
Night City
Ongoing 3717 Words

Chapter 1

6670 0 0

An Evening of Calamity


“Kace, are you sure that this shit is legit? I mean it'll be a miracle if the target even shows up in the first place. Like, how reliable even is that skittish little fucker?” Zigg asked his long-haired friend who'd recently made the big mistake of dying his hair a really yellowy blond. 

“We're doing this man, if she doesn't show up today we'll stake out her place and just do it when she comes home late” Kacey replied to his understandably paranoid friend. 

“Sure but tonight is rare since she doesn't have her bodyguard with her. I know Cong is powered and shit but Shin-Guk's bodyguards are scary motherfuckers.” Cong reassured him that as someone with the geo attribute* he was resistant to most attacks, even from other elemental attributes. Kace clicked his tongue in annoyance, 

“We'll do this tonight, if she doesn't show within the next hour we'll just bust into the bitch's place and grab her there” Kacey laid out the half-baked backup plan he had to satisfy his two partners in crime. 

“Even if she's a trained martial artist like most of those Shin-Guk fucks she won't stand a chance against the three of us, especially not me” Cong reassured Zigg who had even returned to his old habit of picking at his nails. 

“Exactly, I also brought this as insurance.” Kacey pulled out a stun gun he'd spent a month's worth of his paycheck to buy for this occasion. “Fuck…” Zigg breathed out the profanity before leaning back in his passenger's seat and pulled up his face-mask.

“Look, Vulture said that if we kidnap someone important from another gang and get the ransom money she'd allow us to join the Downtown Animals a-”

“as trainees.” Zigg interjected, receiving a foul glare from the unestablished leader for interrupting him. 

“Whatever, we'll make it big but we have to get in first and by getting a boss' daughter for ransom is like, major! We're bound to be put miles ahead of other trainees, hell they might even make us official members”

While this all sounded good on paper this sure wasn't going to go as planned, they were dealing with one of the big powers that control this region. A loud knocking on the window made the trio jump out of their skin, someone was banging on the glass and once they'd calmed down Kace rolled down his window to yell at the person who'd surprised them. The moment the window rolled down he was hit by the stench of cigarettes and alcohol. 

“Fuck! We’re not interested so just fuck off” he snapped at the sluttily clad girl. 

“Gimme a ride, I need to get home and the busses don't run anymore. C'mon will you really let a pretty girl walk home all by herself?” she asked, leaning in, flashing her cleavage at the trio. The three of them were at a loss for words for a second before Kace shoved her back by opening the door. 

“Listen here you slut, I don't care if you have to crawl home, we're fucking busy, now piss off!” he snapped as he got out of the car only to be left dumbfounded when he took a proper look at the girl. 

“Rude! Well guess what?! I'd rather walk anyway than be in the same car as some prick.” The girl was dressed pretty punk with a band tank top, purple checkered skirt and thigh-high socks with a garter belt to hold them up. Zigg pulled up his phone and looked at the picture of their target then looked at the punky girl who'd now started to slowly walk away from them. 

“Holy fuckin-!” Zigg's train of thought was interrupted by Kace chasing after the girl, grabbing her shoulder and turning her around. 

“You! Yo-” he could barely even speak. 

“Fuck off, I'm over you” she tried to shake him off but Kace held on to her tightly. Zigg had now jumped out of the car and yelled “That's her! That girl is the target!”

  • Geo/Earth Attribute: Power relating to the element of earth creation/manipulation (Have certain passive abilities like hardened skin/bones, super strength etc...)


“Hey, let go blondie, it's rude to grab people but then again I suppose you're just a rude bastard” the girl snapped at Kace. 

“Fine! Fine! I'm sorry! We'll give you a ride, now please get in the car with us” he quickly fumbled with his words, trying to get her to scramble into the vehicle with him by leading her towards the car. 

“No, I told you I'm over it, I'll walk” she replied with a confused tone. 

“No, no we insist! Like you said we shouldn't let a pretty girl like you walk home alone at night, who knows what kind of creeps are lurking!” Zigg, flustered as he tried to help his friend convince her to get into the car willingly. 

“No~” she said in a sing-song voice as she literally twirled out of Kace's grip. 

“Enough with this shit, get in the car bitch!” Kacey finally snapped and picked the girl up from behind, lifting her off of her feet. 

“Hey! Let go, you freak!” She was now kicking and screaming. The punk girl managed to stop Kacey from throwing her into the back of the car with Cong by planting her feet firmly against the car door's frame while thrashing around with her upper body to get her kidnapper to release her. 

"Just get in the car you hysterical bitch!” he yelled while trying to wrestle with her only to get smashed against the building's wall behind him so hard that it knocked the air right out of his lungs. The punk had managed to kick off from the car so hard it sent them both flying backwards. While Kacey was trying to regain his bearings the punk elbowed him square in the face, breaking his nose then did a taekwondo back-kick straight to his balls. Zigg and Cong both winced at the blow as they watched their friend collapse on the ground, whimpering while holding onto his busted family jewels. 

“Cong! Get her!” Zigg exclaimed, ushering his large friend out of the car to catch the feral girl. 

“I recommend that you do not resist, I really don't want to hurt you, I'm a powered person” the giant warned her. 

“Come at me you fucks! I'll make sure none of you fucks are ever able to bust a nut again!” she taunted him while taking a defensive stance. 

“Please reconsider, I don't like hitting girls” Cong seemed to be the one pleading for mercy rather than the feisty, drunk girl. 

“Fuck you!” she yelled as she threw a straight punch, hitting Cong straight in the chin only for her to recoil and cradle her bruised fist. “Ow! Fuck! Mother! Fucking! Fuuuuuck man! Earth attribute* motherfucker!” she cussed in pain as she stumbled backwards. 

“I'm sorry, I told you not to fight back” Cong was now approaching her, ready to snatch her up while Zigg was helping his defeated friend off the ground. Out of nowhere something heavy landed on the trio's car, smashing the glass to bits. 

After a moment of pause and upon closer examination the thing that had fallen from above was a man. 

“God damn, my fucking back” the fallen man groaned as he sat himself up, brushing the glass off of him. “Yo, what are you pricks doing here?” the man asked, getting up from the car, revealing himself to be rather tall. 

“My car! Wait! No! W-Wolf!? What the shit is happening?! Did you just fall from the roof?” Kacey exclaimed, looking up to see that the man must have fallen from at least five floors high. The punk took a look at the man who'd fallen to find that he was wearing a japanese noh mask of a wolf over his face. She'd heard about some gang that had grown in power recently whose members wear animal masks to hide their identities. 

“Good timing, I'm in need of a get-away-car, you guys were with Vulture right? Drive me to the park downtown” Wolf said as he rounded around the car to hop into it. 

“Wh-w- Wait no! We can't, we're not members yet, we have to kidnap that girl first then we'll take you to wherever you want. Fuck this is perfect timing” Kacey exclaimed in surprise and excitement. 

“Girl? What girl?” Wolf asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion. The trio all turned around to find the punk girl was trying to sneak away while on the phone with emergency services.

“This is the city police, how can we help you?” a woman's voice rang out from the girl's phone. There was a long pause of disbelief between the punk girl, masked man and the trio. The drunk girl then proceeded to quickly shout over the phone. “These three crazy guys are trying to kidnap me! Then a wolf mask man fell from the roof and is now stealing their car! Please help me!” The trio all jumped into action, yelling at her to get off the phone but Wolf was faster, he was already standing in front of her with his hand outstretched. 

“Hand the phone over princess, none of us want the cops involved in this” he calmly said. The punk looked up at him with her big, glowing, violet eyes. 

“If I don't make it home, tell my brother Taeyoung that it was Jisuk who stole his car and crashed it!” Wolf gritted his teeth and went to snatch the phone from her hands but she was faster and avoided his grabby hands and turned tail to run. She barely had time to round the corner before she was caught, picked up and flung over Wolf's shoulder. 

“What the fuck are you thinking princess, my legs are twice as long as yours? Also shouldn't you have called your family for help, the cops can do piss all for you. Hell, all they'll do is make it harder for your family to get you back. So really you're screwing yourself over.” The girl shrieked, while trying to wiggle free but this man's grip on her was far stronger than Kace's, escaping him would be impossible.

While Wolf walked back towards the car he felt her boot rubbing against his junk. He looked down at it then turned to ask “What are you doing?” 

“Targeting.” Before he had time to register the implications he was struck directly in the balls with her steel-toed boot. Kace felt his junk tingle unpleasantly, just remembering the pain of her kick. The punk was dropped and fell onto the hood of the car but before she could get up Wolf fell on top of her, pinning her down against the car. 

“Fuck! Get off me you fuck! You're crushing me” she complained angrily as she tried to push him off but he was far too heavy for her to move. 

“C'mon princess, have some mercy, just think for a minute about where you just kicked me” he groaned in agonising pain. 

“This bitch is crazy, she punched Cong in the face, tried to sneak away to call the cops and then kicked a Downtown Animal's top dog in the balls.” Zigg had no idea how this walking disaster of a girl could possibly fuck anything more up at this point. 

“Oh my god! You pervert! I can feel your boner against my thigh!” she yelled at him furiously. 

“That's just my gun!” he snapped back. 

“Ew, you refer to your dick as your gun? That's weird as shit.” Their bickering was then interrupted by a group of thugs closing in on them from either side of the alleyway they were parked in. 

“What the shit is happening now?” Kace exclaimed in frustration. 

“We're so fucked” Zigg had already begun praying to any gods that might be willing to listen to his pleas. There were at least a dozen crudely armed thugs surrounding them now. 

“Sup, I see you caught up huh?” Wolf gave the thugs a limp wave. 

"This is not the start of a porno I want to star in so please just pull yourself together and get off me” the punk girl hissed at Wolf who was still struggling to breath after the blow to the junk. 

“You fucking mutt, you tried to lay your fucking disgusting hands on my fucking sister you damn psycho!” one guy with lots of uneven scruff yelled at Wolf. The punk was able roll out from underneath Wolf who had just barely managed to get up and had now propped himself up against the wall. 

“Fuck man, I told you, I ain't interested in your skanky sister, plus she's the one who made moves on me. Or what, you got some kind of sister complex or something and want her precious love all to yourself you bootleg Gollum motherfucker?”

 Zigg had already made his peace with god at this point and Wolf had now sealed their fate with his terrible attitude. 

“You piece of shit! I'll cut you!” the shaggy looking guy yelled, his gaze then turned to the purple haired girl. 

“I'll be sure to take your side piece from you while I'm at it” he smirked sleazily. “Might wanna stand back princess, it seems like there's been some kind of misunderstanding here.” Wolf warned her and as she slowly backed up and accidently kicked something on the ground. A gun.

“Hands up fuckers or I'll shoot!” the purple haired girl yelled, aiming the gun that Wolf had dropped during their earlier struggle. 

“Look at her, she's all shaky, she ain't gonna shoot! Fucking get her you pussies!” the Bootleg-Gollum yelled at his crew who reluctantly stepped forward. 

“I wouldn't do that if I were you, that bitch is a walking calamity” Kace warned after regrowing his balls during the chaos. 

“Yeah! She also has some kind of grudge against dicks too, nothing good happens to your dick when you're around her!” Zigg shouted in the heat of the moment, trying to intimidate the dozen guys. 

“Your beef is with those guys right? Let me go, you get the ones you're after and nobody gets shot” she warned, slowly backing off. 

“This bitch!” Bootleg-Gollum cursed. While they were distracted by the gun Wolf pulled out a knife and threw it at a guy in the back, hitting him square in the left eye, this sudden attack startled the punk, causing her to accidentally shoot the gun hitting Bootleg-Gollum in the upper thigh, narrowly avoiding his groin. In a blind panic she threw the gun at Wolf and made a break for it. 

“That slut! Fucking kill her! She clipped my balls!” Bootleg-Gollum roared in unimaginable agony. Wolf picked up his gun and shot two more guys down by crippling their legs like the punk girl had done, only with more skill. The trio hopped into their car and plowed through the crowd while wildly honking at them and gave chase to the escaping girl. 

“Fuck! Why are we going after her! Just get us the fuck out of here! Fuck the gang man! That Wolf guy just threw a knife into some dude's eye!” Zigg squealed, he was about ready to barf right then and there. 

“Fuck this! We haven't gone through all this trouble to let that bitch get away now! I'll fucking run her over if that's what it takes to bring her with us!” Kace had completely lost it and was speeding down the alley in a blind rage. They spotted the fleeing girl, she noticed them and made several sharp turns to try to lose them or at least avoid getting run over.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hate being sober! What the fuck is even up with today!? the punk girl internally screamed at the universe. She glanced behind her to see the monstrously beaten up car still giving chase down the narrow streets. As she ran past a light post she was grabbed from behind and flung around and slammed into the wall. Wolf had managed to catch up to her and was now holding her in one arm while he climbed up the building wall using a drain pipe. When she awoke a few seconds after losing consciousness she found herself floating several meters in the air. 

“Holy fuck I'm dead!” she exclaimed believing she was a spirit who was leaving this world. 

“Not just yet princess” Wolf's voice snapped her back to reality. 

“Oh fuck!” she squealed in panic, realising just how high up they were. Wolf climbed up onto the building's roof. “Put me down! Put me down!” The moment he set her down, some of the thugs from before appeared on the roof of the building adjacent to them and were rapidly making their way towards the two. “Oh fuck! Pick me up! Pick me up!” she screamed, jumping up into his arms. Wolf ran across the roof and jumped over a large gap, crossing onto the next building and then the next one. He kept going until they reached the intersecting canals, forcing them to turn and head east towards the bridge. Wolf jumped down to a lower building and slid down the tiles before leaping across a giant ledge, releasing one of his hands from the girl and using his now free hand to grab a hold of a balcony's ledge. As he recuperated from the jump which had been far more strenuous than he'd thought due to the extra weight he was carrying, one of the thugs managed to grab a hold of the punk girl. 

“Hey! Hey! Let go!” she yelled at the thug who was calling over his buddies. “Piss off! This skirt is new! You're going to rip it!” 

She kicked her legs at him so that he couldn't try and grab ahold of them as well. Wolf then yanked her upwards with so much force he pulled the dude who was holding onto her up with him. Some of the thugs other buddies had now reached him and were anchoring him down but Wolf kept pulling. “You-You're choking me! I can't breathe you maniac!” Then with a loud rip her entire skirt was shredded and she was left in her underwear while her pursuers tumbled to the ground from the sudden loss of tension. 

She was swung up onto the balcony above them, whose ledge Wolf was hanging off of. She noticed Wolf checking her out the instant he'd climbed up on the balcony with her. “What!? Never seen women's underwear before?” she snapped embarrassed by her current disheveled state. He ignored her and picked her up again and climbed up even higher. “Having fun?” he asked once they reached the roof. 

“Like fuck I am this is scary as hell!” she complained in a panicked voice. 

“Aw don't lie, you're screaming your head off like you're at Disneyland!” he dismissed her fear and continued his free run to shake his pursuers.

“I cannot believe we lost them, fuuuuuck! That sucked!” The purple haired girl let out a loud exhale of relief. They'd made it to the park downtown and were hiding in the large park which was closed so there weren't any other people around. 

“Final stop for Wolf Express, all passengers must now disembark” Wolf was breathing heavily and it was only now in that calm that she noticed the large gash on his cheek. 

“Terrible service, uncomfortable ride and an overall shitty experience” she announced as she reached up to wipe the blood off of his cheek. 

“Please rate me five stars for my efforts at least” he leaned back against the large tree they were semi-hiding behind. 

“So... You fucked his sister or something?” she leaned up against the side of the same tree as him. He looked at her and she could just tell that he was rolling his eyes by his demeanour. 

“She came on to me and I just didn't refuse her, I mean I get it, who can resist my charm?” He chuckled between laboured breaths. 

“Man, all that really sobered me up, I can't believe I didn't puke after that whole rollercoaster.” He glanced over at her.

 “We can go for round two if you want to challenge yourself” he replied with an amused tone. 

“Fuck you.”

 The silence of the park was refreshing after the whole nuclear catastrophe that had been this night. 

“It was an absolute pleasure meeting you but I'm going home now” she finally broke the silence of their short and rapid breathing. She paused for a moment before adding “That's a lie, it was awful meeting you and I hope to never see you again. Oh, I should give this back!” She tossed him his phone. 

“The fuck? When did you swipe this?” The girl smiled and told him it was a secret. 

“You broke my phone so as revenge I left you a little gift” she said before walking away. Wolf looked at his phone to see a picture of her with neon-bunny ears over her head with big anime eyes and blushing cheeks as a filter. When he unlocked his phone he noticed he had sent a message that he hadn't written.

It's Jinsu. Some dick smashed my phone so come pick me up at the big park in downtown. I need a lift <333

“So she even sent a message to her people. I really should password protect my phone” he said to himself then he suddenly realised his mistake and jumped to his feet. He had totally forgotten that he was going to kidnap her, not for the dummy-trio but for the leverage over the Shin-Guk faction. He facepalmed himself at his own foolishness but at this point she was going to receive reinforcements from an unknown number and he was spent. Even if he tried to take her before her group arrived he could infer as much by what he'd seen of her that she could definitely stall him until her people picked her up. He checked the message again, “Jinsu,” he said aloud. “So her name is Jinsu…”

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