
In the world of End of Days

Visit End of Days

Ongoing Words

Arc 3 The Empress

530 0 0

Session 1 

A few weeks have passed, and Patches has gathered the party and some contacts from throughout City 20 in order to throw an 18th birthday party for Gesiqu'h. The sessions began on her 18th birthday, which coincides with the 18th anniversary of the Illithid invasion. 

The main crew were given tasks by Patches to make the party a hit, including setting up decorations, providing outfits, and the like. The guest list was quite large, including Simon, Benji, Maxwell, Igna, Bruniik, Morana, Aisling, Loodra, Castor, and Nanuq. Patches also sourced a piñata, desserts, and various party games. Khondrand was invited, but sent a case of beer with a note wishing Gesiqu'h well and expressing his hope to do business with her soon.

The party drank and played games like beer pong and twister until Castor began playing music for the party to dance to. The party was happy, until the wind shifted.

"As the sun began to lower itself in the sky, it started to grow dark. Somewhere, a foul ritual was taking place-- a ritual that has been seen done only once before in City 20. 
Dark rifts eclipse the sun, with black tendrils splaying out across the sky like a negative corona. The shadows begin to move, once again. They rise into twisted forms, hungry for blood of the flock tended by the Illithid. Screams ring out from across the city, the whining of the Overseer's Alarms echo through the darkened streets. 
Benji, on his way back from getting another drink for himself and Maxwell, cries out. The music and dancing screeches to a halt as all eyes are on Maxwell. Grabbing him from behind, a creature of twisted shadows looms. It pulses with a deep red light, thrumming like a beating heart. As its impossibly dark maw opens up, you see Benji drop the beers and reach out to Maxwell. He mutters a prayer to himself, asking Illmater for aid and guidance. A divine light gathers around Benji's hand, launching itself at the shadowy creature-- tearing it apart. Golden sparkles of divine light dance onto Maxwell's awestruck face. 
As the golden light fades, you notice that all color has been drained from the area. Dark ichor drips from the rifts above, forming twisted oozes and cackling entities with smiles stretched across their leathery faces. The ground shakes like the earth itself is starving. 
As the creatures begin to make their way towards the party, a brilliant light explodes from above-- a blue-green aurora with golden tendrils sparkling away in the darkened sky. For most of you, you feel like a part of you has returned. A part of you that, perhaps, you never knew was missing. You feel the presence of the Divine Creation of Mystra, the Weave has returned to you-- all except for Radmar. 
Unaware, or simply uncaring, the aberrant spawn growl with an insatiable hunger and lunge at you."

The party guests fought against an onslaught of shadow creatures and star spawn created by the dark ribbon-like rifts. With magic being accessible, spells were slung across the park-- causing the unravelling weave to cause some unpredictable effects when casting spells. Nanuq raged with the ferocity of a bear, Castor cut through the shadows with a dancer-like elegance, Igna showed her martial arts prowess with punches and kicks empowered by flames, ice, and lightning, and Ceridwen through radiant bolts imbued with the power of the stars-- even those less savory. Patches became overwhelmed and coward in fear. Dianna went into a rage, which caused her body to double in size as a strange elemental energy flowed through and around her. She picked up Patches and put him in a bag pocket for safety. As Patches continues to freak out, it almost seemed as if his thoughts and fears were being projected to some of those around him. 

Eventually, the last foe fell and they were left in the silence of the park. Dianna went to check on Bruniik and Castor, who both seemed impressed with her newfound strength. Maxwell was trembling and Andrea went to try and aid him, but Benji offered to help. He cast Calm Emotions, and the Weave above began to react. Gesiqu'h looked up to the aurora which shifted to a brilliant rainbow display above her. She felt the Weave call out to her, granting a single Wish of hers. She took a deep breath and wished that her parents were alive and well and that she would be able to see them again. Ribbons extended down from the aurora above, creating a blue veil of a curtain-like quality. Golden strands pulled open the curtains to show Gesiqu'h's parents. They looked up to meet her eyes and they began to cry. They ran towards Gesiqu'h and through the portal. The family was reunited, and the blue veil closed and faded with a purple spark. Her parents were returned to her. 

Most of the party goers were excited for her, though some resentment and anger began growing in Simon and Dianna. 

Bruniik ordered Benji and Castor to take care of the civilians. Himself, Igna, and Loodra would go deeper into the city to try and help out where they could. Nanuq offered to go with them for a time, so that he may return to The Kindness to protect them. The rest of the party and civilians was led by Castor, getting led toward the wall of the Quarantine Zone. 

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