
Night City
Ongoing 3134 Words

Chapter 3

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“What a beast! This man right here just won the double vodka eyeballing challenge!” one of the club's bartenders announced loudly, holding up Matvei's arm in triumph. Matt threw his shirt off and waved it around while wildly yelling in celebration and accepted his prize which consisted of three free shots. 

“Fucking shit man, that's crazy” the loser cussed him out but held a level of respect for his opponent who'd beaten him fair and square. 

“Babe, your eyes aren't looking so good, maybe we should go to the hospital?” the loser's girlfriend suggested as she checked up on him. 

“Fuck, I'm fine, it just burns” he grumbled, feeling emasculated by losing infront of his hot new girl. 

“Go wash your face kid, your eyes aren't looking too great either” the bartender who'd gifted him his prize suggested. 

“Sure, sure! Just give me my free shots first. Oh! But save one for later, my girl pal is on her way here and she's had a bit of a rough few days.” Matvei was undeniably generous with his drinks when it came to Jinsu, if it were anyone else he'd have guzzled them all by himself or gotten into a fist fight against anyone that tried to snatch his drinks. 

  • Double Vodka Eyeballing: Pouring vodka into one's eyeballs. (DON'T try this at home since it can cause serious and permanent damage to your eyes)


Matt downed his shots, feeling the electrifying buzz in his body before heading to the bathroom to wash his eyes and take a piss. Once he entered the bathroom he found all but one urinal was available so he scooted past the other three urinals that were in use to get to the one in the very back. He unzipped his pants, unknowingly dropping his wallet on the floor and began relieving himself. Matt looked around at the other men; not so subtly, checking out their sizes and then snickered to himself. One of the men asked what he was laughing about, Matt shook out the last drops before zipping up again. “Just that none of you guys are winners is all” he replied, patting the man's shoulder with his unwashed hand as he passed. The gesture sent the man into a fury and he shoved Matt against the bathroom stall door. 

“You're fucking disgusting you faggot! Don't fucking touch me you gay motherfucker” he yelled. Matt laughed.

“If I'm a faggot, then doesn't that make me a father-fucker? Also who’s touching who right now?” The sexually-insecure-guy punched Matt in the face but the wasted boy kept on laughing, even as the blows continued. The other bathroom occupants left, not wanting to get involved in the brutality which was taking place. Matt looked up at the hulking mound of a man and suggested that they stopped beating around the bush. Matvei stuck out his tongue and told him that he'd been told it felt like stroking velvet. “Wanna test it out? It’s not like anyone will suspect it after the show you just put on” he licked his bloodied lips while flashing the man his bedroom eyes. 

“So, you wanna tell me why you’re so chummy with the bouncer?” Jinsu asked upon entering the main dancefloor. 

“Don’t tell anyone but he’s the leader of the Downtown Animals, this is his public job” Wolf whispered into her ear. 

“For real?” She did a double take to catch another glance of the bouncer. 

“No, of course not. I just helped out his kids once when they got in some trouble” he gave her a shit-eating grin as they made their way through the sweaty, neon-clad clubbers, towards the bar. Jinsu couldn’t really picture Wolfie with children, he seemed like the type who wouldn’t like them. 

“Two Jägerbombs please” he ordered upfront. 

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but we’re not here to get drunk, we need to find Matt.” Wolfie told her to chill out a bit.

“Just think of it as an energy shot” he sounded awfully chipper, especially when he received his drinks. Jinsu snatched both shots before he could take them and immediately downed them.

“As if I’d let you drink and drive” she slammed the shot glasses down on the counter. The bartender let out an impressed whistle at Jinsu’s shot-taking abilities. The punk girl then asked the bartender if she’d seen an aggressive-horny-Russian guy tonight. The bartender’s face lit up immediately in recognition.

“There was someone like that, he eye-balled vodka not that long ago” she replied and pointed over to the other side of the dancefloor, towards the second bar where she told them he’d been just a few minutes prior. 

“Thanks, that sounds just like him and by the way the drinks are on him” she pointed at Wolfie before heading over to the other bar. 

“Some girl you got there, careful or I just might snatch her up myself” the bartender purred. 

“Hands off tiger, I’ve called dibs” he warned; seemingly mesmerising with Jinsu walking away with steady, aggressive steps. 

“Too bad, she’s wasted on you” the bartender snarked back, receiving her payment for the shots. 

“If she turns out gay I’ll give her your number, later Jack” he waved her goodbye. 

“It’s Maria” she hissed irritably before turning her attention towards her other customers. 

“Hey princess, you see your friend anywhere?” Wolf took a seat by the second bar while Jinsu was questioning him. 

“No, but he was last seen heading towards the bathrooms, mind checking them out?” she asked. Wolf let out a short snort of laughter.

“I didn’t think you’d be embarrassed about going into the men’s room princess.” Jinsu smacked his shoulder. 

“I just don’t know what I’ll see on the other side of the door if Matt really is in there” she shoved him as she passed by, leading him towards the club’s bathrooms. 

“Fuck, smells like a reggae concert over here” Jinsu waved the thick smoke of weed from her face while Wolfie inhaled it happily. “You go in first” Jinsu proceeded to usher him through the door and into the men’s room. 

"Oh" Wolf immediately understood why Jinsu hadn't wanted to go into the bathroom first. 

“Matt! What the fuck?” Jinsu yelled as she entered the men’s room after Wolf. Matvei looked up at her from his position on his knees and dick in hand. 

“What the-” Wolf was cut off by Jinsu shoving him aside, storming up to Mattvei who was jerking himself off while looking into the bathroom stall. “What happened? Who is that?” She asked upon noticing the bloodied, passed out man in the toilet stall. 

“Just some guy who dealt me some drugs that gave me a real haaaaard time” he really drew out the ‘A’ in hard. 

“You are the worst when I’m sober” she let out her exasperation in one powerful sigh. Matt is a fucked up guy but busting a nut to an unconscious, beat up guy was odd, even for him. 

“Aw, you know you love me babe” he gave her a kiss on the cheek with his bloodied lips. She could at least infer that he got into a fight with the mystery man judging from both of their injuries but the reason was something she knew she couldn’t even begin to speculate about. “Just go get a drink at the bar, I’ll be out in a minute, just gotta take care of this, it’s so lively I can’t even zip up my pants.” This was unsurprising considering he was wearing some torturously skinny jeans while his cock looked painfully swollen. Matt then noticed Wolf and waved at him “It’s puppy-play-boy!” he announced cheerfully. “Here gimme paw” he held out his open palm for Wolf to tap. 

“I am not touching your hand dude” Wolf replied with a hint of disgust in his voice. 

“Fair enough, take care of my girl while I take care of my guy” he chuckled while pointing to his ‘guy’. Jinsu buried her face in her hands before snapping back up again and told him that they needed to leave now. She didn’t feel like explaining the situation to him while he was in such a drunken state so she told him that they were heading to a strip club instead so he could properly take care of his angry boner. “That’s all cool and all but remember when I said I couldn’t zip up my pants” he reminded her about his issue. Jinsu took off her jacket and wrapped it around his waist in a way that covered his junk. 

“There, no need to zip them up properly. Now can we please go” she urged for them to get a move on it. She just hoped that the guy in the bathroom stall wasn’t going to give them any trouble in the future.

Surprisingly the trio made it out of the club without even seeing any of the guys from the cartel. “Were they here by coincidence? I feel like they wouldn’t have taken their eyes off of Matt if they really were following him.” Jinsu looked around paranoidly to make sure they weren’t being followed to Wolf’s bike. 

“I can’t believe I’m helping out a guy with a raging boner who also by the way just puked on my shoes” Wolfie had let go of Matt and left him leaning against the wall while he used a fallen leaf to try and wipe off the vomit. 

“What a good doggie, I’ll give you a bone later” Matt laughed loudly. 

“What part of straight don’t you get man?” Wolfie was clearly annoyed by this whole situation. 

“The part where you limit yourself to getting off to only one gender” Matt clapped back without missing a beat. He was clearly feeling better after puking his guts out on Wolf’s shoes. 

“Sure a straight guy’s pallet isn’t as diverse as someone who is bi or pan but dicks are just… no…” Jinsu couldn’t believe that Wolf was actually trying to have a proper conversation with someone as wasted as Matt was right now. 

“Just load him on the back of your bike and drop him off at my place, I’ll meet you there after I flag down a cab” Jinsu’s tone of voice was enough to convey just how done she was with all of this shit. She was already scanning the streets for a taxi to call over. 

“Princess, you seriously think I’m leaving you here by yourself?” Wolf asked. Jinsu had had enough with him at this point. 

“Listen here you raccoon-looking motherfucker, you’re taking my idiot friend home right now or so help me!” she warned aggressively. 

“You know I can’t do that, I’ll be in trouble if something happens to my business partner” he retorted. While he had a point Jinsu wasn’t going to tell him that. 

“Fine, you can wait with me until I get into a taxi but you take him on your bike, if we get tailed you’ll be harder to follow and if they go after me I can just call my friend who’ll keep quiet about this little excursion. Oh and by the way, don’t call me princess anymore, it sounds really condescending” she warned menacingly. Wolf let out a chuckle.

“Roger that captain.” 


Jinsu had the sobering up Mattvei walk himself up to the front desk of her apartment complex so that he could be taken to her luxury home while Wolf snuck her back into her room. “You ready?” Wolf asked her after she climbed onto his back. 

“Nope but we do need to hurry or Tae Min will realise that I’m not in my room.” Jinsu clenched her teeth together and tightened her grip around Wolf’s neck as he took a giant leap up the side of the tall building, grabbing a hold of the ledge about two meters above head. Somehow the climb up was worse than down, probably because it took infinitely longer to get up the side of the building than it was to simply drop down a couple of ledges at a time which took only a few seconds. Wolf climbed in through Jinsu’s window and dropped her off in her bedroom where loud porn noises were still being played. 

“Damn, that looks interesting, what is that?” he asked, pointing at the porn video that was playing. 

“It’s a vaginal speculum, doctor’s use it to spread you open during a vaginal examination.” Wolf asked her if he should be surprised that she knew these things. “I’ve just been to a gynecologist before” she replied as she quickly got rechanged into her pajamas. “Fuck, I bet I smell skanky I need to get into the shower before Tae Min notices the smell.” She told him to leave before Tae Min came in to announce that Mattvei had showed up at the reception. 

“I’ll see you soon prin-” he stopped himself and rephrased “See you later Jinsu” he then backflipped out of her window. 

Crazy bastard. She realised she hadn’t asked him about his abilities, he was clearly a powered person, she speculated earth attribute which would explain his enhanced physical abilities or wind attribute* which would also explain his superhuman jumping abilities.

  • Wind Attribute: Power relating to the element of wind creation/manipulation resulting in flight abilities or simply allowing the user to hold their breath for longer periods of time.


“Oh, Jinsu when did you get in the shower?” Tae Min asked as she exited her bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body. 

“Just now, anyway I thought I heard Matt, where is he?” she asked, looking around her living room. 

“He is in the doorway, he is rather… messy right now, I thought it best he went straight into the shower before dirtying your home.” Jinsu walked over to the frontdoor to find Matt passed out with his head resting on Tae Min’s expensive, fancy, dark brown shoes. Good job Matt she thought to herself sadistically. 

“Help him take a shower, I’ll set up the couch-bed for him in the meantime” she commanded her overpaid and under-worked bodyguard. She caught a glimpse of his dissatisfaction but he quickly recomposed himself, flashing her his work smile before going over to help Matt. Jinsu headed over to the couch and pulled out the lounging section into a bed then she opened up the pouf to retrieve the couch-bed sheets. It didn’t take her long to set up a decent sleeping space for her dumbass friend, she even picked out the pink elephant plushie which was his favourite of her cuddly collection. She was far too tired to wait for Tae Min to get Matt ready for bed so she simply left a pair of Gi’s pajamas on the couch-bed before she retreated to her own room. 

Jinsu flopped down on her bed, exhausted from today's events, she reached for her phone and found that she had several messages. One from Taeyun who was wishing her a goodnight but mostly she’d received selfie spams from her party friends who were out having fun without her. She didn’t feel like checking them all out and instead launched one of her idle* fighting games she’d downloaded a few months ago and had totally gotten addicted to. She would collect her rewards and rolled for new heroes so she could level them up and add them to her different hero line-up. It was really mind numbing and perfect for unwinding before falling asleep.

  • Idle Games: A game that plays by itself 24/7 and requires minimal interaction, it’s a type of low commitment game that one can start and drop at any time.


After a while of mindlessly tapping the phone screen, Tae Min knocked on her door before entering and asking her if she needed anything from him before he went to bed. Jinsu thought for a moment before replying. “For you to throw yourself out of that window, that would be just great.” Tae Min sighed and sat down next to her on her bed. 

“So, what is it that you have against me, don’t tell me it’s still about what happened when you were in high school?" Jinsu tensed up, her mind blanking out and skin turning cold. “You really need to let that go, that was several years ago and the matter was settled already. Or maybe it would make you feel better if I had him killed?” Jinsu snapped her head towards him and stood up. 

“The fact that you’re saying shit like this is just-! You- just get the fuck out of my room!” she commanded. Tae Min sighed, letting go of his customer-service demeanor and stood up. The way he slowly moved towards her almost appeared to be in slow motion. He reached his hand out and held her by the chin, his deep blue eyes turned cold and spiteful. 

“I have tried several different approaches to deal with you but nothing seems to work. My job would be far easier if I didn’t have to deal with a bitchy fuck-up like you. Just behave and things will be easier for the both of us. Because if not, my next method of dealing with you will be far from kind.” Jinsu was frozen, paralysed by his cold, snake-like gaze. His disconcerting demeanor had become chokingly dominating and chilling. She felt her knees go weak and the strength drain from her body all together. This wasn’t the first time he’d dropped his act in front of her but he’d never threatened her directly like this. 

“I-I so-” she couldn’t form any words while his frigid eyes were transfixed on her. She could feel the traumas of her past that were ingrained into her mind, body and soul start to flare up and this man before her was aware of what would trigger her into a submissive state. Her eyes began to water “I’m sorry, I'm really sorry” she was finally able to speak only to utter such a pathetic response that just made her hate herself. Tae Min released her, dropping her to the floor the moment his touch left her skin. He looked down at her and returned to his normal fake personality and smiled at her. 

“Now, go to bed, I’ll bring you a glass of water and leave it on your nightstand before I go to sleep. Just call out to me if you need anything but I’m sure you’ll be perfectly safe in your room tonight so I doubt you’ll find it necessary.” Tae Min left the room, leaving Jinsu on the floor and trapped in her nightmarish state. She began hyperventilating so she took her therapist's advice and tried regulating her breath by counting down backwards slowly.

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