Grandmaster ReecThaWizard
ReecThaWizard Master of Imagination and Storytelling

In the world of Bella Four

Visit Bella Four

Ongoing 1414 Words

Act 1: Bella’s Imagination

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Bella is a curious kind hearted angel. A “poster child” or maybe “goodie two shoes” to some. In her case she’s an imaginative soon to be 2nd grader with a strong sense of empathy for others. Bella is known for her adventurous behavior that often leads her in situations that overwhelm and discourage her expectations. But as for today everything was different. Not only everything was different Bella knew. Knowing was Bella’s super power and as she opened her eyes on her 7th birthday to a wonderful surprise she knew she would never be alone again.
As Bella wakes January 1st, 1998 she was greeted suddenly by a new friend, Egore. “Hi-Yah Bella Great to finally meet you I got a surprise for you… “Im your new imaginary friend EGORE!!!”. As Egore shook Bella’s hand frantically and with mom barging in singing Happy Birthday, Bella didn’t get a good chance to gather his odd appearance. Mom helps her out of bed as Egore slowly disappears, “I love your red hair, it’s so curly—“. While helping her pick out an outfit to wear for her big day, Bella is illuminated in joy “Mommy Mommy thank you for my Surprise!”. Bella’s mom holds up a pink shirt with a red unicorn on the front as she ask Bella in a curious tone “…How about this one? ”Yes it reminds me of my bestest birthday present ever”. Mom looks at Bella with the same curious look from before, not wanting to assume Bella knows about her Surprise birthday party later today. “—is big with horns on his head… he’s also my favorite color red, but sometimes he’s small and can fit in my hand”, words from Bella. At last the tension was broken, Mom let out an exhausting sigh of relief as she wipes her hair from sticking to her forehead. “Let’s go get some breakfast my love, what do you have a taste for today?”.
Bella is notorious for sleeping any and everywhere she went. So Mom knew the best way to get her out the house to set up for her big day would be to drive around town to help with errands. And just as she knew, as Bella jumped in her seat and buckled up she was knocked out before leaving the drive way. A little about Bella’s upbringing. Bella was born into a loving but troubled family. Her father, a talented artist, struggled with addiction, and her mom, a hardworking nurse, was often absent due to long hours at her never ending clinical job. Neglect and a feeling of loneliness felt ever so normal to Bella making friends made her sick. To cope with her loneliness Bella fell pity to her vivid imagination. As she sleep, she dreamed and every dream was an escape from her harsh reality. Waking up had to be Bella’s greatest fear, but she spent majority of her time creating fantasy stories and drawing whimsical creatures that were sure out of a 7 year olds dream. Her imaginary friends became her constant companions, her first friend was Ari, a princess mermaid who appeared every time it was bath time for Bella, she had red hair just like her. The second was twins Do-Don’t they had spawned in to guide Bella’s intuition from the time Bella’s was 5, her father addiction spiraled out of control leading to series of augments between her parents that ended physical. The sleepless nights traumatized and emotionally scarred Bella leaving her bubbled in emotion with no clue to release it. The constant trauma Bella perceived from her parents delusions created Egore in protection of her new life after her mom made the difficult decision to separate from her dysfunctional father. So as she sleeps, she dreams and every dream was an escape from her harsh reality, in the car of her birthday she sure did dream and from awaken a new personality. 

“Best Frie..Ahhhh Uhmp Uh”, *THUMP*, as Egore falls out what seems to be a giant licorice tree. Bella had open her eyes to her favorite place in the whole wide world she called “The End of the Rainbow”. This time she didn’t ride a unicorn across the Rainbow Bridge she just happen to appear in licorice forest where all the trees are made of different flavors of licorice. Egore lands abruptly behind her as she turns and their face meet. She is startled, while also Egore lets out an alarmed yodel that is echoed throughout Bella’s head causing Bella to hold her ears at the same time she moves out of discomfort while in her car seat. “Hi-Yah Palm hows the mental?”, Bella’s looks at Egore in concern and instead of answering implied by asking, “why didn’t I ride my unicorn across the bridge to Lollipop Landing?” That’s when Egore with no hesitation says, “Oh Oh I have Super Surprise for you, a gift for your birthday my precious”. Egore noticed Bella’s expression shift almost spontaneously to happiness. And out of nowhere Egore takes off running out of the forest down the valley of jello. Bella curiosity definitely got the best of her because with out any doubt she could be caught running right behind Egore’s trail. 
Egore stops in front of a four way intersection that reads: On Forward to Suprise, Left to Lost Labyrinth, Right to Lollipop Landing, and to Wake on the arrow pointing from the forest they had just left from. Egore looks to Bella and bows, that’s when Bella from then on took the lead and Egore would guide her though their journey through her unexplored imagination. As they both walked on the road of chocolate, Bella couldn’t help but to notice as they approached, the appearance of her dream started to become less vivid and colorful. It baffled Bella but she feared the answer, so she kept her awareness to her self relying on her dream to play itself out. Egore was delighted to know his plan was working all alone and when he noticed Bella’s mood fall victim to his demise again he couldn’t hold in his excitement. Bella’s mood could be seen being expressed by the speed of her walk, as the pace of her jog slowly and slowly became more of a memorable walk, Egore knew it was his chance to steer Bella off path so he could claim the surprise for himself. “This world is so beautiful I wish we could see it from the top of Mount Glitter where the sparkles can be seen from anywhere in “The End of the Rainbow” implied Egore. This put a frown on Egores face once he noticed Bella couldn’t careless about the view, so he knew it would take a bigger surprise to get her attention away from the Super Surprise. So in his plans to redirect Bella, Egore mistakenly mentions he isn’t the only friend in “The End of the Rainbow”, and that there were possibly five others thanks to her. This sent butterfly’s down Bella’s tummy… more friends… “I need more friends”…, and it was done. Egore was again leading the group of two on yet another adventure. And this time the destination was to meet the other friends of Bella’s Imaginary World.
On the road to the Lost Labyrinth Bella was not explained the importance and differences of the new friends she was so readily to meet. The thought of meeting new friends brung joy to her eyes that could be seen as a glimmer brighter than stars on a night sky. Egore  knew all about Bella’s insecurities and he knew how to make her cry. With the information he would direct Bella by her impulses by using her comfort and desires against her. What seemed as hours only took seconds, remember we in the dream world, tired but enticed Bella’s was finally standing at the foot of a 30ft tall wooden door. “The entrance to the Labyrinth”.. “ How I’m supposed to open that I’m only 7..” Bella interrupted Egore. Egore looks to Bella and tells her, Imagine it open and tell me to open it” and that’s when Magic happen. As Bella demanded the door to be open, Egore grew to at least 50 feet and pushed the door to the Labyrinth open in one budge before returning to the size of a tennis ball. As Bella walked through the entrance tunnel of the Lost Labyrinth, Egore perched himself comfortably on her shoulder, almost as if he had always been there before. 

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