Grandmaster ReecThaWizard
ReecThaWizard Master of Imagination and Storytelling

In the world of Bella Four

Visit Bella Four

Ongoing 1435 Words

Act 3: Bella’s Deepest Fear

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Bella hops out the car and slams the door shut. “ Carful gonna break the window”. “Sorry Mom”, Bella contemplated, “It’s okay go open the door I’ll get the bags” Bella followed her mom instructions and preceding to the front door. “SURPRISE”, upon opening the door Bella looked to see her Dad and four friends Lilly Caleb, Hannah and Able all cheering inside. The kids jumped around while Dad shot confetti onto Bella. All Bella could do was smile as she turned to see her mom tearing up seeing how happy her daughter was. Bella enjoyed her party, if her mom wasn’t mistaken she was sure she had over heard Bella say “this is the best birthday ever”. That to bring tears to her face, it wasn’t about being the best parent rather than just being invested in her daughters life. Seeing her daughter laugh and goof around with her Dad made her mourn for the times everything seemed so simple, yet it brung a different feeling. Bella’s mom noticed how creative and expressive Bella was today. How her personality was embraced by her ability to balance and make informed decisions in regard to the group. She noticed the growth in Bella and that awareness brought inspiration to herself. The awareness disguised itself as a thought to stop feeling sorry and to create more out of life. Bella looked up from the dinning table sitting with her friends as she watched her mom ask her Dad for a dance. As Bella watched her parents dance it gave Bella a idea, but she was going to need help from a friend.
As the day came to a night and Bella’s Dad cleaned the last confetti piece from under the coach, Bella scurried off to her room. *Knock Knock* “Goodnight sweetheart Happy Birthday…”  Bella’s Dad enters the room as Bella hops into bed, Dad leans to give Bella a kiss. Bella’s plan was following right on schedule, go to sleep early and dream all night. If only it would be so easy, as Bella’s Dad leaves her room Bella’s mom comes in shortly after letting him out. “Mom can you read me The End of the Rainbow?”. “Ofcourse sweetie”, Bella’s Mom replies. After Mom grabs the blue cover book of a girl with 3 balloons walking a gold path, she snuggles next to Bella in bed. “Once upon a time, there was a rainbow, and at the end of that rainbow was a land where everything was sweet. Where everyone was happy and anything was possible”. Bella’s Mom looked to her daughter who was admiring the illustration of a little girl jumping into a purple pool of liquid. “Fairies and dwarfs lived west of Gumdrop Drop while the elf’s lived in the forest. The sky’s was full of stars while the land was littered in delicious goodness.” Bella’s Mom turned to Bella as their eyes met, “I love you mom”, “I love you my sweet baby”, Bella’s Mom kisses Bella goodnight and leaves the room for her to sleep. Bella snuggles up and closes her eyes but nothing happens. Bella must of sat for 20 mins before she rolled over in frustration, “I can’t sleep”. Bella tried rolling over and flipping the pillow to the cooler side but nothing seemed to help. Bella didn’t want to get out of bed to wake her mom so she thought about counting sheep. Bella must’ve counted to at least 7000 before she was fast asleep. 
Waking up in “The End of the Rainbow” this time felt different, it felt powerless. She walked around to notice the lands had lost if not all majority of its color. the golden chocolate roads looked as stone, while the once colorful mountains were only shades of grey. Even the sky’s stars lost their vibrancy, and gave a dull odd fog over the lands.  Bella walked the path in search of anyone with the answers to what happen. As she approached feet could be heard scattering off and doors slamming behind them. Bella notice a weakly fairy walking with not enough power to fly but upon offering her assistance and the fairy noticing her it quickly fell over stiff. Its was almost if everyone in “The End of the Rainbow” were avoiding her. It made her feel angry and as soon as she frowned Alice and Egore appeared before her. “What’s your problem why everything has to be your way?” Alice shouted. Bella confused from the remark, “What do you want from me?”. As Bella starts to walk towards the group of two Alice yells, “Stop or he will attack”. Bella looked to Egore, Egore made a smirk and Bella took another step. “Go”, Alice whispered, as Egore launched from his position in a full sprint towards Bella. “Egore…” Bella stated. “Egore we are friends remember…”  And before Bella could dodge, BAM!

Egore slams in front of Bella out of nowhere. The force sent waves throughout the surface of Bella’s imagination, forcing Bella to wake up. Bella launches her pillow across the room in rage hitting the stuffed unicorn she got from the fair last year. In falling off the chair Bella felt bad for actions, it made her feel pity for Zuni was her favorite toy, she rode her across the Dream Bridge into “The End of the Rainbow”. So Bella hurried out of bed and carried Zuni to snuggle up right next to her. “Come feel the warmth Zuni”, Bella tucked her stuffed unicorn right next to her and grabbed the remaining pillow to lay their heads on. “Goodnight Zuni”, Bella said and proceeded to drift into deep sleep as she closed her eyes. Bella’s patience has grew from the reflection of her actions, giving herself the knowledge of experience. Bella opens her eyes to the top of Gumdrop Drop where Alice holds Egore over the cliff. With there mysteriously being no jelly the fall would surely send Egore to the Forgotten Well. “Help Bella, Help she’s Crazy!!!”… “Im not CRAZY I WANT TO PLAY!!!, roars Alice as she grows with each word. Bella has the urge to save Egore even though Egore tried to hurt her before. Bella knew it was the right thing to do, but Bella was too far away she wouldn’t make it in time to stop Alice. “You take one step and he’s a memory”, Alice says with a menacing grin. Bella could see Alice was restless from not getting her way. Bella could see all the times Alice had been suppressed in a corner while she played. Making decisions aligned with her true beliefs and not expressing her Ego rather embracing her qualities created a confidence that could be seen in every step she took. As she approached the group of two she said nothing but smiled. “I can’t move!”, screamed Bella, “ Let me go, yelped Egore. Neither moved as Bella reached grabbed the both of them in her hands. Looking at each as they covered in fear Bella finally spoke, “You don’t scare me Alice, I no longer need you Egore…” This made Alice turn almost pink, but Egore dark red. As Egore started to immense as light does in a dark room, Bella screams in pain, “OUCH!, you burned me”. “I hate you!…”, yelled Egore, “—You never do anything right it’s always listen to everybody we are a team… Let’s have some FUN.” As Egore charges Bella in rage Bella just stands with great courage. You got this Bella thought to herself and without thinking Bella raised her hand. Her hand started to immense a bright purple light which proceeded to immobilize Egore. The purple light to hovered around Egore, as Egore and Bella spoke one last time. “It was you all along”, Bella implied. “We all fear Bella, we all need somewhere to call home. And you took that from me”, Egore’s voice sent chills down even Alice’s spine. “You know I don’t think you can even get past the 2nd grade without me”... POP! 
Egore was gone in a blink. Alice stares in the direction of Egore’s once now empty presence. Stunned in a sitting position Alice asked curiously, “Where did he go…”, “… How did you remember?”. Bella walked past Alice to stare off into distance of the colorless world. “I told me” Bella responded. “It’s time I let go”, and as she took a step off the cliff Bella closes her eyes in assurance. For Bella knew it was time, for Bella knew she would always be fine. Her imagination brung great company but the true power came in her voice of reason. 

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