The animals rejoiced and cheered for Cresta. They bowed to him and wanted to make him their King.

"Cresta gave a mighty stamp that shook the ground. He had not vanquished a tyrant merely to become one himself, and so he left, returning to his home. The animals saw the wisdom in this and understood, and decided to call him Grand Cresta, so they would always remember that he is the Lord of Might; Greatest of the One's mortal creations!"

Those seated around the campfire remained still and quiet as they listened. All through the narration Rona had drawn each scene in the dirt with deft movements, erasing it with the side of her spear after a few moments before starting on the next. She drew so quickly the ground almost seemed animated. As the tale concluded she let the final illustration remain: the great thick-limbed creature with the curved horn.

"That was cool….kinda gory, but cool…" Cale whispered.

"That was…amazing…." Mia complemented. Rona smiled and looked down.

"Grand Crestas are the mammoth beast-horses of the Kundainian Plains. It is from them the Pegasi learned the Shock Hoof technique." The Pegasi bowed their heads in reverence upon hearing the tale of their savage cousins. "They are fierce and powerful, but cannot be tamed. They are wild, and do not understand the intricacies of friendship and loyalty men express; the bloody oath and the grim pact. Still, they are noble and proud. Every day they live with passion, and every danger they meet with vengeance! They taught us that passion is as much a part of being a warrior as purpose, and that there is beauty in the battlefield."

While most of the others around the campfire nodded solemnly in agreement, as if hearing some great wisdom from an ancient sage, Cye stared with eyes wide and mouth agape. Words escaped him at the moment as the others continued speaking.

"Some of these names you mention, Roth and Eyurodin…forgive our ignorance, but can you explain?" Mia asked. Rona turned to Danae, who had her eyes closed.

"'Hair of silver, eyes of steel, power such to make you reel! Hair of blood, eyes of flame, quiver at her spoken name! Hair of platinum, eyes of bronze, hammer sings the forge's songs. Hair of autumn, eyes of dawn, love enduring above and beyond.' These are the four major deities we Thangiens revere. Roth is our Goddess of Victory, and Patroness of the Turning of the Tide. She is the dawn's triumph, good over evil, life over death. Eyurodin is the Goddess of the Forge, and the Patroness of the Striking Craft. She is the attention to detail, the finishing touch, the night's waking inspiration. Ritho is the Goddess of the Home and Hearth, and the Patroness of the Family. She is the couple's embrace, the first-born's cry, the parent's gentle caress.

"Witheren," Danae uttered this name with a firm voice. "Is the Goddess of Righteous War, and the Patroness of the Bloody Battle. She is the decisive blow, the thundering charge, the exaltation in combat. Since the beginning of existence, these four have guided us. It is their names we invoke in our every day lives. Every friend and sibling we thank Ritho for, every idea and crafted work we attribute to Eyurodin. Every enemy slain, every traitor's blood spilled we give homage to Witheren, and every battle's end, every triumph no matter how small, we bless Roth."

"Well this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" Cye said aloud and rose to one knee. Everyone else looked at him, surprised by the sudden outburst. "'Beauty in the Battlefield'? 'Righteous War'? There's no such thing! How could you say that?"

"Cye, not now," Ryo hissed through clenched teeth.

"NO! No! I want to be heard on this!" Cye yelled and stood. "I had my suspicions when I first visited Thanged, and I kept them to myself, but now I know the truth." Cye pointed at Danae accusingly. "You people are nothing more than war-worshipping barbarians!" This drew startled gasps from most of those around the fire, except the Thangiens who remained silent as Cye continued ranting. "You may try to boast a beautiful and colorful culture, but all you really mean is to glorify battle!" Cye lashed one arm to the side and looked around the camp. No one nodded in agreement, merely gazed with confusion. Brianna looked almost frightened at seeing this side of the gentle Ronin. Danae narrowed her eyes but kept her hands clasped over her lap calmly.

"Oh don't go looking at me like I've grown a third head! You KNOW I'm right! We can't let ourselves be influenced by this. Don't you see? War is their life; it's their religion, their gods! They live for it, they worship it! Every aspect of their culture is based on battle! I never expected to hear this kind of trash again, especially from people that are supposed to be our allies, and I won't tolerate you preaching these things to my friends." Cye clenched his fists and glared at Danae. "I wish you never had landed on our world, AND I'M ASHAMED WE EVEN ASSOCIATE WITH PEOPLE SUCH AS YOU!" he screamed. Brianna looked on the verge of tears and the Elder Ronin looked disgusted with the outburst. Rowen, Kento, and Sage gazed at Cye with worry.

"Cye….that's ENOUGH!" Ryo shrieked and stood up abruptly. The sudden roar startled Cye out of his fervent speech and he looked at Ryo with wide eyes. The Ronin Leader absolutely seethed with rage; arms held close to his sides and fists clenched so hard the plate creaked. His tightly-clenched teeth and the way he shuddered all over and the intense glare in his eyes, he looked like he wanted to throttle Cye right then and there. Cye's anger had all but evaporated at seeing this in someone he considered a friend and leader. He even took a step back, surprised and appalled.

"STIADENO RYOTAKIN!" Danae shouted and raised a hand. Ryo relaxed and glanced at her before sinking back down to his seat on the ground. He still seethed but remained quiet as Danae looked up at Cye. "You are young, Sean Waverider, and you seem like one who has seen too much of the wrong side of war-"

"The only side is the wrong side!-" Cye interjected but paused when Danae raised a hand.

"My father felt much the same as you once. He was ripped from this world in the midst of one war. Why participate in another? Then he fell in love with my mother, and accepted Thanged as his home. He had seen for himself with his own eyes-from the time he came from-the horrors of evil left unchecked. If he had remained idle, the Thunthen would have easily overwhelmed us, and I would not have been born to visit this world."

"War only leads to destruction…war only causes destruction. How can there possibly be a good side?" Cye queried and shook his head.

"The side you are protecting!" Danae shouted sternly. "Do you want to know what my family name means?" Cye blinked, puzzled. "'Life for another Life'! My father gave his life to protect my family because he loved them. That is why we fight: to take these threats upon ourselves, so no one, especially our dear ones, have to encounter them. If shielding the innocent from danger is not purpose, if protecting your friends and loved ones is not reason enough to devote your life to battle, I do not see what business you have even wearing your armor!" Danae hissed.

Cye recoiled and flinched as if physically struck. He looked at Danae with sorrow and frowned. "Neither do I," he whispered and let his arms hang at his sides. "Excuse me, everyone," he said and turned around and walked out of camp swiftly, slipping into the forest. Only the fire produced any sound in the camp after what had just happened, and for a long time no one said anything.

"I'm real sorry about all that. That shouldn't have happened, Cye gets like that sometimes," Ryo apologized to Danae.

"No injury was suffered by any but him. He has to realize that if you fear the battle, your enemies will always have power over you," she stated. Both of them looked to the other side of camp when they heard some argument.

"Get away from me!" Anubis sneered and shoved Sehkmet away. Sehkmet steadied himself and rose to one knee and looked over his shoulder at Ryo.

"Ryo! Talk some sense into this fool! He refuses to let me treat his condition!"

"I don't need your help. I'm fine!"

"Anubis, Black Hawk poisoned you and it kinda had a bad effect on you. If Sehkmet can help, let him," Ryo reasoned. Anubis' expression softened and he shifted in his seat.

"There's nothing he or anyone can do against this kind of poison. There is no cure. I've encountered it once before in my lifetime, long ago. Best thing to do is let it run its course."

"You sure? We don't want you to die again," Yulie said. Anubis glanced at him.

"I'm positive, Yulie. This will not be the end of me. You have my word." Sehkmet had watched the tender exchange of words with disgust and threw up his hands in exasperation and scooted back to his seat.

"Fine! Go ahead and stay sick! Maybe that swill the Thangiens call medicine already cured you for all we know," he grumbled and sat down.

"Since when did Cye become such a wuss?" Dais asked suddenly. The guys glared at him, annoyed, but Dais continued unfazed. "I know he wasn't always the first to fight, but he could hold his own in battle well enough. He's hardly a pacifist."

"He's….been through a lot," Ryo said.

"Yeah, we all know what he went through, but that still didn't give him any right to go bashing Danae's beliefs like that," Kento grumbled.

"Let's just hope he cools down and that this doesn't interfere with our mission like last time," Rowen stated coldly. All the while Brianna listened to this and held a hand over her mouth to keep herself from sobbing openly. She gasped and looked to the side when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't get upset over this. Cye just feels this way because he has people like you to protect. Just give him a while to settle down and collect himself. He'll be back and everything will be allright," Sage whispered comfortingly. Brit nodded and swallowed her sobs. Sage gave her a soft pat before returning to his seat.

Roxi and Shannon knelt on the ground, looking very rattled about what had happened. Shannon bit her lip and Roxi tapped her fingers against her knee. She glanced about the ground idly then frowned and straightened in dawning realization.

"Whoa, where'd Tanya go off to?" she asked and glanced around camp.


Bark crunched loudly. "AARGH!" Cye snarled in frustration before punching the tree again. "It's like nothing's changed! None of it made any difference," he growled and continued venting his anger on the inanimate trunk. "They still haven't learned from their mistakes…" He paused and held his knuckles pressed into the already deep impression and looked over his shoulder when he heard a soft rustle. Tanya stood not too far away, leaning on her left leg but had her right hand against a tree for balance. Cye frowned and let his arm hang at his side. "You shouldn't be standing. You should let your leg recover."

"Ahh, it's not that bad. That Thangien stuff tastes horrible but it helps a ton," Tanya smiled and shrugged dismissively. "I'm more worried about you. Cye, I know I missed out on a lot while living by myself, but for whatever reason, you had no right going off on the Thangiens like that. They didn't deserve what you said to them. They're some of the few people in existence that are able to resist the Dynasty's influence. We need people like that in our corner."

"The last thing I need from someone like you is a lecture," Cye sneered. Tanya glared at him and growled softly, bristling at that remark. "Don't presume to know how I feel. You don't know the horrors I've been through. You don't know what can happen if people let the lust for battle consume them. You don't know anything about real evil."

"I know more than you could possibly imagine." Cye looked at her, surprised by the firm, even tone. The Heart of Hope glowed faintly on the Lady Ronin's brow, framed by her stringy bangs. "Mardrena lived through some of the bloodiest years in human history, and as part of my training I saw much of it through her eyes, through her memory. I know what wicked men are capable of, but I also know what happens when action isn't taken." Tanya looked up at him and the glowing symbol faded. "Danae's right; if protecting your loved ones isn't reason…why are you a Ronin Warrior?"

Cye placed his palm over the shattered dent in the tree trunk and looked at the ground. "I don't know… I never grew up wanting to be a Ronin Warrior. It was something I got dragged into. I was young and foolish when I accepted the Armor of Torrent. I thought it was something cool, something fun. Now I know that it's anything but…I regret accepting this dreadful burden," he lamented. Tanya's expression softened and she straightened herself.

"Maybe you didn't want to be a Ronin Warrior…" she began and stepped away from the tree she'd been against. "But you were meant to be one." With that, she turned around and limped back to camp. Cye stared after her as she moved through the brush then turned away and leaned against the scarred tree. He lifted his right arm and set it against the tree and leaned on it while letting the fingers on his left hand hang from the indention. He sagged against the tree, a fluttering sigh escaping his lips.


"I still don't get why Cye would hold a grudge against the Thangiens. I mean, we could learn a lot from them, like that move Danae used against Black Hawk! Did you guys see what she did! She broke Black Hawk's sword in one hit! Wha-POW!" Kento illustrated by smacking the edge of his right hand into his left palm.

"It wasn't just one hit." Sage spoke up. Rowen and Kento looked at him. "More like five, except it seemed like a single strike. Before the blades connected, she brought all that accumulated force to bear on a single point." Kento's eyes widened at hearing that.

"Woooow… Hey Danae!" Kento called out. Danae looked up at him. "Can you teach us that move? You know, the one where you broke Black Hawk's sword?" The Thangien woman frowned and exchanged glances with her companions.

"The Cresta's Wheel?" Rona asked. The three Ronin nodded. Rona chuckled softly. "Not to insult your Legendary status, but such a move is beyond your skill."

"Why would you say that?" Rowen asked.

"Well to begin with, it is part of an ancient school of swordsmanship called Rait'chian, or 'Art of the Blade'. There are six levels to Rait'chian, each named after a cosmic event: Impacting Asteroid, Sweeping Comet, Solar Flare, Super Nova, Colliding Galaxy, and Metraverse. Danae is a Super Nova level. Her training suffered a bit during her journey, but she is very close to attaining Colliding Galaxy level, same as her sister Aurora.

"Her brother Azuro, however, is one of the few who have mastered the ultimate level of Metraverse. Only a handful in the history of Thanged have attained this rank, for it enables a warrior to tap into the very fabric of being. Ander Vai Stel Vethu also reached the pinnacle of Rait'Chian. He was the first Oldworlder in more than three centuries to unleash a Metra Wave, and there is strong confidence that Aurora and Danae will soon follow in his footsteps," Rona finished and Danae blushed in response.

"So there's no way we can learn this?" Ryo asked, his interest piqued by the tale.

"Really only my Pair Brother, Weapons Master T'plaureth, would be qualified to instruct you," Danae began and stroked her chin with her thumb. Then she smiled and glanced at the Ronin. "But I see no harm in teaching you the basics."


Cye had yet to return to the camp that night, preferring to remain in solitude. Brianna spent that night's sleep troubled by the things she'd heard. When she awoke in the morning her body felt rested but her mind still spun with questions and doubts.

Roxi and Shannon napped in their respective sleeping bags: Roxi with a revolver hidden under the half-zipped flap of her bag, and Shannon with the zipper done up all the way so she slept comfortably and warm. Roxi opened one eye lazily and pushed open the flap and sat up. She holstered her revolver and rubbed the bridge of her nose before flicking sleep out of her eyes. When she at last managed to focus her vision a very interesting sight greeted her. She nudged Shannon some, trying to rouse her to see.

Ryo, Tanya, Sehkmet, Cale, and Sage stood side by side in a line close to the open area by the forest's edge, in full Armor sans helms, weapons drawn and raised. Danae stood before them, her own sword brandished as she demonstrated a series of exercises. Impacting Asteroid-level Rait'chian demanded a lot of the wrist, and presented quite the challenge to the self-stated veterans. Danae barked commands in Thangien as she lectured. The five warriors copied her motions. Even though they didn't understand Thangien they fully understood her meaning.

Yulie sat up in his sleeping bag and yawned widely. He ran his fingers through the thick mop of brown hair on his head and blinked a few times. His eyes widened when he saw the impromptu training session and searched frantically through his belongings for his bokken. Mia gasped when she saw Yulie run past her towards the Ronin. He took a spot on the right end, next to Cale. He and Sehkmet snorted and rolled their eyes, but Ryo and Tanya, who stood in the middle of the row, threw friendly glances at the teen. Danae didn't falter in her instruction and Yulie picked up easily on the rest.

Danae demonstrated a way of handling a sword by spinning it slowly in the hand, so that the grip rolled over the palm and the fingers seemed to caress the hilt in its cycle. On the second rotation she gripped the sword tightly and threw it into the air then ducked swiftly, as if dodging something. Before the sword had a chance to fall she grabbed it with her left hand and slashed. The Ronin tried to follow. Sehkmet ended up dropping his sword, much to his embarrassment as Yulie easily executed the technique. Sage and Cale had to adjust with their swords being considerably longer than Danae's but performed the move regardless. Tanya and Ryo handled the exercise flawlessly.

Danae paused and sheathed her sword and let her palm rest on the pommel as she spoke to the Ronin, her words soft and encouraging. She turned to Rona and Tornath and said something to them and made a gesture to a spot between where she stood and the edge of camp. The two Thangiens throat-clicked to their mounts, and not only did Red Thunder and Grey Fury come, but Pegasus as well. The three Pegasi lined up, side by side, with their rear ends facing the Ronin. Cale glanced at Sehkmet and shrugged while Sehk grumbled something and shook his head. Danae walked over to Yulie and took him by the arm and pulled him away from the row. The boy whined in protest but Danae whispered something to him and he relented. Danae moved back to the front of the row and made a waving motion over her face. "Vassa," she said and gestured to the five. They assumed she meant for them to wear their helms. Tanya shook her head so her ponytails coiled atop her head and she slipped her helm on. Metal whispered as the facemasks slid down. Whatever Danae had planned apparently involved something dangerous enough to exclude Yulie and require the Ronin to shield their faces.

Pegasus shook his head and lifted one fore hoof, the metal crunching against the gravelly ground bordering the Dark Territory and the forest. Danae stepped out from between the Pegasi and the Ronin and nodded to her friends. Rona and Tornath throat-clicked again. Red Thunder moved his hind leg forward, digging his hoof into the ground. He then kicked backwards suddenly, sending a spray of rock bits flying with the speed of hundreds of bullets but not nearly as dangerous.

Cale shouted in protest when he found himself pelted by pieces of gravel. Danae shouted something to him and waved off to the side. Cale stared back at her, puzzled. Sehkmet glanced at him then Danae and leaned over.

"I think that means you're disqualified," he whispered. Cale grumbled in protest but moved out of the way as the three Pegasi continued sending sprays of stone. The remaining four students understood they had to dodge or deflect the projectiles. Sage did his best, but succumbed when rocks struck his arm and disrupted his rhythm. Danae shouted and pointed off-field, and Sage regretfully withdrew. The dual-wielders seemed to have an advantage, but of them Sehkmet faltered next and went off to the side. Only Ryo and Tanya remained, both working furiously to swat rocks away. The spectators watched eagerly, waiting to see who "won".

Tanya cried out in dismay when a spray hit her in the stomach, then shoulder. Rona shook her head in disapproval and she gestured to the side. Tanya moved away, leaving only Ryo, but the Pegasi kept kicking. Evidently he had to outlast them as well. Everyone watched, silently cheering as the Ronin Leader moved quickly, utilizing some of the techniques Danae had demonstrated. Under his helmet, Ryo began to sweat, more from exhilaration than fatigue, his body responding faster than normal as he moved.

Grey Fury's hoof struck dry dust and he grunted in surprise. Pegasus and Red Thunder looked at the ground beneath and saw it stripped clean of any surface gravel. A loud cheer went up among the onlookers and Ryo breathed rapidly, trying to calm himself.

"Slian yador, RyoTakin! You outlasted them all!" Rona praised. Ryo smiled and took a few more deep breaths. Then Danae swung her sword about in her hand till the blade hung parallel to her arm and she raised her arm into the air. Some sort of salute, Ryo guessed, and raised his sword proudly, pointing it at the sky. Danae shook her head and moved her arm up and down slightly. Ryo glanced from her to his sword then swung the blade about as she had, mimicking her. Danae smiled and nodded in approval.

"Big deal," a disgruntled voice said from the trees. The others looked towards the speaker and saw Cye leaning against a tree trunk. "It's just another fancy way of killing people," he grumbled in disgust and pushed away from the tree before retreating to the forest. Ryo sheathed his sword and let his arms hang at his sides. Apparently Cye's dissent hadn't faded overnight…

"If he weren't my friend, I'd definitely smack him upside the head," Kento growled.

"Leave him be. He's entitled to his own opinions," Rowen muttered. The gloomy comments seemed to have killed the cheerful mood. Brianna returned her attention back to preparing the meal she'd reserved for Anubis, trying not to dwell on Cye's attitude. She picked the plate up and walked over to where the Elder Ronin sat.

"Too bad you couldn't see the guys training. They were really something," she began conversationally. "Well here you go. It's not a four-star meal, but it'll help you recover a little of your strength," she began and held the plate towards Anubis. She frowned when he didn't stir. "Anubis? Sir? You awake?" Brit asked and reached out for him. His eyes remained closed and head tilted to one side, but his skin looked unnervingly pale, far lighter than the cool night and his illness could have produced…

The others didn't hear the plate clatter onto the ground as it slipped out of Brianna's shuddering hands, or the strangled gasp she made as she clasped both hands over her mouth. She scooted back on the ground and whimpered. Everyone looked her way when they heard her shriek, once, then a second, more pronounced cry of dismay.

"Brit! What's wrong?" "Why'd you cry out?" "You okay?" the others asked.

"Shannon! Shannon, get over here!" Brianna half-croaked, half-screamed. Shannon jogged over and almost slid onto the ground by Anubis' unresponsive form. "I-I think he's…he's not moving, and I can't feel a pulse! I checked and I couldn't feel one! He feels so cold too," Brit stammered and pointed at him. Shannon frowned and placed a hand on Anubis' cheek first, then over his mouth. Her worry deepened and she pushed two fingers between his collar and his neck, feeling for his carotid.

The other Ronin, civilians, and Thangiens had gathered around, but kept their distance, waiting for Shannon to finish her examination. Shannon looked over her shoulder and gazed at Ryo with sad eyes. She shook her head slightly and looked back upon Anubis' face. Ryo walked over and knelt beside her wordlessly.

"He didn't go in pain, Ryo. We would have known if he did," Shannon whispered. The words gave no comfort to the Ronin Leader, no more than the almost contented expression on Anubis' face. Behind him he heard the cries of anguish; Yulie arguing that Anubis promised he wouldn't die, and the other three Elder Ronin accusing their comrade of giving up too easily. Ryo clamped a hand over his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold back the sorrow threatening to erupt from within. He reached out with his hand and placed it on Anubis' shoulder. The body felt stiff, full rigor had set in. Ryo thumbed tears out of his eyes and sucked air through his teeth. Shannon rose with him as he stood up and straightened his shoulders. Ryo gulped down a cry and bowed his head. "Build a pyre," he said simply. Some of the others looked shocked by the order, but no one argued.


Shannon,Yulie, Brianna, and Mia set to gathering sticks and branches, while Kayura knelt by Anubis' body, chanting prayers under her breath. Ryo stood alone by the forest border, his helmet cradled in one arm. None of the other Ronin wanted to disturb him and occupied themselves with tidying up the camp, packing up as if this would be the last time they'd spend in that area.

"So we're going to cremate him? That seems so…crude," Brianna commented.

"Believe it or not, it's the most honorable thing we can do for him," Mia said. Shannon and Yulie paused to listen as she continued. "We tried burying him the first time he died, but the Dynasty just reanimated him to use him against us. At least this way, his spirit will truly be able to rest, and the Dynasty can never disturb him again."

"I never knew him as well as Sage or the other guys, but…he really was a special guy," Shannon whispered, choking halfway through her sentence. "One of a kind…"

"He was! In a time when the Ronin Warriors thought the Dark Warlords were irredeemable monsters, Anubis proved otherwise. To think he was once one of the most vicious, cruel enemies the Ronin had ever encountered, and yet he became our greatest friend and ally…he will truly be missed. Even as a Dark Warlord he still valued honor and fairness. He gave us hope in hopeless times…" Mia trailed off and sighed.

"He will live on, in story and dance, on Thanged," Rona spoke up and walked over, a hand on her hip. "Khanphe will write llaudauns and sing ballads of Ariuan Wrathrider, and all Bainshaebo will know of his eternal valor. Ritho will enshrine his memory, and Eyurodin will forge stars in his name." The women nodded in agreement then looked to the border suddenly when they heard a series of shots. Roxi stood some distance from Ryo, the barrel of her rifle raised to the sky, and fired repeatedly, only pausing to reload. "Is that not a waste of effort?" Rona queried.

"That's how we honor heroes in our home country," Shannon explained.

"I see. This is how we honor ours," Rona stated and took a deep breath. Roxi lowered her rifle and looked over her shoulder, startled by the shrill, inhuman keening belted out by Rona. Even Ryo glanced at her, almost pleased, as if the wail said what he couldn't. Danae and Tornath didn't join in the mournful cry, but bowed their heads in reverence, as did their Pegasi. The cry faded and Rona let her shoulders hang, spent from the effort.

"What are you and the others going to do for the final battle?" Shannon asked.

"We take to the skies and ride ahead, to remove any minions the enemy sends this way. We will pave the path for the Ronin Warriors. Witheren herself rides with us to avenge their loss," Rona stated firmly. Yulie raised an eyebrow.

"Does your god really fight alongside you?" he asked. Mia opened her mouth to chide him but Rona smiled warmly.

"They are with us in all things. At the end of the battle, it is Roth who stands over the broken ranks of the enemy, but at its middle, it is Witheren who will break their wills and make them waver before our courageous charge. Only through fear, does the enemy conquer. Through courage, they are vanquished." Yulie smiled gladly and closed his eyes, reassured by her belief.

Rowen was the first to walk up to Ryo and stand at his side. "So Ryo, what's the plan?" he asked softly. Ryo didn't answer at first and placed his helmet on his head.

"We end this. Dygra will pay, not only for Anubis' death, but for everything else she and the Dynasty have done. This time we'll make sure they never pollute good souls like his ever again. We owe him that much." By now the remaining seven Ronin stood gathered by their leader, awaiting the order. "It's just the Nine of us again, but this time we'll have Tanya with us. We'll use our powers together, and sweep away everything tainted by Dygra!" Ryo turned around and looked at them.

"We're one short. Cye doesn't seem interested in helping," Sehkmet snorted.

"Shouldn't we wait for him?" Kento asked, concerned.

"If he wants to join us, that's up to him, but Danae was right: Passion is as much a part of being a warrior as purpose. We need passion to beat Dygra once and for all, and making sure Anubis didn't die in vain should be purpose enough!" Ryo declared.

"Yes!" Cale hissed triumphantly and put on his own helmet. Ryo glanced at each of them to make sure they were ready before turning towards the distant Citadel.

"RONIN WARRIORS! TO ARMS!" he howled before taking off running, his friends following at his side. Cye, I wish you could be with us. It won't be the same without you, but whatever you choose to do, I don't hold any grudges… Ryo glanced up when he saw the three Pegasi soar overhead, speeding towards the Citadel.


Back at camp, the girls had put the finishing touches on the funeral pyre then set to lifting Anubis' lifeless body. It took all five women to lift him and set him atop the pile of sticks. They carefully carried the sharp kusari-gama and the coil of chain and set it on Anubis' chest then gingerly grabbed Anubis' wrists and moved his arms so they rest crossed over the weapon. Kayura stood beside him and placed a hand on Anubis' head, stroking the reddish hair gently. Roxi fished around in her backpack and pulled out a road flare and a small bottle of lighter fluid.

Yulie's kendo and Rait'chian training kicked in and he moved quickly behind Kayura and braced his hands against her shoulders when she slumped back suddenly. "Whoa! Kayura, you okay?" he asked, thinking she must have fainted from grief. Brianna's eyebrows went up in worry when she saw the terror-stricken expression on Kayura's face. The Staff-Bearer clamped a hand over her chest and struggled to speak.

"Kayura, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Shannon remarked.

"They're coming…they're coming! Gods save them, they're coming!"


Ryo hadn't given it much thought when the sky went dark. Not even lighting arcing through the air gave him pause. He only stopped when someone said they saw Black Hawk and looked skyward. Sure enough, the Demon Warrior slowly descended, glowering smugly at the Ronin. Rowen readied his bow in anticipation and Tanya pulled out her chakaram. Black Hawk raised her hand to the sky then brought it down swiftly.

Ryo's righteous anger faded the moment he saw the black hulls emerge from the cloud cover. White skeletons, stripped clean of flesh, hung on the prow of each of the nine vessels. On the deck of each ship sat a cloaked figure with clawed, shriveled fingers woven in prayer, far more ominous than any Nether Spirit.

Ryo's eyes went wide in horror, the passion and rage from earlier melting away at the sight of the hideous ships. "Oh no...Run...RUN!" he screamed and turned and fled. The others had no reason to doubt him and ran after him. The ships overtook them easily and fingers of black energy reached down and snared the Ronin as they tried to escape. Sage and Rowen howled in protest and Kento clawed at the air frantically. Tanya started screaming epithets and the Elder Ronin cried out in surprise. Ryo felt the cold numbing pain spread through his body. "No! Not like this! I won't let the Dynasty take me again!" Ryo cried and joined his swords. It took all of his remaining strength to pull his arm back and hurl the double blade into the air. The swords spun in a wheel, blades flaming, and plowed through the ship that held Ryo. He felt his body relax as the spirit guiding the vessel vanished back to whatever nightmare it came from and he dropped to the ground. He looked up and waited for his swords to return to him.

A black form swooped down and intercepted them. Black Hawk held the swords firmly in one hand, casting a mocking glance down at the Ronin Leader. Ryo had no words for the despair that overtook him as the ninth vessel floated overhead. The demonic priest wove its evil charms and captured the Ronin Leader once again. Ryo cried out and struggled as the dark energy snuffed the last bits of strength in his body.

Cye, in full Armor, ran out of the forest line and onto the battlefield. His eyes widened when he saw his friends ensnared by the evil energy, their bodies slowly rising towards the specially-crafted Death Barges. "No! Not again! Not again!" Cye cried.


Far overhead, in the black of space empty to normal human eyes, the swirling vortex of the Transgalactic Gate spun faster, and bright blue bolts of energy radiated from the center. A single white comet-like flare erupted from the Gate and shot towards the planet below, flying swiftly, almost purposely towards the chain of large islands…


We've fought too hard for our happiness. We've suffered too much for our freedom. We won't surrender our will or our lives without a fight! When evil bites us, we'll bite back, with a vengeance! This isn't an age of terror, an age of darkness, an age of despair… This is an age of heroes! This is an age of light! This is an age of defiance!

Next on Ronin Warriors: Aftermath
Age of Defiance

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